My Master Is a God

Chapter 2311 High-profile return to Chaos Fairyland

Loach's speed is truly invincible, taking Yang Yiyun and the others out of the foreign world in the blink of an eye.

This time there was no stopping, and he went directly through the boundary wall because the loach spread its transparent scaly wings.

Yang Yiyun asked before. There are two pairs of wings on the back of the loach. One pair of feather wings is pure speed, and the second pair of scale wings is the space wing. If the two pairs of wings are opened at the same time, it is a sky-shattering existence.

And it is obvious that as Loach continues to grow, his speed will become faster and faster.

Yang Yiyun sat on the loach's head and teased it for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in the depths of the starry sea in the fairy world. The loach's huge body did not continue to fly, but was suspended.

"Is Yunzi okay?" Ji Zixia stepped forward and asked.



Hou Doudou and Diao'er also came over, only Hongyi stood quietly and didn't move.

Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath and said, "It's okay. How are you all?"

"Everyone is fine~" Ji Zixia replied.

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was injured this time, the overall effect was good, especially when he faced more than 20 demon kings, he took the risk to activate the power of the Qiankun Temple and took a gamble on himself. For the first time, he could withstand the backlash of the power of the Qiankun Temple.

It turned out that he was right, and he succeeded.

Although there was a backlash, it was not as fatal as the previous two times. He withstood the backlash this time on his own. Although it took a lot of trouble, he succeeded. After some adjustments at the level, his physical condition recovered. .

And a surprise was that he felt that his physical body seemed to be a little stronger.

He found that every time he was counterattacked by the power of the Qiankun Temple, his physical body would reach a higher level, as if he was becoming more and more immune.

This discovery made Yang Yiyun very happy.

This discovery let him know that the chances of using the power of the Qiankun Temple would increase in the future, or it would make him suffer less.

Although he resisted the backlash this time, he could only say that he was barely able to do so. The pain involved was insignificant. If possible, Yang Yiyun would rather bleed than use the power of the Qiankun Temple.

Because it's too painful.

He knew that the power of the Temple of Heaven and Earth should not be used lightly, but could only be used as a means to save life. He decided that he would never use the power of the Temple of Heaven and Earth easily unless he had a narrow escape. It was really terrible. Once used, the consequences would come from both inside and outside the body. The pain of backlash.

Only he himself knows the pain and what a terrible journey it is.

But in general, this time it was over. Thinking about it, he used the power of the Qiankun Temple to kill more than twenty demon kings at once. This method is probably the only one in the entire fairy world.

Although those Demon Lords are all ordinary Demon Lords, the one with the highest cultivation level is the middle stage Demon Lord, but don't forget that he is the middle stage Immortal Emperor. Such achievements are unprecedented, right?

This shows how mysterious and terrifying the Qiankun Pot is!

I really don’t know what the origin of the Qiankun Pot is, and the power in it can be so abnormal.

Putting away his sighs, Yang Yiyun asked this time: "Senior sister, we should be in the fairy world now, right?"

"Well, we are still far away from the Chaotic Immortal Realm. Thirty years have passed since you meditated once. Fortunately, you are fine. By the way, junior brother, I am going to go back to the Nine Heavens. Regarding the news about the master, maybe Master Tianji If you can deduce a thing or two, why don't you go to the Nine Heavens with me first?" Ji Zixia said.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He didn't expect that thirty years would pass by just one recuperation this time. His training years are really worthless~

Immediately after hearing that Senior Sister was going to Jiuchongtian, he thought for a while and said: "Senior sister, let's go in two ways. You go back to Jiuchongtian to find Master Tianji to verify the news about the master. I still return to Chaos Fairyland to find the old man. Willow asks for confirmation, two private rooms~

With the appearance of this vision of heaven and earth, I can feel that the entire fairy world has got rid of some kind of shackles. Under such circumstances, there will be more and more ascended creatures in the lower realm. I am worried that those people from Yunmen in my lower realm will ascend and come. , this matter is very important to me, so I won’t go back to Jiuchongtian for the time being. How about you go back and explain to your mistress, and when I finish handling the affairs of Yunmen, how about coming to Jiuchongtian to pay my respects? "

"That's fine, then, you go back to the Chaotic Immortal Realm, while I return to the Nine Heavens, I also have to go back to my family. I'll wait for you in the Nine Heavens." Ji Zixia said.


After that, Ji Zixia left directly and returned to Jiuchongtian.

And Yang Yiyun pointed the direction of the Chaotic Immortal Realm to Loach, and in a few breaths he had reached the Chaotic Immortal Realm and appeared above the Yunmen Base.

"Let the loach get smaller~"

Yang Yiyun and Hou Doudou, the red-clothed mink, got off the loach's back and said something to the loach.

There was nothing he could avoid. When he entered the Chaotic Immortal Realm, he deliberately made the loach fly at a slower speed, and passed through most of the chaotic Immortal Realm to reach the Central Cloud Gate Base, just so that all the creatures in the Chaotic Immortal Realm would look at him. Show of strength.

The appearance of Ni Loach is no longer a secret. It cannot be concealed. I believe that the news about him causing trouble in the White Flood Dragon City Lord's Mansion in the foreign world and the news of Ni Loach's birth will soon spread throughout the fairy world.

As for Loach’s identity as Kunpeng, if someone is interested in investigating, he will definitely not be able to hide it. Just be generous and show your strength~

Nowadays, although he is not a big boss, he definitely cannot be touched by anyone. In addition, with the existence of the Cloud Gate Base and the existence of the senior brothers, sisters and wives behind him, there are not many people who come back to provoke him without opening their eyes.

If you really dare to come, I'll beat you up with every word.

Now he has the strength and confidence.

