My Master Is a God

Chapter 2285 There is movement in the Kunpeng egg

Ji Zixia shouted from below, and Yang Yiyun was a little stunned. It was obvious that the gift the young senior sister was talking about was the meat crown on the head of the giant python.

He was a little puzzled by this, but since the young senior sister could say this, she had a reason and rushed forward.

"Senior sister, this...?" Yang Yiyun asked her after getting down.

Ji Zixia smiled and said: "Don't underestimate this thing. Although all wild beasts have no systematic practice, no wisdom, and often no inner elixirs in their bodies, they are extremely powerful physical beings. Everything in the world has laws. Existence, since God has given such wild beasts powerful bodies and strength, there must be something unique about them.

The essence of this giant python is within this fleshy crown. Can you feel the difference? "Ji Zixia looked at Yang Yiyun as she spoke, intending to take the exam.

The meat crown of the python as big as a millstone looks red and has no scales, but it is very textured, like a cloud that changes color. When Yang Yiyun heard the little senior sister speak, he started to move with curiosity. The Eye of Heaven and Earth looks into the meat crown.

The next moment, he discovered that there was something else inside the python's fleshy crown.

Under his eyes, he saw a ball of blood-colored liquid appearing in the flesh coffin, which indeed contained extremely powerful energy. This energy body surprised him, as it was full of wild power.

And it is extremely pure. Indeed, Yang Yiyun knows this good thing. The energy that presents a liquid mentality seems to look like spiritual liquid.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved deeply and he put a hand on the flesh coffin to feel it. With a bang, he found that the energy inside the flesh coffin started to roar.

With a feeling of majestic explosion, Yang Yiyun was shocked and quickly stopped.

But at this moment, he also felt an inscription faintly appearing inside the flesh crown. Although it was just an inscription, he felt like he had seen it before.

The next moment, he suddenly remembered why these inscriptions felt familiar, because he remembered that the inscriptions on Peng Kun's eggs seemed to be of this type.

Now Yang Yiyun knew that this thing was definitely a good thing, it was a kind of liquefied energy.

After closing his hand, Yang Yiyun looked at the young senior sister and said: "Senior sister, I feel that there is a kind of liquefied energy in this flesh crown. It is extremely huge and very pure."

Ji Zixia nodded and smiled: "Yes, I thought you couldn't tell. Hehe, this is the essence of the python. All its power originates from this fleshy crown. This is the power of the wild, but it belongs to these wild animals." It is unique to ancient creatures, but it is an excellent cultivation resource for monks.

You are about to break through the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Keep this thing until you can use it when you break through. It can help you. Breaking through the realm of the Emperor often requires extremely large amounts of energy from heaven and earth, and this liquefied energy can just make up for it.

How about little senior sister, isn’t this a good gift? Hehe... Actually, the body of a python is also full of treasures. The blood is used to make elixirs, the skeleton is used to make weapons, and the leather armor can be used to make fairy clothes. They are all top-grade materials. "

Listening to the little senior sister talking, Yang Yiyun kept nodding. Naturally, he could see this and said with a smile: "Thank you, senior sister. I like this gift very much."

Indeed, for Yang Yiyun, he needs this energy. He is now at the peak of the Immortal King and may break through to the Emperor realm at any time. When the time comes, a breakthrough will require a huge amount of energy support.

I didn't expect that the senior sister could suppress this giant python with a backhand, and I didn't expect that the giant python's flesh crown contained such pure and huge energy.

"Just put it away if you like it~" Ji Zixia said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun was not polite, and with a wave of his hand, he put the meat crown and the huge python carcass chopped into several pieces by Daya Bai into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

Even if the python body is not used by himself, it will cost a lot of money to sell it when the time comes. The financial resources he needs for the construction of Cloud Gate are a bottomless pit, and he can fill it with any amount of property.

Nothing is wasted.

However, what Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that the moment he put the meat crown into the space of the Qiankun Pot, he felt the Peng Kun Egg in the corner of the Qiankun Pot space suddenly shine, followed by Xue Xue, who was practicing in retreat with Kun Peng Dan. Xiang is awakening from the state of cultivation.

He opened his eyes and looked at the sky of the Qiankun Pot space, or at Yang Yiyun~

The entire Qiankun Pot and Yang Yiyun are one, and Yang Yiyun can detect all movements of Xuexiang or all movements within the space of the Qiankun Pot.

