My Master Is a God

Chapter 2277 Be an upright monkey

Daya Bai and Ji Zixia did not call out to Yang Yiyun and quickly followed him.

Entering this valley is the real territory of the Nirvana Mountains. No one knows what dangers there are. Yang Yiyun rushes in so rashly. The two of them are very worried, but they have no choice. Since they have already entered, they can only risk their lives to accompany the gentleman.

Of course, this was Da Yabai's idea, but Ji Zixia had never considered this at all.

Firstly, she has a lot of strength and capital, and secondly, Yang Yiyun is her junior brother, and he will accompany her through all kinds of dangers.

As for Daya Bai, who is a native creature in the foreign world, he also thinks that the great demon who is at the peak of the demon emperor has a deep connection with Yun Tianxie. He has always regarded himself as Yun Tianxie's disciple from the bottom of his heart, but he has not been recognized by Yun Tianxie. , now Yang Yiyun, a close disciple of Yuntian Xie's authentic sect, recognized him, called him senior brother, and granted his wish. He finally got on the line. At this time, he must accompany him even if he risked his life.

Yang Yiyun didn't even care about the young senior sister and Da Yabai behind him, listening to the roar, he went directly towards the depths of the valley...

"Ho ho ho..."

The roars kept coming, and it could be heard that a fierce fighting was going on deep in the valley. In addition to the roaring roars, there were also deafening roars.

The more this happened, the more anxious Yang Yiyun became. He activated his magic power to the point where he rushed in as fast as a dodge.

There was no time to examine what the valley was like.

My mind is filled with images of monkey Doudou.

It has been almost five thousand years since he ascended to the immortal world. I haven’t seen him for so long. I didn’t expect that the next news would be like this.

Yang Yiyun didn't think about it before. When there was no news about the important person in the lower realm Yunmen, Yang Yiyun didn't take it seriously. But now that there is news suddenly, his heart is completely different from before. He is worried about everyone, not just Hou Doudou and Diao'er. They, as well as their women, children, relatives and friends...

In the blink of an eye, time can change a lot...

His mind was a little confused, and suddenly, Yang Yiyun saw the battlefield.

Indeed, what he saw was a battlefield.

Five demon emperors, one of whom is at the peak demon emperor level, and the rest are in their twenties and thirties at the level of demon kings...

At this moment, a siege was formed. In the center of these monsters was a huge golden-haired monkey whose whole body was covered in blood and flesh. He was more than three meters tall. Although he looked miserable, he still stood on the ground. There were many people lying around the monster monkey. The corpses of the demon clan were piled up like a mountain, at least hundreds of them.

It was obvious that the demon corpse lying on the ground was the so-called golden-haired monkey.

Who is this monkey if it’s not Hou Doudou?

When Yang Yiyun saw it, he was sure at first glance that this golden-haired monkey was Hou Doudou!

Even though he hadn't seen her for thousands of years, how could he not recognize Hou Doudou who had grown up with him since he was very young and started practicing spiritual wisdom and entering the path of cultivation?

It's just that Hou Doudou's appearance has changed drastically at this moment. Judging from his body shape, he is three meters tall. His arms are very long, reaching his legs. His arms seem to be much longer than his legs.

His limbs were as thick as pillars, and the bulging muscles looked like every inch of his muscles was full of power.

The old man said that Hou Doudou has the blood of a monkey, and as his cultivation continues to grow, in the future, his bloodline will return to his ancestor step by step and become a real monkey.

According to Journey to the West, it is said that the monkey is one of the four monkeys in the world, the same as the six-eared macaque, the Lingming stone monkey, etc.

There is a saying about the thong-armed ape and monkey, that they can grasp the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, distinguish between good and bad, and play with the universe!

Although Yang Yiyun feels that this statement is a bit exaggerated, he does not think it is just a record. The earth is originally the origin of the ancestral world, known as the origin world. There are countless rumors of myths and stories. Stories and rumors are often rumors, but many of them are based on the truth and extend. Come.

Therefore, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, Hou Doudou's changes at this moment were a reflection of his bloodline returning to his ancestors to a certain extent.

It was obvious that he had unlocked some talents, otherwise he would not have been able to stand up despite being besieged by so many monsters at the level of the Demon King.

From far away, Yang Yiyun saw Hou Doudou stop involuntarily and stared with red eyes. His whole body was trembling. Hou Doudou's cultivation level was already at the peak level of the Immortal King, the same as him.

But there were only five Demon Emperors around, not to mention dozens of Immortal Kings.

He was surrounded and seriously injured.

Yang Yiyun could clearly see that Hou Doudou's left arm was broken. If it hadn't been for the flesh and skin, it would have fallen to the ground long ago. The wound on his left thigh was so deep that the bone was visible. It was bleeding, and the golden hair all over his body was stained red by the blood of the snow.

His eyes were red, his mouth was wide open and he was roaring, and his sharp fangs were exposed, making him look ferocious.

But when he looked around at the enemies, he still seemed unafraid.

The corpse of the enemy was stepping on his feet, and his whole body exuded a fierce evil spirit.

Monkey Doudou was seriously injured.

Yang Yiyun could tell.

Although he was still standing, he was still in a state of forcible support.

"Monkey Doudou~"

Yang Yiyun wanted to shout out for a long time, but when he saw Hou Doudou's miserable look, a sentence of "Hou Doudou" came out of his throat, making a sound like a mosquito or a fly, and only he could hear it.

