My Master Is a God

Chapter 2316 Yang proclaims himself emperor



The two Evil Slave Immortal Emperors were furious when they heard what Yang Yiyun said, and they attacked Yang Yiyun at the same time.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's expression was calm and he stood still.

But the ancient sword and red clothes beside him moved.


The ancient sword no longer suppressed the realm, and with a bang, the aura of the Immortal Emperor realm suddenly surged, and he slapped it directly with a palm.

Although he is in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, it is naturally more than enough to crush an Immortal King in a sudden burst.

Two Immortal King-level evil slaves, one with the ancient sword and the other in red clothes, are no problem at all.

Hong Yi's shot still had no mana fluctuation, it was just a simple and rough punch, but Hong Yi's punch was much more terrifying than the ancient sword.



One of the people Gu Jian dealt with was directly slapped away by Gu Jian's palm. He screamed and flew dozens of meters away. He never got up again, but was directly slapped to death.

The one that Hong Yi dealt with didn't even scream. He just made a dull sound and was punched by Hong Yi.

In an instant, two evil slaves of Immortal King level were killed.

Yang Yiyun stood with his hands behind his back from beginning to end, without moving.

His eyes were still fixed on the golden sedan.

"Protect the Ninth Young Master~"

The next moment, the four old men in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, and the eight Immortal Kings carrying the sedan chair also became nervous.

Naturally, there is no shortage of melon-eating people watching the excitement on the street. This is true even in the fairy world.

"Hiss~ These three people are going to die, and they actually killed Duguyu's evil slaves. These are stirring up a hornet's nest~"

"Tch, if you ask me to say that the killing is good, this Duguyu is the young patriarch of the Dugu family. He has been domineering in Chaotic Fairy City these years and has done many evil things. The scoundrels under his command are even more abominable. The killing is good."

"Shh~ keep your voice down so you don't get into trouble."

"Just wait and watch the show. It would be best for these three people to kill Dugu Yu."

"I don't know the origins of these three people, but they dare to directly provoke people from the Dugu family~"

"The person wearing the red armor looked like a female cultivator. Her attack had no mana fluctuations, but her power was amazing. She actually directly exploded an Immortal King to death. It was really terrifying."

"That middle-aged man is not bad either. He has suppressed his realm and now he is an Immortal Emperor."

"Hey... look at that white-haired young man, why does he look familiar?"

"When you say that, it sounds a bit familiar..."

"Ah...I suddenly remembered someone..."


"Do you remember that the white-haired immortal in the Chaotic Immortal City thousands of years ago was promoted to the title of Immortal Lord and Immortal King successively, and killed the Ximen family. The Ximen family completely declined. He became friends with the Dongfang family and fought with the Dugu family. That time, the ancestor of the Dugu family was forced by rumors to kill the current head of the Dugu family with his own hands..."

"Hiss... you mean Qiankun Immortal King Yang Yiyun?"

Yang was also a person who made waves in Chaos Fairy City, and was remembered by many immortals in Chaos Fairy City.

At this point in the discussion, everyone thought that Yang Yiyun might really be looking at him.

Because Yang Yiyun at this moment still has white hair, and has suppressed his cultivation level to that of the Immortal King, which is consistent with the title of the Immortal King of the Universe.

Although Yang Yiyun has not appeared in Chaos Fairy City for a long time, and many people have not seen him in person, his white hair is completely consistent with his realm.

Maybe it really is Yang Yiyun.

"If it is really Yang Yiyun, it will be very exciting. The children of the Dugu family have been arrogant and domineering for so many years, and finally someone can take charge of them~"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, Yang Yiyun is just an Immortal King. Not to mention the entire Dugu family, there are four Immortal Emperors around the Ninth Young Master Dugu Yu in front of us, and there are eight Immortal Kings carrying the sedan chair."

"You don't know this. Yang Yiyun's title of Immortal King was not for nothing. It was rumored that he could defeat the ancestor of the Dugu family back then. What state was the ancestor of the Dugu family? He was the Immortal Emperor, but it was rumored that he had been forced by Yang Yiyun for a long time. He personally killed the head of the Dugu family.

But now that so many years have passed, Yang Yiyun's strength and methods must have improved to a higher level. It is not impossible to deal with four junior immortal emperors and eight immortal kings. Moreover, the red armored woman and the middle-aged woman beside Yang Yiyun are obviously both He is at the level of an Immortal Emperor, not to mention, his statement that he could choose his own coffin within three breaths is really domineering, and it suits my taste~"

"You can pull him down. Rumor has it that the Ninth Young Master Duguyu is not a weakling, otherwise he would not have been chosen to become the young patriarch of the Dugu family..."

