My Master Is a God

Chapter 2312 A narrow escape from death under heaven

Jump up to the top where the old willow tree is.

After being away for decades, when Yang Yiyun came back, the place had changed drastically.

Of course, this place has changed a lot. In his mind, what has changed is the old willow tree. As for the flowers and plants on the top of the mountain, it is secondary.

When he left, the old willow tree lost three willow leaves to save him, but in order to repay him, he poured the water of life into the old willow tree...

But one problem is that the water of life also has a restrictive effect on the old willow tree. In fact, Yang Yiyun never thought of this at the beginning, and the old willow tree immediately felt the restriction of the water of life on her, but the other way around. The water of life had a great effect on her, and six leaf buds sprouted at once.

He saw this with his own eyes when Yang Yiyun left.

When I left, Lao Liushu was asleep and in retreat, but overall the changes were not big, but now, after decades, there have been big changes.

What Yang Yiyun saw at this moment was an old willow tree with no more than nine branches growing on it, and the leaves on it were full of leaves. It was a real scene of dead trees blooming in spring.

Yang Yiyun wondered if it was the effect of his water of life?

But think about it, it shouldn’t be so powerful, right?

I’ll find out later by asking Old Willow~

This is the forbidden area of ​​​​Yunmen Base, and Yang Yiyun clearly ordered that no one come up.

At this moment, as soon as he came up, the willow branches of the old willow tree made a rustling sound.

Then he said: "Little brother, you are here~"

"I've met senior~" Even though his water of life had restricted the old willow tree, Yang Yiyun still didn't dare to show off in front of this old pervert and bowed politely.

The old willow tree could tease him, but he did not dare to tease the old willow tree.

Now he is also at the peak level of the Immortal Emperor in the middle stage, but he still can't feel the depth of the old willow tree in front of it.

This old pervert is still so unfathomable in his perception, and his breath feels like an abyss.

This made Yang Yiyun even more afraid to have any thoughts about this old pervert. The water of life could indeed restrain any demon clan, but Yang Yiyun had no confidence in the old willow tree.

If this old pervert is offended, it will definitely not be pleasant to pull out a willow branch.

"That's right. After decades of being out, you have reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor in the middle stage. It seems that you are also a beneficiary~" Old Liushu said with a hint.

These words struck a chord in Yang Yiyun's ears, and he immediately thought of the visions of heaven and earth.

Then he asked: "Senior, I have a question, please clarify it~"

If anyone knew about Shinto matters, or the vision of heaven and earth that day, Yang Yiyun probably only knew the old willow tree in front of him.

"You kid, you want to know about the visions of heaven and earth and your master Yun Tianxie, right?" Old Willow said in a prophetic voice.

This shocked Yang Yiyun all over, and said to himself: "Sure enough, this old pervert is not simple, he already knew it~"

He nodded and said: "Exactly, please ask senior to clarify my doubts."

The old willow tree's whole body flashed with rays of light and said: "Speaking of it, I can recover to the point where I am now. In addition to the water drops that your boy gave me before he left, it is also due to the contribution of your master. I didn't expect that they really did it, but it was not easy. It is also worthy of respect. From now on, the cultivating beings in all the worlds below the heaven will remember their contribution~"

After speaking, Old Liushu paused and continued: "You should know something about your master, right?"

Yang Yiyun nodded: "I know a little bit from my second senior brother, but not much. Senior, please tell me clearly, master is still alive now?"

Yang Yiyun's voice trembled when he asked the last question.

Just listen to Old Liushu saying slowly: "Forget it, let me tell you about it today. What your master has done is actually what the powerful people in the immortal world have been working hard to do in every era.

I... come from the heaven, which is what you call the God Realm. It is the highest place in the three realms and the world that all living things in the world pursue. If there is a focus for cultivation in this world, then the heaven or the God Realm is end.

But... after the great catastrophe of the last era, some fusion occurred in the heaven. As a result, the native creatures of the heaven launched a devastating siege and expelling the ascended creatures of the lower realm.

I won’t go into details about the process. It’s useless and inappropriate for you to know. I’ll just tell you the result. The result is that in that great catastrophe, the natives of the God Realm won a great victory and almost wiped out the Ascension clan. Many of the Ascension clan died. Those who are dead and scattered, those who have the means and strength, have passed the secret method or been reincarnated into the lower realm, or have paid a huge price to save their lives in the lower realm...

Just like me, haha, although I escaped from the dead end of the lower world and survived, I was still semi-crippled, my cultivation level was greatly damaged, and I had to rebuild it at the beginning, but it was so easy to rebuild it...

The final result became what it is now... After that, the aborigines of the God Realm completely blocked the road from the Immortal Realm to the God Realm, blinding the way of heaven, resulting in the rules and laws of the lower realm of heaven, etc. Indeed, no one can anymore. Cultivation of immortals breaks through to the level of Immortal Lord.

It is equivalent to cutting off the way for the creatures in the lower world to ascend. Of course, even so, the aboriginal people in the divine world are still worried and have cultivated lackeys in the fairy world, such as the forces of the three great gods in your mouth, who will unify and dominate the fairy world. Promote that the immortal world is the end of cultivation, and do not want anyone to seek the ultimate in the immortal world, break the rules and ascend to a higher level of the divine world..."

