My Master Is a God

Chapter 2322 Super Power Meteoric Palace

Yang Yiyun killed all twenty immortal kings with one move. He turned his back to Du Jiebin and others, and looked up at the young man on the flying boat in the sky who said quietly to his emperor Yang Yiyun.

Du Jiebin, who was already covered in injuries, looked at the man who fell from the sky with his back to them. He suddenly said the words "I am the emperor Yang Yiyun", and Du Jiebin was shocked all over.

Yang Yiyun...?

He has a close friend in life and death also named Yang Yiyun, but he shouldn't be the Immortal Emperor in front of him, right?

With this thought in his mind, Du Jiebin looked carefully and saw the other person's head full of white hair. Du Jiebin was a little uneasy now. Could he really be his best friend Yang Yiyun?

My voice is hoarse and I want to speak, go and ask if you are Yunzi?

But because of the injuries all over his body, he could never speak and no sound came out of his throat.

And at this moment, the enemy opened his mouth and directly confronted Yang Yiyun.

The young man on the flying boat stood up suddenly and looked down at the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared in the field, his expression gloomy to the extreme.

He actually killed all twenty of his men in one move. These were twenty immortal kings all of the same color!

So he was killed.

"Who are you to dare to interfere in the affairs of my Falling Star Palace? Are you too impatient to live?"

The young man who claimed to be from the Falling Star Palace stood on the flying boat and stared at Yang Yiyun like a poisonous snake.

At this time, Hong Yi, Gu Jian, and Snow Cat finally arrived and landed next to Yang Yiyun.

I also happened to hear the voice of the young man on the flying boat.

Gu Jian was shocked and couldn't help but said: "Falling Star Palace?"

Yang Yiyun frowned and said, "What? This Meteor Star Palace has a lot of history?"

Gu Jian quickly replied: "Reporting to your lord, indeed, the Meteor Star Palace is a super power. It was created by the Meteor Star Immortal Lord, one of the top ten titled immortals. It is the same as the Yaochi Immortal Domain. It is also a super power.

The people in the Falling Star Palace are not to be trifled with. Sir, if you can avoid interfering, my suggestion is don’t interfere. In the entire immortal world, apart from the three major Tianzun forces, it is rumored that the Falling Star Palace has the most masters. In the Falling Star Palace, the Immortal Emperor will catch them all. There are a lot of strong people following the fallen Immortal Lord..."

Gu Jian didn't say anything else, but Yang Yiyun understood. Gu Jian's words were very clear. The Meteor Star Palace was not to be offended. It was actually the forces of the Titled Immortal Lord, and it was the Titled Immortal Lord who was one of the masters besides the three major Tianzun forces. The most powerful force.

Gu Jian was filled with fear when he spoke.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and asked: "How many powerful people are there that can make you, the Immortal Emperor who was born in the Immortal Refining Alliance, change his color?"

Gu Jian smiled awkwardly and said: "I don't know the exact number, but there was a rumor that the Meteor Star Palace was said to have over a hundred powerful Immortal Lords, thousands of Immortal Emperors, tens of thousands of Immortal Kings, and an army of one hundred thousand Immortal Lords. Rumor has it that The Meteor Star Immortal Lord was a military general in the secular world before he entered Taoism. After he established his sect, he ran the Meteor Star Palace with militarized management. It was all in army mode. An army of 100,000 Immortal Lords claimed to be able to sweep across the Immortal World. Of course, this was a bit exaggerated. Yes, but it also shows that the Falling Star Palace is indeed a super power."

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he gasped inwardly.

Damn it, there are over a hundred Immortal Lords, over a thousand Immortal Emperors, tens of thousands of Immortal Kings, over a hundred thousand Immortal Lords...?

If the rumors are true, they are really super powerful and not easy to mess with.

But...he has to take care of this matter today.

Because behind him is Du Jiebin, the first friend he met in the fairy world, a friend who can be entrusted with life and death.

With the strength and influence of the Falling Star Palace, it is indeed extremely powerful. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would give up.

But the path Yang Yiyun has taken in his life is the path of friendship. What's the harm in being an enemy of such a behemoth?

If he really gives in and leaves today, he will never have peace of mind for the rest of his life.

Don't even think about taking a step further on the road.

This matter is settled.

Gu Jian wanted to say something else, but Yang Yiyun raised his hand to stop him.

Then he looked at the young man on the flying boat and said slowly: "Come down and die~"

Now that I have made a decision in my heart, it is just one word - kill!

Killing one person from the Falling Star Palace is killing and offending, and the same goes for killing a hundred people.

Don't regret it if you get it right, just get down and get down.

Now he was facing only an Immortal Emperor from the Falling Star Palace.

