My Master Is a God

Chapter 2276 The underground passage of the black-headed ants

Although Daya Bai is the Demon Emperor's peak cultivation level, you can hear and see that it is very difficult for him to open this space portal, and it seems that he cannot maintain it for long.

No wonder the young senior sister said that day that the magical powers of the space portal can only be used by powerful people at the Immortal Lord level. The Immortal Emperor level has the qualifications to practice special magical powers, but it is not possible to use them as desired.

"Junior brother, let's go~" At this moment, the little senior sister stepped into it without saying a word.

Yang Yiyun didn't think much and went up.

The two stepped into the space portal opened by Daya Bai one after another.

Suddenly, there was a whirlwind, as if a storm swept around him and turned him upside down. There was also an extremely dazzling green light in his sight, making it impossible to open his eyes.

But fortunately, this feeling did not last long. Yang Yiyun felt his feet solid, as if he was standing on the ground.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had appeared in another environment. The young senior sister was beside him. Then the energy fluctuations behind him shone, but it was Da Yabai who came out.

"We're here." Big Yabai said as soon as he came out.

Naturally, it refers to the Mountains of Death.

Yang Yiyun was secretly shocked. Sure enough, he arrived at the place more than 100,000 miles away, and the magical power of the space portal was indeed magical.

Mastering this kind of magical power is absolutely effective when escaping, not to mention other things. When a space portal is opened, it is possible to travel tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of miles, and it can be reached in the blink of an eye. The enemy is afraid of pursuing you. There is nothing we can do.

It's a pity that the young senior sister said that the magical powers of the space portal can only be cultivated after entering the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and he doesn't know when he will be able to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor?

The realm of the Immortal Emperor is not just about working hard to improve your magic power. More often, it requires opportunities and opportunities, or even an understanding of the great road of heaven and earth.

His current state is a real bottleneck.

There was no need to rush into this kind of thing, but due to the situation, Yang Yiyun knew that he needed to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it may be difficult for him to cope with what happens next in the foreign world.

Although the little senior sister is by his side, he is not a person who likes to rely on women for support. He still has machismo in his heart.

"Is this the Mountains of Nirvana?" It was the young senior sister who spoke.

Yang Yiyun was also looking at the surrounding environment and saw the three of them on the top of a mountain.

And in the distance are slowly mountains, and there are cloudy mountains looming, it seems that the main color of the mountains in the distance is ink.

If you just talk about the land under your feet, it seems to be no different from other peaks in the fairy world. There are mountains, water and towering ancient trees in the environment.

But Da Ya Bai said: "The place we are in is only on the edge of the Silent Mountains. It is no different from other mountain ranges. The point is that the mountains in the distance are shrouded in clouds and mist. The mountains there are the real Silent Mountains. , but everyone, please be careful, even here it may not be safe, there are often ferocious beasts, and those ferocious beasts are not monsters with spiritual intelligence, their evil spirit and ferocity are their instincts."

Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia also nodded to express their understanding.

Then Yang Yiyun asked the question he was most concerned about: "Senior brother, does he know where Hou Doudou is haunted, or the specific place where the Pangolin Demon Emperor hunted Hou Doudou?"

Daya Bai said: "Junior brother, later on, I will summon the sons of my tribe to come and ask, and you will find out that although the sons of my tribe are all over the entire foreign land, they would not dare to go to such dangerous places as the depths of the Silent Mountains, even underground. It is extremely dangerous to be contaminated, and as long as you are on the edge, you will definitely be able to grasp the information."

After finishing speaking, Big Yabai pointed at the earth, and Yang Yiyun clearly felt that magic power entered the earth.

The next moment, the soil on the spot scattered with a splash, but a huge black-headed ant appeared, with a body over one meter long, a black head, and white below the neck. It had no more than six legs, two antennae on the top of its head, and a halo. He transformed into a black-headed ant-man with four arms. When he saw Big Tooth Bai, he quickly fell to the ground and said, "See Elder White Teeth~"

"Is it you who passed on the news about the passiope? Is there any new news now?" Da Yabai asked directly.

"Reporting to Elder White Fang, the news about the appearance of the Pangolin was indeed passed on to the Hui clan by a subordinate. It appeared three thousand miles southeast of the Silence Mountains ten years ago, and there has been no news since then. However, there was a Demon Emperor Pangolin seven days ago. I went to the canyon a thousand miles southwest of the Silent Mountains, and I think I found news about the brachiosaurus." The black-headed ant-man reported the situation.

When Yang Yiyun heard that seven days ago was quite close, he quickly asked: "Is the news accurate?"

Ant-Man didn't know Yang Yiyun, so he glanced at Da Yabai, who glared and said, "Say, he is my junior brother. From now on, when you see him, you will see him as you see me, but if you want anything, the Black-headed Ant Clan will go all out."

Ant-Man was shocked and quickly said yes, saying: "The news about the Pangolin Demon Emperor was ten years ago, but Xiao Xiao saw it with his own eyes when the Demon Emperor Pangolin led a man. It is rumored that the Demon Emperor Pangolin has been looking for the Ape Monkey, and he wants to come and go. That valley is where traces of the thongibori monkey were found.”