When Lao Liushu said this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt: "Why do the aboriginal people of the God Realm want to kill all the Ascension Clan? Don't let the creatures from the lower world go to the God Realm?"

"Haha, you asked this question well. There are many reasons for it, but I can only tell you one thing, and this one is also the most important one, that is, the Ascension clan has superior talents and more room for improvement than the natives of the God Realm. Therefore, the aborigines of the God Realm feel threatened. They always think arrogantly that the aborigines of the God Realm are the noblest race of gods, and they are number one in the world. They are very, very proud.

But this pride was broken by the Ascension clan. As time went by, the number of the Ascension clan increased, and their cultivation surpassed that of the aboriginal people of the God Realm. Resources and other aspects were in short supply. At this time, the aboriginal people of the God Realm and the The balance of peaceful coexistence between the Ascension clan finally broke down, which was one of the reasons why the indigenous people suppressed the Ascension clan.

The fighting lasted for an entire era and did not end. The natives of the God Realm increasingly felt the threat of the Ascendants, but they were still unable to destroy all the Ascended tribes. Until one day, the natives of the God Realm found an ally. But they were seeking skin from a tiger. In the end, they united and the era-long war ended.

The Ascended Ones were almost driven out and killed, sealing the high-level Heavenly Dao, preventing any Ascending Ones from appearing in the lower world, and completely extinct. However, the Ascending Ones were extremely talented, and naturally there were truly powerful people. At the last moment of the war, one of the Ascending Ones The peerless strong man used his victorious cultivation to forcibly create a path between the God Realm and the Heaven Realm at the cost of his own life.

This is a great road that a peerless strong man gave his life to the creatures in the lower world. It is the only road leading to the God Realm. The road is left behind, but it is still blocked by the natives of the God Realm, and they train lackeys in the Fairy Realm. Declaring that the immortal world is the end of cultivation, he does not want anyone to go to the divine world.

This road is called the 'Road to Heaven.' The entrance to this end of the fairy world is called the Place of Obscuration of Heaven and Earth, and is guarded by three major forces, that is, the three great deities in the fairy world.

Although the road to heaven is blocked and guarded, there is no shortage of geniuses in any era, such as your master Yun Tianxie. In every era, there are strong men in the immortal world who have reached the peak of their cultivation and sensed or escaped from the divine world. The creatures who came down learned about the suppression of the lower realm by the natives of the God Realm, and also learned about the road to heaven.

There will be people who go to the Road to Heaven, but for many eras, no one has really passed through the God Realm on the Road to Heaven. Most of them were either killed by the three great gods, or even if they climbed to the Road to Heaven, they would never go to the God Realm. of people beheaded.

This was a dead end. Until tens of thousands of years ago, probably one hundred thousand years ago, the God Realm did not know what happened, and it actually lost contact with the three major Tianzun forces. This resulted in the three major Tianzun forces being unable to survive for a long time. There is a disciple who ascends to the God Realm 2.

Therefore, the three major forces also began to reflect on the road to heaven. More than 30,000 years ago, your master Yun Tianxie was born and united the three great deities with many strong men in the immortal world to reach heaven together. However, they did not expect that the last three great deities would regret it. , but in the end, you tricked your master, causing him to fall.

Of course, it seems that he has not fallen now, but has just practiced again. This time, your master came back even stronger. He directly beat the three great gods, but did not kill them, because I know that the way to heaven is to break the blindness of heaven, and it still takes three people. The Great Heavenly Lord helped, so your master spared their lives...

Five thousand years ago, your master once again united with the powerful people in the immortal world who had reached the peak of the pyramid, whether they were human race or demon race, etc., and once again ascended the road to heaven...

The appearance of the vision of heaven and earth decades ago proved that your master and the others were successful this time. In the vision of heaven and earth, five scenes of golden light like the sun appeared, representing the five avenues of heaven. Therefore, your master and the others successfully opened the door. Heavenly Road, after this, the shackles of the lower world road will disappear, and the cultivation of all things will be more enlightened and clear.

It also indicates that the creatures in the fairy world have a chance to stabilize the divine world, but your master and the others are..." The old willow tree stopped here, with respect and regret in his words.

This shocked Yang Yiyun and asked hurriedly: "What happened to my master and the others? Please tell me quickly~"

The old willow tree sighed: "Hey, actually I don't know. The road to heaven leads to the world of gods. I am also a broken body now. It is not a period of complete victory at all. I can't see through the road to heaven and I can't feel it. What happened, we can only know that the passage between the immortal world and magical powers was finally opened by your master and the others.

But what their fate is, I can only feel that it is very miserable, but one day you can rest assured. I have deduced a secret of heaven. Your master and theirs have a secret of nine deaths. Although it is dangerous, in the end, the way of heaven is not perfect, it is missing one. This one is a narrow escape, and he should still be alive, but maybe... not in the fairy world~"

"Not in the fairy world? Did he go to the divine world?" Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this conclusion of a narrow escape.

He also believed that it was impossible for the old man to die.

The old willow tree said: "Not necessarily. It is possible that they have gone to the God Realm, or they may be somewhere on the road to heaven, or they may be in other places. But they cannot die. They have done something that benefits all living things in the lower world. For big things, God is ruthless but also has feelings. After all, with such great merit, they should have a chance of survival."

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