I only heard Xuexiang say: "Yunzi, I feel that Xiaopeng is very interested in that meat crown. Can you give it to him?"

Yang Yiyun knew that the Xiaopeng in Xuexiang's mouth was referring to the Kunpeng egg. He was stunned when he heard what Xuexiang said, and then nodded and said, "You can give it to him~"

At this moment, he suddenly had an enlightenment in his mind, or in other words, he felt something might be happening in Kunpeng's egg.

There has been no movement of the Kunpeng egg in the Qiankun Pot space. Unexpectedly, there was sudden movement today. Does this mean that Kunpeng is about to be born?

When Yang Yiyun thought of this, he became excited.

If Kunpeng is born, it will be a huge help to him. Kunpeng is a more impressive existence than other divine beasts.

According to the God Demon Bird, he is the king of all beasts in the universe.

As soon as Yang Yiyun arrived here, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

As long as Kunpeng can be born, not to mention one flesh crown, Yang Yiyun is willing to smash a thousand flesh crowns.

Sure enough, when he moved the giant python meat crown to the Kunpeng egg, the nine inscriptions on the Kunpeng egg glowed with golden light. In an instant, the huge and pure energy in the flesh crown also burst out, and began to enter continuously. Kunpeng's egg.

Under such circumstances, Xuexiang also said excitedly: "Yunzi seems... Xiaopeng seems to be born..."

For Xuexiang, it is her mission to let Kunpeng be born, but according to the original trajectory, all her power will be absorbed by Kunpeng. One day, when her power is exhausted, it will be the day Kunpeng is born, and she will be completely Disappearing from the world.

But ever since she followed Yang Yiyun out of the bottom of the lake and entered the world with Kunpeng Egg, her fate had changed.

Although she herself didn't know what was going on, one thing she knew very well was that from the day she met Yang Yiyun, her destiny changed. At least she would not disappear when Kunpeng was born.

Xuexiang understood that all this was due to Yang Yiyun, and it was Yang Yiyun who changed her destiny.

She will not disappear after Kunpeng is born.

This is now confirmed.

At this moment, she clearly felt that Kunpeng was absorbing the power of the meat crown sent by Yang Yiyun, and she had a faint intention of being born.

It's a feeling, but it's clear.

She didn't know if Kunpeng could be born after absorbing the power of the flesh crown, but at least she had a good start. At least she didn't have to dedicate her own power to Kunpeng's egg.

Yang Yiyun listened to Xuexiang's words and looked at the movements of Kunpeng Dan, but he also knew that this was a good start. He glanced at Kunpeng Dan, and it seemed that he could not digest the power of the meat crown in a short time.

Of course, he was not sure whether the Kunpeng egg could be born after the entire corona was absorbed, but he was extremely happy. This was a good start. At least for him, Xuexiang's life was saved.

He will not allow Xuexiang to be sacrificed to Kunpeng Dan. Although this girl is a demon, she is simple in nature, and for her to risk her life, she will not let anything happen to Xuexiang no matter what.

Xuexiang, who had been practicing in seclusion, woke up today due to the abnormal movement of the Kunpeng egg. Yang Yiyun saw that she was already at the late stage of the Immortal King, which was a great improvement.

In fact, her talent is very good. Perhaps when the Kunpeng egg is born, Xuexiang can let go of the burden in her heart, or the burden of her mission, and her cultivation will explode by then.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was standing there with his eyes closed. The young senior sister shouted: "Junior brother, don't be stunned. Let's leave here first. After all, this is the Silence Mountains. It would be bad if a huge monster appears again."

Yang Yiyun was paying attention to the Qiankun Pot at this time, but he also heard the words of the young senior sister and said to Xuexiang: "Xuexiang, pay close attention to the Kunpeng egg. If there is any movement, contact me at any time. We are in a dangerous place now. We must first leave."

"Okay, be careful and leave it to me. Xiaopeng estimates that it will take some time. I will inform you if anything happens." Xuexiang replied.

After Yang Yi nodded, he withdrew from consciousness.

After that, he and his junior sister flew up, left the collapsed valley, and returned to Baijiao City.

This time Chuanshanxiao provided the news about Diaoer, which was also a first-class event for him. He wanted to go to Baijiao City to find Diaoer. I hope the person Baijiao Dragon King caught was not Diaoer, right?

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do. After all, the White Dragon King is one of the five giants in the foreign world and a truly super powerful existence.

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