"Brother and sister, let's go quickly~" Yang Yiyun couldn't calm down anymore after hearing this Ant-Man's answer.

According to the soul search from the memory of the wild wolf demon cultivator, Hou Doudou was only a demon king when he broke through. Now even if he becomes a demon king, he is still no match for the demon emperor. If the pangolin really finds Hou Doudou, he will definitely be very angry. Danger.

Go early and feel relieved.

"In this case, you must lead the way to that valley~" Big Yabai ordered Ant-Man.

"Elder White Fang, please go to the tunnel of our clan. This is the land of the Mountains of Silence. The road is dangerous. Taking the tunnel will save you a lot of trouble." Ant-Man said.

"Junior brother and sister, this guy is right. Our clan's tunnels are all over the ground. It is a huge network of transportation. It can indeed save a lot of trouble." Da Yabai said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay~"

But Ji Zixia raised her eyebrows. She was such a noble daughter of the Ji family. When had she ever gotten through a hole in the ground? What's more, she is also a powerful evil star witch in the fairy world. She has a lot of strength, so she is naturally not afraid of any trouble.

At this time, Daya Bai saw Ji Zixia's frown and knew what she was thinking, and said quickly: "Junior sister Zixia, don't worry, our clan is born to live underground, and the underground passages we have opened are spacious, bright, and very clean."

There was some resistance, but seeing Yang Yiyun's anxious look, she reluctantly gave in: "Then... okay~"

Next, the Ant-Man's whole body flashed with light and transformed into his true form. After a while, his inner legs swished in place, a passageway appeared and said to the three of them: "Elder White Fang is ready~"

"Let's go, just lead the way." Big Yabai ordered, and Ant-Man got in directly.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun and three others entered the cave entrance one after another.

Regarding the burrowing speed of the black-headed ants, Yang Yiyun looked at it as no less than the Five Elements Rats when he was in the world of cultivation. You must know that the soil in the fairy world is many times stronger than that in the world of cultivators, but in an ordinary The six tentacles of the black-headed ant are like cutting tofu.

I was wondering if I could ask Daya Bai to borrow a team of black-headed ants to go to Yunmen in the Chaos Fairyland to build a team similar to the Five Elements Rats if I had the chance?

Whether it is used for mining or construction and establishing underground intelligence networks, he is a good player. When the time comes, he can be combined with the Dark Night Killer organization led by Snow Cat, and he will definitely become the number one intelligence killer in the fairy world.

After entering the underground passage, there was no situation where Yang Yiyun had imagined that he would have to walk on his stomach. On the contrary, the entire passage was very spacious. It was about 4 to 5 meters wide and about two meters wide, which was enough for walking upright. Moreover, there were strange stones lighting up every distance, similar to luminous pearls. The entire passage is very bright, and there is no feeling of moisture, no dullness, and no peculiar smell. On the contrary, it exudes a light fragrance of flowers and plants.

In this regard, Da Yabai explained: "My tribe likes to be clean and never slovenly. Every passage built has been processed in various ways. There is no blindness. This is just a simple primary passage. In the capital of the clan's nest, every passage The passages are all built with strange stones, and that is the real underground kingdom. If you have the opportunity, my junior brothers and sisters will definitely go to the royal capital of our clan as guests, and I believe the queen will be happy."

Yang Yiyun was really moved when he heard that. He said that the matter was over and he would go back and have a look. He wanted to see what the palace built by the immortal ants looked like?

It will definitely be interesting~

However, he also heard another meaning from Daya Bai's words. It seemed that he had a good relationship with their queen, so he couldn't help but ask: "Senior brother, you are very close to the queen of your clan? "

When Daya Bai heard what Yang Yiyun said, he couldn't help but said proudly: "To be honest, the current generation of queens are my biological sisters, hehe~"

Yang Yiyun's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Da Yabai was still a relative of the emperor.

The three of them talked while walking, but the speed was not slow at all. Moreover, they did not have to worry about any danger when walking in the ant tunnel. The land of a thousand miles was reached in less than a day.

Following Ant-Man who led the way to the ground, the three of them saw a grand canyon in their sights.

The road only leads to the mouth of the canyon, and ordinary ants dare not dig holes inside, because entering here is the real territory of the Silence Mountains, and both the ground and the underground are full of unknowns.


Just when they came out to look at the valley, a long roar suddenly resounded through the sky, and the sound seemed to come from deep in the valley.

Yang Yiyun is all too familiar with these roars, which are the roars of angry monkeys.

"Monkey Doudou~"

Yang Yiyun's expression changed, his feet moved and he suddenly rushed into the valley.

He could tell that this roar was full of pain. If it was really Hou Doudou, then it meant that he was suffering from some pain at the moment.

He couldn't hold back any longer and rushed towards the depths of the valley.

"Hey...junior brother..."


Ji Zixia and Daya Bai shouted from behind, but Yang Yiyun couldn't care about them at the moment. He just wanted to go and see if it was Hou Doudou, his brother.

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