My Master Is a God

Chapter 2304 Kunpeng is about to be born

After Yang Yiyun listened to the little senior sister's words, he immediately smiled bitterly and said: "Senior sister...does that mean I got into trouble?"

"Haha~ What do you think?" Ji Zixia sneered.

Yang Yiyun was very embarrassed. Indeed, if he hadn't smashed the altar when he left at the end, maybe this golden-armored black turtle wouldn't have been able to get out.

But it's too late now, the golden-armored black turtle has woken up from its slumber.

Yang Yiyun smiled awkwardly and asked: "Sister, this big guy won't make things difficult for us, right? To put it this way, I released it, otherwise it would still be suppressed here, wouldn't it?"

"You also said... who can suppress such a wild beast? This golden-armored black turtle can only be suppressed by someone on the altar to assist sleep when it is sleeping. Who can really suppress it?

Also, after this kind of ferocious beast wakes up from sleep, it will definitely look for food. As long as there are living things within a radius of a hundred meters, it will be within its prey range. There is no need to say that it is difficult. After all, it is a wild ferocious beast. Maybe it has some wisdom. But in its eyes, we are nothing at all. The nature of ferocious beasts is natural selection. It will not care about the cause and effect if it eats us. So, junior brother, go ahead now. I hope that as you said, it will not be in trouble. We..." Ji Zixia was full of bitterness.


At this moment, a dragon roar sounded earth-shaking, and just a roar made Ji Zixia and Yang Yiyun uneasy.

The next moment, two beams shot straight at them.

Yang Yiyun uttered a curse word: "Rub~"

She and Ji Zixia hurriedly avoided, but they gasped.

These two golden streaks were just erupted from the golden-armored black turtle when he opened his eyes.

Although Kuai Se dodged it, the two golden lights pierced the clouds wherever they passed, making the space unstable and turbulent.

"Sister, we seem to have been targeted, what should we do?" Yang Yiyun swallowed and asked.

"Cold salad~" Ji Zixia rolled her eyes, and then said: "Let's act according to the situation, but there is no need to be too nervous. Although this ferocious beast Su is powerful, it is slow. We just need to avoid him. And this is a small space. Since it When we wake up, we will definitely not stay here, we will definitely break this space, and then we can escape."

Hearing the senior sister's words, Yang Yiyun could only nod. At this time, he could only act according to the situation. He did not expect to break an altar and release such a ferocious beast.

At this moment, both of them were hiding deep in the clouds, hoping to use the clouds to avoid the golden-armored black turtle.

But then he saw the black turtle roaring and raising a paw to slap the two of them.

"Hide quickly~"

Yang Yiyun's expression changed. He immediately took Diao'er and the God and Demon Bird into the space of the Qiankun Pot, leaving only Hong Yi beside him. Seeing that he was being targeted by this ferocious beast, if a battle could not be avoided, Hong Yi stayed behind. There are still people around who can help.

The golden-armored black turtle's claw slapped over, which could be said to be earth-shattering. The emphasis was on its size, and its speed was not slow. In an instant, clouds and mist rolled over the sky and the earth changed color.

With the coercion full of wild aura, the surrounding world seemed to be locked in an instant. He originally retreated quickly, but he did not expect that the wild aura coming from all directions was locked directly, and he could not escape quickly. It is as deep as a ton of weight, can move the body, but can be as slow as a turtle.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hong Yi and the young senior sister. The two of them were also in the same situation. They all seemed to be suppressed by this force.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the pressure from the black turtle.

There is no way to escape from the black turtle's claws that are blocking out the sky and the sun, so now we can only do our best to defend and keep an eye on him.

"Junior brother, we can't escape, we need to defend ourselves."

It was almost as if he and the young senior sister had a spiritual connection, and the two wanted to go together.


Yang Yiyun responded and motioned to Hongyi to take action together, otherwise the consequences for the three of them would be unpredictable if the black turtle's claws came down.

He clearly felt that there was also hostility in the power that was full of wild aura. This was a rhythm that was directly fatal.

Yang Yiyun cursed the black turtle in his heart. At this moment, his heart moved. The two swords of Dragon Slaying and Coiling Dragon exploded to their maximum strength and he directly rose up with the sword, aiming at the giant claw of the black turtle above their heads.

At the same time, golden light shone all over his body, but he circulated Qi and activated the Dharma Appearance Golden Body. In an instant, a thousand-foot-tall Dharma Appearance Golden Body appeared under the flash of golden light all over his body.

All available means must be used at this moment to resist the giant claws of the Black Turtle.

"Rumble... click, click, click..."

The little senior sister transformed into a huge calamity cloud with a radius of 100 meters and rose into the sky, with purple-black lightning flashing inside. In Yang Yiyun's feeling, the power of the little senior sister's thunder was dozens of times higher than before, and he suddenly felt relieved. According to the With such an explosion, they should be able to withstand the black turtle's claws, right?

As for Hongyi, he jumped up and rushed towards the giant claw of the black turtle.

What surprised Yang Yiyun was that under the power of the Black Turtle's claw, he and his junior sister felt the pressure of the sky, and their speed was suppressed to a slow speed. But at this moment, when they saw the red clothes rising into the sky, they were... Not affected at all, just go straight up.

