My Master Is a God

Chapter 2284 The Giant Python in the Nirvana Mountains

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"It doesn't look like an earthquake, what's going on...?"

Yang Yiyun looked at the native creature, Daya Bai.

At this time, Hou Doudou's face changed drastically and said: "Brother, it's not an earthquake, it's a creature from the Nirvana Mountains. Maybe our previous fight awakened some kind of ferocious beast. Let's run quickly. There are many weird creatures in the Nirvana Mountains." , I almost died many times.”

Indeed, before coming here, Daya Bai had said that the Silent Mountains were a dangerous place with many terrifying existences, and this valley happened to be within the confines of the Silent Mountains.

Yang Yiyun was actually surprised at the beginning. Nothing bad happened or happened. The crisis in Hou Doudou was resolved only when the earth shook.

It’s not that there is none, it’s that it’s too late.

"Let's go, leave this valley first." After Yang Yiyun said that, everyone quickly ran out of the valley.



The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the mountains on both sides of the valley collapsed, completely blocking the way.

Several people's expressions changed and they rose into the sky, and they could only leave from the sky.


But at this moment, a sound pierced the eardrums, and an earth-shattering roar sounded.

Then he saw a triangular head that covered the sky and sun exploded out of a mountain, sealing the sky in an instant.


Yang Yiyun gasped: "What kind of monster is this, with a head so big that it's abnormal?"

At this moment, boulders the size of millstones began to fall. Yang Yiyun and the others quickly dispersed, leaping into the air one by one...

When they flew into the air, they saw this huge thing.

It is a giant black python. Its triangular head is actually thirty meters in diameter, and there is a fleshy crown the size of a millstone on the top, which is black and shiny~

The few people saw from mid-air that their body was buried in the mountain, and the entire side was curved and more than a thousand meters long. At this moment, it cracked and collapsed for hundreds of meters. It seemed that the remaining half was still in the mountain. .

It was almost as thick as its head and was thirty meters tall. It could be said to be a behemoth. It was not that Yang Yiyun had never seen a python before, but this was the first time he had seen such a huge python.

It seems that this giant python has been sleeping for countless years. Is it Wan? Or hundreds of thousands of years? It can even take longer...

Otherwise, how could the body be buried in the mountains? Or maybe it formed a big mountain after it entrenched itself and fell asleep, with this canyon...

Anyway, this giant python is too big!

It was so big that Yang Yiyun and others were frightened, and the aura it exuded was heart-stopping!

There is also an extremely depressing demonic aura that is ancient and desolate, and seems to be a wild atmosphere. There is even a fishy smell in the thick fog and dust, which makes you dizzy when you smell it.

The little senior sister hurriedly said: "It's poisonous to hold your breath!"

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun and others quickly sealed all the acupoints to prevent poisoning. No one dared to be careless when facing such creatures.

"Senior Brother Bai Ya, do you know what kind of giant python this is?" Yang Yiyun asked Big Ya Bai.

Daya Bai pondered: "It should be a four-clawed black poisonous python, a species of the wild. These creatures are very ancient. They are not considered monster creatures but ferocious spirits. They have no wisdom or magic power, but they have innate blood talents. , the most difficult to deal with, and his ferocity explodes without stopping...

This thing generally has an endless lifespan. As long as it does not commit suicide or is destroyed by heaven, it will never perish. It seems that it has been sleeping here for fifty years, and the sun and moon have accumulated on its body to form a mountain. It often sleeps for a while. Even in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, it is possible for the mountains to shake if they turn around...

The previous fight had completely awakened it. Now I'm afraid we're going to be in big trouble. Let's kill it properly, otherwise it will keep an eye on us and won't stop until it devours us. This thing is one of the dangers of the Nirvana Mountains. "

After Daya Bai finished speaking, another roar came out.


The next moment, the mountain collapsed completely, and the python was revealed in full.

Sure enough, the body is a thousand meters long, and there are four claws on the abdomen. No wonder Big Teeth Bai calls it a four-clawed and five-venomous python.

The body is black and shiny, and the four claws under the abdomen are thick but shorter. They are only three meters thick and are as thick as an adult's thigh.

Of course, its four claws are short compared to its entire body. The three-meter claws are not short in Yang Yiyun's eyes. The scales look full of sharpness, as if one claw could cut mountains and rivers.

Anyway, he is a big guy and a big trouble.

In the roar, a pair of big millstone eyes glowed red, illuminating dozens of meters. It was really not a demon cultivator but a demon cultivator.

This is the true wild beast of the murderer.

In an instant, the python roared and opened its mouth, spitting out a mouthful of black poisonous gas at them. In the blink of an eye, the tens of thousands of meters of land became pitch black and nothing could be seen, just like night.

But for Yang Yiyun and others, it does not affect their cultivation, and their sight does not exist.

The point is that the poisonous gas exhaled by the python is obviously not simple. Yang Yiyun clearly felt that the poisonous gas had a corrosive effect, but he could deal with it with magic defense, but at the next moment he felt that the vegetation all around or in the entire valley below had withered. .

Within 10,000 meters, no grass could grow under the envelope of poisonous gas, and everyone found that the poisonous gas was still spreading rapidly outwards...

Even the sky is soaring straight into the sky. If this continues, it won't be a problem to travel hundreds of miles around in a short time.

