My Master Is a God

Chapter 2305 Eating the Black Turtle

Yang Yiyun thinks it is his good luck that Kunpeng was born at this time~

Anyway, he summoned the Kunpeng Egg with a thought in his heart.

In just such a moment, the colorful light exploded, and the extremely powerful and majestic aura exploded with a roar.

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt that the pressure from the golden-armored black turtle disappeared.

He knew that he was being held back by Kunpeng Dan's aura.

Sure enough, looking at it at this moment, the broken Kunpeng egg exploded with colorful light and floated out of thin air under the giant claws of the golden-armored black turtle.

Yang Yiyun didn't have time to think about anything. He only knew that the three of them could escape, and he quickly said to Senior Sister and Hongyi: "Senior Sister, Hongyi, let's withdraw~"

In an instant, the three of them flew out from under the black turtle's giant claws and were hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.


Ji Zixia gasped for air, her face extremely pale. Yang Yiyun supported her and asked: "Sister, how are you?"

"'s not serious, just collapse..." Ji Zixia gasped, and then asked: "What ultimate move did you use? What is that thing?"

"It's Kunpeng egg~" Yang Yiyun said casually.

"Oh~" Ji Zixia nodded subconsciously to show that she knew, but then she was shaken and asked loudly: "It's...what?"

"The Kunpeng egg~ seems to be about to burst out now~" Yang Yiyun stared forward and spoke.

"What...Kunpeng? Real Kunpeng and fake Kunpeng?" Ji Zixia now understood clearly and screamed.

"Haha, Senior Sister, this thing is still true or false, it should be real." Yang Yiyun looked at Senior Sister, and he could understand Senior Sister's surprise.

After all, it is the king of kings who is known as the king of the beasts in the universe - Kunpeng!

His understanding of Kun and Peng comes from "Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou". It is recorded that there is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. I don't know how many thousands of miles it has on its back. It flies away in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.

Of course, this is a record of earth civilization. Whether it is true or not, there are kings of mythical beasts such as Kunpeng in this universe. It can also be seen from the side that in the ancient earth era, there must have been practitioners, and there are even rumors about the origin of myths in the ancestral world. There is.

According to the records of Xiaoyaoyou, Kunpeng is a giant fish named Kun when it is in the water. When it leaves the water, it transforms into a Peng. It can be transformed into a peng. Its back alone can cover thousands of miles, and its body is so big that it has no boundaries...

There is also the theory that Kun left the water and turned into a roc. He had a heated debate with the God and Demon Bird on this point. He believed that the roc was the legendary roc, but at that time, the mixed-haired bird sneered at him as a fool and a weakling.

According to Zamao Bird, this roc is not the roc he mentioned.

Because the Zamao Bird said that Kunpeng eats the pure air of the Nine Heavens, and its wings are ninety thousand miles away. It is beyond the Nine Heavens of the Three Realms. It is the true king of divine beasts in the universe. How can it be compared to the Dapeng Bird? The room cannot be shuffled. Yang Yiyun thought about it later and it made sense.

Of course, no one has ever seen whether Kunpeng is like the one in the legend and what he looks like. However, now that the Kunpeng egg has cracked and the real Kunpeng is about to be born, he can be seen as a charming person for a time.

Yang Yiyun is also full of expectations for this. He is about to use a mount that is number one in the world. He can already imagine reaching the top of his life from now on.

People often say that a person must have the ambition of Kunpeng. Li Bai's poem about Kunpeng is also something Yang likes: The Dapeng rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles.

Whether it is the earth, the world of cultivation or even the fairy world, there are countless stories about Kunpeng. All in all, it must be seen that it is an auspicious beast.

How could Yang be excited to have such a super beast as his mount?

The surprise of the senior sister was expected, and he didn't say anything to the senior sister because he didn't know much about Kunpeng either. Although the Kunpeng egg had been in his hands for many years, it was just an egg when it came out. It existed consciously but had little communication. .

It was Xuexiang who took care of the Kunpeng egg. In the final analysis, he deceived Xuexiang into refining the Kunpeng egg to reveal its owner. Of course, he also wanted to save Xuexiang, because Xuexiang was Kunpeng's companion. If not He, the day Kunpeng was born, was the day Xuexiang fell.

Kunpeng was born because he would suck up the blood of Xuexiang essence. Fortunately, this problem was solved that year. Over the years, it was not in vain that he used the water of life and channeled mana to Kunpeng every now and then.

But having said that, this guy is indeed perverted enough. He has absorbed an unknown amount of water of life and mana, and it is like a bottomless pit.

But the nine inscriptions on Kunpeng's egg are also extremely powerful and have helped him many times, especially playing a key role in suppressing the demon consciousness in Luoyang.

These are just nine inscriptions on the eggshell. Yang Yiyun can hardly imagine how powerful the real Kunpeng will be if he is born?

He was looking forward to it.

In a blink of an eye, he and his senior sister looked at each other. At this moment, the egg was no longer visible at the Kunpeng egg. Instead, a colorful halo burst out with thousands of rays of light.

In the distance, I could see the huge claws of the black turtle slapping on a huge colorful world, but I never took the photo.


At a certain moment, the black turtle let out a long roar, but its huge claws suddenly rebounded. At the same time, a colorful light beam of more than ten meters shot into the sky from where the Kunpeng egg was, and with a bang, it went straight up to the sky. Deep down, it seemed as if a big hole had opened up in the sky, and it even rushed straight into the depths of the Starry Sky Sea.

