My Master Is a God

Chapter 2295 Damn old man, I miss you so much

Yang Yiyun was ready to sharpen his skills before the battle, and immediately sat down and started practicing to attack the imperial realm.

In fact, he understands that Zamao Bird is right about one thing. If you don't try anything, you don't know whether it will succeed.

Although he knew that it was not easy to reach the imperial realm, but the young senior sister was trapped, he had no choice but to do something after all.

What if the impact is successful?

No, he must succeed this time, otherwise the little senior sister will be in danger.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun said to the God and Demon Bird: "You and Hong Yi will protect me."

"I have no fighting ability, how can I protect the law..." The God and Demon Bird muttered, but at this moment Yang Yiyun had already closed his eyes and started practicing, and he had no time to fight with the God and Demon Bird.

At this time, Hong Yi was standing next to Yang Yiyun. The God and Demon Bird flew up and landed on Hong Yi's shoulder. He said it had no fighting power. In fact, if it really disturbed Yang Yiyun's cultivation, the God and Demon Bird could still play a big role. Red clothes are enough to deal with some strong men.

It's just that Hong Yi's consciousness is relatively weak and needs command. Yang Yiyun's instructions to the Divine Bird are actually to let the Divine Bird and Hong Yi cooperate, or in other words, command.

Here, Yang Yiyun began to forcefully go to the pass to practice and rush into the imperial realm, but it was relatively quiet.

At this moment, there is a different scene inside the phantom formation.

The three demon emperors headed by Zhu Yeqing spread out, surrounded the calamity cloud formed by Ji Zixia, and continued to attack.

"Second Sister, this little bitch has a very strong defense. If we continue to attack like this, when will it end?"

The third among the top ten demon emperors in the City Lord's Mansion spoke.

At this time, the fourth child also spoke: "Do you want to call others to come?"

Zhu Yeqing scolded: "Don't stop and continue to attack. At this time, there are not many big demon emperors in the entire city lord's palace. The other brothers are no longer home and will not come back for a while. We can only rely on a few of us now."

This little bitch has been mentally trapped by Lao Liu's illusion array. She can't see us at all now. All she sees is an illusion. She is constantly attacking, but she is attacking the air. If she continues, she will eventually be consumed to death. By attacking her, the three of us are hastening her demise.

Although this time may take two or three years, to us, two or three years is just the blink of an eye. When she runs out of mana, it will be her death. "

As Zhuye Qing spoke, the other two demon emperors kept nodding, agreeing with her statement.

The third child pondered for a moment and said: "Just in case, do you want to inform the Demon Lord of the Garden? If the Demon Lord of the Garden takes action, we don't have to waste so much time and can kill this little bitch as soon as possible, right?"

"No, at the moment Lao Liu's formation is together, we are all within the formation, we can't be careless, and among our ten demon emperors, only Black Panther, the eldest, can enter the garden, and the others can't. Everyone wants to Otherwise, attack with all your strength and consume this little bitch’s mana. Sooner or later she will be the prey in our hands..." Zhuye Qing rejected the third child with one sentence.

The three big demons said no more, and attacked Ji Zixia's calamity cloud with all their strength. One light and one covertly cooperated with the secretly old sixth phantom demon to consume Ji Zixia.

They were also prepared for a long battle.

Outside of the formation, Yang Yiyun is still practicing to attack the imperial realm.

Time flies away during practice.

One year has passed in the blink of an eye, and Yang Yiyun still has not broken through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

This made him irritable inside.


The next moment Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes and stopped.

Because at the moment, I was extremely irritable, and I had an inexplicable feeling that something related to him had happened. If I tried to practice forcefully, I would go too far, and the gains would outweigh the losses.

Breaking into the Imperial Realm does not just mean having enough fairy stones and so on to provide energy. It is more about the cultivation of the realm and the understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth. This is the key to breakthrough.

But now he can't calm down at all in his state of mind, and he can't feel any sense of heaven and earth at all.

Forcibly attacking the gate of the Imperial Realm only made him more and more irritable.

So had to stop.

When he opened his eyes, Yang Yiyun's whole body was filled with anger.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, it's that he really can't find an opportunity to make a breakthrough. This doesn't mean that he can just practice hard.

The first time he looked into the fog, he immediately stood up.

At the moment of Qiankun, I can see that the calamity cloud of the young senior sister has shrunk to eight or nine meters in the large formation. From the huge size of a hundred meters at the beginning, it is now eight or nine meters. It is obvious that the young senior sister's mana has been consumed to the end.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that he could not wait any longer and had to find a way to rush in and rescue the little senior sister, otherwise her life would be in danger.

But he was helpless against the illusionary demon's illusory formation, and he couldn't break through it at all.

But looking at the little senior sister's condition, Yang Yiyun really couldn't wait for a breakthrough.

However, at this moment, the irritability in his heart became more and more intense...

