My Master Is a God

Chapter 2318 Come and tell me the relationship between the Dugu family and me

Yang stood with his hands behind his hands, squinted at Snow Mao and Dugu Ying, and slowly said: "Haha, I don't dare to take it. Your young master of the Dugu family said that as long as you two show up, I will die a hundred times. , how can I, Yang Yiyun, the Immortal Emperor, be worthy of such a great gift from the two Immortal Lords? Get up quickly and let me see if you two can kill me a hundred times with one finger...?"

The people watching at this time all had their eyes widened. No one expected that this would be the case?

Except for the people from the Dugu family, many people in the field had never seen the ancestors of the Dugu family, Dugu Ying and Snow Mao, but they could feel their extremely powerful auras, and they were definitely super strong.

"Hiss~ Why do I feel that the aura of that cat and that old man is thicker than that of me, a middle-stage Immortal Emperor? It's simply unfathomable. Could it be that they are two powerful men at the senior level?"

These were the surprised words of an Immortal Emperor who was watching the excitement outside the venue.

These words made many people gasp.

There are not many powerful people at the Immortal Lord level, but they are few. They are rare in the entire Immortal World. Now two of them appear at once, which has to be said to surprise these ordinary monks.

But what surprised everyone even more was that such a powerful man knelt directly in front of Yang Yiyun, and he looked trembling with fear.

When everyone saw Dugu Yu, the ninth son and young patriarch of the Dugu family, they rolled their eyes and fainted, making everyone guess that she must be a senior member of the Dugu family.

At this moment, the onlookers were far away and could not clearly hear the conversation in the field, but the powerful Immortal Emperor among them also vaguely heard some of it.

I heard Yang Yiyun speaking sarcastically to the old man.

I also vaguely heard the old man calling himself Duguying...


This person is obviously a member of the Dugu family. Many people have never heard of it, but an immortal suddenly exclaimed: "Dugu Ying... I think of it, the name of the ancestor of the Dugu family seems to be Dugu Ying~"


This made all the onlookers gasp.

I also understood why Dugu Yu, the Ninth Young Master, fainted and died after the old man appeared. He was scared to death!

The key point is that Duguying knelt down to Yang Yiyun. This kneeling contained a lot of information!

The dignified ancestor of the Dugu family would actually kneel down to Yang Yiyun, an Immortal Emperor, and do so with sincerity and fear? This can only mean that either Yang Yiyun is stronger than the ancestor of the Dugu family, but this is obviously wrong, because Yang Yiyun is just an Immortal Emperor.

Either there is something wrong with the Dugu ancestor that Yang Yiyun has grasped. Another possibility is that Yang Yiyun's background is so scary that even the Dugu family ancestor doesn't dare to offend him...

In short, today's scene can be regarded as refreshing the three views of the monks in Chaotic Fairy City.

Amidst the whispers of many onlookers, Snow Mao and Duguying were breaking out in cold sweat.

Because Yang Yiyun's words were full of extreme emotions.

The moment before, Xue Mao and Dugu Ying, who were at Dugu's house, were frightened to death after receiving the news.

The person who came to report the news was the current head of the Dugu family, one of the elders of the four major clans at that time, and Dugu Yu's grandfather, Dugu Chenguang.

After learning the news, Duguying and Xuemao immediately heard clearly the confrontation and even the conversation between Yang Yiyun and Duguyu.

Duguyu's words telling Yang Yiyun to lie down and be like a dog made Duguying feel like he was falling into an ice cellar. He didn't expect Duguyu to be so courageous.

His master, Dugu Ying, is Snow Cat, and Snow Cat’s owner is Yang Yiyun. On the other hand, it is not an exaggeration to say that Dugu Ying or even the entire Dugu family are Yang Yiyun’s servants, but now it’s good that Duguyu, an unfilial descendant, actually let Yang Yiyun Get down on the floor and be a dog.

Dugu Ying, who hurried over in a hurry, was trembling in her heart. How should this matter end today? He didn't even know what to do.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he knelt down in front of Yang Yiyun. All he could do now was to calm down Yang Yiyun's anger. Duguying thought to herself that it would be good to retain some of the blood of the Dugu family today.

It was obvious that Yang Yiyun was not angry, but that there was something wrong with Dugu Yu. The mature Dugu Ying knew it as soon as he saw the scene and thought about it.

It's all his fault. Ever since he became a disciple of Snow Cat, all his thoughts were focused on learning the secret method from Snow Cat. The harvest was huge, but he didn't care about the family affairs at all. Only in this way did the children of the Dugu family Developed such bad habits.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed his fault. You must know that since he brought the Dugu family to Yunmen, the Dugu family has been a part of Yunmen, and Yang Yiyun also said back then that he would make the Dugu family become the leader of Yunmen in Chaotic Fairy City. A branch. From that time on, the Dugu family was part of Yunmen and could not grow as wildly as before.

But he was devoted to practicing with Xue Mao, and he didn't care about this incident at all. Now it's good, something finally happened, and it was directly the following, and the slave and the master.

