My Master Is a God

Chapter 2317 It’s too easy to break your legs and lie down on the ground to be a dog.


Yang Yiyun directly grabbed the so-called Ninth Young Master and smashed him to the ground.

Suddenly there was a roar and scream.

A large crater with a diameter of three meters appeared in the dust on the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Then a series of coughing sounds continued.

Yang Yiyun stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the pit.

He originally wanted to crush this bullshit Ninth Young Master to death, but since he decided to establish authority and rules in the Chaos Fairy City, he simply spared this bullshit Ninth Young Master's life.

The so-called Ninth Young Master Duguyu is an immortal who is in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor. Judging from his strength, he is indeed good among the younger generation. It is a pity that he met him.

The so-called young generation is nothing to Yang Yiyun. How many people in the entire immortal world can compare with him in terms of talent for cultivating immortals?

In his eyes, this Ninth Young Master has been practicing for longer than him anyway, but it won't work if he pretends to be cool in front of him.

Is the Dugu family really inflated, or did Snow Mao let him down?

Yang Yiyun was actually in a bad mood at this time. A chaotic fairy city should not be messed up by them. This was contrary to the goal he had originally set for Xue Mao and the ancestor of the Dugu family.

He believed that even if he didn't explain clearly at the beginning, Snow Cat and Dugu Ancestor should understand what he meant, right?

Yunmen wants to establish a sect in the Chaos Immortal Territory, and Chaos Immortal City will function as a turnover station for Yunmen in the future, but today it seems that everything is going in the opposite direction.

How could a junior member of the Dugu family enjoy such a grand display in the Chaos Fairy City? So domineering and unbridled? Raising a bunch of losers is even more unscrupulous. If it weren't for him today, if someone else had seen a beast like Diao'er, wouldn't they have been robbed?

Even if you can't save your life, you can't save it.

It's really annoying.

After all, the Dugu family is a force of Yunmen, and the Yunmen he is building does not have such a sect-disciple atmosphere.

Yang was really angry inside this time.

Fortunately, he came this time, otherwise Chaos Fairy City would not have been made into what it would have been like?

" are looking for death."

Duguyu got up in the big pit, feeling shocked and angry in his heart, but still cursing in his mouth. He had originally thought that Yang Yiyun and the others were three unknown people from the outside world who came to Chaos Immortal City to take refuge. The Immortal King who opened the way was making things difficult for him. He naturally knew when Yang Yiyun was there, he was already used to this kind of thing.

When he saw a good thing, he wanted to take it as his own, so when his subordinate Immortal King wanted Yang Yiyun to ask for the spiritual pet, he acquiesced. Anyway, it was not the first time such a thing happened. It didn't matter, in Chaos Immortal City, his Dugu family was heaven.

The point is that he, Duguyu, is the proud son of heaven.

Hundreds of years ago, their lineage was not the main lineage of the Dugu family. Although he, Duguyu, was known as a genius in cultivation, he was not the direct lineage of the Dugu family after all. He could not even live in the old house of the Dugu family. He, Duguyu, Only with the fringe disciples.

But he didn't expect that one day a subversive fusion would occur in the Dugu family. This great change made him reach the sky in one step.

I clearly remember that he was still out training that year, and his father personally summoned him to return immediately. When he returned, he found out that the real head of the family, Dugu Yong, was dead, and was killed by the ancestors of the Dugu family.

As for the reason, they only said that the head of the family, Dugu Yong, had failed the ancestor's expectations and committed a heinous crime. This reason was full of loopholes, but the whole family kept silent and strictly ordered no one to mention Dugu Yong's matter again. If anyone inquired, they would not let the ancestor personally order it.

It didn't matter to Duguyu, what he cared about more was that his identity had changed dramatically.

After the death of the head of the family, Dugu Yongyi, their lineage prospered. His grandfather, Dugu Yu, was one of the four elders of the clan and was personally named as the head of the family by the ancestor.

And he, Duguyu, was a recognized genius in their lineage, so after his grandfather became the new head of the Dugu family, he appointed him, Duguyu, as the future heir and young patriarch of the Dugu family.

His father is not qualified for this.

It can be said that Duguyu is known as a person inferior to one person and more than ten thousand people in the Dugu family.

Because of this, he became arrogant and became the ninth oldest child in the family. Over time, he got the title of Ninth Young Master.

Compared with the title of Young Patriarch, he prefers the title of Ninth Young Master.

Since he became the Young Patriarch, he has reached the sky in one step. With the rapid development of the Dugu family, he has become the largest force in the Chaos Fairy City. Duguyu has also become more and more powerful and has begun to be domineering. This is due to the fact that his grandfather is the head of the family. He didn't care about anything at all and left many things in his hands...

And speaking of his grandfather, he was often in the forbidden area with several other tribe elders. He had been mysterious for hundreds of years, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Duguyu asked again, but Grandpa just said that the master who assisted the ancestor of the Dugu family was doing something, and asked him not to pry around, to take good care of family affairs, and to unify Chaotic Fairy City as soon as possible, which is the right way.

Ever since he learned from his grandfather that their ancestor of the Dugu family actually had another master in the Dugu family, Duguyu became even more excited. In his heart, the ancestor of the Dugu family himself was a mythical figure. So the master of the ancestor actually existed, then What's even more incredible is that it's fitting that their Dugu family will be prosperous.

