My Master Is a God

Chapter 2314 Going to see the snow cat

The immortal who claimed to be the ancient sword waved his hand and his magic power suddenly condensed into a picture.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's expression became excited. He saw Zhao Nan, Dugu Wuqing, Lin Huan, Ning Ke, Yuan Jinfeng, Xuanyuan Lingxi, Ye Wuxin, Yuan Zheng, Lou Haitang, Ouyang Yuqing, Shang Wuqing, etc. in the picture. , all their own women.

But there were no sisters Wu Moqiu, Qiao Fu, Bu Qingmei, and Lu Xuexi. They were all considered ghost cultivators, so it was understandable that they did not ascend together.

In addition, others such as Liu Xiqi and his sister, Hu Xian'er, Li Dayi, Zhan Qingren, several children and others from Yunmen were missing.

Yang Yiyun was excited and worried when he saw several of his women, but he also guessed that the people from the Cloud Gate in the lower realm should have ascended in batches, and it was impossible for them all to ascend at once.

He was relieved to see a few women this time. After so many years, there was finally news.

But he was more worried, because in the picture condensed by the ancient sword, he saw that several of his women were indeed following a group of people.

These people must be the people from the Yaochi Immortal Realm that Gu Jian said. The current situation is unknown. I still don’t know why the Yaochi Immortal Realm and several of my women got together because of it?

Why leave with those people?

It's hard to say whether they are friends or foes.

Anyway, in the picture, several of his women followed the people in white clothes and gold trim. This wave of people seemed to be both men and women. Gu Jian said that these people were from the Yaochi Immortal Realm.

After reading it, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said, "Tell me what is going on in this Yaochi Fairyland?"

Things have happened. Yang Yiyun knows that it is useless to be anxious now. After understanding the situation, he will make a decision. He must get his woman back anyway.

If we find them, we can know the situation of the other people in Yunmen. Have they all ascended?

Or maybe there are still people left in the lower realm, Cloud Gate.

According to Gu Jian, he also stated that his identity was related to his own. He reported his name, but several women did not recognize him at all and followed the people from Yaochi Immortal Realm.

This made Yang Yiyun somewhat gratified. This could only mean that several women were cautious and did not follow someone who reported his name. They were still very vigilant.

Of course it was his fault. He had originally asked his second senior brother to help keep an eye on the people in the lower realm of Yunmen, but he had forgotten to leave any tokens. No wonder a few women didn't believe him.

The only thing he is worried about now is what is the situation of this person from Yaochi Immortal Realm, will it embarrass them?

I don’t know why a few women left with the people from Yaochi Immortal Realm?

These questions can only be known after meeting them.

In addition, since Yaochi Immortal Realm knows that the place has a name, it should not be evil. Moreover, the word "Yaochi" is famous in Chinese mythology on earth. I think if a few of his women left with the people of Yaochi Immortal Realm, I'm afraid Yes, there are reasons for this.

Of course, it's just a guess on his part now.

It is still unknown whether the real Yaochi Fairyland is related to the Yaochi in earth mythology.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun first had to understand what was going on in the Yaochi Immortal Realm.

After asking about the situation of the Yaochi Immortal Territory, Gu Jian said: "The Yaochi Immortal Territory is an ancient force in the immortal world, and its power appears to be second only to the forces of the three great gods in the immortal world.

The domain master of the Yaochi Immortal Domain is called the Yaochi Immortal. He is the sixth-ranked Immortal in the Immortal Realm of the Immortal World. He is a veteran and great titled Immortal and one of the top superpowers in the Immortal World. However, the Yaochi Immortal Domain People in the immortal world have always been very low-key, not as impressive as mountains and rivers. Yaochi Immortal is the only woman among the top ten titled immortals in the realm of immortals.

She is mysterious and low-key, and there has never been any rumor that she is at odds with any of the immortals. She is also a philanthropic person, so she has a good relationship with the other immortals. Even the three masters of the gods, Li Jingyaochi, has three points of respect. In short, the reputation of Yaochi Fairyland in the fairy world is pretty good.

This is the rumor that Yaochi Immortal Lord is no longer in Yaochi Immortal Territory, but has gone to other places. It is said that the person who is now in charge of Yaochi Immortal Territory is the eldest disciple of Yaochi Immortal Lord - Qi Muran. There are rumors that he seems to be working with Yaochi Immortal Territory recently. I don’t even know what the Immortal Realm is going to do together. What it is.”

Gu Jian told Yang Yiyun everything he knew about the Yaochi Immortal Realm, and he talked about it for an hour.

After finishing speaking, Gu Jian said again: "Master Xingchen has ordered me to be at the disposal of Fellow Daoist Yang at any time. Master Xingchen also said that he has something to do recently and cannot escape. To refine the strength of the major branches of the Immortal Alliance, Fellow Daoist Yang has been ordered to do so. I will wait for you." Full support."

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Second senior brother is interested. I will ask fellow Gujian Taoist to lead the way this time. I want to go to the Yaochi Immortal Domain."

"Second senior brother...?" Gu Jian was a little confused at this moment. He didn't know who the second senior brother Yang Yiyun mentioned was?

I seem to understand, but I don’t understand~

"Oh, my second senior brother is the Lord Xingchen in your mouth~" Yang Yiyun thought that since he wanted to borrow the ancient sword, there was no need to be busy, so he said it directly, but the second senior brother obviously had not told the ancient sword about his relationship with him. It's a brotherly relationship.

