My Master Is a God

Chapter 2313 Someone ascended from Yunmen in the lower realm

Yang Yiyun truly believed what Lao Liushu said. According to what Lao Liushu said, Master and the others should be alive, but he didn't know the situation now, and he didn't know what state they were in.

That's good news.

Today, Old Liushu's words revealed the secrets of the God Realm. He also learned that even the top powerful men in the Immortal Realm did not unite with the old man to go to the heaven.

In this way, he emptied the White Dragon King's treasures and made trouble in the White Dragon King's mansion, so he no longer has to worry about the White Dragon King's revenge.

Where the top experts like Fairy went, where they are, and whether they can come back are two questions.

In short, the fairy world, as the second senior brother said, will enter troubled times and a prosperous age. It will be a great era where geniuses and heroes emerge in large numbers.

All this should be as what Old Liushu said. All living beings below the immortal world should be grateful to his master Yun Tianxie. This is indeed a great merit, so he also believes that the old man will have a chance of survival.

He will also go to the Road to Heaven one day to find the old man. Of course, what is the situation there? Although Yang Yiyun has never been there, he can guess that the Road to Heaven is not easy to walk.

If you don't have peerless cultivation strength, you may die if you go there.

It’s good that the old man and others can break through the shackles of the sword. As for the road to heaven that leads directly to the God Realm, he also believes it, but passing it does not mean that he can really step into the God Realm. You know the aborigines of the God Realm that Old Liushu said, who can guarantee that they will not Will they be waiting on the other side of the God Realm?

Immortal vs. God?

Can't even think about it.

Regarding this matter, Yang Yiyun knew that it was beyond his control for the time being. As for the old man's matter, he would wait until he went to Jiuchongtian to see what the result of Master Tianji's calculation would be.

I think the result is similar to what Old Willow said.

Putting this matter aside for now, Yang Yiyun can only learn some information about the divine world from Lao Liushu, but it is also a good thing for him, because he practices Shinto.

He had always known that he was practicing Shinto, but he didn't know much about the so-called God Realm or Heaven Realm. Today, Lao Liushu revealed a lot of information to him.

Just take this opportunity to find out more.

According to what Lao Liushu said, in the God Realm, the aborigines and the ascended people are two different factions. At the beginning, everyone lived together peacefully. However, as time went by, after the talents of the ascended family were revealed, there was a faint... It's going to overwhelm the natives of the God Realm.

This caused the natives of the God Realm, who were born with a sense of superiority, to lose this superiority and feel threatened by their status and resources, so they began to suppress the Ascended Ones.

But the Ascended Ones were naturally not soft persimmons. The war lasted for an entire era, and even the natives of the God Realm did not suppress the Ascending Ones in a real sense.

In the end, the natives of the God Realm seemed to have found some powerful ally race, and in this way they suppressed the Ascended Ones.

The Ascended Ones suffered heavy casualties, but according to Old Willow, the natives of the God Realm were seeking skin from a tiger and playing with fire.

Sooner or later, you will regret it and suffer a big loss.

Of course, Yang Yiyun only understood these things. He was more interested in the strong man that Old Liushu said. It was this peerless strong man who left the hope of ascending to heaven for the Ascended Ones.

Although I have never seen it, I can imagine the demeanor of that peerless strong man from the words of Old Liushu.

I thought to myself that I regretted not having seen such a peerless strong man.

Yang Yiyun also has a faint expectation for the divine world...

The conversation with Old Willow opened the door to another grand world for him.

But for him right now, these are still too far away.

After thinking for a while, he asked Old Liushu: "Senior, are you also a member of the ascendant clan of the God Realm?"

Old Willow said: "Nonsense, if I were not an ascended person, how could I tell you this, and how could I end up in such a situation today? I am just me, the crow next to you, and the guy named Luoyang who was next to you last time The consciousness in the female doll's body can be regarded as a member of the ascendant clan of the God Realm, and they are all those who have escaped the great catastrophe and rebuilt the lower realm. In fact, there are many existences in the lower realm, but some can recover, and some may never recover... …”

Yang Yiyun heard Old Liushu mentioning Luoyang, and immediately knew that Old Liushu was talking about the consciousness of the demon god in Luoyang. Now a doubt appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help but interrupt Old Liushu and said: "Is the senior demon god also a clan of ascendants? "

Old Liushu chuckled and said: "Demon gods are naturally cultivating creatures. The demons you know are not what you think. The demons just have different cultivation factions, but after the lower world, they formed an opposition with you because of their different cultivations.

But having said that, the practice method of the demons is indeed somewhat unique and weird. It is adopted by many cultivation systems. The demons are their own sect. This is also true in the divine world. However, after the divine realm, all methods will return to the original clan. In fact, They are all the same, the difference is that they are more distinct in the fairy world.

Demons are called demons in the God Realm. They are the same as other creatures in the God Realm. They are just divided into evil ones. After all, most of the demons are formed by cultivating creatures. There are people who practice the demonic way, demons who practice the demonic way, and some who practice the demonic way. It is divided into flesh and blood, but it is really hard to say how to trace the origin of the demon clan. No one can tell how the origin of the demon clan and the formation and spread of the demonic power came from.

