My Master Is a God

Chapter 2315 If you can’t come out within three breaths, choose a coffin for yourself.

On the way to where the Dugu family was sitting, Yang Yiyun heard someone talking, saying that the Dugu family was now the dominant family and had become the real largest force in the Chaos Fairy City.

As for the original four major families, the Dongfang Family moved to the Yunmen Base, while the Sikong Family has always kept a low profile and has a small population, making little noise in the Chaos Fairy City.

As for the Ximen family, it has been completely destroyed since Yang Yiyun killed the ancestor and the head of the family. The remaining Ximen family children are not those with advanced cultivation. After the battle with Yang Yiyun, they were torn apart and were even killed by their enemies. The Ximen family has long been gone.

So now there is only one Dugu family left, which has become the nominal dominant force in Chaos Fairy City.

The key is to hear some rumors that the Dugu family intends to dominate the entire Chaotic Fairy City and make many forces surrender, and even recruit or use force to subdue many powerful people hidden in the Chaos Fairy City.

It is said that 90% of the Immortal Kings and Emperors in Chaos Immortal City have all surrendered to the Dugu family.

Of course, there are also forces and strong men who do not surrender, but it is just rumored that they have all disappeared in the Chaos Fairy City for no apparent reason, as if they have evaporated.

Many people suspect that the Dugu family secretly killed these unyielding forces and strong men. As for whether the Dugu family has the strength...

This is the key.

Because the Dugu family has developed by leaps and bounds for hundreds of years, it can even be described as somewhat mysterious and terrifying. It often happens that people and forces that are against the Dugu family disappear inexplicably.

All the creatures in the Chaos Fairy City were shocked and shocked by the Dugu family. Anyway, no one would be the enemy of the Dugu family anymore.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he knew in his heart that it must be related to Snow Cat. When he fought against the ancestor of the Dugu family, this old guy was also very role-playing. He immediately killed the current head of the Dugu family in front of him. Later, he saw Becoming a disciple of Xue Mao means bringing the entire Dugu family to surrender under Yang Yiyun.

Before he left, he arranged for Snow Cat to be with the Dugu family, and asked Snow Cat to cultivate and develop the killer organization based on the Dugu family's killer organization and establish the Cloud Gate Intelligence Network. The Killer Organization also changed its name to the Cloud Gate Dark Night Organization.

So instead of saying that the Dugu family is the master of Chaos Fairy City, it is better to say that Yunmen is the real leader of Chaos Fairy City, and Xue Mao is the actual helmsman of the Dugu family.

The discussions along the way actually seemed to Yang Yiyun to be all Snow Cat's methods. Although the methods were cruel and overbearing, Yang Yiyun was very satisfied. How could a truly powerful force grow without bloodshed and cruelty?

Yang Yiyun thinks Snowcat has done a good job in this regard.

But what I heard was the good side. The law of development of all things in the world must be a combination of yin and yang. Where there is good, there will naturally be bad.

Regarding the bad side of the Dugu family, the comments he heard were that the children of the Dugu family have been arrogant and domineering over the years, such as killing, robbing and killing foreign monks, burning and robbing, bullying men and women, etc. There are countless comments. Anyway, just one sentence, The children of the Dugu family have now turned the entire Chaos Fairy City into a mess.

Yang Yiyun frowned at this. His Yunmen was built in the Chaos Fairy Realm, and the Chaos Fairy City was the largest city in the entire Chaos Fairy Realm and the city with the most human traffic. The future Chaos Fairy City in his plan was for Yunmen to absorb new people. A source of strength for disciples.

But if the children of the Dugu family continue like this, sooner or later all the people in Chaos Fairy City will be gone. If there is no population, there will be no mobile resources. How can he play after the construction of Yunmen?

This is what Yang Yiyun does not want to see.

Are the children of the Dugu family swollen?

Yang Yiyun frowned and walked towards Dugu's house with his red clothes and ancient sword.

He originally thought that it was reasonable for a family to become arrogant when its power grew stronger. What he heard may not be true. But when he was approaching the Dugu family, something happened that made him completely angry. Facts showed that The discussion about the disciples of the Dugu family is even more intense than the rumors.

"Get out of the way, let the Ninth Young Master go back home, get out of the way for me..."

