My Master Is a God

Chapter 2293 Is the phantom at work?

Zhu Yeqing's words made Yang Yiyun have murderous intentions in his heart. He would not allow anyone to curse the little senior sister, even if the little senior sister herself was not the one, he would not allow it.

This snake is looking for death.

Although she is a peak demon emperor, and is the second among the top ten demon emperors in the city lord's palace, if Yang really wants to get rid of her, there is still a way. At most, he will use the power of the Qiankun Temple. That’s all.

Now Yang Yiyun feels that if he uses the power of the Qiankun Temple, the backlash may not be fatal, because after he was injured last time, Heilian and Lao Liushu joined forces, and Lao Liushu even used three willow leaves, and he suffered a big physical injury. steps.

To withstand the backlash of the Qiankun Temple, the key point is whether the flexibility of the physical body can withstand the impact of the power of the Qiankun Pot. It will naturally be no problem if it can hold up.

At this time, after Zhu Yeqing shouted at the other four demon emperors, all five of them rushed over in an instant. However, Yang Yiyun saw that three of the five demon emperors, including Zhu Yeqing, focused on the young senior sister. The other two focused on him and Hongyi.

Obviously, in their eyes, he is just like a small character. Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart. Then let you evil beasts see what I, a small character, can do.

Indeed, if he were to face the peak demon emperor alone, it would be very difficult with his current cultivation level, but it would not be easy for a peak demon emperor to kill him.

But it's different when he has a big helper by his side.

With the cooperation of Hong Yi, a sub-saint physical level being, it is not difficult to kill the demon emperor.

In an instant, the two demon emperors rushed towards him and Hongyi respectively.

As for the young senior sister, Zhu Yeqing was leading the other two demon emperors. He was not worried about the young senior sister Yang Yiyun. He knew that with his young senior sister's abilities, it should not be difficult to deal with the monsters at the peak of the three demon emperors.

The only thing I'm worried about is that the phantom demon that the young senior sister mentioned before has been hiding in the dark and has not come out until now. It is said that it is easy to dodge with open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows. No one knows when the sixth demon emperor will jump out from the dark. ?

Moreover, Yang Yiyun believed that if the phantom demon jumped out, it would kill him and his junior sister, which worried him.

But there was nothing he could do. At this moment, he could only try his best to keep himself safe and not worry about the senior sister. As for the young senior sister, she must be on guard against the phantom demon in the dark. I believe she would not suffer any loss.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and focused all his energy on the two demon emperors coming towards him and Hongyi. Only by killing the two demon emperors in the shortest time could he have time to help the little one. Senior sister.


Immediately he shouted at Hong Yi.

There is a sense of connection between him and Hong Yi. It can be said that he is connected with his mind. Hong Yi can understand his thoughts.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that he had to use his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, avoid his weaknesses, and use his advantages to fight against the enemy.

His shortcoming is his lack of strength, but his strength is Hong Yi, the extremely powerful physical sub-sage.

Hong Yi's Sub-Saint body can theoretically deal with attacks from any immortal world creature, so this is his biggest advantage. As long as Hong Yi is commanded properly, it is not difficult to kill these two demon emperors.

After shouting, the man in red suddenly blocked in front of him, and at this moment Yang Yiyun came out with his sword.

"Unsheathing and slashing together~"

After the dragon-slaying sword was unsheathed, the scabbard also transformed and fused, and the strongest sword energy exploded to kill one of the demon emperors with one sword strike.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun clenched the space stone in his hand and activated it. The next moment, his body disappeared behind Hong Yi, but with the power of space, another demon emperor suddenly appeared behind him, and the Coiling Dragon Sword in his hand was also mobilized to its peak. , suddenly stabbed the demon emperor in the back with his sword.

As for the first demon emperor, he resisted a blow with his dragon-slaying sword, and Hong Yi went out to fight with him, taking action at the same time.

He uses the power of space to kill the enemy by surprise. If the first blow fails to kill him, it may not be easy to attack again later. The opponent can avoid it if he is prepared.

Because of the cultivation level and the fact that the space stone is an external force, although it can jump in space within a certain range, it has space fluctuations, so it can be detected.

If it is the natural power of space, there will be no space fluctuations and it can kill the enemy invisible. Of course, according to the senior sister, you can practice the power of space when you are in the emperor realm, but the cultivation in the land of space does not affect any living beings. All can cultivate and gain enlightenment, but not the demon clan, for example.

Magical powers such as the positioning of space portals are the magical powers of cultivation passed down by the human race. It is difficult for the demon race to cultivate them and may not be possible. Each race has its own specific system for cultivation.

He suddenly appeared behind the demon emperor, and stabbed the demon emperor in the back with the coiled dragon sword in his hand.



Under the roar, the Demon Emperor let out a scream.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed that he succeeded with a flawless sword.

But then his face changed drastically, because this sword did not directly stab the demon emperor to his core as he imagined.

Instead, the sword only penetrated a finger's depth.

This can only be a pain for this huge demon emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the demon emperor's whole body was full of demonic aura, and in the flash of light, he instantly transformed into a huge black wild boar, with a body of eight or nine meters, and a height of two meters.

"Ho ho ho..."

Roaring to the sky.

Yang Yiyun quickly backed away. Unexpectedly, he chose a pig demon with a thick head and thick flesh. No wonder he activated the Panlong Sword with all his strength. It only penetrated a finger deep and did not hurt the pig demon at all.

Yang Yiyun ducked ten meters away in an instant.

Another scream sounded in his ears.

