My Master Is a God

Chapter 2288 The young senior sister makes the decision

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun asked the junior senior sister for her opinion on this issue, and the junior senior sister said directly: "Junior brother, please listen to me on this matter and let me take command, okay?"

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun agreed without hesitation. He didn't ask the senior sister what he would do. He simply believed in the young senior sister.

Ji Zixia smiled and said: "Wait~"

Then Ji Zixia came to the Aries Demon Emperor and asked: "Since you are the Great Demon Emperor who calls the Demon King City Lord's Mansion for nothing, you must have some status in the City Lord's Mansion, right?"

Hearing Ji Zixia speak like this, Aries Demon Emperor was still a little proud and said: "That's natural. The entire City Lord's Mansion, except for the Demon Lord, is the pinnacle of our top ten demon emperors. It can be said that I still have some weight in the City Lord's Mansion."

After hearing this, Ji Zixia raised the corners of her mouth and nodded, "That's good~"

When she finished speaking, Ji Zixia suddenly raised her hand, and a bolt of purple lightning appeared out of thin air and entered the Aries Demon Emperor's head in an instant.

"Ah...what did you do to me?" The Aries Demon Emperor did not expect that this human woman would suddenly take action against him.

Even Yang Yiyun, Daya Bai and Chuan Shanxiao didn't expect it.

At this time, the Aries Demon Emperor's whole body was filled with aura, and he seemed to be about to strike violently.

Yang Yiyun and others are also using their magic power. If the Aries Demon Emperor dares to take action, he will be destroyed immediately.

However, at this time, I heard Ji Zixia chuckle and say: "Don't move, don't worry, I just cast a thunder spell on your soul, I just want you to obey. Don't do it, otherwise my aunt will destroy such a person." Monster clan, backhand."

The tone of these words was very calm but very domineering.

After hearing this, the Aries Demon Emperor felt it carefully, and sure enough, he felt a thunder mark appear in the demon soul. It was like a deflated rubber ball, daring not to move at all.

"You...what do you want?" the Aries Demon Emperor stammered.

He was really afraid of this human woman. When a thunderbolt came down, he didn't react at all and was struck instantly.

She was also in the imperial realm, but the Aries Demon Emperor felt that this human woman could kill him with just one backhand.

Now even more so, there is some kind of thunder mark in the demon soul, which means that his life and death are controlled by others.

He can indeed feel the danger coming from this woman, who can kill him with just a backhand.

Yang Yiyun and Da Yabai looked at the little senior sister's methods and were surprised. They didn't expect that the young senior sister could have such methods of controlling people, and she was a great demon emperor. She could control the life and death of the Aries Demon Emperor with just one hand. In hand.

At this time, I heard the little senior sister say to the Aries Demon Emperor: "Don't worry, as long as you are obedient and do as I say, my aunt will not touch you in the slightest. On the contrary, my aunt can make you turn into ashes with just a thought."

After a pause, she continued to say to the Aries Demon Emperor: "As for you, take us to the City Lord's Mansion now to look for the treasure-hunting Divine Marten. Of course we can't find it. I don't blame you for this. The main thing is to let you but us go in. Fufu, can this be done?"

The Aries Demon Emperor nodded and said: "Yes... it can be done."

"Okay, take us there now~" the little senior sister said directly.

After he finished, he looked at Dayabai and said: "Dayabai, you are just outside the City Lord's Mansion. Meet us. You are too blinking to go. My junior brother and I are from the human race. It is not strange to go to the City Lord's Mansion. As far as I know, the White Dragon King also Make a deal with the human race, because there are actually not many humans going to the city lord's mansion, right?"

The last sentence looked at the Aries Demon Emperor.

The latter nodded and said: "That's true. We demon emperors often deal well with human immortal emperors."

Upon hearing this, Daya Bai knew that Ji Zixia was telling the truth. He pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I will open a passage outside the city lord's palace and follow you up. If you need anything, just ask me."

"That's good. Junior brother, let's go and let the Aries Demon Emperor take us into the City Lord's Mansion. Then we'll look for your mink and act according to the situation. I guess it's most likely in the City Lord's Mansion garden. That's where I followed the old man. When I was there, I heard the old man say something, saying that there was another universe, maybe a small world, where all the collection of Bai Jiao Dragon King's life could be preserved.

