My Master Is a God

Chapter 2303 The Golden-armored Black Tortoise of the Savage Beast

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Diao'er was finally rescued, and Yang Yiyun's use of the Qiankun Pot had reached a new level. The power of devouring could indeed be fully used.

With this heaven-defying devouring power, he can confidently fight against any opponent!

Looking at Diao Er, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and another drop of water of life appeared, asking Diao Er to take it. In fact, he knew that the injuries on Diao Er's body were not serious. After the previous drop of water of life, the wound that pierced Diao Er's limbs The wound has basically healed, so giving the second drop is purely a psychological effect, just to make Mink recover faster.

In the final analysis, the White Dragon King was trapping Diao'er, but it was not fatal. Therefore, after two drops of water of life, Diao'er's injury could be recovered without any problem. What really hurt Diao'er was the psychological damage. It cannot be restored with the water of life. It must be recovered slowly in the future.

He also breathed a big sigh of relief, and then communicated with Diao'er about how he was captured by the White Dragon King, and whether there is any news about Little Phoenix and others...

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun realized that the situation of Diaoer's ascension was similar to that of Hou Doudou. It was just bad luck that Diaoer encountered the White Dragon King in the foreign world and was immediately captured by the White Dragon King. After that, Diaoer controlled Diaoer. He hunted for treasures everywhere, and according to Diao'er, he found a small half of the treasures here for the White Dragon King.

It's a pity that Diaoer didn't know anything about the little phoenix. It flew very early but was caught very early and was trapped by the White Dragon King and never left...

After understanding, Yang Yiyun held Diao'er and looked at the treasures in the entire space. At this moment, he waved his hands without hesitation and collected all the treasures into the space of the Qiankun Pot, leaving not a single hair to the White Dragon King.

A few minutes later, all the treasures were gone. Yang Yiyun moved the Qiankun Pot and looked around. Only the altar platform where Diaoer was trapped was left. Yang Yiyun became angry just looking at it, and struck the altar with a strange palm. , completely smash him to relieve his anger.


With one palm, the altar was shattered into pieces.

But a scene that Yang Yiyun didn't expect appeared. He originally thought it was an altar for trapped mink. After the energy was absorbed by the Qiankun Pot, it had no effect. He thought about a palm plan, completely in the heart of relieving his anger.

But who would have thought that with this palm move, the whole space suddenly rumbled and shook, like the earth was shaking, and then a prehistoric aura that was so powerful that it made his heart palpitate also erupted, and the source was actually in him Below the altar.

This surprised Yang Yiyun. It seemed that there was another mystery beneath the altar. Judging from the aura emitted, it seemed as if some ancient beast was about to appear.

The magic bird shouted: "What have you done, weakling? Don't stand there. This place is about to collapse. You are waiting to be buried alive~"

Yang Yiyun was excited when he heard the words of the God and Demon Bird. After reacting, he hurriedly called for Hong Yi to hold Diao'er and run out of the cave.

Hongyi was bounced back a few times by the power of the altar before, and seemed to have been injured a little, but now it seemed that nothing was wrong, except that the armor on his body had cracks. Yang Yiyun thought about going back and refining it for Hongyi. Battle armor.

Soon Yang Yiyun and Hong Yi ran out of the cave.

But at this moment, the entire floating island was actually shaking, very violently. He jumped up and took off into the air. He glanced into the distance and saw that his senior sister was also suspended in the air. There were many large pits below her, and there were also There were dozens of corpses of demon cultivators. I think senior sister killed the old demon cultivator. As for the other demon cultivators who may have appeared later, they were all killed by senior sister.

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun saw the large pit that was struck by thunder on the ground below the little senior sister. It was about three meters deep, but it revealed some kind of veins. The golden veins were shining, and the little senior sister was He was frowning at the lines exposed in the pit.

Yang Yiyun and Hongyi flew over: "Senior sister..."

"Junior brother, have you found it?" Ji Zixia just woke up from a dream and saw Diao'er in Yang Yiyun's arms.

"Well, we found it. Are you okay?" Yang Yiyun asked her.

