My Master Is a God

Chapter 2306 Have you recognized the reality now?

Regarding the scene that just happened, not to mention the shock of the young senior sister, even Yang Yiyun, the master of Kunpeng, was feeling overwhelmed inside.

Just like that, the golden-armored black turtle that was so powerful that he and his senior sister despaired just now was gone~

There was no doubt that it was swallowed up by Kunpeng.

The scary thing is that they didn't see clearly what happened to the golden-armored black turtle.

Anyway, I knew he must have been swallowed by Kunpeng.

The two of them ducked away, with Hongyi following behind them, and they were in the middle of the field in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the field was still filled with dust, making it difficult to see clearly.

But Kunpeng's body will definitely shrink.

The outline of nearly 10,000 meters that appeared under the previous colorful halo was only an appearance. What was certain was that it had wings, but it was impossible to see what Kunpeng's body looked like.

Now that the vision of heaven and earth and the colorful light have disappeared, coupled with the vague scene before, Yang Yiyun now thinks that Kunpeng should have his true appearance after shrinking.

But I don’t know what Kunpeng is really like?

With anticipation, Yang Yiyun and his junior sister walked into the fog. He could sense the existence of Kunpeng. After all, when he was in the Kunpeng egg, he had already shed his blood to recognize the master and became the master of Kunpeng.

Even if Kunpeng is born now, the connection between him and Kunpeng still exists.

Walking into the flying dust, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up at a certain moment: "I found it~"

As he walked away quickly, he saw a faint colorful halo of light flickering on the ground.

Step by step, he saw in his sight a very small snake-like body.

But his perception was certain that this little thing was Kunpeng.

Yang Yiyun stared at it carefully in astonishment. At first glance, this thing really looked like a snake.

However, when he crouched down and looked behind him, he saw something different. It was one foot long and about the thickness of a thumb. It was covered in colorful scales, and there were faint inscriptions all over its body.

The head looks like a dragon's head, but it is different from a dragon. A dragon has two horns, but this thing has a colorful single horn on its head. There are dragon whiskers at the corners of its mouth, and colorful feathers on its neck. It's evil. She is good-looking, her eyes are big and round like those of a cow, but the pupils are colorful, making her look more spiritual and mysterious.

Unlike Tebi, there are two pairs of wings on its back. The first pair of wings is made of colorful feathers and looks very textured.

The second pair of bathing pools were completely transparent, and their appearance looked a bit like scaly wings on a fish. Yang Yiyun's eyes saw that there were very fine inscriptions densely packed on them. When he stared at them, he was surprised. Feeling dizzy.

Secondly, the tail has a flame-like shape. It has feathers that are thicker than any other part of the body. It looks a bit like a flame.

On the abdomen is a pair of claws covered with scales, similar to those of birds.

This is all Yang Yiyun saw.

"Are you Kunpeng?" Yang Yiyun stretched out his palm as he spoke...

"Of course it's me, you weakling~"

Yang Yiyun thought that these beasts of heaven and earth could naturally speak human words, but he didn't expect that the conversation when they first met was like this?

Weak chicken?

At this moment, Yang Yiyun wanted to strangle the devil bird to death. There was no doubt that Kunpeng's words of weakling must have come from the mouth of the miscellaneous bird.

I remember that there was a time when he locked up the Zaimao Bird in the Qiankun Pot space. It was inevitable that this guy would not go to Kunpeng Dan to chat. He kept saying that he was a weakling, which became a common refrain.

Now it's better, the newly born Kunpeng was spoiled.

Yang Yiyun's face was covered with black lines, but Kunpeng didn't notice it and swam into Yang Yiyun's palm.

" this Kunpeng?"

At this time, the little senior sister came over and looked at the little Kunpeng in Yang Yiyun's palm with wide eyes, her eyebrows twinkling, and with a curious look on her face, she was about to reach out and touch it while speaking.

But Kunpeng dodged as soon as his body moved, and said in an old-fashioned voice like an eighty-nine-year-old boy: "Alas, little girl, don't touch me. I have a majestic Kunpeng golden body. Gold is very precious. You are among the female figures." Sir, please don’t use your hands or feet, otherwise I will be rude~"

When Ji Zixia heard what Kunpeng said, she was stunned for a moment, then she said angrily: "Oh, let me go, you, a little loach, actually call your aunt a little girl? My aunt still insists on touching you today..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Zixia moved away as fast as lightning, only catching Kun.