But it was Hong Yi who had a head-on blow with the previous demon emperor, and he saw the demon emperor screamed and flew twenty or thirty meters away. A blood hole as big as a bowl opened in his chest, and he fell to the ground and was gone. stand up.

Yang Yiyun was shocked for a while, as Hong Yi's power seemed to be getting stronger. When he went to deal with the pig demon, it was still a sneak attack, and he only injured the pig demon, but Hong Yi killed his opponent with one punch.

Of course, Hong Yi was able to succeed. Another factor was the blow from the dragon-slaying sword that he activated at the beginning. Or maybe the demon emperor underestimated Hong Yi. He didn’t expect that Hong Yi would have a sub-saint-level body, and the power he could unleash was far greater. Unbelievably, the demon emperor's death at Hong Yi's hands was not an injustice.

"Ho ho ho..."

At this moment, when the pig demon saw that his companion was killed, he roared and rushed towards Yang Yiyun with red eyes.

Now there was a sneer on Yang Yiyun's lips: "You evil beast, you are looking for death when you come here~"

After saying this, he roared loudly: "Slay the dragon out of its sheath~"

"The dragon is in the sky~"

The two Dao swords suddenly became basic, erupting with powerful dazzling light and sword energy.

The dragon-slaying sword stabbed directly at the pig demon's front, while Panlongjiang soared into the sky, flying to the sky in an instant.


Then he ordered Hong Yi to take action.

He himself, after the Qiankun internal energy in his body was circulating, suddenly blasted away with a palm.

Immediately after the Dragon Sword.


As expected, the dragon-slaying sword was blown away by the halo that burst out from the pig demon. After all, there was a big difference in cultivation between him and the pig demon. He knew that a head-on strength competition would be useless against the pig demon, but he There was no expectation that this sword would be able to injure the pig demon, but it would be enough to act as a buffer.

Then he activated the supreme magical power taught by the old man, punched the pig demon, and golden light burst out. The magic power in his body also reached its peak. He also faced it head-on, just to know how far his current strength was compared to the masters at the peak of the God Realm?

Also, I want to test my physical strength?

If the strength of his physical body can meet his expectations, he can directly activate the power of the Qiankun Temple in the next battle or at the critical moment of life and death.

As long as the physical body is strong enough, it can withstand the backlash of the power of the Qiankun Temple.

But on the other hand, if he can use the power of the Qiankun Temple, then in the next battle, he can fight with all his strength, and maybe he can kill the target he wants to kill.

For example, the snake demon Zhuyeqing.


Finally, Yang Yiyun punched the pig demon on the head. He followed up the Dragon Sword's attack and hit the pig demon's head smoothly.


Success was a success, but the moment his fist fell, he felt as if the punch hit steel, and then a force that was beyond his imagination erupted from the pig demon's head, rippling instantly. It rose up, struck directly at his arm, and landed on him.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun groaned. He felt himself being knocked away by a huge force, and instantly flew out like a kite with its string broken.

The pig demon's magic power was beyond Yang Yiyun's expectation. When he flew backwards, the blood in his body was boiling and his arms were trembling, but he was still laughing despite the shock in his heart.

Because his arm was not broken by the shock, it was just shaking a little. Although the energy and blood in his body were churning, it was within the tolerance range.

This shows that if he takes the risk to mobilize the power of the Qiankun Temple... it may be bearable, but it can only be said to be reluctant. After all, he will still be hurt by the power of the Qiankun Temple, but he knows that his life may not be in danger. .

that's enough.

In terms of mana competition, he is indeed not strong enough to fight against the peak Emperor Realm. He is still a head above water. However, he can go head-to-head with the Demon Emperor in the later stage without any problem.

This time he also tested the strength of his physical body. Although the blood in his body was boiling and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, it was worth it.

Although he was knocked away by the pig demon, Yang Yiyun felt very relaxed because he only used half of his methods.

Hong Yi's attack followed closely behind him, or in other words, after he was knocked away by the pig demon, Hong Yi's attack also fell on the pig demon.



Hong Yi punched the pig demon, causing the pig demon to scream. No matter how rough and thick-skinned this evil beast was, it would still suffer if Hong Yi punched it with a fist at the sub-sage level.

He screamed and fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun burst out with the word "Zhan".

The Coiling Dragon Sword that had previously flown into the sky fell from the sky, and with one strike, the Coiling Dragon was in the sky and slashed at the pig demon with great momentum.

The sword energy cut through the sky, directly striking the pig demon's neck where a bloody hole was made by the red coat. The sword fell on the pig demon's head and rolled away from his neck to the ground.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun followed closely and danced with his hands, mana flowing in his hands. He slapped the pig demon's severed head with one palm, and the main back body with the other hand. The mana carried the green lotus fairy fire, completely burning the pig demon's head. Body.

Under the roar, the pig demon's head was shattered, and its back half exploded and burned. It was completely extinct and its soul was gone.

With the cooperation of Hongyi, the two demon emperors were killed.

This result is really good.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun turned around and looked at where the young senior sister was in the distance. As soon as the battle on his side ended, the first thing he thought of was the young senior sister.


The thunder resounded throughout the forest.

But Yang Yiyun only heard the sound, but did not see the figure of the young senior sister. At this time, even the figures of Zhu Yeqing and the other three demon emperors disappeared. Instead, there was a hazy fog in his sight. At some point, even the three large trees at the entrance to the garden of the City Lord's Mansion disappeared.

This made Yang Yiyun surprised for a while. He was only focused on killing the two demon emperors just now, but he didn't notice the changes in the surrounding environment.

His expression changed, and his mind immediately thought of the sixth demon emperor that the young senior sister had mentioned before - the phantom demon!

Is it an illusory demon causing trouble?

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