My Master Is a God

Chapter 2286 Aries Demon Emperor

The way back was still the passage of the black-headed ants, and soon they arrived at Baijiao City.

This time I went out and gained a lot.

For Yang Yiyun, he found Hou Doudou and even received a gift from his senior sister. This gift made Kunpeng Dan move, which was a huge gain.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the Kunpeng egg can break out of the cocoon after absorbing the python meat crown, but if there is any movement, it is undoubtedly a good start.

At least let him know that the power of wild ferocious beasts can help Kunpeng Dan.

This is tantamount to finding a way to help Kunpeng Egg be born.

If it doesn't work this time, as long as the Kunpeng egg needs it, he will hunt wild ferocious beasts to give the Kunpeng egg a boost, so that the Kunpeng egg can hatch as soon as possible.

Another point is that Chuanshanxiao has been conquered this time. Speaking of which, this guy has a scary background.

The illegitimate son of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor, one of the five giants in the foreign world. Although he is an illegitimate son, he is still the son of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor. This status is definitely not small in the foreign world.

Even in the entire fairy world, he is still a second generation.

Because the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor is an existence comparable to the three major rulers of the human race in the fairy world, and according to Daya Bai, the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor is the only giant among the five giants in the foreign world who is crowned emperor.

The other four giants all have the title of king, but only the Purple Gold Armor Emperor is known as the emperor.

It is also rumored to be the strongest among the five giants.

Yang Yiyun now has the illegitimate son of Emperor Zijin Armor as his servant. In fact, he doesn't know whether this is a blessing or a curse.

But since the thing has been done, then do it, and he has no regrets.

No matter what kind of emperor you are, my master is even more awesome.

Didn't you hear what the little senior sister said, many years ago, the old man had a fight with the four giants in the foreign world, and he also won the fight, which means that the old man is more awesome, stronger than the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor.


There is no need to worry for the time being, because Chuanshan Xiao said that the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor left the foreign world and went to some mysterious place. In this case, the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor's departure from the foreign world is most likely related to the dead old man.

Because in terms of the fairy world, the second senior brother said last time that the old man took a group of top strong men in the fairy world to some place that was obscured by heaven, saying that he wanted to break some rules and find a way for all cultivating creatures in the fairy world and the lower world. Take the high road.

In this way, the demon clan should be no exception, and they will naturally contribute.

So the departure of the Zijin Armor Emperor may have something to do with the old man.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun estimated that not only the Zijin Armor Emperor but several other giants had also gone to the place where the secrets were hidden, and it was very likely that they would not go to the White Dragon King this time.

Now Yang Yiyun has two worries. First, is Chuanshanxiao talking about Diaoer?

If it was Diao'er, would the White Dragon King also take Diao'er away if he went to the place where the secrets of heaven were obscured...?

After entering Baijiao City, Yang Yiyun asked Chuanshan Xiaodao: "How can I contact your brother who is a bastard?"

Chuan Shanxiao understood what Yang Yiyun meant and said, "He is on duty at the City Lord's Mansion. I will contact him now. I believe he will meet me."

"Okay, let's go to the Black-headed Ant Restaurant. You can bring us here. There are some things I asked back then." Yang Yiyun instructed.

"No problem, I'll go now~"

After Chuan Shanxiao left, Yang Yiyun and junior sister Zixia followed Daya Bai back to the restaurant, still in Daya Bai's room.

Regarding Diao'er's problem, Yang Yiyun naturally needed to ask it in person before he could rest assured.

In his heart, he hoped it was Mao'er, but he didn't want it to be Mao'er.

I hope it's because there is news, but I don't hope it's because the White Dragon King is a strong man after all. It's probably not easy to get Diao'er back from the White Dragon King.

But after all, Yang Yiyun hoped that Chuan Shanxiao was talking about Diao'er.

The long wait for him began...

I couldn't help feeling a little irritable, but I forgot to ask what kind of monster clan Chuanshanxiao was talking about, the brother-in-law?

Is it easy to deal with?

He even said whether it was better to kill him or not.

Yang Yiyun had made a lot of plans for Diaoer, even if it meant facing off against the White Dragon King.

His order to Chuan Shanxiao was to bring someone to see him, and he wanted to understand the situation personally.

If the other party cooperates, that's fine. If they don't, he will resort to violent soul searching.

An hour later, Daya Bai's subordinates informed that Chuanshanxiao was coming, and brought another demon emperor with him.