"It's okay. After I killed that demon emperor, dozens more demon emperors came after me, and they were all killed by me. However, this floating island seems a little weird. Let's leave first. I always feel that there is some powerful existence. It's like being born out of the world. After the earth was bombarded, those lines were exposed. Under three meters of soil, there was some kind of skeleton, which was not soil or rock. It was very strange..." Ji Zixia said.

"Rumble..." The vibrations like a big earthquake are still continuing and getting bigger and bigger. Now it seems that the entire floating island is shaking.

"Junior brother, let's go quickly, I always feel like something is going to happen~" Ji Zixia said something.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

The two of them didn't have time to say anything, so they quickly thought about flying off the island.


At this moment, an earth-shattering roar sounded, and the entire floating island was shaken. When Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia looked back, they saw that the entire mountain had collapsed. Yang Yiyun was not surprised at this, because the entire mountain was empty. Collapse is inevitable under such a severe earthquake.

The two looked at each other and quickly flew out of the island with Hongyi, Miner and, of course, the God and Demon Bird.

But at this moment, the entire space was filled with clouds and fog, and for a while they couldn't find the entrance through which they came in.


The earthquake behind them was earth-shattering, but thousands of golden lights rose up. The thick clouds and mist could not cover up the golden light at all. At this moment, the two of them looked at each other with their mouths wide open.

The entire floating island was seen suspended in mid-air, but the island looked like a cracked shell, with thick rocks falling downwards.

It didn't take long to see a piece of gold exposed inside. From a distance, it looked like a golden egg wrapped in a layer of soil had fallen off its shell, revealing its original appearance.

"It's a pity that there are so many fairy medicine treasure trees up there~ But senior sister seems to have a good treasure about to be born, right?" Yang Yiyun looked at it and said with some expectation.

"Junior brother, I think we are in big trouble now. We still care about treasures~" Ji Zixia said with a bit of bitterness.

"What's the trouble?" Yang Yiyun was a little dazed.

"Take a closer look at what this floating island is?" Ji Zixia said.

Hearing what his senior sister said, Yang Yiyun also felt that something was wrong. He looked carefully. The next moment, as the soil on the suspended island continued to fall off, the golden area was gradually revealed. He saw... what he saw was a huge golden turtle.

Suddenly his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide and he said: "It's such a big turtle..."

"It's not a turtle, but a golden-armored black turtle, the fourth-ranked existence among wild beasts. I didn't expect that there is a golden-armored black turtle hidden here. How did this thing appear here? The legendary wild beasts have long since disappeared... ...Now it seems that the theory that tortoise-shell beasts have eternal lifespan and can avoid catastrophes is true. This golden-armored black turtle must have fallen into a deep sleep. I am afraid it has been sleeping for several generations, but why did it happen to be this one? When did you wake up? Junior brother, did you do anything after entering that mountain?" Ji Zixia finally asked.

"I didn't..." Yang Yiyung was about to say nothing but did nothing, but as he spoke, he remembered that he broke the altar, and then the whole cave began to earthquake. Until now, thinking about it now, it seems that he broke it. The altar was broken, causing the golden-armored black turtle to wake up.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt a little embarrassed and said, "Senior sister, I broke an altar in the cave, but that altar was the altar of Sleepy Diao'er. It shouldn't have anything to do with this golden-armored black turtle, right?"

Ji Zixia said speechlessly: "Junior brother, the lack of preservation is still a problem with the altar. When the ancient ferocious ferocious beasts wake up, they may burst into pieces in the blink of an eye, devouring and plundering the living creatures around them. There are records in ancient books of golden-armored black turtles. , Devouring the sky and eating the earth, the land is often thousands of miles away.

The altar you mentioned may be the altar where someone suppressed the Golden Armored Black Turtle to prevent it from waking up. Once you broke it, the beast woke up. Now it's fine. The surrounding space is in chaos, and the portal when you came in has disappeared. It would be difficult for me to activate spatial positioning and escape. Right now, I just hope that this ferocious beast will not make things difficult for us, otherwise I won’t even be able to do anything..."

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