My Master Is a God

Chapter 2299 The tortured mink

Yang Yiyun heard that the magic bird asked Hong Yi to try it, and he thought it was reliable, because Hong Yi's battle was pure power, without any magic power at all. On the other hand, magic power's attack and oppression had little effect on Hong Yi.

This is appropriate.

Maybe Hong Yi can break this door with one blow.

"Hong Yi, go up and smash it." Yang Yiyun immediately ordered Hong Yi.

"Yes, Master." Hong Yi responded, and the next moment he rushed towards the door like a cannonball, and still raised his fist and punched away.


There was a huge roar, and Hongyi punched the door.

It was also at this moment that the entire door burst into dazzling white light, but in Yang Yiyun's eyes, the inscriptions were brightly lit.

Then Yang Yiyun's pupils shrank, but he shouted: "Red clothes, be careful."

When he saw the statue of the White Dragon King carved on the gate, it suddenly came to life, and at the same time a dragon roared.


The carved dragon on the gate came to life, roaring and rushing towards Hong Yi.

Everything happened very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the dragon hit Hong Yi's body.

However, at the next moment, the scene that Yang Yiyun was worried about did not seem to appear, but he saw Hong Yi punching the dragon, and the dragon suddenly fell into pieces and disappeared.

"Uh~ It's just gone?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but say. He originally felt the demonic power appearing like mountains and seas, but he didn't expect that Hong Yi would resolve it with just one fist.

The Divine Demon Bird chuckled and said: "I have the body of a sub-sage, and my consciousness seems to be much enlightened. It seems simple to throw a punch, but in fact it is simple and direct. There is a saying that one can defeat all methods, and it is talking about the red clothes." Attack, a seemingly simple punch actually contains great power, you weakling should learn from it!"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and ignored the magic bird, but walked forward.

Now that I was within three meters, I looked at the dragon statue on the gate, but it was unremarkable, and there was no longer the oppressive feeling I had before.

"Let's go. The core of this door is a wisp of demon soul from the White Flood Dragon King. Now that the demon soul has been dispersed by Hongyi's punch, it is now an ordinary door. You can go in directly~" the Divine Demon Bird said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said thank you to Hong Yi.

He just said hard work casually, but he didn't expect Hong Yi to say: "This is what I should do."

Yang Yiyun was stunned and glanced at Hong Yi's eyes under the mask. He knew that maybe Hong Yi now had the ability to think independently. In the future, he could not treat Hong Yi as a puppet like before. Now If they are different, they should be treated as normal and equal.

He opened his mouth to say something to Hongyi, but he didn't know how to say it, and it ended up being a single word.

Yang Yiyun came to the door, pushed hard, and a low rumble sounded, but it was just as the magic bird said, the door became an ordinary door, and he pushed it open at once.

But the moment the door opened, dazzling lights of various colors burst out.

Yang Yiyun was shocked, but then relaxed, because the burst of light was not dangerous.

After standing at the door to calm down and get used to the light, he walked into the door.

There are a lot of colors in the sight, and it is a space as big as a basketball court.

The point is that when he saw what was inside, his mouth grew so big that he could no longer close it. Unknowingly, his saliva was flowing out...

It is rumored that the White Dragon King loves to collect all kinds of luminous treasures, and now the whole space is full of...

Colorful, he repeatedly walked into an exhibition hall of rare treasures in the world, from unique fairy weapons, to fairy medicines and fruits, to fairy stones and monster stones, to battle armor and clothes, animal skins and hair, the blood of strange beasts, and plant specimens. , strange stones and treasures, everything you want...

The materials for alchemy and weapon refining, formation materials, puppet spells, etc. are all available. If the top-grade fairy stone he got from Snow Cat is a huge wealth, then I really don’t know what to say about this one. Anyway, he It’s hard to calculate how much these treasures are worth.

Yang Yiyun swallowed, and was really excited. He dared to say that if all the things here were moved away and handed over to Lu Pengbin to build Yunmen, it might be enough.

Anyway, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, there are countless rare treasures here, and they are all really good things.

So heart-pounding...

But this is the treasure house of the White Dragon King. Do you dare to move it?

This is a tangled choice.

