My Master Is a God

Chapter 2274 Will Daya Bai cry?

Listening to Daya Bai's words, Yang Yiyun knew that he might have misunderstood, but he could also see that Daya Bai was a real person, oh no, a real monster. He had to be kind, and quickly stopped and said: "No, no, no, that's enough. That's enough, thank you... Brother Daya."

Daya Bai could see at this moment that Yang Yiyun was not the kind of greedy person. If it were someone else in this situation, he would be eager to get more points. He was more surprised, which made Daya Bai like Yang Yiyun even more.

Originally, the purpose of giving the meeting gift was to make friends with Yang Yiyun. Now that the words have been spoken, Da Yabai is also a generous person and is now the number one person with status and status in the black-headed ant tribe. It would be nice to find an extra hundred colorful glazed stones. It's not difficult. He waved his hand and said: "This matter is settled. I will prepare it for you later, junior brother. Don't refuse. This is my wish as a senior brother."

When Yang Yiyun heard what Daya Bai said, it was hard to answer. He already had a storage ring containing a hundred colorful glazed stones in his hand. It seemed inappropriate to ask for another hundred pieces of colorful glazed stones, so he was about to refuse. , Unexpectedly, the young senior sister on the side said slowly: "Young junior brother, since you are serious about it, don't refuse."

After Ji Zixia finished speaking, she looked at Dayabai and said: "Since Dayabai wants to give gifts, don't be stingy. My junior brother is planning to set up a Cloud Gate in the Chaos Fairyland. It is currently under construction. He thinks that the furnishings here are good. Come back, you guys The clan can help collect some decorative items, which can be regarded as support for my junior brother. Do you know that you have made a lot of money this time?"

Daya Bai was stunned when he heard what Ji Zixia said. He didn't expect that Yang Yiyun actually founded a sect, called Yunmen?


Yun Tianxie...

Cloud Gate?

There's a lot of chill in this.

This also further illustrates the status of Yang Yiyun, Tianxie Supreme's close disciple, in Yun Tianxie's heart, otherwise Tianxie Supreme would not let his disciples use the banner of "Yunzi".

Moreover, Ji Zixia's last words, 'You will make a lot of money this time', made Dayabai ecstatic. In his understanding, it was tantamount to Yang Yiyun admitting that he was a senior brother and a registered disciple of Supreme Tianxie, because Yang Yiyun was Tianxie. The Supreme's disciples, to a certain extent, represent the Supreme Heavenly Evil. As long as Yang Yiyun recognizes him, it means that the Supreme Heavenly Evil recognizes him.

Thinking of this, Daya Bai became excited and said quickly: "It's such a good thing. As a senior brother, I naturally have to contribute to the junior brother. At this time, I will go back and prepare for the junior brother. Junior brother, please don't say anything to refuse this time. , otherwise it’s just looking outside. It’s a trivial matter for our tribe to find some decorative objects. Our black-headed ant tribe lives underground, and it’s much more convenient to mine many underground mineral veins than other tribes. Naturally, we don’t lack these things. Come back, senior brother, I will prepare for junior brother to go down."

Yang Yiyun heard Daya Bai speak like this, and with the wink from his senior sister beside him, he knew he couldn't refuse this time. Anyway, he did need some mineral veins and rare stones to build Yunmen, so he said to Daya Bai, "Thank you so much, Daya." Senior Brother Bai."

He is not a fool when it comes to taking advantage of others' shortcomings and being soft-spoken. From the very beginning, Daya Bai has called him his junior brother, and he regards himself as his senior brother. He even said that he is the old man's half-named disciple. It is obvious that Daya Bai really wants to get the old man's title. Agreed, but the old man taught him how to practice, but did not accept him as a disciple. Daya Bai was eager to be called the old man's disciple, even a registered disciple.

However, Yang Yiyun understood the old man's aloofness, so how could he accept disciples casually, even if they were registered disciples?

Daya Bai really wanted to be recognized by the old man, but the old man Shenlong never came back. He had never seen him until now, let alone Daya Bai. So Yang Yiyun guessed that Daya Bai was taking a curve to save the country and opened a breakthrough from himself. , and what about him?

He is the closed disciple of the old man. From a certain point of view, what he represents is the old man. In this regard, even his senior brothers and sisters cannot compare. If he recognizes Daya Bai, it means that the old man recognizes the name of Daya Bai. disciple.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt at ease, and it was not a bad idea to accept Daya Bai's gift. Anyway, it was in the name of killing the old man, so he didn't care.

It was precisely after he figured this out that Yang Yiyun called him Senior Brother Big Yabai in his thanks.

