My Master Is a God

Chapter 2294 The way is to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor

It was only a hundred meters away, but it was foggy and hazy, and the young senior sister could not be seen, but bursts of thunder could be heard.

Yang Yiyun knew that the senior sister might have been plotted by several demon emperors, but the fact that she heard the Thunder God formation meant that the young senior sister was okay for the time being, but was trapped or being besieged by several demon emperors.

In this way, Yang Yiyun did not rush forward rashly, but opened the Eye of the Universe. The naked eye could not see the environment, but he believed that his Eye of the Universe could see it.

Sure enough, after turning on the Eye of Heaven and Earth, he saw the environment in the fog.

He saw the young senior sister transformed into a calamity cloud, surrounded by purple-black thunder and lightning, falling continuously, and fell on the ground. But in his eyes, it seemed that the young senior sister was attacking blindly, because there was no big demon in the place where the thunder fell. It seems to be fighting with the air.

However, Yang Yiyun believed that there must be a reason, because the three demon emperors headed by Zhu Yeqing were suspended in the sky, surrounding the little senior sister, and were constantly attacking the calamity cloud that the young senior sister had transformed into. Every attack It will make the calamity cloud tremble for a while, and it will continue to shrink.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were gloomy. This situation was obviously caused by the three demon emperors setting a trap for the young senior sister. In other words, the real reason was that the phantom demon hidden in the dark had already played a key role. What kind of confusing or illusory means were used to cover it up? It blinded the little senior sister's eyes, making her lose the effect of the aura of the three demon emperors of Zhuye Qing, and it could even be said that she could not see the three demon emperors.

Under such circumstances, the young senior sister became a blind man with her eyes open. Naturally, she started to attack blindly for her own safety, and did not let the three demon emperors get close, so as to ensure that she would not be injured to the maximum extent.

But if things continue like this, the little senior sister's mana and energy will be depleted very quickly. By then, several demon emperors will attack the little senior sister and try to capture her.

As for him and Hong Yi, I believe that in Zhu Yeqing’s plan, having two demon emperors to deal with him and Hong Yi is enough, right?

The other demon emperors all used their full strength to deal with the young senior sister. This was indeed a good plan.

But now that he has solved the two demon emperors, he will naturally not let the young senior sister be confused anymore.

However, Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry to get into the heavy fog, but had to take a good look at the situation. Otherwise, if he rashly turned back and dived in, he might be as confused by the illusion as the young senior sister.

After much deliberation, the root cause is to find the phantom demon. As long as the phantom demon is found and killed, the illusion that confuses the young senior sister will naturally dissipate.

Although Yang Yiyun opened the Eye of the Universe at this moment, he did not find any phantom demon. He could only see that the thunder transformed by the young senior sister was really thundering and constantly attacking the earth, but no opponent was attacked by her thunder. Zhuye Qingsan Instead, the demon emperor kept hiding aside and attacking the tribulation cloud thunder transformed by the young senior sister...

In this situation, it can only be said that the young senior sister cannot see or feel the existence of the three demon emperors Zhuyeqing, but the three demon emperors can see the young senior sister and cause harm to her.

Depending on the situation, the young senior sister can still hold on for some time. At this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he summoned the God and Demon Bird from the space of the Qiankun Pot...

Just because he can't see the existence of the phantom demon doesn't mean that the phantom demon doesn't exist. The young senior sister said before that if there is one that still exists in the dark, then it must exist.

The God and Demon Bird is well-informed, and may be able to see what the situation will be like after the current fog. The illusion is unpredictable, and his current cultivation and vision cannot be seen clearly, so he can only ask the God and Demon Bird for help.

As for the others who are no longer around now...

Hou Doudou and Chuan Shanxiao were left by him to stay with Daya Bai. They were following Daya Bai outside the city lord's palace, preparing to meet him and the young senior sister. The red clothes around him were unable to help at the moment. Of course, there was still Xuexiang in the Qiankun Pot space. , but Xuexiang's cultivation cannot help in such a battle, and Xuexiang is still guarding the Kunpeng egg.

He consciously took a look at the situation of the Kunpeng egg and found that the Kunpeng egg was still emitting light. It seemed that it was still digesting the power of the giant python's meat crown. He didn't know when it would be completely absorbed?

After it is absorbed, can the Kunpeng egg be born...?

Anyway, the only one Yang Yiyun can rely on now is the God and Demon Bird.

After waving his hand, the magic bird appeared.

"What kind of trouble did the weak chicken get into?" this is what the God and Demon Bird said as soon as it came out.

"How did you know I was in trouble~" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes subconsciously.