Duguying knew that the fate of the Dugu family would be worrying in the next few days, but the consequences had already been sown. He could only calm down Yang Yiyun's anger. Listening to Yang Yiyun's cold voice, he lowered his head and said in fear: "My subordinates will die, these The year belongs to the discipline of the disciples, and everything depends on the master of the sect alone."

"Hmph~" Yang Yiyun snorted coldly after listening to Dugu Ying's words. He was not stupid either. Then he thought about today's situation. I'm afraid it was not Dugu Ying's fault. This old boy only wanted to hide in the road. I'm afraid he was worshiped by Snow Cat back then. After the master, he followed Xue Mao to practice and never took care of the family affairs. This led to the emergence of people like Dugu Yu among the Dugu family's children today.

At this time, hundreds of streams of light fell from the sky, each with a powerful aura, and they were all at the Immortal Emperor level!

Yang Yiyun's eyes swept over and landed on one of them. He saw that this person was the leader and one of the four elders when he attacked the Dugu family.

The man's face turned pale as he looked, and he knelt down and shouted: "Dugu Chenguang, the current head of the Dugu family, pays homage to the head of the family."

Dugu Chenguang, as one of the four elders of the four clans back then, knew best that what happened back then and the current situation today were all his fault. After the ancestor killed the current head of the family, he appointed him as the head of the family. These things The old ancestor and Snow Cat were hiding in the forbidden area of ​​​​the family. They didn't care about the family affairs at all. They only ordered to unify the Chaos Fairy City and find talented disciples to train assassins and intelligence officers. They didn't care about other things at all.

And Dugu Chenguang, after he tasted the taste of power, supported his descendants... This is how he achieved today's situation. Over the years, Xuemao has ignored him, and Yang Yiyun has never been here, which made Dugu Chenguang have other thoughts in his heart. Dedicated to developing and growing, the Dugu family also thought that if Yang Yiyun's bullshit Yunmen was destroyed one day, their Dugu family would naturally become the number one family in Chaos Fairy City.

It is indeed true that they have now become the first family in Chaos Fairy City.

Over the years, through the assassins and intelligence network cultivated by the ancestors and Snow Cat, Dugu Chenguang conquered more than 90% of the Immortal Kings and Emperors in the Chaotic Immortal City, making the Dugu family the first family in the Chaotic Immortal City.

His own heart swelled, and his descendants naturally became domineering as well.

Who knew that Yang Yiyun would appear again today, and his ancestor had already achieved the Immortal Realm, but he didn't expect to kneel down when he saw Yang Yiyun the first time...

What Dugu Chenguang originally thought in his mind was that after his ancestor became the Immortal Master, he would go against Yang Yiyun's rule when the Dugu family joined the Yunmen. Coupled with the environment he created over the years, the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor Keqing he conquered Even if Yang Yiyun comes, it doesn't matter. The worst is to kill Yang Yiyun.

But who would have thought that the ancestor had no intention of resisting at all and knelt down directly in front of Yang Yiyun.

This makes Dugu Chenguang very disappointed!

When Yang Yiyun glanced at him, Dugu Chenguang gritted his teeth and knelt down. Because all the ancestors knelt down, he had no reason not to kneel down.

When Dugu Chenguang knelt down, over a hundred immortal emperors behind him also knelt down. These were all the guests that Dugu Chenguang had conquered through hard and soft means over the years, all headed by Dugu Chenguang.

This scene is shocking.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes when he saw Dugu Chenguang, because he had just captured the killing intent and unwillingness in Dugu Chenguang's eyes for the moment he knelt down.

Although Dugu Chenguang was well hidden, under his eyes, he was naturally unmoved and was caught.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he looked at Dugu Chenguang and said, "You were one of the four elders of the Dugu family back then, right?"

Back then, he knew that one of the four elders of the Dugu family was dissatisfied with him. Now, after so many years, it seems that it has not changed.

"Yes~" Dugu Chenguang replied.

"So, this Duguyu on the ground is from your lineage?" Yang Yiyun had actually guessed the general situation of the Dugu family, but he still asked.

"Yes, he is my grandson. This boy is ignorant and does not know the sect master. He is very offended. Please forgive him for once because of his ignorance." Dugu Chenguang said.

"Haha, Dugu Yu is known as the Nine Young Masters. He runs amuck in the Immortal City and travels in a golden sedan chair. The Eight Immortal Kings and Eight Immortal Kings carry the sedan chair. The four Immortal Emperors protect him. The evil slaves of the two Immortal Kings arrive. Wherever they pass, long whips are whipped and the air is filled with smoke. , today he is going to break my legs and make me crawl on the ground and become a dog~

Head of the Dugu family, I would like to ask, who is the dog? Come and tell me what is the relationship between the Dugu family and me? Today is the day to let all the monks in Chaotic Fairy City know, who is this emperor from your Dugu family? "

Yang Yiyun spoke lightly and stared at Dugu Chenguang. The meaning was very obvious. Today, Dugu Chenguang came to tell the entire Chaos Fairy City personally that your entire Dugu family is just the emperor's dog.

This is an insult.

But that’s what Yang Yiyun wanted to do, because he saw something else in Dugu Chenguang’s eyes~

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