But one thing is that most of the demons are cultivating beings, which is normal. They just have different Taoism and philosophy. What is really dark in the divine world is the existence of alliances with the aborigines. No one knows what kind of race they are. That is evil. , and there are the aboriginal people who are very hostile to the ascended people, so be careful in the future. "

Yang Yiyun nodded after listening, now he understood a little bit.

The two asked and answered questions and talked a lot this time.

From talking about things in the heaven to the lower world, and from Shinto to immortality, Yang Yiyun also asked many questions about cultivation, and Lao Liushu was able to answer them one by one, which benefited Yang Yiyun a lot and gave him ideas for the future direction of cultivation.

Finally, Yang Yiyun asked about the power of space. According to what the young senior sister said, after reaching the level of Immortal Emperor, you can cultivate the power of space to open the space passage. If you have the power of space, you can reach the distance.

Old Willow's answer to this question is two words: "Enlightenment~"

"Enlightenment? How to understand?" Yang Yiyun didn't know why. Enlightenment was always there, but he didn't have a real concept.

In this regard, Lao Liushu said: "Back to the issue of the vision of heaven and earth, your master and the others broke the shackles of the great road. Five golden suns appeared in the vision of heaven and earth. They are actually the five original rules of the great road. If you couldn't understand it before, it doesn't mean that Not now.

There are five origin rules of the avenue, including space, darkness, light, life and death. This is the foundation of the avenue. This is the understanding of the rules above power. In the past, few creatures in the lower world could understand it. Some geniuses may be able to, but it is not comprehensive. , now it is possible. As for how to realize it, you need to realize it yourself. The Tao cannot be explained, and the Tao cannot be explained. In short, it is up to you.

There is the power of space under the rules of space. How to understand and use it depends on your own destiny. Another way is to use the power of space to open the space channel. It relies on the power of the soul. The fusion of the power of the soul and the rules of space is space. You can reach the door wherever you want. Of course, you must have a strong soul and magic power to support it, otherwise you won't be able to go far.

The rules and power of the world require one's own experience, understanding, and study. There is no cultivation track, no shortcut, and you can only rely on yourself. There are infinite mysteries in it, and it can also form powerful supernatural powers. Regarding the powerful people in the world with supernatural powers, Whether you have the rest of your life depends on your destiny. Under the rules is power. The five rules are everything. If you understand it thoroughly, you can achieve the divine way. "

Old Liushu said a lot. Yang Yiyun didn't understand much this time, but he also knew that he couldn't be hasty.

The two ended their conversation and he needed to digest it.

Finally, when Yang Yiyun proposed to help Lao Liushu enter the power of Shinto, Lao Liushu laughed and said: "It won't be necessary in the future. The original rules of the Tao have appeared. Sister, I rely on myself to recover. It just takes time. If you have the will, I can help you." How about giving me a drop of water for my sister?”

Yang Yiyun was stunned, grinned and said: "Of course you can~"

He wanted what he wanted. It would save him a lot of trouble in the future without giving Old Willow the power to enter the Shinto. He asked for the water of life. Hehe, he did not hesitate. As long as Old Willow asked for it, Yang Yiyun would give it because he knew the role of the water of life.

There is no guarantee that one day he and Lao Liushu will be completely tied together because of the water of life.

With a flick of his finger, a drop of water of life flew into the trunk of the old willow tree. Suddenly, the old willow tree burst into a colorful halo and entered the state of absorption cultivation.

Yang Yiyun then flew down from the top of the mountain.

This conversation with Old Willow was more like a sermon, and he benefited a lot.

But a hundred years passed unknowingly.

It is really a preaching from gods, and time flies like an arrow.

Before you know it, a hundred years have passed.

After he flew down, Jing Can came over immediately and said anxiously: "Yunzi, you have finally come down from the mountain. Your second senior brother has sent people to wait for you for several months. He said that someone from Yunmen in the lower world finally ascended. …”

Yang Yiyun was shocked: "Take me there quickly~"

The two came to the temporary hall built by Yunmen. On the way to Yunmen, Yang Yi heard Jing Can say that he was the person who forged the Immortal Alliance from the Ascension Pond.

After entering, I saw an immortal who was in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor. He looked middle-aged and had an immortal spirit.

As soon as Yang Yiyun entered, the other party saluted directly and said: "Master Yang, I am Xia Gujian. I have been ordered to guard the Ascension Pool in the name of Lord Xingchen, looking for those who have ascended from the lower realm Yunmen. For hundreds of years, people from the lower realm have been ascending to the Immortal Ascension Pool. came, but there was no news about Yunmen, but finally three months ago, I found some of the women in the portraits, but on the day of my ascension, they were picked up by people from the Yaochi Immortal Realm. I told them that I was from Yunmen in the Immortal Realm. But they didn’t believe it at all and went directly to the Yaochi Immortal Realm..."

Yang Yiyun frowned and said: "Show me the images of that day~ Also, what kind of power do you call the Yaochi Immortal Realm?"

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