Although Loach's huge body is only one-tenth of the size he can grow, it is still an absolute behemoth. Indeed, when it passed through the Chaos Fairy Realm, it moved many creatures and forces in the Chaos Fairy Realm.

But Loach, that was Kunpeng, and the aura it exuded made many creatures shrink back.

Some powerful beings are secretly eyeing Loach, but they don’t know the origin of such powerful beings that suddenly appeared?

What do you want to do when you come to Chaos Fairyland?

He stared all the way but stopped when he entered the Yunmen base in the center of the Chaos Fairyland.

Regarding the matter of the Cloud Gate Base, it is no longer a big secret in the Chaos Fairy Realm. Many forces know it. The Cloud Gate Base is established in the central area of ​​the Chaos Fairy Realm. It is a place that no force or race can control. Where is it? The natural formation exists, and the black faces came out back then, not to mention that no one dared to care about Yunmen's affairs.

They are all full of curiosity about Yunmen.

At this moment, they observed that this giant creature with no clear origin actually stopped behind Cloud Gate, and the creatures observing in secret were shocked.

I saw a few people descending from the back of this huge beast with a strong aura, and the leader was a white-haired young man. Due to familiar circumstances, he immediately recognized Yang Yiyun, who seemed to be the owner of Yunmen.

This time it was a blast.

Everyone has known Yang Yiyun from the affairs of the four major families such as Dongfang Family and Dugu Family in Chaotic Fairy City. Later, they learned that Yang Yiyun was going to establish Yunmen and establish a sect in the center of Chaotic Fairyland. Although they were surprised, they were not shocked. situation.

But now when he saw Yang Yiyun getting off the back of the behemoth, he immediately went crazy.

What does this mean?

It shows that this behemoth is Yang Yiyun's mount, which really shocked the Chaos Immortal Realm's overt and covert strength, and started to define Yang Yiyun again.

At the same time, people inside Yunmen, including Dongfang Haotian, Dongfang Tieren, Jing Can, Lu Pengbin and others, immediately discovered that a huge creature appeared outside Yunmen, and they almost died of fright.

Among them, Dongfang Haotian said to himself that the aura of this big guy was so powerful that it was comparable to a senior existence, and he couldn't even deal with it.

These words caused chaos in the entire Yunmen. If a big guy at the senior level attacks, I wonder if the formation can withstand it?

The construction of Yunmen has entered a critical period. Although Yang Yiyun has left, it has been relatively stable in recent years. If it is attacked by such a powerful entity at this time, all the previous construction will be destroyed.

Just when everyone was worried, they discovered that Yang Yiyun's figure appeared the next moment and got off this giant head...

At this moment, Dongfang Haotian and others all breathed a sigh of relief, cheered and walked out of the formation to greet them.

Unexpectedly, this behemoth is actually Yang Yiyun's mount. This scene is really shocking.

By the time Dongfang Haotian and others came out, Yang Yiyun had turned the loach into a small loach and wrapped it around his wrist.

In the words of Loach, he still needs time to digest after swallowing the golden-armored black turtle...




A cheerful greeting rang out.

It sounded very warm to Yang Yiyun's ears. He enjoyed the atmosphere very much. Of course, it didn't mean that someone was trying to flatter him by calling him "lord", but in his ears it was a greeting like a big family, like a wanderer returning home. He likes being at home because of the warmth of family care.

"came back……"

"I've met Grandpa Dongfang~"

Yang Yiyun first saluted Dongfang Haotian. Since the old man moved his family to the Yunmen base, he has completely regarded himself as a member of the Yunmen. After he left, it was the titled Immortal Emperor who took care of him, which made him feel at ease.

"Okay, okay, just come back, just come back." Dongfang Haotian was very happy because he saw that Yang Yiyun had become the Immortal Emperor, but his attitude towards him remained unchanged. The words "Grandpa Dongfang" made Dongfang Haotian feel warm in his heart. .

After saying hello, Yang Yiyun asked one by one...

Anyway, nothing was left behind. He solemnly thanked Jing Can and Lu Pengbin for their hard work. He knew that Jing Can was managing finances and he was worried about it. Lu Pengbin was the chief designer of Yunmen and had an overview of the overall construction...

After chatting, it turned out that as he expected, the one hundred and eight palaces outside Yunmen were about to be completed, but their finances had been cut off and they had stopped recently. Jing Can had a headache about this because Yang Yiyun gave her All the funds for the Immortal Stones have been exhausted, and the construction of Yunmen is simply a bottomless pit. There are hundreds of thousands of top-grade Immortal Stones, and not even a single peripheral is enough.

For this reason, Jing Can and Lu Pengbin often quarreled. One was only responsible for construction and design, which was all of high standards, and burned a lot of money. The other managed finance, but burned a lot of money, which made Jing Can unbearable...

Quarrels are inevitable.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun laughed and saw more than a hundred stored fairy rings in his hand. They were all the treasures of the White Dragon King. He was half empty and filled with more than a hundred stored fairy rings.

After he left some of the elixirs he used, etc., he handed them all to Jing Can and said, "These should be enough for us to spend on construction inside and outside Yunmen. You can count them yourself. I don't know how much they are worth~"

After saying that he was right, Lu Pengbin smiled and said: "Old Lu is not bad at finances. He spends his money hard. I just want Yunmen to be the first in the fairy world. If I can't do it, I will blame you, haha~"

"I promise to live up to the trust of the sect master..." Lu Pengbin also laughed. As long as he has sufficient finances, he can burn as much as he wants and build the best sect building in the immortal world. How can he not be happy if his dream can be realized? .

After greeting everyone, Yang Yiyun turned around and went directly to the forbidden mountain peak. He now wanted to go to Lao Liushu to ask about his master. This was the top priority for him right now.

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