But at this moment, Kunpeng's colorful halo flashed around Yang Yiyun's arm. Ji Zixia couldn't catch it at all, let alone catch it, even touch it.

I just heard Kunpeng roar angrily: "You little girl, you are a liar. I, Kunpeng, have been around for several epochs. You are a person who has been practicing for less than 20,000 years. Even calling you a little girl makes me proud. Also, I'm warning you not to call me You are a little loach, otherwise I will eat you in one bite."

"What's wrong with calling you a little loach? It's only been a few epochs since you were just an egg that broke out of a cocoon, and you're just paying homage to the Taoist throne in front of my aunt. I think you're tired of living. My junior brother can't touch you. , of course my aunt touched me too, I see my aunt grabbed you and used you as a belt today..."

Ji Zixia got angry and grabbed Kunpeng with her ghostly hands, but no matter what methods she used, she couldn't even touch Kunpeng.

"Little girl, stop moving. If you move, I will get angry and eat you. And... why are you standing here, you weakling? Tell this crazy girl to stop, otherwise I will eat you too. "At this moment, Kunpeng spoke in a babyish voice, but his words were full of rebelliousness and boundless pride.

Yang Yiyun heard the conversation between his senior sister and Kunpeng, and watched Kunpeng move around his body in flashes. In fact, he was very shocked, because he clearly felt that Kunpeng's movement caused spatial fluctuations, but it was very, very big. It's vague. If he wasn't the master of Kunpeng and had clear senses, others would just think it was Kunpeng's speed.


At this moment, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, and with a movement in his heart, he had already pinched Kunpeng in his hand.

"Wow, wow, wow... you weakling... you, you, you... what are you doing? Let me go, let go..."

The next moment, Kunpeng was held in the palm of Yang Yiyun's hand and struggled, screaming, but he couldn't break free from Yang Yiyun's hand.

"Senior sister, please be patient and wait for me for a moment." Yang Yiyun smiled at Ji Zixia who looked angry.

At this time, Ji Zixia also listened, because Yang Yiyun held Kunpeng in his hand, which made her feel happy.

Now that she calmed down, she actually felt shocked in her heart. This little loach was Kunpeng after all!

Thinking about how this little thing actually swallowed the Wild Black Turtle before, the strange scene in the sky, the huge size, and the speed at which she couldn't catch it even though she tried her best to catch it, Ji Zixia was also a little scared. This is not true. Loach is Kunpeng, the king of mythical beasts that transcends the three realms, nine heavens and five elements.


so what?

Wasn't he being pinched by his junior brother at this moment?

Thinking of this, Ji Zixia stood aside and watched with a smile.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and stared at Kunpeng struggling in his hands and said slowly: "First of all, let me explain it. Although you are Kunpeng, I, Yang Yiyun, am your Kunpeng's master. You should know this by now. Do you feel it?"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he paused and continued: "If you don't feel it, I will let you feel it. What is a master and what is a servant?"

After saying this, Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and he immediately activated the mark planted in Kunpeng's soul through the blood sacrifice.

The next moment, Kunpeng screamed like a pig: "Ah... hum..."

Just like that, Kunpeng, who was tumbling in his hands, went limp.

Only then did Yang Yiyun stop and said with a smile: "Have you recognized the reality now?"

Kunpeng's whole body was trembling, and he weakly said: "Get it, get it~" but he nodded repeatedly. The mark from the soul just activated Kunpeng clearly felt that as long as Yang Yiyun exerted more force, he would be wiped out.

In fact, Kunpeng, the master of the soul mark contract, has long known about it, but the arrogance of being the number one divine beast in the universe still exists, radiating from his bones, and he cannot be tolerated to bow to Yang Yiyun.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun was also lucky. He used blood refining when Kunpeng was still in the egg and became the master of Kunpeng. Otherwise, when Kunpeng was born, he would not even think about being able to subdue a Kunpeng divine beast.

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