"Stop talking and just watch the fun. We don't want to get into trouble..."

"Yes, yes, the three-breath time is up, it will be revealed whether it is a dragon or a tiger..."

As the whispers of the people around him stopped, the time given by Yang Yiyun also came to an end.

No one came out of Golden Jiaozi, but there was a cold murderous intention: "Kill~"

Just a faint word "kill" came from the golden sedan chair.

The next moment, the four immortal emperors and eight immortal kings who were guarding the golden sedan suddenly dashed towards Yang Yiyun and the three of them, and instantly surrounded the three of Yang Yiyun.

When Yang Yiyun saw this, he no longer concealed his murderous intent and said to Hong Yi: "Hong Yi won't leave anyone alone~"

He knew the strength of Hong Yi, and there would be no pressure at all to crush the four Immortal Emperors and the eight Immortal Kings in the early stage. When they were in the foreign world, Hong Yan had fought against the Demon Lord and never lost, let alone these weak ones. chicken.

"It's the master~"

Before Hong Yi could even finish the last word of her answer, her figure blurred instantly.

next moment……

There were dull roars and screams in the field.

"Boom boom boom..."


In less than three breaths, Hong Yi stood behind Yang Yiyun again.

But there were already broken limbs and arms in the field, and the smell of blood was so high that it was disgusting.

Such scenes made the monks watching from a distance vomit on the spot as they had never seen such a tragic and bloody scene.

For a moment, there was a wah-wah sound in the distance.

Of course, more people are filled with shock.

And deep fear.

Only in the eyes of those watching the lively battle, the existence of the realm of the Immortal Emperor of Natural Steps can be seen clearly, what happened just now?

As for the monks who were below the level of Immortal Emperor, they didn't see clearly what Hong Yi had done just now.

In the eyes of the monks who were in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, they actually only saw the figure in red turned into an afterimage. At the extremely fast speed, whether it was the Immortal Emperor or the eight Immortal Kings carrying the sedan, they all exploded with one punch. They died without their bodies intact.

It was a total massacre.

What was equally shocking was the ancient sword beside Yang Yiyun. When the four Immortal Emperors and the Eight Immortal Kings took action just now, he was going to help, but who would have thought that Yang Yiyun would say a word, and the woman wearing red armor next to him would With a whooshing sound, he shot directly, killing four Immortal Emperors and eight Immortal Kings in an instant.

The method was clean and brutal, and even Gu Jian didn't see clearly the details of Hong Yi's attack. Because of this, Gu Jian was shocked and shocked.

Swallowing secretly, what is the origin of this woman wearing a battle armor and a helmet mask, and was she so terrifying?

The sound he made just now didn't produce any mana fluctuations at all. He just looked at his white fist and punched one to pieces.

There are four Immortal Emperors among them~

Although he is in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, he is an Immortal Emperor. What kind of terrifying strength is this?

What the hell is this woman in red? Is it the strength of the Great Immortal Emperor? Or is it because the Immortal Lord has gained strength?

Gu Jian was extremely shocked by Hong Yi, but when he thought about it, Hong Yi was just a subordinate beside Yang Yiyun, so Yang Yiyun should be even more extraordinary.

But it's no wonder when you think about it. Yang Yiyun is Master Xingchen's junior brother, so it makes sense that he has such a powerful existence as Hong Yi.

In Gu Jian's heart, Xingchenzi is also a mythical figure. As Yang Yiyun, Xingchenzi's junior brother, is naturally extraordinary...

In the blink of an eye, a battle can be said to be over before it even begins.

Yang Yiyun didn't care what Gu Jian and the others were thinking at this time, but said to the golden sedan: "It seems that you are not even ready to choose a coffin...?"

There was silence at this moment.

As Yang Yiyun spoke, he took a step towards the golden sedan with his hands behind his back.

But the next moment, the golden sedan suddenly exploded with a roar, and a figure suddenly rushed out and flew into the sky, trying to escape.

Yang Yiyun sneered, then grabbed the man who was thinking about rising into the sky and said, "It's too late to escape. Get down here~"

As he spoke, Yang Yiyun's whole body was filled with aura. His realm was no longer suppressed and he directly exuded the peak cultivation level of the middle stage Immortal Emperor. The mana in his hand gathered together to form a huge palm, which flew hundreds of meters into the air to the escaping figure or Dugu Yujiu. The young master grabbed it directly and held it in the palm of his mana-condensed hand.

After Yang became the Immortal Emperor, he claimed to be the Emperor for the first time.

Since someone wants to pretend to be X in front of him, then come and he will let everyone in Chaos Fairy City know what pretending to be X is.

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