My Master Is a God

Chapter 2289 Are you from the Ji family in the fairy world?

The Aries Demon Emperor was actually very worried. He was really afraid that Ji Zixia would cause trouble, and he was worried.

In the entire City Lord's Mansion, there is a Great Demon Emperor who is responsible for patrolling, especially in the City Lord's Mansion Garden, which is a forbidden area.

Getting too close is risky.

Whatever you worry about will often come to you.

The Aries Demon Emperor was worried that Ji Zixia would cause trouble, but he didn't expect it to happen.

But this is all for later.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun could feel the anxiety of the Aries Demon Emperor. He wanted to laugh in his heart. This guy was so scared by the little senior sister.

The three of them walked in the city lord's mansion, as if they were walking in a small city.

The White Dragon King likes luxury, that's true.

When he came to Baijiao City, Yang Yiyun was amazed by the luxury of Baijiao City. But now after entering the real residence of Baijiao Dragon King, Yang Yiyun realized that there were two completely different worlds from the outside.

If Baijiao City is luxurious, then now in the small inner city of the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Yiyun feels like a nouveau riche, with splendor and splendor everywhere...

It's almost to the point of being insane.

All buildings are either made of stone exuding immortal power, or other gleaming wood, etc. Even the stone materials under their feet are several grades higher than those outside.

The vegetation, architecture, etc. are all luxurious and grand.

"I really want to loot this place..." Yang Yiyun sighed as he walked.

Hearing these words in the ears of the Aries Demon Emperor, Yang Yiyun was frightened to death, and he quickly said: "Fellow Taoist, be careful what you say, if someone hears it, you will die~"

"Haha, I just said it casually, don't be nervous." Yang smiled and watched the Aries Demon Emperor speak, but in fact, he was still thinking about what was valuable here, so he should just take it as he came.

When the young senior sister heard this, she rolled her eyes at Yang Yiyun and said, "Junior brother, can you be a bit promising? These things look magnificent, but in fact they are not high-quality things. They just look good. I estimate that they are the best in the entire City Lord's Mansion." Everything is in the garden of the City Lord’s Mansion, so you can take it wherever you want~”

"Hehe~ Senior sister, what you said makes sense, I am still looking forward to entering the garden of the city lord's mansion~" Yang Yiyun felt happy, he was indeed his own little senior sister, he liked these words.

I originally thought that the young senior sister would blame him, or say something to stop him from causing trouble, but I didn't expect that she would support him, and if she wanted to rob, she would also rob high-end things, and don't look at low-end things. There is no opposition to his ideas, only support.

This little senior sister is becoming more and more interested in him.

Hearing the conversation between the junior brother and senior sister, the Aries Demon Emperor was so frightened that he was out of his mind. However, he did not dare to speak at this moment because the Aries Demon Emperor was afraid of the little senior sister, and his life and death were controlled by the little senior sister. in hand.

At this moment, he could only lament in his heart. After getting on this pirate ship, he was afraid that he would not be able to get off.

Now the Aries Demon Emperor doesn't expect anything else. He only hopes that after he takes Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia, a pair of madmen, to their destination, they can show kindness and let him go...

However, when the Aries Demon Emperor thought about it, the pair of lunatics would not let him go easily. At this time, the Aries Demon Emperor actually hated Chuanshanxiao to death. He was also a brother-in-law. This time, he could It’s so painful.

In the entire foreign world, or even in the entire fairy world, is there any monk who dares to take advantage of the property in the White Dragon King's house?

Even those giants at the same level as the White Dragon King would not dare to do so. The Aries Demon Emperor couldn't think of anyone other than Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia who would dare to have such a crazy idea.

Of course, the most terrible thing now is that this pair of lunatics actually want to go to the garden of the City Lord's Mansion. This is the forbidden area of ​​the entire City Lord's Mansion, and it is the true forbidden area designated by the Dragon King.

Only the basic demons of the Immortal Lord can enter places, and he has the peak cultivation strength of the Demon Emperor. He has never entered the garden of the City Lord's Mansion so far.

Wherever the Immortal Lord and the Imperial Guards of the City Lord's Mansion are stationed, and where the first-class powerful men of the City Lord's Mansion are gathered, even if the Dragon King is no longer in the City Lord's Mansion, not everyone can approach the Garden.

But he was forced to take Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia with him, otherwise they would not even be willing to get close to him on weekdays.

Along the way, demon kings and demon emperors kept greeting the Aries Demon Emperor, and the absent-minded Aries Demon Emperor could only respond with a forced smile on his face.

However, Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia were following behind him, pointing and saying that this was a good treasure and that was just a decoration, commenting on things in the City Lord's Mansion.

It really made the Aries Demon Emperor feel extremely tormented...

Finally, after one thing was accomplished, a forest appeared in the sight of the three of them, about five or six hundred meters apart.

At this time, the Aries Demon Emperor felt a sense of humiliation and burden, and his back was soaked with cold sweat and said: "The forest in front of you two is the City Lord's Garden. I have the authority to only take you here. The ones behind you The patrolling guards will not give me any face. If I step within the three hundred meters range of this place without the instructions of the Dragon King, they will all be killed without mercy."

"It's okay. Seeing that you have been honest along the way, my aunt won't make things difficult for you. Okay, you can go. After we leave the city lord's mansion, we will naturally expose you to the thunder spell." Ji Zixia said to the Aries Demon Emperor said.

"Really let me go?" the Aries Demon Emperor said almost subconsciously.

"What? Do you think my aunt is the kind of person who doesn't keep her word? If you don't want to leave, just accompany us to the garden of the city lord's mansion. My aunt has no objection." Ji Zixia snorted.

When the Aries Demon Emperor heard this, he stopped and said: "No, no, no, I'll leave right away, leave right now..."

"Where is the Aries Demon Emperor going~"

At this moment a loud voice sounded.

This shocked the Aries Demon Emperor, and his expression changed instantly. When he looked up, he found a group of people walking out of the forest.

He quickly sent a message to Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia and said: "No, it's the Black Panther Demon Emperor who is the highest demon emperor in the City Lord's Mansion. He is the first of our top ten demon emperors. His strength is said to be the largest demon under the demon emperor. He is also responsible for Commander of the Imperial Guard patrolling the garden of the city lord's palace, you two will say later that you are my friends and are here to make a deal~"

"Tch, what are you afraid of? Don't be nervous. Let me ask you, can this person enter the garden of the City Lord's Mansion?" Ji Zixia asked directly.

The Aries Demon Emperor's face was extremely pale, and he was speechless towards Ji Zixia. In his opinion, Ji Zixia was indeed powerful, and she was stronger than him anyway, but facing the Black Panther Demon Emperor, the leader of the top ten demon emperors in the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Zixia was not enough. Because he understood the strength of the Black Panther Demon Emperor, even if the other nine demon emperors joined forces to fight against the Black Panther Demon Emperor, the Black Panther Demon Emperor would not be at a disadvantage.

Now Ji Zixia actually asked such a question, which made the Aries Demon Emperor tremble in his heart. If the Black Panther Demon Emperor noticed anything, he would die without a burial place.

Speaking of which, the Black Panther Demon Emperor is still his immediate boss~

But looking at Ji Zixia's expression, it was obvious that she didn't care about the Black Panther Demon Emperor. This was a typical arrogance in the eyes of the Aries Demon Emperor. At this moment, the Aries Demon Emperor rolled his eyes, but he suddenly had an idea. The idea of ​​getting yourself out.

If Ji Zixia and Yang Yiyun were killed by the Black Panther Demon Emperor, wouldn't he be free?

Of course, there is a spell in his demon soul, and his life and death are in the hands of Ji Zixia, but he can make a bet. He is betting that Ji Zixia is entangled by the Black Panther Demon Emperor and has no time to cast a spell on himself. In addition, he can also use low-level Yuan. God's thunder spell lasts for some time. As long as Ji Zixia is killed by the Black Panther Demon Emperor within this time, everything will be fine.

It was also clear that Ji Zixia wanted to trick the Black Panther Demon Emperor into entering the garden of the City Lord's Mansion. Thinking of this, the Aries Demon Emperor quickly said to Ji Zixia: "The Black Panther Demon Emperor is the commander of the Imperial Guard, and his status is very high in the City Lord's Mansion, second only to those Demon Lord, he is the only Demon Emperor who can enter the garden of the City Lord's Mansion."

"That's great, hee hee. If you're worried about how to get in, here's a guide. Not bad~" Ji Zixia didn't pay any attention to the Black Panther Demon Emperor.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and looked at the eleven demon emperors walking in the distance. He was somewhat worried about whether he and his senior sister could handle them.

There are eleven demon emperors coming in sight. The leading demon emperor is at the peak level of the Great Perfection Demon Emperor. The remaining ten demon emperors are all in the later stages of cultivation. They are all wearing battle armor and full of a chilling aura. Obviously, It's also the kind that's often trained to kill people.