Daya Bai directly asked his Black-headed Ant Manager to lead them into the room.

At this moment, the person next to Chuan Shanxiao was a strong man with a pair of curved horns. After he came in, he saluted Yang Yiyun directly and said, "Master, this is my sworn brother, the Aries Demon Emperor~"

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the Aries Demon Emperor is a goat demon cultivator. He is also a peak demon emperor. He looks quite strong and has a gentle face.

However, he observed that when Chuanshanxiao called him master, the Aries Demon Emperor's face changed, but he was full of shock.

At the same time, he interrupted Chuan Shanxiao's words and said in a deep voice: "Brother, what's the matter with you? How do you call a human race the master? And he is also an immortal king? If it spreads, won't people laugh at you?"

Obviously Chuan Shanxiao did not tell his story, which Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with.

The Aries Demon Emperor was completely unaware and had no idea what Chuan Shanxiao told him.

But these are not important, the key point is to bring the Aries Demon Emperor, that is enough.

Indeed, the Aries Demon Emperor was filled with shock at the moment. He and Pangolin were brothers, and even had a life-long friendship. When Pangolin found him today, he said that a friend wanted to know about the treasure-hunting mink caught by the White Dragon King. If it were anyone else, he would fall out with him, but Pangolin is his sworn brother. Even if it harms the White Dragon King, he can help as long as it doesn't go too far.

Regarding this matter, it is actually not a big secret, so the Aries Demon Emperor agreed to follow him without thinking. However, he did not expect that when the pangolin came in, he actually called a human fairy king its master?

This shocked the Aries Demon Emperor. His first thought was that the human race Immortal King had some weak spot in the pangolin and was being held hostage.

Otherwise, the Pangolin, the peak demon emperor, is the illegitimate son of the Purple-Gold Armor Emperor. How could he be so noble and surrender to a human Immortal King?

The Aries Demon Emperor was about to fall out, but when he saw there were two more Demon Emperors in the room, their cultivation auras were no weaker than his. One of them was a human being or a woman, and the other one he knew was from the Black-headed Ant Restaurant. The chief steward is also a big role.

At this time, the Aries Demon Emperor felt a little weak. He held back the situation for the time being, but he stared at the pangolin with his eyes, wondering what the situation was.

The pangolin is indeed a little embarrassed. Before he came, he didn't say anything about Yang Yiyun, his master. Now he was asked several questions by the Aries Demon Emperor. He knew that if he couldn't solve it, something bad would happen.

Now I just hope that the master Yang Yiyun can solve the problem peacefully, preferably without violence. After all, he and the Aries Demon Emperor are brothers.

But once the fight breaks out, he will definitely be on Yang Yiyun's side, because he has no choice. His life is in the hands of Yang Yiyun, the master. As long as Yang Yiyun's heart moves, he will end up in pieces.

Hearing the Aries Demon Emperor speak, Chuanshan Xiao hurriedly said: "Brother, there is no need to doubt that the human race in front of me is indeed my master, and I have not been threatened. My master is wise and powerful. It is my blessing to worship him as my master. This I apologize for not saying hello to you before this happened.

This time I come to you because my master Yang Yiyun wants to ask about whether the White Dragon King has caught a treasure-hunting sable. This matter is of great importance. I hope you will answer truthfully for my sake. "

Yang Yiyun always smiled and said nothing. He gave Chuan Shanxiao face and asked Chuanshan Xiao to explain that if the Aries Demon Emperor did not listen, he would not mind using force.

For the Aries Demon Emperor, the situation is stronger than the human being, and judging from the appearance of the Pangolin, it seems that it is really voluntary. He has no control over this matter. It is also obvious that the other party just needs to know about the treasure-hunting Divine Marten.

It's up to him to say it or not, but looking at it now, he has no choice, because he is alone, and the opponent has two masters at the peak level of the Demon Emperor.

After struggling in his heart, the Aries Demon Emperor chose to say that if he didn't say it, he probably wouldn't survive today.

But as the Demon Emperor under the White Dragon Throne, he also has pride and capital, so it's not that easy to say.

Then the Aries Demon Emperor looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "I am the Demon Emperor Aries under the White Dragon King's throne. This human Taoist brother really wants to inquire about my Dragon King?"

This sentence is telling Yang Yiyun that you want to interfere with the White Dragon King? Are you qualified or not? This is also a form of pressure. Tell Yang Yiyun clearly that I am the White Dragon King. Do you dare to touch me?

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