My Master Is a God

Chapter 2321 My Emperor Yang Yiyun

Yang Yiyun and his party rode on the back of a loach and traveled through the starry sky.

The loach's speed is nothing to say. It flies so fast that it can't be beat. As soon as its wings moved, it entered the starry sky sea. The next time it moved, it was no longer known where it was.

But as long as you go in the right direction, you don't have to worry about going wrong.

Anyway, there is no mistake in having an ancient sword to lead the way. The Yaochi Immortal Territory is a large Immortal Territory, and it is actually easy to find. The only thing you are looking for is the location of the Yaochi Immortal Sect.

Every fairyland naturally has its core place. To rule a fairyland is vast and boundless, but only one place is needed for the core place.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun looked at the sea of ​​​​stars in his sight and seemed familiar, so he said: "Loach, stop~"

Loach stopped immediately.

Gu Jian and others looked at Yang Yiyun and asked what happened?

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "I have been to this place before. I remembered that when I first arrived in the fairy world, I made a brother. I was thinking about when to visit my brother. Who would have thought that after thousands of years, there would be no one? Been here before.

Come on, let's go down and have a look. I don't know if he's here now. Since we've encountered something along the way, let's go and see him. "

The place Yang Yiyun saw was Daqing Fairy Mountain, also known as Daqing World. It was also here that he and his friend Du Jiebin became close friends in life and death.

Du Jiebin was his first friend in the immortal world. Together they entered the Daluo Immortal Mansion, experienced life and death, and became friends in life and death.

It was also in the Daqing world that Yang Yiyun obtained Qijun Alchemy and Qinglian Fairy Fire...

Yang Yiyun can't forget here. He narrowly escaped death many times. He offended the Shangxuanxianmen, the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world, but he also fought and killed Shangxuanxianmen.

This is where my friend Du Jiebin’s fairy gate, Taiqing Fairy Gate, is located.

Du Jiebin also left that year. After he opened the Wind and Thunder Immortal Body, he became a disciple of a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. I don't know that Du Jiebin is still in the Taiqing Immortal Sect now. I guess he shouldn't be anymore, right?

Because Lao Du left and went to the school.

But for Yang Yiyun, regardless of whether Lao Du is there or not, he will go to Taiqing Immortal Sect to have a look. After all, Taiqing Xianmen also has Lao Du's father Du Renjie.

Lao Du is his first life and death friend after the fairy world, and he will never forget it.

Anyway, it’s a good idea to drop by and have a look. If your friend Du Jiebin is there, it’s also good to catch up on old times.

There is no rush to go to the Yaochi Fairyland.

He jumped directly into the Daqing world and arrived at the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun took the ancient sword, red clothes, mink and snow cat with him and went up the mountain to visit.

When he came to Taiqing Immortal Sect again in the past thousands of years, Yang Yiyun sighed inwardly. Back then, he and Du Jiebin were just a little immortal, and he was also surrounded and killed by the masters of Shangxuan Immortal Sect, but he finally got to where he is today step by step. , became the Immortal Emperor.

Speaking of which, he was grateful to Du Jiebin. If Du Jiebin hadn't stepped forward to take him into the Great Luo Immortal Mansion and fight with him, he wouldn't have been able to obtain Qijun Alchemy and Qinglian Immortal Fire. These two things were very important to him. The cultivation strength and growth played a key role and are still used today.

With these things in mind, I walked towards Taiqing Immortal Sect.

At a certain moment, Gu Jian suddenly said: "My lord, something seems wrong. There is thick smoke rising from the mountain, and there seems to be fighting and killing~"

Yang Yiyun was thinking about the past in his mind. When Leng Buding heard Gu Jian's words, he was startled. He quickly looked up and saw that there was thick smoke billowing from Taiqing Mountain, and he heard faint shouts of killing.

His heart sank and he said: "Go and have a look~"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body disappeared in a flash...

He knew something was wrong.

Something must have happened to Taiqing Immortal Sect.

It looked like he was being attacked.

There is no doubt that Taiqing Immortal Sect was attacked on a large scale by a certain force~

As for which force it is, it's really hard to say. It shouldn't be.

Since Du Jiebin succeeded in becoming a disciple, Taiqing Immortal Sect has relied on a big force, and when he left, he gave three elixir recipes of Qijun Alchemy to Du Jiebin, which is equivalent to letting Taiqing The Immortal Sect has great potential. According to his speculation, after thousands of years, Taiqing Immortal Sect will definitely develop into the No. 1 Immortal Sect in the Daqing World.

