My Master Is a God

Chapter 2298 The carved image of the White Dragon King

"Dragon Island?"

Yang Yiyun heard the visitors scolding him that it was a Dragon Island. It was quite appropriate when he thought about it. This place was originally the forbidden treasure house of the White Dragon King. It was not surprising that it was called a Dragon Island!

When the other party finished speaking, an old man with white hair and white beard appeared out of thin air in the sight of him and the young senior sister.

This man's whole body has a strong aura, and the demonic aura is soaring to the sky. He doesn't look like any demon clan, but he is definitely a demon clan, and he is a strong man at the demon master level, but I don't know what level he is.

It feels very powerful, but now the little senior sister has also become an immortal, and according to the words of the God and Demon Bird before, the little senior sister's cultivation level is not low.

This demon lord is probably the demon lord sitting in the garden!

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the treasure-hunting sable. My aunt will not make things difficult for you, otherwise I will destroy you."

At this time, the little senior sister was even more impatient than before.

In the eyes of Yang Yiyun, the previous little senior sister always had a playful attitude towards everything, but now it seemed to him that she had lost interest in playing, and she directly threatened the demon king.

However, the young senior sister at this time is indeed qualified to threaten the Demon Lord.

At this time, I heard the old demon king suspended in mid-air, looking down at the two of them and laughing loudly: "Hahaha... What an arrogant little human kid. This is the first time I have encountered a child with such a dirty mouth like you in my thirty thousand years of cultivation. You Do you think you are invincible because you are at the peak of the middle stage of the Immortal Lord? Today I will let you know what the power of the Demon Lord is, and you are still delusional about the Divine Marten. Do you think you have this qualification?"

"Haha, it's just a dead monster. In the eyes of my aunt, I'm just a beast. Come on down here, Bibi!" The young senior sister got mad as she spoke. She suddenly waved her hand and struck the old man with a thick purple lightning bolt.


Yang Yiyun looked like her thunder power could be unleashed from her hands at any time, and she could also attract the thunder from the sky. Anyway, in his eyes, the little senior sister's thunder power was even more terrifying than before.

But when the old demon master in mid-air saw the thunder coming from the young senior sister, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly avoided it, but he said: "Are you from the Ji family?"

"None of your business~" the young senior sister cursed and suddenly flew up into the air, but the sound was already surrounded by thunder and lightning.

At the same time, he said: "Junior brother, leave this old monster to me. If I don't kill him, you can go find Diao'er."

"Okay, senior sister, be careful." Yang Yiyun nodded and responded. He could also see that the young senior sister had the upper hand in the momentum of the old monster in the middle stage of the demon king. Moreover, when the young senior sister thundered out, the old demon recognized the young demon king. The identity and background of the senior sister immediately made her feel fearful.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun knew that this old monster had given up. Once fear arose in his heart, this old monster would be doomed to lose in this battle.

Moreover, the cultivation strength of the young senior sister is at its peak in the middle stage of the Immortal Lord, while the old monster is only in the middle stage of the Demon Lord. Even if there is only a slight difference between these masters, it is a world of difference.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun can rest assured of the young senior sister at this moment. After all, he is only at the peak of the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor and cannot intervene in a battle of this level. Finding Diao'er is the best choice.

He was also worried about Diao Er.

He took the red clothes and flew straight to the mountain in the distance, because on this island there was only a huge glowing mountain in the distance. If Marten existed, there would be a greater chance of landing there.

He had given Diao Er the water of life before, but that was when he was in the lower realm. When he ascended, the immortal body was reshaped, which was a high-level marrow cleansing and hair removal. The restraints and perceptions of the water of life would disappear. , so he can't feel any breath of the Diaoer people now, otherwise it would be easy to find.

At the moment, we can only search one place at a time. Fortunately, the entire Dragon Island is not very big, so it is easy to find.

Yang Yiyun brought red clothes to a mountain that was 100 meters high. After getting closer, he realized that this mountain was indeed a mountain exuding treasure. It had five colors that were really beautiful, but they were emanating from the inside out. , as for the surface of this mountain, it looks like an ordinary spiritual stone mountain.

But obviously, there is definitely more to the mountain that radiates such precious energy than this. Yang Yiyun must have thought that there is another mystery inside this mountain.

There was a movement in my heart, and the Eye of Heaven and Earth started to look around...