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the sky that seemed to resound throughout the entire universe.


Subconsciously Yang Yiyun raised his head and looked towards the sky.

But I found that the situation above the sky was changing...

It seems that at the end of the sky, deep in the sky, a golden sun appears.

Yes, from Yang Yiyun's perspective, it was a bright and huge sun appearing deep in the sky, and the roaring sound was still there, buzzing loudly.

This sound sounded like some kind of secret spell. It was very strange. It gave Yang Yiyun an illusion. It gave him the feeling that the entire universe was alive, like a living person. Reader Everything in the world is speaking a certain language, but no one can understand it.

This roar from the depths of the universe was not just above Yang Yiyun's head.

At this moment, all the creatures in the entire foreign world looked up at the sky, and they all discovered this brilliant sun. They also heard some kind of voice that penetrated deep into their souls, but they couldn't understand the surrounding narrative...

Even all creatures in the entire fairy world, the three thousand realms of cultivation, and countless small worlds have seen and heard these strange phenomena of heaven and earth at the same time...

The entire Yunei world has changed!

At the same time, the three demon emperors in the illusion formation were also startled by the roar and the bright sun-like scene in the sky. They stopped involuntarily and looked up. This was a vision of heaven and earth that every living being would receive. News~

The calamity cloud formed by Ji Zixia rolled over, slowly shrank and dispersed, and her figure was revealed. At this time, Ji Zixia's eyes were red, but she regained her clarity at this moment.

Ji Zixia glanced at the three demon emperors, but then raised her head to look at the sky, looking at the bright sun scene deep in the sky, with two lines of clear tears left in her eyes for no reason...

Yang Yiyun also looked at the sky, but when the bright sun appeared and he listened to the roar, his irritable heart gradually calmed down, but deep down he felt inexplicably sad, and tears rolled down involuntarily from his eyes.


The second sound sounded again.




There were four consecutive roars deep in the universe, strengthening the first one, no more, no less, exactly five roars, and the scene of five bright golden suns also appeared in the depths of the sky.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun found that the sadness deep in his heart was getting worse, and the tears in his eyes were like rain of pear blossoms, and the paper couldn't stop rolling down.

" the vision of heaven and earth from the source of the Five Elements. It's...someone finally broke the barrier of the fairy world, and the rules of the avenue are complete~"

The shocking words of the God and Demon Bird reached Yang Yiyun's ears.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's body shook, and a roar sounded in his mind, like the sound of breaking glass.

A powerful aura rose from his body, and the energy between heaven and earth gathered from all directions...

He broke through.

At this moment, his cultivation reached the early stage of Immortal Emperor.

As the energy from all directions gathered into the body, and the inner and outer Qiankun skills were running rapidly, Yang Yiyun's cultivation level quickly stabilized at the early stage of the Immortal Emperor.

However, Yang Yiyun trembled all over after hearing the words of the God and Demon Bird.

Thinking back to what the second senior brother said, the old man seemed to have taken a group of powerful men from the immortal world to some place where the secrets of heaven were hidden, just to fight for the welfare of all living things in the world.

I remember that the second senior brother said that after Master and the others accomplish something, the fairy world will enter a chaotic era and the beginning of a prosperous age. The creatures in the fairy world may be able to touch the divine way and peek into the heaven...

The strange phenomena of heaven and earth that appeared now, coupled with the mysterious feelings, made Yang Yiyun think of his master Yun Tianxie for a moment.

At this moment, he had an unprecedented clarity and understanding of the avenues in heaven and earth and in the underworld. There was a feeling that he had always felt that the sky in the fairyland was covered by haze, and it seemed that he would never see a clear sky.

But at that moment, he felt that there was a big hole in the sky of the fairy world, and the sun shone brightly, turning it into a sunny day...

Yang Yiyun looked at the vision of heaven and earth above the horizon, his eyes were filled with tears, and his heart was extremely sad.

It was also at this moment that he thought of his master Yun Tianxie.

Looking at the vision of heaven and earth, Yang Yiyun raised his hand and wiped his tears and said to himself: "Old man, I miss you so much. What did you do? Why am I so sad...

Ah... Master, I miss you, come back... Disciple, I still have many, many things to say to you, you irresponsible old immortal, come back to me... ah... come back... I don't want to lose you... …”

At this moment, Yang Yiyun, who has white hair and has achieved the status of the Immortal Emperor, looks at the sky and roars, tears streaming down his face, and talks to himself...

His cultivation level is constantly improving, from the early stage of Immortal Emperor to the middle stage...

But Yang Yiyun didn't feel the slightest joy about his breakthrough in cultivation. He just looked at the sky and cried into tears.

Because he knows or feels in his heart that the old man has died, and this is where his sadness comes from!

Today's strange phenomena in heaven and earth seem to be inseparable from the dead old man.

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