Although Gu Jian is an Immortal Emperor, in Yang Yiyun's opinion, Gu Jian is just the second senior brother who accepted one of the horses. He may not be able to enter the senior level of the Immortal Refining Alliance, so he doesn't know the relationship between the second senior brother and himself.

But for him, there was no need to hide anything. He also had to use the ancient sword. He didn't want to cause any misunderstanding.

As soon as he said this, Gu Jian's eyes widened. When he received the name of Master Xingchen, he had thought about how Master Xingchen could value Yang Yiyun so much, and repeatedly told Yang Yiyun to do his best to help Yang Yiyun if he was called upon.

Gu Jian also asked about this. Although he was confused, he didn't ask blindly. Now that he knew that Yang Yiyun was actually Master Xingchen's junior brother, everything became clear.

Immediately Gu Jian clasped his fists and said to himself: "I have been so negligent before, please forgive me, Mr. Yang, but my subordinates are too blind to recognize Mount Tai. I have been negligent and negligent~"

Speaking of which, Gu Jian was only the head of a branch of the Immortal Refining Sect. He was just a nobody in front of powerful people like Xing Chenzi and the senior officials of the Immortal Refining Sect.

Since Yang Yiyun is Xingchenzi's junior brother, it is obvious that he is an absolute high-level figure in the Immortal Refining Sect. Of course, regardless of whether he is a senior figure in the Immortal Refining Sect or not, as long as he is Xingchenzi's junior brother, this is enough for his ancient sword to Yang Yiyun worked hard.

Yang Yiyun looked at Gu Jian and bowed sincerely, and naturally understood that all these changes were due to the relationship between his second senior brother Xing Chenzi, but he had no opinion of Gu Jian at all, although he could indeed see a hint of aloofness in Gu Jian's eyes at the beginning. But people are rude.

He quickly helped him up and said: "Gu Taoist friend is serious. My senior brother is my senior brother and I am me. You and I have different opinions. This trip to the Yaochi Immortal Realm, we have to rely on the ancient Taoist friend. To be honest, Yaochi Immortal The few women that the domain took away are all me... My women in the lower world must welcome them all back. Without further ado, I will make arrangements. How about asking fellow Taoist to take me to the Yaochi Immortal Domain?"

Gu Jian saw that Yang Yiyun was still polite to him, and did not pressure him as a junior fellow student of Xingchen, nor did he blame him for his previous arrogance. He felt relieved and quickly replied: "Sir, you are polite, don't worry, even if you risk your life Go, I will help you to welcome back your beauties..."

"Thank you very much~"

Yang Yiyun then summoned everyone from Yunmen and told the story. He took Hongyi, Niyi, and Diaoer and set off for the Yaochi Immortal Realm.

Everyone else stayed to help build Cloud Gate.

Xuexiang and Hou Doudou were also going to go, but Yang Yiyun refused to follow. The reason was naturally the gap in strength. In addition, the construction of Yunmen has now entered a critical period. Someone must be in charge and some materials must be exchanged. Wait, I need someone to run some errands.

This matter was settled in this way, and it was still under the coordination of Mr. Dongfang Haotian.

After the explanation, Yang Yiyun, led by Gu Jian, immediately set off for the Yaochi Fairyland.

During this trip, he asked Loach to go to Chaos Fairy City first. He needed to meet Snow Cat.

Although I have an understanding of the general situation of the Yaochi Immortal Territory, I think that since the Ancient Sword Yaochi Immortal Lord is not around, he must have been taken away to the place where the secrets of heaven are obscured by the master. In comparison, the Yaochi Immortal Territory is the Immortal Territory of the titled Immortal Lord, but It's not the fairyland like the Duan Qian family last time.

Strong people must still exist. With Hong Yi and Diao'er and Loach beside him, he is also a powerful force. He can fight the Immortal Lord, but he is still a little worried. The Snow Cat is extremely talented and unique in concealment talent. This time I thought Bringing a snow cat can also increase your combat power.

Here, Snow Mao has been in the Dugu family for many years to develop intelligence and killer organizations. It is time to test the results. I hope Snow Mao can give him a surprise.

As for the senior sisters and brothers, Yang Yiyun has not thought about asking for help this time. Firstly, it is unclear whether Yaochi Immortal Realm is an enemy or a friend. Secondly, according to what Gu Jian said this time, the second senior brother and the others should have other important matters in Jiuzhongtian. , he couldn't disturb him, and as a close disciple of the old man, each of his brothers and sisters was stronger than the last, so he couldn't lose his prestige, as he always had such pride in his heart.

This time it was his woman's business again, and he had to solve it by himself.

Fairy world...

It is also time to raise the voice of the Lord of Cloud Gate.

When the construction of Yunmen is completed, his deeds as the sect leader must be spread in the immortal world, so that Yunmen can be successfully established and the disciples of Yunmen will not be bullied.

The disciples of Yunmen in the lower realm will inevitably ascend continuously, and the place of ascension is not a fixed place. When the Yunmen becomes prestigious, the disciples of the lower realm will not be easily bullied even if they are alone. Find Yunmen in the fairy world and find it.

Thinking about these things in his mind, the loach has arrived outside the Chaos Fairy City. Yang Yiyun made the loach smaller and wrapped it around his wrist. Diaoer squatted on his shoulders. On the left was a red dress and on the right was an ancient sword. The group walked into the Chaos Fairy City.

Chaos Fairy City is still the same as before, but along the way, Yang Yiyun heard many people talking about the Dugu family.

Some of the information in it made him happy, but some of it made him frown.

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