My Master Is a God

Chapter 2323 Give Yang Yiyun something

Du Jiebin has Du Jiebin’s secret, and Yang Yiyun also has Yang Yiyun’s secret.

Some things are better not to be asked. Things that can be said between friends, or secrets, will be said naturally even without asking.

Although the crisis in Taiqing Immortal Sect has been resolved, the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect has also become a ruin.

In fact, Du Jiebin was fortunate that You Kui was playing cat and mouse from the beginning and did not take action personally. If You Kui or the old man in the late Immortal Emperor stage around him had taken action from the beginning, they would have died a hundred times over.

Now there are less than fifty people left in the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect, thousands of disciples have been killed, and the sect has become a ruin. This is actually no different from the annihilation of the sect.

The remaining members of the Taiqing Immortal Sect were in extremely low spirits, especially Du Jiebin’s father, Du Renjie, who was in the worst mood. From the moment Yang Yiyun came to the rescue to the time he killed the enemy to resolve the crisis, his eyes were always distracted, and he never came to fight with Yang Yiyun. It's rude to say hello to anyone.

However, Yang Yiyun didn't care at all, and even understood him very well. After all, the sect was abolished, with more than a thousand disciples killed and injured, and everything was over.

The person who blames himself the most for this is Du Jiebin. In the end, Taiqing Immortal Sect was implicated by him and the master sect, but who can tell clearly what is going on in the world!

No one expected that the powerful sect would be wiped out overnight, and a game of big fish eating small fish would take place.

There was nothing he could do about it. He escaped and fled all the way from his master's sect to his hometown, Taiqing Immortal Sect. However, he was chased to Taiqing Immortal Sect, which led to today's catastrophe.

Du Jiebin blamed himself extremely...

All Yang Yiyun can do is try his best to help this friend.

He greeted Du Jiebin in the last issue and comforted the remaining people of Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Then he asked Du Jiebin: "What are Lao Du's plans next? If you want to rebuild the Taiqing Immortal Sect, I can help."

Du Jiebin smiled bitterly and said: "How can we rebuild when everything is in ruins~ Moreover, 99% of my Taiqing Immortal Sect disciples are basically dead, and only fifty of them are left. They have become defeated soldiers. If nothing else, our power has been greatly damaged. The consequences will only make other immortal sects worry about them, and they are eager to step on them. Even after rebuilding, they will only be disintegrated by other immortal sects in an instant..."

Just as the two were talking, a burst of laughter rang out from the sky.

"Hahaha...Old Monster Du didn't expect you to have this day. It's really an eye-opener for you. Today is your day of death..."

"Count me as an old man, over the years, your Taiqing Immortal Sect relied on your son to join the powerful Immortal Sect, and you have been domineering and domineering in this great world. But today you have ended up like this. You really deserve it, haha~"

"Also, I, Mr. Du, you should let go of your grudge for robbing my sect's training resources back then~"

"I'm here to join in the fun..."

"I heard that the Taiqing Immortal Sect was taught a lesson by a powerful immortal sect today, so I came here to see the excitement, haha..."

People came from all directions, at least seven major forces.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people gathered and surrounded the entire square.

At this moment, Du Renjie's eyes were red, he took a step forward and said gloomily: "Dayu Immortal Sect, Huaqing Immortal Sect, Shangxuan's Remains, Taicang Immortal Sect... Hahaer and other villains are all here, and they are all the top ten immortal sects in Daqing Immortal Mountain. , how have we, the Taiqing Immortal Sect, ever treated you badly? What kind of bullshit is running rampant and tyrannical to rob cultivation resources? Since you are all here, why do you need to be so hypocritical and make up excuses? Tell me what you want to do?"

"Haha, since Mr. Du has made his words clear, we won't hide it. We will hand over the recipe for the Qijun Pill. We will let you dozens of defeated soldiers go and keep your corpses intact. Otherwise, we will blame us and search for their souls directly..."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked at this group of people as if they were fools. In his eyes, the leader of these people was the Immortal Lord. Although the rest seemed to be more powerful, they were all with the Immortal Lord or lower level. There are also true immortals among them.

At first, he thought that people from the Falling Star Palace were coming, and he was still thinking about how they came so quickly. All he knew were people from the top ten immortal sects in the Daqing world, and several of them were the same ones who had hunted him down back then. Old enemy.

For example, Dayu Immortal Sect and Shangxuan Immortal Sect. Although he killed Yan Wuliang, the master of Shangxuan Immortal Sect, he thought that Shangxuan Immortal Sect would be in ruins from then on, but now it seems that this is not the case, and it actually exists.

Seeing these people acting like fools, I just want to say, don't these fools see that the Immortal Emperor himself is present?

Listening to Du Renjie's conversation with them, Yang Yiyun realized that these people came here to ask for Qijun Danfang. He had given Du Jiebin three Qijun Danfang as a gift. It seemed that these people had known about it for a long time.

Speaking of which, these people came to make up for the damage, and his cause and effect were involved.