The next moment Yang Yiyun smiled. Sure enough, there was a mystery in this mountain.

He saw a stone gate at the foot of the mountain. If he didn't have the Eye of Heaven and Earth to look at it, he really wouldn't have been able to spot it.

Twenty meters after the stone gate, there was still a stone gate, but his eye of heaven and earth was blocked by the hazy colored power on the second stone gate and he could not see through the situation inside.

But it was enough for him. He only found a few and confirmed that the mountain here was empty and had traces of artificial construction.

He has seen the entire situation and geography of Dragon Island before. If Diaoer exists on Dragon Island, it is most likely to be within this mountain.

It is very likely that this body is the real treasure house of the White Dragon King.

And there must be important treasures inside, otherwise those treasures can be radiated from the inside, and it will look like a scene of treasures from a long distance?

"Go in red~"

With a wave of his hand, Yang Yiyun and Hong Yi arrived at the stone gate where the Eye of the Universe was looking.

The two came to the foot of the mountain and saw with the naked eye that it was a completely natural mountain with no door at all, but Yang Yiyun Qiankun's eyes were indeed a stone door.

He thought that this was just the power of a high-level blind illusion formation.

"Red clothes smash~"

Yang Yiyun ordered Hongyi to start smashing.

"Yes, Master."


Hong Yi punched down quickly and swiftly. After the roar, gravel flew and dust flew everywhere.


A big hole appears.

A large hole about ten meters high and four to five meters wide.

"As expected~ Come on, let's go in." Yang Yiyun said and walked directly in.

The entire passage is square and square, and it is obviously a passage dug out the day after tomorrow.

It is very luxurious, with mirror-like bright stones on all sides, exuding a strong fairy spirit and a faint halo, showing colorful colors. As soon as you enter, you feel like you are in a world full of rays of light.

He had seen it before with the Eye of Heaven and Earth. Twenty meters away from the inner gate was the second portal. Where did he want to go to be the real gate into the mountain?

Go in directly with Hongyi...

Sure enough, after walking twenty meters, I saw a gleaming door.

From a distance, Yang Yiyun saw a white dragon carved on the gate. It was vivid. If he hadn't seen it on the gate, Yang Yiyun would have thought it was a real dragon entrenched on the gate.

This dragon has a silver-white body, two horns on its head, and dragon whiskers. Yanran looks like a dragon head, and there are two claws on its abdomen. It is very close to the state of transforming into a dragon.

No need to ask Yang Yiyun to know that this must be the White Dragon King, one of the five giants in the foreign world.

Soon he and Hongyi stood in front of the gate, which was about nine meters high and three meters wide, and stopped three meters away.

When Yang Yiyun thought about the dragon on the gate and looked into its eyes, he felt an unparalleled pressure coming towards his face...


At the same time, a dragon roar resounded in his mind.


Under this pressure and a dragon roar, Yang Yiyun suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. His legs were a little weak, but he almost knelt down.

He quickly closed his eyes, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he felt better.

He hurriedly stepped back more than ten meters, and then he felt that the pressure was dissipated.

His whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said to himself: "Is the peak level of Immortal Master so scary? Just a carved statue makes me vomit blood, and it's just a gate, really How powerful is the White Dragon King?"

"Weak chicken, this is not an ordinary carved statue. If I read it correctly, there is a trace of the demon soul mark of the White Dragon King on it. I'm afraid it will not be easy for you kid to enter this door." At this moment, the gods and demons Bird emerged from the hair on the back of Yang Yiyun's neck and spoke.

"The miscellaneous bird and mink must be inside. Find a way for me and I'll go in," Yang Yiyun said.

"Fortunately, it's just the demon soul mark of the White Flood Dragon King. Although it takes a little effort, you still have a chance to try it~" the God Demon Bird said in a deep voice.

Yang Yiyun looked at the door in front of him and asked the God and Demon Bird: "How to break it, please tell me quickly."

The God Demon Bird said: "Anyway, you kid can't do it. Faced with this kind of situation, Hong Yi should be able to exert great force. Hong Yi is a sub-sage in the flesh, and he is not on the path of the immortal soul. The aura and pressure of the White Dragon King are... Although the demon soul left in the carved statue is powerful, it should not be able to restrain itself against a physical sub-sage like Hong Yi, so let Hong Yi try it first and see how it goes."

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