Then a sharp sound with unparalleled oppression sounded: "Hum..."

This sound is very strange to my ears, it seems like the roar of a dragon or the roar of a tiger or a lion...

Anyway, Yang Yiyun seemed to hear the roar of all the birds and beasts in the world.

There is no doubt that this is Kunpeng's cry.

Then there was thunder in the sky.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw that the nine heavens were covered with colorful auspicious clouds, and the sound of thunder all day long seemed more like the sound of some kind of fairy sound.


Thunder thundered all day long, and auspicious clouds rolled in the sky, covering tens of thousands of miles away.

Kunpeng was born, and there were strange phenomena in the world.

It was also at this time that Yang Yiyun saw the golden-armored black turtle and started to turn around and run away...

But at this moment, strong winds rose in the field. As Kunpeng roared, the colorful ball where the Kunpeng egg was located exploded in size and quickly spread to the surrounding areas.

"Junior brother, please retreat~"

Ji Zixia's expression changed and she called Yang Yiyun to fly up and retreat several thousand meters into the air.

Yang Yiyun and Hong Yi followed closely and retreated...

The three of them went up to the sky and retreated for thousands of meters, but the colorful halo followed closely behind them. They had no choice but to continue retreating and did not stop until they were 10,000 meters away, because the diameter of the colorful light reached nearly nine thousand meters. .

At this moment, the three of them were suspended above the sky, clearly seeing the distance.

Go see the Golden Armored Black Turtle's true body after you take off the mountain, which is a thousand meters away.

But the colorful light at this moment, or the explosion of Kunpeng eggs, was terrifying. In their sight, the colorful light formed a shape with a length of more than nine thousand meters, a diameter of three thousand meters, and nearly nine thousand meters on the left and right sides. Like a big bird spreading its wings, if you compare it with the golden-armored black turtle, the golden-armored black turtle now turns into a small turtle.

Yang Yiyun swallowed and said to himself: "Isn't this the same body shape as Kunpeng?"

Although according to the record in Xiaoyaoyou, Kunpeng was huge and had a body of tens of thousands of miles, but that was just a legendary record after all. The colorful outline formed in front of him was nearly 10,000 meters long. This was the largest body he had ever seen since he started practicing Taoism. ?

There is no doubt that it must be Kunpeng's body.

It is close to the ground and suspended, echoing the colorful halo and thunder above the nine heavens, and its momentum is unparalleled.

Immediately afterwards, thunder roared in the sky, and the powerful force crashed down directly towards the colorful outline of Kunpeng's body.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but worriedly asked the young senior sister next to him: "Is it possible that senior sister Kunpeng will have to survive the tribulation after she is born?"

Ji Zixia's eyes were bright and she shook her head and said: "There are very few records about the King of Kings, only various mythical stories. I don't know if he is going to overcome the tribulation, but it looks like he is going through the tribulation, or it is the way of heaven. To kill it, we naturally don’t want the existence of heaven-defying beings to appear under the law of heaven. Kunpeng is definitely a heaven-defying existence, so it is also possible to kill it with thunder, right?”

After Ji Zixia finished speaking, she realized that Yang Yiyun's face was ugly. Only then did she realize that Kunpeng belonged to my junior brother. She quickly added: "Junior brother, I'm just making a random guess. I can't take it seriously. The rumored Kunpeng is Even the power of thunder can't do anything to these transcendent creatures, so you don't have to worry~"

Yang Yiyun nodded and stared at the field. In fact, he had already agreed with what the young senior sister said. After all, heaven does not allow the existence of creatures that defy nature. This is a fact. Just like every monk who wants to overcome the tribulation, it is against heaven. , the thunder calamity descended from heaven and destroyed them.

This is true for cultivating immortality, let alone Kunpeng?

He was worried, but couldn't stop it, and watched helplessly as the thunder from the nine heavens landed on the colorful light.

At this moment, he actually couldn't see Kunpeng's body, he could only see the outline formed by the colorful light. Anyway, he knew that Kunpeng's egg was broken and Kunpeng was born.

In the worry, the thunder thundered down, but there was no scene where the colorful outlines were scattered and disappeared as imagined. On the contrary, what made Yang Yiyun happy was that these ten thousand thunders falling from the sky were more like a kind of nutrient energy, which suddenly made the colorful lights shine. More gorgeous and petrified.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun saw the colorful halo disappear, but he saw the true body of Kunpeng revealed.


A long roar sounded again, and then in a somewhat blurry state where the details of Kunpeng's body could not be clearly seen, the thunder circled the halo again. At this moment, Kunpeng moved, and while swimming, he was swept away by the person who turned around and ran away. The body of the golden-armored black turtle is surrounded by bursts of colorful halo and thunder...

In just an instant, the thunder and colorful halo dissipated, and calm returned to the sky...

Kunpeng in the field finally became clear, and the golden-armored black turtle disappeared.

At this moment, Kunpeng's body is shrinking rapidly...

"Eat... eat eat eat... eat the black turtle?" Ji Zixia's eyes widened and she stammered.

"It should be so. Senior sister, let's go down and take a look. I feel that everything is over. Now Kunpeng is truly born. Its body is shrinking. It seems that some kind of talent that Kunpeng was born just now is manifested..." Yang Yiyun said.

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