"Ho ho ho..."

The monkey, standing tall on the ground, roared again when facing the enemy.

"Come on, he's at the end of his strength, and his powerful magical powers can't be used anymore. If you want to survive, come on."

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded. Yang Yiyun looked and saw that the person speaking was really the demon clan with the peak level of demon emperor.

According to the information previously provided by the Black-headed Ant Clan, this demon clan is most likely the Pangolin Demon Emperor.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, these demons are all in human form, but demons are demons. No matter how they change, they still retain their characteristics.

Yang Yiyun saw that this person looked normal at first glance. He looked middle-aged and looked like a normal human being. He was dressed in dark red robes, standing with his hands behind his back, pointing out the country. He looked like a man in a position of authority, and he seemed to be a figure.

But if you look closely, you can see that his hands retain the characteristics of the demon clan, with scales and long pointed nails, which look very sharp at first glance.

Yang Yiyun knew that the demon tribe often did not use fairy weapons in battle, because their bodies were stronger than humans, and they were powerful fairy weapons. Now it seemed that this pangolin was like this.

Yang Yiyun could tell from his words that he seemed to be afraid of some of Hou Doudou's magical powers. The mountains of monster corpses piled up at Hou Doudou's feet at the scene also showed this.

Yang Yiyun believed that this was also the case. Hou Doudou must indeed have some powerful talent and magical powers, otherwise his Immortal King-level cultivation would have been taken down by monsters like pangolins.

It sounds like the pangolin is also thinking of catching the monkey Doudou alive, otherwise it is afraid that the monkey Doudou will not be able to survive until now.

At this moment, after the pangolin gave the order, the four demon emperors around him suddenly rushed towards the monkey.

Yang Yiyun's heart tightened and he quickly set off to prepare to go there.

But at this moment, I heard Monkey Doudou roaring loudly: "Sun, Moon, Thousand Mountains~ Roar~"

With a roar, the sky turned pale and the earth shook.

Yang Yiyun's body was shaken and he almost lost his balance before he stopped again.


Because at this moment, the earth cracked open hugely, and above the sky, there was a bright light from the sun, which fell on Hou Doudou, making Hou Doudou's whole body bathed in golden light.

I heard the demon clan around me say in shock: "Oh no, this monkey burned its source to cast a forbidden technique, retreat quickly."

"Smelly monkey, you are seeking death by burning your source~" the pangolin cursed and quickly retreated.

Obviously Hou Doudou is trying his best.

Hou Doudou laughed wildly: "Hahaha... Even if grandpa dies, how can he be captured by you lowly idiots? Die, die, die..."

"Boom boom boom..."


Yang Yiyun suddenly saw Hou Doudou clenching his intact arm into a fist and striking out at the four demon emperors who were rushing towards him. Each punch struck was like the light of the sun bursting with powerful energy, and four lightning bolts. The fist bombarded the four demon emperors, causing them to scream and fly backwards. Their whole bodies were on fire and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Yang Yiyun gasped when he saw this. Hou Doudou was obviously using his innate magical power, but he also knew that he was doing it at the cost of his life.

If this continues, even Monkey Tiao will die, but he may not be able to kill all his enemies.

Unable to hold back any longer, he yelled and flew away: "Tiaodou...stop..."

The monkey Doudou, whose whole body was bathed in golden light like a burning flame, had indeed burned his original power. Even if he died, the pangolin would not capture him, because he knew the consequences of the pangolin capturing him and what he was going to do. He was proud in his heart. I remember when I was following my eldest brother, he said, you have the blood of a monkey, you must be proud to be a monkey, don't embarrass me.

He always remembered these words.

"Big brother hopes to follow you and be your brother in the next life." At this moment, Hou Doudou thought of Yang Yiyun.

He knew that his burning source could not last long. The ability to unleash this magical power was already at its limit, and now it had finally reached the point where it was exhausted.

Just die!

I won’t embarrass my elder brother even if I die.

Die proudly.

Hou Doudou closed his eyes, but the next moment, he heard the sound of "Doudou~" He had been thinking about it day and night for more than two thousand years since he ascended to the immortal world.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and sure enough, the young man with white hair appeared in his sight, his eldest brother - Yang Yiyun!


With a burning pain in his throat, Hou Doudou looked at Yang Yiyun who was leaping from the sky and called out "big brother", but blood and tears were already flowing from his eyes...

In countless life-and-death situations, he narrowly escaped death and never shed a tear. He acted like an upright monkey and bleeds without shedding tears. But at this moment, he cried~

Because his elder brother is here.

Like a deflated rubber ball, Hou Doudou's golden light dissipated after seeing Yang Yiyun, his eyes were full of blood and tears, and he suddenly fell backwards with a smile on his lips.

Yang Yiyun's whole body of evil energy surged into the sky as if it had materialized, driving a hurricane and flying towards Hou Doudou. Although he didn't hear it, he saw the shape of Hou Doudou's mouth, shouting "big brother", and also saw Hou Doudou's face with blood and tears. Smile.

At this moment, the pangolin and other monsters were frightened by the sudden appearance of Yang Yiyun. The evil aura was so frightening that they did not stop him and allowed Yang Yiyun to fly towards Hou Doudou.

Yang Yiyun ducked to Hou Doudou's side and quickly supported the fallen Hou Doudou: "I'm late~" His eyes were filled with tears.

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