So many forces must not dare to find Taiqing Immortal Sect.

In other words, the sect forces in this Daqing world do not dare to provoke the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Thinking about it now, Yang Yiyun felt that the matter was probably serious.

If the forces in the Daqing world do not dare to provoke Taiqing Xianmen, then external forces can only attack Taiqing Xianmen. However, if the outside world wants to invade and attack Taiqing Xianmen, it will inevitably be far stronger in strength and power. The power of the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun knew that he had to go and have a look, otherwise the Taiqing Immortal Sect would be destroyed.

In fact, in the immortal world, there are countless immortal mountains and worlds, and countless immortal sects. New immortal sects are born every day, and countless immortal sects disappear.

This is normal.

But for Yang Yiyun, the immortal sect related to him is different.

Taiqing Immortal Sect is his brother's sect, and he must protect it.

Now I just hope that the Taiqing Immortal Sect is still there, or can stick to what it said and not be destroyed.

In fact, he knew very well that sects like Taiqing Immortal Sect could only be considered as small, unpopular sects in the immortal world. After all, the sect leader back then was only at the Golden Immortal level.

Even if thousands of years have passed, he will still develop to the level of Hunyuan or Immortal Lord.

The small sect does not have a powerful mountain gate formation to protect it, does not have high-level magical power inheritance, and does not have a strong person to guard it, so it can be easily destroyed.

This is also the reason why Yang Yiyun spends huge resources to build Yunmen buildings and so on. He wants to make Yunmen's buildings the best in the immortal world. He also considers the basics. The first sect building in the immortal world is not only a matter of style. , the greater role is the internal mechanism operation and defense. Even if you encounter a strong enemy, each building in the mountain gate is a fortress. If the disciples cannot defeat it, they can still save their lives by hiding inside.

A small sect does not have these facilities. If it encounters a powerful enemy and is breached by the mountain gate, it will be a disaster for the sect to be destroyed if they rush in.

Taiqing Immortal Sect is now a living example.

Yang Yiyun arrived at Taiqing Immortal Sect in a blink of an eye, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he discovered that the mountain gate formation of Taiqing Immortal Sect had been destroyed, and a one-sided massacre was going on.

There were sounds of fighting everywhere, rivers of blood flowed, and corpses piled up like mountains. Judging from their clothes, they were all disciples of the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Just as he had guessed, there were two groups of people. One was in black clothes with gold rims, and the other was from the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

But the power gap is very disparate.

There were only twenty people in black clothes and gold-trimmed clothing, but the Taiqing Immortal Sect was the entire sect, and thousands of disciples had been killed.

At this moment, there were less than fifty people left, but they were surrounded in the square of Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief after his consciousness swept away, and felt a little excited because he saw his friends Du Jiebin and his son were surrounded. They looked injured all over, but they were still alive.

After not seeing each other for thousands of years, Du Jiebin has already reached the early stage of the Immortal King. This is not surprising to him, because Du Jiebin has the body of wind and thunder, while his father Du Renjie is in the stage of the Immortal King. Although both of their cultivation levels have improved compared to before. There are many, many enemies that they can face that are more powerful than them.

The twenty enemies who surrounded them in black clothes and gold-rimmed clothes were all late-stage Immortal Lords. In addition, there was a young man riding a flying boat, and an old man with Immortal Emperor cultivation. These two were obviously the real commanders. , or that young man.

This young man is currently sitting on the flying boat, with an old man standing behind him. He looks like a servant. The young man has the early cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, while the old man standing behind him has the late cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor.

Drinking the fairy wine with a smile, watching the battle in the field as if watching a play.

At this time, the fighting on the field was fierce. On the Taiqing Immortal Sect side, only his friend Du Jiebin, who was an Immortal King, was able to support the situation by himself, but it seemed that he could not support it for long.

At a certain moment, the young man drank a glass of wine, but suddenly threw the glass in his hand, and with a powerful wave of magic power, it hit Du Jiebin who was fighting below.

Seeing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but let out a long roar and took action.


The dragon-slaying sword flew out with a swish, shattering the young man's wine glass in an instant. He knew that if he didn't take action, the wine glass would be enough to injure Du Jiebin, because the young man who threw the wine glass was an Immortal Emperor, and Du Jiebin was an Immortal King.

"Who is so bold~"

A scolding sounded.

But the sword energy was everywhere in the field, accompanied by screams: "Ahhhh..."

In an instant, Yang Yiyun killed twenty immortal kings in black with his sword.

At this moment, he suddenly appeared in the square where Du Jiebin was, and said: "I, Yang Yiyun~"

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