At this moment, Daya Bai became so excited that he almost jumped up, and said quickly: "It should be done, junior brother, don't worry, senior brother, I will cover all the decorations for the construction of your Yunmen Palace. I, the Black-headed Ant Clan, don't need anything." If you don’t have any strange stone ore veins, that’s enough.”

Yang Yiyun felt happy when he heard Daya Bai's promise. If someone gives you a gift, just accept it.

But he wanted to remind him, was Daya Bai going to see the scale of his Yunmen construction first and boasting about Haikou?

It is estimated that if Daya Bai had seen the construction scale of the Yunmen Palace Complex, he would not dare to go to such a seaport.

Not to mention the interior of Yunmen, the decorations needed for the 108 palaces outside alone are an astronomical number.

But looking at Da Yabai's enthusiastic look, Yang Yiyun shut up. If you want to be his senior brother, then you just have to wait for a lot of bleeding, haha.

On the other side, Ji Zixia had a naughty smile on her face, looked at Daya Bai and said, "Don't brag about Daya Bai Haikou~"

"Haha, Senior Sister Zixia, there is no need to worry. Our clan has no shortage of strange stone ore veins, and there is enough for junior brother to use for decoration. As you bear witness, I will cover all the strange stones and other things that junior brother needs to decorate his Yunmen. ." Daya Bai was so excited when Yang Yiyun called him "Senior Brother", he was already very excited at this time, and he never thought about the scale of Yunmen built by Yang Yiyun~

But when he thought about it, it shouldn't be that big, and he was sure of it.

"Giggle...this is what you said. If it's not enough by then, my aunt will personally settle the accounts with you and sell you to junior brother's Yunmen Palace for decoration." Ji Zixia said with a wicked smile. She had seen Yang Yi say this According to the design of the gate, the huge palace complex can be called the best in the fairy world. The decorations needed inside and outside Yunmen are like a bottomless pit in her opinion.

But since Daya Bai is so enthusiastic, it would be better to add fuel to the fire and share the burden with Junior Brother. If this matter is settled, Daya Bai will contribute a large part of his strength to Junior Brother's construction of Cloud Gate. The required ore is not enough, so Blackhead The ants just go mining. Anyway, what the black-headed ants are good at is digging various mineral veins underground. This is a good thing. It is so easy to become the registered disciple of the Fourth Old Man. It is impossible without bleeding.

Yang Yiyun couldn't bear to listen to the young senior sister digging a hole for Daya Bai. She wondered if Daya Bai would cry after knowing the construction situation of Yunmen? But Daya Bai promised with all his heart, so proud that he ignored it.

But today I also got to know the dark and evil side of the little senior sister. Thinking about it, his reputation as a evil star in the fairy world is not for nothing. If Daya Bai goes to Yunmen in the future and sees the design drawings, will he cry?

Thinking about it, the expression must be very exciting. When the young senior sister was talking to Daya Bai, Yang Yiyun glanced at the storage ring that Daya Bai handed over containing the colorful glazed stones. The next moment, his eyes widened and his mouth went dry for a while.

My dear, there are a hundred pieces of colorful glazed stones inside, all of which are naturally large, not much smaller than the one in Da Yabai's room. Some are even fifty meters high and nearly a hundred meters long. He knows that just these one hundred pieces Selling the colorful glazed stones will bring a lot of money, and it will be a big deal.

I thought that if the old man had eight hundred registered disciples like this, he would not have to worry about the construction cost of Yunmen.

It's a pity that I only have big white teeth.

The next three people chatted happily, Yang Yiyun got a big gift, the junior sister tricked Da Yabai into a prank, and Da Yabai got his wish and got the approval of senior brother Yang Yiyun, everyone was happy.

After that, Yang Yiyun became serious. He came to the foreign world to inquire about the whereabouts of Diao'er, Little Phoenix, Hou Doudou, etc. It is now confirmed that Hou Doudou has appeared. There is no other news. All these must be asked by Daya Bai. ask.

He also had to find out the situation of Hou Doudou in the Silent Mountains, so he had to find Hou Doudou.

Looking at Big Yabai, Yang Yiyun said seriously: "Senior Brother Big Yabai, my senior sister and I have important matters coming to the foreign world this time. If we want you to inquire about it, please help me, senior brother."

"We are all members of the same family and don't talk to each other. If you have anything to say, just say it. As long as I can do it, senior brother, I will definitely help and I will never refuse." Da Yabai said in a good mood.

Yang Yiyun looked at Big Yabai and said: "What I want to ask is about the mythical beasts that ascended from the foreign world in the past three or four thousand years..."

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