I didn't have a chance last time and the old man wouldn't let me in. This time I just happened to go and see Hee Hee. It's exciting just thinking about it..." Ji Zixia was speaking now, with little stars in her eyes.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a while, and thought to himself: "Senior Sister really lives up to her reputation as the evil star of the fairy world~ Listen to what she means, she is planning to do something big~"

But Yang Yiyun didn't care, he also wanted to see what the young senior sister could do. Since the young senior sister was the one to make the decision, he would not interfere and just follow along and let her do her best.

At the very least, the young senior sister is a native of the fairy world. She understands things in the fairy world and knows what methods to use to solve them. She is also very powerful. She also followed the old man here once, met the White Dragon King, and also went to the city lord's palace of the White Dragon King. .

So Yang Yiyun felt that it was right to trust the young senior sister.

Afterwards, Yang Yiyun and his junior sister went to the City Lord's Mansion under the leadership of the Aries Demon Emperor.

And Chuan Shanxiao was asked by Yang Yiyun to follow Daya Bai outside to meet him and his junior sister. After all, it was the home of King Bai Jiao Dragon. If something unexpected happened, he would have someone to take care of him.

The Aries Demon Emperor was completely controlled by his little senior sister about his life and death. Now he has really become an obedient sheep, and he does whatever the little senior sister says.

Three hours later, under the leadership of the Aries Demon Emperor, Yang Yiyun and his junior sister arrived at the city lord's palace of the White Dragon King.

It is said to be the city lord's palace, but it is actually equivalent to a large inner city, a city within a city.

The City Lord's Mansion is not located in the center of Baijiao City, but is located in the east of the city, built against the mountains.

In front of the gate are demon soldiers of the demon king level standing guard. It is said to be the gate of the city lord's mansion, but in fact it is just a small city wall.

About 100 meters high, it is divided into five main and secondary doors. The middle door is the largest, followed by the next four on the left and right.

Aries Demon Emperor led Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia toward the second secondary door on the left. According to Aries Demon Emperor, it was the second door for them to enter, and the first secondary door on the left was for them to enter. The two gates on the right are for the entry and exit of the demon kings below the White Dragon King. The last two gates on the right are for the demons below the Immortal King.

The largest gate in the middle is the gate that only the White Dragon King can enter and exit. There are strict rules in the city lord's palace, and everyone must follow the rules.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the demon clan had such strict rules. Thinking about it, this White Dragon King is not a simple character. This can be regarded as a good governance and a mastery of his subordinates!

"I've seen the Demon Emperor~"

When they reached the doorway, the Aries Demon Emperor took out a token, and the Immortal King Demon Soldier guarding him immediately saluted the Aries Demon Emperor.

Then he glanced at the faces of Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia, and finally landed on Yang Yiyun and said: "My lord, these two humans need to register to enter the city lord's mansion. Please forgive me."

The Aries Demon Emperor was not angry about this, but nodded and said: "Well, just say in the report that he is my friend, and I will guarantee it at this time~"

As he spoke, the Aries Demon Emperor waved his hand on a book-like magic weapon that the demon soldier took out and recorded the information. In this way, the three of them could truly enter the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, the light on this magical weapon flashed on Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia, as if recording images.

It looked, and indeed looked, strict.

After entering, the young senior sister was a little unhappy about this. The Aries Demon Emperor quickly smiled and said, "Don't mind, you two. After my Lord Dragon King left, the rules of the entire City Lord's Mansion became strict, and this applies to any living creature entering or leaving the City Lord's Mansion."

"Stop talking nonsense and take us directly to the garden of the City Lord's Mansion." The young senior sister said coldly.

The Aries Demon Emperor's face became flattered and he said: "Sir, please don't embarrass me. There is no Dragon King's handwriting in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion. Anyone who breaks in will be killed. I...I can only take you close to the garden. , but if you go in, you will kill me, which I really can’t do~"

"I'm so cowardly. Okay, then take us close to the garden. The rest won't be difficult for you." After all, the little senior sister paid her respects.

"Okay, okay, please follow me. However, there are other demon emperors patrolling the City Lord's Mansion. If anyone asks, just say that you are making a deal with me..." The Aries Demon Emperor is actually very worried about Ji Zixia and Yang Yiyun being in the City Lord's mansion. If the government is in chaos, it will be really doomed.

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