Of course, there is an old man in the late Immortal Emperor stage beside the young man, but so what?

He couldn't put it in Yang's eyes.

"Yun... Yunzi is... is it you?"

Once again, he heard the white-haired immortal with his back turned to speak. This time, Du Jiebin heard a familiar voice. He was almost sure it was his friend Yang Yiyun, so he couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said to Snow Cat: "I'll leave that silly guy on the Snow Cat flying boat to you. I'll go catch up with my brother, and you, Hong Yi, will go and help."

"It's the master."

The next moment, Snow Cat and Hongyi responded at the same time.

At this time, Yang Yiyun turned around and looked at Du Jiebin, who was twenty meters away.

They hadn't seen each other for thousands of years, and when they looked at each other, they still had the same look in their eyes as before, and they were still friends and brothers.

"Lao Du~"

Yang Yiyun walked forward and called Lao Du, which was what he called him in Daluo Immortal Mansion.

"Yun...Yunzi, it's really you."

Du Jiebin spoke with a trembling voice, his expression extremely excited. Thousands of years had passed, and he thought he would never see the brothers who fought with him side by side again.

Unexpectedly, he appeared today when his life and death were at stake.

But when we meet again, he is already the Immortal Emperor.


"court death……"

At this moment, Snow Cat and Hong Yi have boarded the flying boat to fight each other.

Du Jiebin's face changed and he said hurriedly: "Yunzi, please stop your people quickly. The other party is from the Meteor Star Palace, and that young man is the son of You Budong, one of the ten generals of the Meteor Star Palace - You Kui. The Meteor Star Palace is too powerful. Now, I can’t let you get involved anymore…”

Yang Yiyun raised his hand to stop Du Jiebin from speaking, grinned and said: "Old Du, do you think I, Yang Yiyun, am a person who is afraid of trouble? I know the Falling Star Palace even if you don't tell me, but it's not okay to hurt my brothers and friends. It's not okay for any palace. Since I Don't be afraid if provoked.

There is no need to worry, these people destroyed your sect, and I will take revenge on you. He still can’t defy the Heavenly Star Palace, so don’t be so polite between us. If you hadn’t sacrificed your life to protect me, I would have died a long time ago... "

Listening to Yang Yiyun's words word for word, Du Jiebin had tears in his eyes and choked up several times. He had seen too many people and things during the great changes.

No one stood up to help him. In addition to not helping him, when they learned that what he had offended was someone behind the Meteor Palace, they added insult to injury.

Yang Yiyun is the first person to speak out and put it into practice with practical actions.



At this moment, there was just a scream in the sky, and then the flying boat was torn apart.

The battle was over, in the blink of an eye.

The snow cat appeared out of thin air next to Yang Yiyun and whispered: "The master's subordinates are incompetent, and a ray of the old man's soul escaped~"

Yang Yiyun frowned when he heard this, but he didn't say anything and waved his hand to signal Snow Cat not to worry.

Naturally, he saw it, and he knew that there must be something unique about being able to escape a ray of soul from the snow cat. It was not a snow cat, and he just ran away. Anyway, he couldn't make a big wave, at most He just went back to report a message. After he took action, he never thought that he could hide it from the Falling Star Palace.

It would be fine if You Kui was killed by the snow cat, and the body of the escaped spirit old man was also blown up by the snow cat, so it didn't matter.

This time, Hong Yi was originally asked to take action together, but Hong Yi didn't have time to take action, and the battle was ended in the blink of an eye by Xue Mao. This shows that Xue Mao's strength and methods are even worse than before. Her words and deeds cannot be followed. From an ordinary perspective, it is very strange.

After that, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin continued to talk, and then they understood the reason.

It turns out that Du Jiebin was hunted down by Yu Kui of the Fallen Star Palace because his sect was destroyed. He was implicated by his sect and was hunted all the way, which led to such a disaster. Yu Kui directly chased him into his own immortal sect.

According to Du Jiebin, his division offended a certain high-ranking official in the Falling Star Palace. As a result, the Falling Star Palace sent a general with an army of 10,000 to crush their division, and he fled all the way back to his hometown of Daqing World. The Taiqing Immortal Sect was still chased by You Kui and his men, which led to the current situation. Fortunately, Yang Yiyun appeared in time, otherwise the Taiqing Sect would also be destroyed today.

After Yang Yiyun listened, he nodded, but he didn't ask or say anything more. He could actually tell that Du Jiebin didn't tell him the truth, but as a good friend, Yang Yiyun didn't ask. Everyone has their own secrets. Since Du Jiebin didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask further questions.

All he needed to know was that Du Jiebin was his friend. Otherwise, he wouldn't ask unless Lao Du told him.

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