Anyway, he, Duguyu, is the beneficiary!

With the existence of the ancestor and the ancestor master, Dugu Yu acted unscrupulously.

Of course, the only regret is that he has never met the legendary and mysterious ancestor master.

What his grandfather told him was to do good work for the family, and they would naturally have the opportunity to meet each other in the future.

It's a pity that Duguyu took the wrong path. He originally wanted to recruit talents for the Dugu family, but in the end he changed himself. This change destined him to be called a hard worker today.

Regarding Yang Yiyun's troubles with the Dugu family back then, because the ancestor of the Dugu family ordered to remain silent and not to be mentioned, and because Duguyu has been practicing outside and has not been able to inquire about these things, we don't know who Yang Yiyun is.

Just now, when he saw that all his men were killed instantly, he woke up as if from a dream, and immediately ran away after reacting, because he knew that he would definitely not be his opponent if he stayed.

Little did he know that as soon as he ran out, he was violently pulled down from a high altitude the next moment. He was shaken by the fall, but at the same time, his temper, which he usually cultivated by being aloof, exploded. When he thought about where his family was not far ahead, This is a chaotic fairy city, and his Dugu family has won over many powerful people over the years. There are hundreds of guests from the fairy emperor. When he thinks of this, he becomes emboldened and gets up from the pit to curse.

As soon as he saw a white-haired young man facing him, there was no doubt that it was this boy who took action. Unfortunately, the opponent's cultivation level was in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, and he was not sure how to deal with it.

But in his heart, he was thinking that a strong dragon could not suppress a local snake. He stared at the white-haired young man and said coldly: "Boy, no matter who you are, you are just a middle-stage Immortal Emperor. With your two subordinates, you are only three people. Now , Immediately, immediately kneel down and bow your head to me, Duguyu, and I will spare your life.

Otherwise, our Dugu family is the number one family in the immortal world, and our ancestors sit under the legendary Immortal Lord, and I can kill you a hundred times with one finger..."



Yang Yiyun interrupted Duguyu directly and raised his hand. The next moment, there was a clear fingerprint on Duguyu's face.

Then he narrowed his eyes and said: "You Dugu family has such a big arrogance, why don't you return it to your ancestors? Return it to the Immortal Lord~ I'll give you a chance. If I don't kill you, call your ancestors and the legendary Immortal Lord before me." Come, I really want to try to see if I can kill you a hundred times... I'll give you ten breaths of time. If they don't show up, I'll let you evaporate between heaven and earth. By the way, I'd like to tell your ancestor that my name is Yang Yiyun. Waiting. They come and kill a hundred times.”

" wait~" Duguyu covered his face and was trembling all over. He had clearly felt the smell of death just now. The white-haired young man in front of him was obviously in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, and he, Duguyu, was an Immortal. In the early days of the Emperor, the two of them were in the same realm, but only differed by a small realm in cultivation. However, the other party slapped him in the face with a random wave of his hand in the air, and he had no idea how to dodge, and his body was as heavy as a mountain. A powerful aura suppressed him and made him unable to move, and he received a slap in the face in vain.

Only then did I know that the white-haired young man in front of me was not simple, and his strength was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface to be in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Listening to the other party's faint threat that if he couldn't call the ancestors and immortals within ten breaths, he would evaporate himself. Duguyu trembled all over because he felt that the other party was not joking.

He hurriedly started to summon him, but he was not qualified to summon his ancestor or any other immortal. At most, he could only summon his grandfather.

He immediately used the secret method of the Dugu family to send a message to his grandfather, Dugu Chenguang, asking for help. Today he knew that if his grandfather did not come forward, his life would be in danger.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, streaks of rainbow light soared into the sky, exuding a powerful aura and heading in this direction.

In an instant, no less than a hundred powerful auras appeared.

Among them, the two auras, one white and one gold, were the most powerful and rushed to the front.

But Dugu Yu had not completed the transmission at this moment. After seeing these rainbow lights in the sky, he immediately stopped and laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha... Boy, you are dead. There is no need to carry out the transmission. I, the strong men of the Dugu family, will come out. This time I won’t let you die. I will break your legs and make you lie down and act like a dog to me~”

When Duguyu saw the rainbow light appearing in the sky, he knew that the family masters had learned about what happened on his side and came over. He immediately became energetic and became arrogant towards Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang was standing with his hands behind his hands, looking at the two rainbow lights in the front of the sky, and slowly said: "Well, breaking your legs and lying on the ground to be a dog is too easy. I should definitely add more It’s better if one breaks the third leg.”

As soon as the welcome came, two rainbow lights, one white and one gold, arrived at the venue.

The white rainbow light turned into a flawless white cat.

The golden rainbow light transformed into an old man.

"Meow~" The snow cat meowed, but it directly bent its two front legs and knelt down to Yang Yiyun.

The old man simply bowed down and said with a trembling voice: "My subordinate Duguying pays homage to the sect master, and I will die forever."

Duguyu heard the old man's words on the side, rolled his eyes, and fainted. He had heard the name Duguying since he was a child.

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