At this moment, an arrogant curse came from behind, and the entire ground was shaking.

Yang Yiyun frowned and looked back, only to find a group of people speeding over more than ten meters away, running amok on the street.

Walking in the front were two immortals in the late stage of the Immortal King, riding unicorns. Behind them was a large sedan, an eight-legged sedan made of gold, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. The eight Immortal Kings raised their feet and galloped away. Come, there are four old men in front and behind, all of whom are in the early stages of Immortal Emperor cultivation.

"What a big show~" Gu Jian couldn't help but say something at this moment.

Yang Yiyun's eyes became darker and darker.

"The ancient sword suppresses the realm of the Immortal King~" Yang Yiyun said to the ancient sword.

Gu Jian was stunned when he heard Yang Yiyun speak, and wanted to ask why, but when he saw Yang Yiyun's gloomy face and saw that Yang Yiyun's cultivation was suppressed at the early stage of the Immortal King, he did not dare to ask more questions and directly cultivated himself. Because of the realm, it was suppressed in the early stage of yearning.

At this time, Yang Yiyun, Gu Jian, and Hong Yi were actually on the roadside and were not in the way.

But in the blink of an eye, the group of people behind them, the Immortal King headed by him, started swinging his whip from left to right and whipped Yang Yiyun and the others.

In Yang Yiyun's ears, this scene was completely intentional, showing his arrogant and domineering nature.

When a whip came, Yang Yiyun didn't move, but the murderous intent in his eyes flashed away, and the ancient sword guard at his side directly deflected the long whip.

Naturally, they won't really let the opponent slap them.

"Zhizhi~ Brother, these people are too arrogant~" Diaoer, squatting on his shoulders, grinned and spoke.

"Let them be arrogant~" Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.

The Immortal King who was opening the way in front saw that Gu Jian waved his hand and opened his long whip without hitting Yang Yiyun and the others. His face suddenly sank and he said in a deep voice: "Stop~"

The unicorn stopped, and the golden darling behind him also stopped behind him.

At this time, the Immortal King glanced at Yang Yiyun and the others. When his eyes finally fell on Yang Yiyun, his gloomy face suddenly lit up...

At this time, Yang Yiyun thought that the other party had recognized him, and was still thinking about how to communicate with this Immortal King who was obviously an evil slave, or to communicate with the people in Golden Jiaozi, what happened next? This scene made him cheat his lungs.

Just listen to this evil slave Immortal King say: "Hey, you three, our Ninth Young Master, don't kneel down and salute again? Are you seeking death?"

While this person was talking, Yang Yiyun realized, go ahead! It turns out that this bastard had been staring at Diao Er on his shoulder, and it wasn't because he recognized him!

At the same time, when he heard the opposing argument, he laughed angrily and said, "Why should I kneel down to you, Mr. Laoshi?"

"Haha, you are from out of town, right? Before entering Chaos Fairy City, you didn't even ask about the status of our Dugu family. And among the golden sons behind me is the ninth son of my Dugu family - Dugu Yu, who will be the future member of the Dugu family. Heir, my Dugu family is the god of the entire Chaos Immortal City. It is your blessing to have you bow down to my ninth son, why don’t you bow down?"

The Immortal King with the evil slave face finished speaking with pride and pride, and added: "This spiritual pet on your boy's shoulder is quite good. If you can give it to my Ninth Young Master today, I will intercede with you and let the three of you Staying and working as a servant in the Dugu family can be regarded as giving you a great avenue...

Don't say you don't agree. Among the monks who can come to Chaos Immortal City, who didn't come to Chaos Immortal City to avoid enemies in the outside world? If you, the boy, offer your spiritual pet, you can become the servant of my Ninth Young Master, which can also be regarded as giving you a path of protection...

Our Dugu family is now the number one family in Chaos Fairy City. You have the decency to offer your spiritual pets, otherwise Chaos Fairy City will not be able to accommodate you..."

The threat was used at the end of the sentence.

At this time, Gu Jian was furious and looked at Yang Yiyun to see if he should kill this arrogant immortal king.

But as soon as Yang Yiyun stopped, he signaled that the ancient sword would not move. After that, Yang Yiyun ignored the Immortal King and stared directly at the golden sedan chair. He slowly said: "If you don't come out within three breaths, choose a coffin for yourself."

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