"Haha, didn't you, you weakling, only think of me when you were in trouble? This time, you went too far. You didn't care how long I had been in the Qiankun Pot? I thought you, weakling, had forgotten that I was still in your Qiankun Pot space. …”

The demon bird started cursing with resentment.

"Stop, stop, stop... I don't have time to argue with you. Shut up. I want to see the situation ahead. My senior sister seems to be trapped in the environment by the phantom demon, but I don't see the existence of the phantom demon. Think quickly. There's a way~" Yang Yiyun spoke a little irritably at this time and roared at the devil bird.

The God-Demon Bird is an old bird. It sensed that Yang was in a bad mood and did not dare to talk any more, because based on its understanding of Yang, if it continued to talk, Yang would definitely use force on it.

But he also turned to look at the foggy land, and after a while he said: "You two weaklings are unlucky, and you unexpectedly encountered a colorful wind and cloud beast, which was at the level of a demon emperor...

The Colorful Wind and Cloud Beast is a strange beast from heaven and earth. Its talent is to control the colors of the five elements and call the wind and rain. Although its combat power is not very good, its talent is used to decorate illusions. This Demon Emperor level Colorful Wind and Cloud Beast, even the Immortal Lord level does not want to see through it easily. Fantasy.

It's not surprising that your senior sister is trapped inside. If this continues, she will be consumed sooner or later... Did you see a white cloud in the sky? "The magic bird asked Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "I saw it~"

Indeed, he had seen a white cloud on the sky before, but he had also seen it with the Eye of the Universe, but he didn't find anything different. Even an ordinary cloud was no different.

But now that the God and Demon Bird said this, it must make sense.

He reacted and said: "You mean that white cloud is an illusory demon? But I used the Eye of the Universe to see it before, and it was just an ordinary cloud~"

"What do you know, you weakling? Colorful Wind and Cloud Beast. Since it is called an illusory demon, it naturally has some demon qualities. That white cloud is his disguise, and his true body is hidden in it. It's just that you can't see anything outside the heavy fog. It’s different. If you don’t believe me, go into the fog and see what the difference is?

However... that heavy fog is an illusory barrier formed by the Five Colorful Wind and Cloud Beast mobilizing its power with the power of the five elements. It is estimated that it will be difficult to enter with your strength~" said the God Demon Bird.

When Yang Yiyun heard what the God and Demon Bird said, his expression suddenly changed.

Is the heavy fog a phantom formation barrier? Is it difficult to get in with his strength?

If we really can't get in, doesn't it mean that the little senior sister is in danger inside?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun could no longer remain calm. He quickly called out to Hong Yi and walked towards the fog, or in other words, towards the illusion formation barrier.

Immediately attack the heavy fog with two swords~

After the dull boom, Yang Yiyun frowned. Under his full attack, the fog was like clouds of cotton. He hit it hard with one fist, but rebounded and recovered the next moment.

He became even more anxious and asked Hongyi to attack together, but the result was the same, and they couldn't break it at all.

At this moment, the God Demon Bird said: "Don't waste your efforts. This is a barrier constructed by the demon clan's magic power. The power of Hongyi is pure physical power. It is useless. You can't break it~"

Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, I am grateful to find a solution. My senior sister is still inside. If she has any shortcomings, you, a bastard, will not be able to survive."

Yang Yiyun roared very irritably.

The God Demon Bird cursed: "You weakling, what do you care about me? It's not like I'm trapping your little senior sister. There is actually only one way to break through this illusory formation barrier...and don't worry, your senior sister will have no problem holding on for three years." Yes, do you think the Ji family are vegetarians?"

"What can I do quickly?" Yang Yiyun's eyes widened, but he was relieved when he heard that the little senior sister could survive in there for three years and nothing would happen in a short period of time.

Just listen to the God Demon Bird say: "The method is very simple... As long as you kid can break through and achieve the realm of the Immortal Emperor, this illusory formation barrier can naturally be broken. In the end, it's just that your kid's strength and cultivation are not enough. The battle in the field They are all at the Imperial level, and you, the little monster, are the only one who is at the Immortal King level. How do you think you, an Immortal King, can break the barrier of someone else's Imperial level?"

Yang Yiyun stared and said: "Can you break through the barrier by reaching the Immortal Emperor?"

"Of course~" The Demonic Bird nodded.

"But... is it that easy to break through the Emperor Realm?" Yang Yiyun was a little unconvinced.

The magic bird cursed: "You are a weakling, you are just one step away from reaching the peak of the Immortal King. What are you afraid of? How do you know you can't do it if you don't try it?"

"Then let me try..."

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