This surprised Yang Yiyun. The ability of Ya Sheng's physical body might be more powerful than he imagined.

The three of them exploded with all their strength at the same time.

At this time, Yang Yiyun thought in his heart, should he be able to withstand the black turtle's claw now, right?

But often the illusion is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them attacked Yu Xuangui and collided directly with their claws.

"Boom boom boom..."

The thunderous roar resounded throughout the space.

In just such a moment, it can be described as a world shattering.

Yang Yiyun's golden body was shattered directly. Shocked by the unparalleled power, he spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell down. However, he did not fall to the ground in this space as he imagined. In other words, there was no ground in this space at all. The state of materialization of clouds and mist.

Normally, he would have fallen on the clouds, but now he didn't. The bottom was empty, and his body landed directly.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something was wrong, but the surrounding space was filled with cracks and was about to collapse.

This space directly collapsed.

Then he saw the three big trees before coming in, and now he understood that the garden space they were in collapsed directly and they had reached the outside world.

At the same time, he also saw the misfortune of the young senior sister dissipate, and he saw blood on the corner of her mouth and her body falling.

The same was true for Hong Yi, and his two swords were immediately knocked back and flew back into his body.

With just the power of one claw, the three of them's full defense collapsed under the black turtle's claw.


Super powerful...

Yang Yiyun was filled with shock.


At this moment, his body landed directly on the ground.

In other words, after the space collapsed, he all appeared in reality.

This garden space collapsed in the air, causing the three of them to fall directly into the forest of the City Lord's Mansion.

In the roar, the forest covering dozens of miles also disappeared.

The scary thing is that the golden-armored black turtle also appeared. Its huge mountain-like body was still suspended in the air. The posture when it was photographed with one claw did not change, and it still photographed the three of them.

At this time, the three of them have landed deep in the earth. If this was filmed directly, Yang Yiyun would feel like a meat pie.

However, at this moment, the little senior sister suddenly let out a loud roar and roared: "God's thunder breaks the sky~"

"Boom... click~"

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked out of the corner of his eyes, and saw a black and shiny lightning beam rising from the whole body of the senior sister, soaring into the sky, heading straight for the giant claw of the black turtle, and struck the giant claw of the black turtle with a bang.


The sound of dragon roar echoed throughout the foreign world.

This time, the little senior sister's black thunder turned into attention and resisted the black turtle's giant claws from falling.

In fact, the grasp was just a few meters above their heads at this moment. If it hadn't been for the blow from the little senior sister, they would have fallen down long ago.

But the point is that Yang Yiyun saw that the young senior sister was trembling all over her body at this moment. It seemed that she could only barely block it even if she used the secret thunder method.

"Junior brother, let's go quickly, I can't hold you back for long~"

The little senior sister's yell came to his ears, telling him to leave quickly.

Yang Yiyun came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and suddenly flew up and directly touched the black turtle's giant claw, but he said loudly to the young senior sister: "Senior sister, I will not leave until we die together."

As he spoke, he stretched out his left hand and directly activated the Qiankun Pot and roared: "Swallow it..."

He wondered whether he should let the Qiankun Pot swallow the black turtle directly.

In an instant, the Qiankun Pot shook and released a devouring force.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed that it really worked and was saved...

However, before he could be happy, the next moment he saw the golden veins on the black turtle's giant claws brightening up, and then the swallowing of the Qiankun Pot actually lost its effect.

"How could this happen?" Yang Yiyun was shocked.

There is no doubt that the golden veins on the black turtle's body actually blocked the Qiankun Pot from swallowing it.

Now he is completely scared. He originally thought that the swallowing power of the Qiankun Pot is invincible, but now it seems that it is not the case. When encountering wild and ferocious things like the golden-armored black turtle, the Qiankun Pot will sometimes be isolated and swallowed.

Everything in the world is indeed interdependent and interdependent.

Of course, the most important thing is that he knows that this black turtle is too powerful, and it is simply not a creature that can appear at the level of the fairy world.

what to do?

Senior sister can't hold on for long...

"Swallow me..." Yang Yiyun yelled again.

But there was no response.

"Ah~ hurry...go..."

Just then, a muffled voice from the young senior sister came to her ears. She couldn't hold on much longer.

How to do how to do……

Yang Yiyun felt like an ant on a hot pot.


But at this moment, the Qiankun Pot on his left arm suddenly buzzed, and the purple-gold halo flashed, but Xuexiang's voice came in his mind: "Yunzi Kunpeng is born, release it quickly..."

Yang Yiyun and the Qiankun Pot space were connected. When he heard Xuexiang talking, his heart moved and he saw the Kunpeng egg in the Qiankun Pot bursting with colorful light at this moment. There were cracks on the eggshell, and it seemed that it was about to break out.

And he clearly felt a breath that made his heart palpitate permeate the Qiankun Pot space. This breath was ancient and thick, and seemed to be a bit more powerful than the golden-armored black turtle in front of him.

Immediately, with a thought in his heart, he summoned the Kunpeng Egg from the space of the Qiankun Pot.

At this moment, he had a strong intuition that if Kunpeng was born, he might be able to deal with this golden-armored black turtle...

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