When he thought about it, for powerful people like the White Dragon King, maybe he and his junior sister had killed so many big monsters before, maybe the White Dragon King could accept it, because the White Dragon King was completely the top powerful being in the fairy world, what kind of demon emperor was he? The Demon King guessed that they were all ants in his heart and were dispensable.

But if he empties his treasure house, it will be different. It is obvious that the financial accumulation here is a treasure that Bai Jiao Dragon King spent an unknown amount of time to accumulate, and it is also something that Bai Jiao Dragon King likes. Once it is moved, it will When the time came to settle accounts after the fall, Yang Yiyun estimated that the White Dragon King could kill such a large person like him with one slap.

So this is a very difficult choice.

If he empties this treasure house, he believes that the construction cost of his Cloud Gate will definitely be about the same.

But he has to bear the risk of settling accounts with the White Dragon King.

If you don't take it away...

Yang was really unhappy.

Just when he was struggling, the God and Demon Bird suddenly said: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, weak chicken, look over there, it seems to be your mink..."

Yang Yiyun suddenly became excited when he heard the words of the God and Demon Bird.

Yes, he came here to find Diao'er. In his heart, even ten treasure houses like this are not worth one Diao'er.

What's more, he thought clearly in an instant. The culprit who caught Diao'er was the White Dragon King. In this case, he was still struggling~

If the young master wants to empty this place, not a single hair will be left for the White Dragon King. It will be regarded as his punishment for catching Diao'er.

As for whether the White Dragon King's autumn will be settled in the future, that is a matter for the future. We will talk about it then. The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and the car will have a road to the mountain.

Two words - move out!

I'm sorry for Diao'er if I don't empty it out.

The decision was made in an instant in his mind.

I also looked in the direction mentioned by the God and Demon Bird...

However, the next moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes suddenly turned red, and after a while he roared: "White Dragon Wanwo drafts the ancestor~"


Yang Yiyun disappeared from the spot with a swish of movement and appeared directly in the corner.

He immediately recognized it as his mink.

It's just that the Diao'er he saw was chained up by five golden iron chains.

Each limb has one.

The key point is that the iron chains on the limbs penetrate the mink's body. There is a pure white collar around the neck, and the fifth chain is tied to the collar.

At this time, Diao'er was trapped on an altar covered with runes. On the edge of the altar were five small towers nine meters high, arranged in five rows. The roots of the five iron chains were on the small towers. Diao'er's head was hanging down. With.


Yang Yiyun shouted, his whole body trembling.

His heart bleeds. Mao'er was the first one with him and the one he loved the most. He had doted on Mao'er since he came back to Earth. He loved him like a child. Yang Yiyun didn't treat his children as well as Mao'er. Pampered.

He was never willing to scold Diaoer...

When Diao'er and Hou Doudou made mistakes when he was young, even though he knew it was Diao'er, he always dealt with Hou Doudou. When he went to the Shanhai Realm, and again in the Cultivation Realm, he still targeted Diao'er.

I never thought that one day Diaoer would be tortured like this.

Yang Yiyun shouted, his eyes turned red.

However, Diao'er didn't respond after shouting.

On the small altar with a diameter of three meters and a height of one meter, Diao'er looked like a prisoner who had fainted from torture, shouting and not responding.

As Yang Yiyun spoke, he stepped towards the altar.


But he didn't expect that when one of his feet touched the edge of the altar, there were huge inscriptions on the entire altar, but a huge demonic power suddenly burst out and directly hit him, and he accidentally flew out.


Immediately he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The energy and blood in his body were surging with force, and his whole body was numb for a moment, as if he had been struck by thunder. Yang Yiyun didn't even get up for a while.

"Hoo...ho ho..."

At this moment, miserable screams sounded.

When Yang Yiyun looked around, he saw that the small body of the mink on the altar had grown in size, from the size of a cat to the size of an adult native dog, with all the hair on his body standing upside down.

I saw the five chains on Diao'er's body flashing with lightning, and the inscriptions were transmitted to Diao'er's body.

"Xiangxiang..." Yang Yiyun roared angrily, the magic power in his body exploded, the numbness in his body disappeared, and he stood up and rushed over.

But at this time, the God and Demon Bird shouted to stop him.

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