Regarding the introduction of the Aries Demon Emperor, he naturally knew that the leader should be the Black Panther Demon Emperor.

But listening to the senior sister's playful words, it seemed that she was confident that she could handle it.

He felt a little relieved about this, but on the one hand, Yang Yiyun was also prepared. He felt that the senior sister was going to take action directly. Once she took action, he would obviously be the one to deal with the ten demon emperors in the later stage, which would still be somewhat stressful for him. .

But after looking at the Aries Demon Emperor next to him, Yang Yiyun said directly: "If there is a fight later, you and I will be the imperial guards of the late Demon Emperor."

The Aries Demon Emperor listened to Yang Yiyun's words and sneered in his heart. He was thinking about how he managed to kill Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia in the hands of the Black Panther Demon Emperor. How could he possibly help?

Even the Aries Demon Emperor is thinking that if he really takes action later, he will capture Yang Yiyun as soon as possible. Then Ji Zixia will be able to blackmail Ji Zixia if she casts a spell on him.

The only thing we knew before was that the pangolin worshiped Yang Yiyun as its master, but the Aries Demon Emperor had forgotten it. He didn't think much about it. Since Yang Yiyun could become the master of the pangolin, it meant that Yang Yiyun had the ability to kill the big demon. Strength.

At this moment, the Aries Demon Emperor was only thinking about how to kill Ji Zixia, asking his demon soul to be controlled by the thunder spell cast by Ji Zixia, and how to explain it in front of the Black Panther.

I never thought that Ji Zixia could take down the Black Panther Demon Emperor...

"Okay, no problem. I'll kill ten guardsmen with you later." The Aries Demon Emperor said softly.

Just as the three of them were talking, the Black Panther Demon Emperor and ten imperial guards of the late Demon Emperor stage finally arrived in front of the three of them. His eyes scanned the three of them, and finally his eyes fell on the Aries Demon Emperor and asked in a deep voice: "Aries, why did you bring two humans here?"

At this time, Yang Yiyun gathered all his mana and stood with Ji Zixia, staring at the Black Panther Demon Emperor and his party, ready to take action at any time. In fact, he still had some trump cards. Hong Yi was still in the Qiankun Pot space. As long as he thought about it, Hong Yi could do it. Come out, now it’s time to see how the young senior sister will face the Black Panther Demon Emperor.

As for the Aries Demon Emperor, Yang Yiyun never thought about what would happen to him. After all, the life and death of the Aries Demon Emperor was controlled by his junior sister, but something unexpected happened, yet it happened.

Faced with the Black Panther Demon Emperor's renewed inquiry, Yang Yiyun did not expect that the Aries Demon Emperor suddenly shouted: "Commander Black Panther, save me. I am being coerced by these two human races. They want to break into the garden of the city lord's mansion..."

When the Aries Demon Emperor shouted, the Black Panther Demon Emperor who was more than ten meters away from the opposite side changed his face and said solemnly: "Get them~"

"Swish swish~"

In the blink of an eye, the ten demon emperor guards under the Black Panther Demon Emperor instantly surrounded Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia. Seeing them flash around and surround them, Yang Yiyun knew that they were well-trained people, not ordinary demon emperors. All of them were wearing black armor, but they were not strict about moving, which made them feel oppressive.

"Haha, you old boy, you are really worrying my aunt. I originally wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect you to go back on your word. Do you know that what my aunt hates most is idiots like you? Do you think that a Black Panther Demon Emperor can do that? Can you take down my aunt? What a joke~" Ji Zixia spoke calmly, and purple lightning moved in her hand when she raised her hand.

The next moment, purple lightning flashed between the Aries Demon Emperor's brows, but he screamed and said, "Commander Black Panther, save me. She planted a spell on my demon soul. I can't hold on for ten breaths...ah~"

However, before the Aries Demon Emperor could finish his words, he screamed, and then purple thunder surrounded his body, black smoke arose, and in an instant he turned into a charred corpse.

At this time, Ji Zixia said: "Ten breaths? You take yourself too seriously. My aunt's thunder spell is actually something you, a sheep demon, can understand~"


At this time, the Black Panther Demon Emperor shouted, and at the same time, the ten demon emperors who were about to pounce on Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia suddenly stopped.

Yang Yiyun was in a daze. He summoned Hong Yi with a wave of his hand, but he didn't expect the Black Panther Demon Emperor to stop.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Panther Demon Emperor stared at Ji Zixia with flickering eyes and said: "Purple you from the Ji family in the fairy world?"

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