The poisonous gas spitted out by the python didn't affect them at all, but it looked more like the python was drawing circles to mark its territory.

"No, this is a beast setting up a poisonous miasma field. We must kill it quickly, otherwise its poisonous gas will combine with the miasma of the Nirvana Mountains. It's hard to say what kind of poisonous gas will be produced by then. We may not be able to cope with it. Come on." It was Chuan Shanxiao who spoke at this moment.

At this time, I heard the young senior sister coldly snort and say: "Little junior brother, don't panic, senior sister, I was in a hurry last time and didn't give you any greeting gift. This big bug is actually not bad. Wait until senior sister, I will kill it and give it to you as a greeting gift, hehe laugh.……"

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a while when he heard what his junior sister Ji Zixia said. She didn't know if this senior sister was Biao!

This python gave him a more difficult feeling than the last time he faced Duan Qiantiancheng and other immortals. The young senior sister actually said that it would be killed as a greeting gift to him?

Is this a wild python? Is it that easy to kill?

Besides, he didn’t want such a poisonous python as a gift. He was so frightened just looking at it. A gift? Let's forget it, I don't see anything special about it.

But at this time, the little senior sister had already taken action.


Purple lightning surrounded Ji Zixia's body. She suddenly waved her hand and a purple lightning struck the python.

In Yang Yiyun's view, since the young senior sister can take action, it means that she is confident.

On the other hand, it is right to think about it. After all, this python is not human, nor is it a strong person like Duan Qian Tiancheng. Even if it has the power of an immortal, it is still easy to deal with without wisdom.

At this moment, the little senior sister struck a bolt of lightning on the python's head, causing the python to roar and shrink its neck.

It seems to be afraid of thunder, but it does not hurt it.

And the little senior sister's attack seemed to be probing.

Judging from this flash of lightning, this thing was indeed rough-skinned and thick-flesh, without any damage.

He knew how powerful the little senior sister's purple thunder was. He had touched it with Patriarch Duan Qian back then, but it had no effect at all when it fell on this giant python.


At this time, the giant python roared at the little senior sister, suddenly opened its bloody mouth and rushed forward, and the little senior sister in mid-air seemed to be serious about it.

With a slight shout, his whole body was surrounded by purple thunder, and transformed into a huge calamity cloud. Thunder bursts, and purple lightning began to surround it.

A calamity cloud with a diameter of several hundred meters formed again, and a thunderous thunder that resounded throughout the world suddenly sounded from the calamity cloud. Then, a purple-black thunder dragon that was twenty to thirty meters thick and about several thousand meters long emerged from the calamity cloud. , and went straight to the giant python rushing up below.


The whole world was thundering.

In the place shrouded by the black air breathed out by the giant python, the original darkness was illuminated by the flash of thunder at this moment.

Yang Yiyun, Hou Doudou, Daya Bai, and Chuanshan Xiao watched from one side as the two huge behemoths collided together.


This is what Thunderbolt is talking about.

Although the little senior sister's move is a supernatural power, it is extremely vivid. A thunder dragon exudes dragon power to fight against the python. From the momentum, it feels like the thunder dragon can overwhelm a giant python.

I had seen this move before, and Patriarch Duan Qian had also flinched under the move of the young senior sister.

I really don’t know what will happen to this giant python?

"Junior Brother Giant Python is going to be defeated, we are going to lend a hand and give it a ride~" Da Yabai said at this moment.

Yang Yiyun said: "How can we see Senior Brother Bai Ya?"

"Dragon is the ancestor of insects in the world. Although the python is strong, its natural advantage is gone when it encounters Senior Sister Zixia's Thunder Dragon. I saw the fear in the python's eyes. This is the dragon's natural suppression of the python. , so the young senior sister took action to kill him." Daya Bai analyzed.

Hearing what Daya Bai said, Yang Yiyun felt that this was true.

Sure enough, Da Yabai's words were quickly confirmed.

The next moment, thunder or something like that struck the python violently. The python that was already halfway up the sky was hit by the purple-black thunder dragon of the young senior sister, and suddenly fell down while screaming.


Immediately, countless thunder and lightning followed and fell down.

This was considered a last resort, and at this time, the poisonous black miasma in the sky also dissipated under the thunder.


The giant python fell to the ground, making the earth tremble.

The lightning bolts that followed struck the giant python, causing it to writhe and scream in the air below.

At this time, Da Yabai attacked.

I saw the six arms of Daya Bai burst out with dazzling light. Then the six arms waved at the same time, but in an instant, six white lights were released. The blade fell from the high altitude at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and escaped into the giant python for thousands of meters. Long body.

The next moment, the giant python let out a mournful scream, but there was no movement at all. Yang Yiyun could see clearly that after Daya Bai took action, the giant python's body was cut off inch by inch.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also gasped in his heart. There is no doubt about the strength of the giant python's body, but under the big tooth white blade, it is like cutting tofu, without any pressure.

"This Senior Brother Bai Ya is also a master~" Yang Yiyun sighed inwardly.

Then I saw the calamity clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the figure of the young senior sister. With a flash of purple light, she landed directly on the head of the giant python. With a wave of her hand, a flash of lightning flashed. The next moment, the giant python's head had a fleshy crown as big as a millstone. It was cut off by the little senior sister.

I just heard her smile and say: "Junior brother, come down and look at the gifts~"

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