But to Yang Yiyun, no matter what reason these people came for, it didn't matter whether they saw him, the Immortal Emperor, because he had already classified these people as the number one must-kill in his heart.

He hated these rats who made trouble the most in his life, not to mention that these people had chased him outside Daluo Immortal Mansion.

But having said that, if he hadn't been here today and these rats had joined forces, even if Du Jiebin was injured and had the cultivation level of the Immortal King, they would have really been able to wipe out the remaining dozens of people from the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun stepped forward and said calmly: "I was the one who gave Taiqing Immortal Sect three Qijun elixir prescriptions back then. Are you guys here to ask my opinion?"

At first, these people's eyes were red and they only stared at Du Jiebin and his son in the field. They really didn't notice Yang Yiyun. They just received the news that someone was attacking the Taiqing Immortal Sect, so they united and came to add insult to injury. square.

In fact, I didn’t understand the situation at all.

When Yang Yiyun opened his mouth, he discovered that there was an existence in the field whose cultivation level they could not see through.

The one with the highest cultivation level among them is the Immortal Lord. How can he see through the cultivation level of Immortal Emperor Yang Yiyun?

I was stunned for a moment, and I was in a state of confusion. I never thought that there were still masters in Taiqing Immortal Sect?

According to their understanding, the Taiqing Immortal Sect’s backer over the years has been Du Jiebin’s sect. However, Du Jiebin’s sect has been wiped out by another super force. Even Du Jiebin secretly escaped and returned to the Taiqing Immortal Sect. It was just a remnant, and Ling Qi was injured. With so many of their forces uniting to deal with Immortal King Du Jiebin, they were still confident.

But now a white-haired young man suddenly appeared. They couldn't see through the realm of cultivation. Now they were a little worried. The immortal king couldn't see through the realm of cultivation, which could only mean that the other party was at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

An Immortal Emperor is present, and they are all ants.

At this moment, a person who went to the Xuanxian Sect suddenly exclaimed: "Are you Yang Yiyun...?"

When he said this, several people from the Immortal Sect also remembered that Yang Yiyun actually had a fight with the Shangxuan Immortal Sect with a monster back then, and Yan Wuliang died in the end.

Moreover, behind the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, the clone of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal was also shattered by Yang Yiyun and the monster.

The monster is actually Yukika.

Thousands of years have passed, but they didn't expect that today's Yang Yiyun would be in a state of cultivation that they couldn't even see through.

These people began to feel weak.

However, Yang Yiyun had already spit out one word: "Kill~"

The next moment, Xue Mao, Hong Yi, Diao Er, and Gu Jian all took action. Yang Yiyun didn't like these bastards either. He moved his Dragon Slayer and Coiling Dragon Swords in his heart and killed them with hundreds of sword energy in revenge.

Screams continued to sound, and in less than ten breaths, the field turned into a Shura Field. No one was standing anymore, and all the immortal sects who came were regarded as dead.

Calmness returned to the field again. Yang Yiyun turned around and looked at Du Jiebin and said: "I'm afraid I can't stay here anymore, Lao Du. Let's do this. I'll send someone to take you to my Yunmen. At least you can let the remaining people from Taiqing Immortal Sect be able to stay." You have a place to live, and what are you planning for the future?"

When Du Jiebin heard this, he was filled with gratitude. After discussing it with his father and others, he agreed.

Then Yang Yiyun said to Snow Mao: "Snow Mao arranged for someone to take Lao Du and the others to our Cloud Gate base."


Snow Cat was very straightforward. After a long roar, two Immortal Emperors suddenly appeared in the field, as if they appeared out of thin air. They knelt down and said: "Yunmen Dark Night Guards, Yunjiu and Yunten pay their respects to the sect master and leader."

Yang Yiyun was not surprised at all by the two immortal emperors who appeared out of thin air. Snow Mao told him on the way here that all the killers she trained were out this time, and there was a pair of invisible men following them secretly.

Yang Yiyun had felt the aura before, and this time he directly ordered Snow Cat.

Now it turns out that's true.

"I order you two to escort the people from Taiqing Immortal Sect back to my Yunmen base. This is my token. After you arrive at the formation, if you activate the token, someone will naturally take you in. Also tell Jing Can and Dongfang Haotian, Du Jiebin is a life-and-death friend and cannot be neglected."

Yang Yiyun directly gave orders to the two Immortal Emperor level killers.

"I sincerely abide by the sect master's decree." The two men responded in unison.

Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with this, or he was very satisfied with Snow Cat's training. At least these killers knew the existence of his sect leader.

On the other hand, Du Jiebin saw all this and was filled with great shock. Whether it was Yang Yiyun, the person next to his friend, or his strength and cultivation, Du Jiebin knew that he could not catch up with Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun's arrangement was a great favor. At least he could finally feel less guilty towards the people of the Taiqing Immortal Sect led by his father.

In the final analysis, it was all because of him that the Taiqing Immortal Sect was implicated in causing this catastrophe. If there was no safe place, the people who could not protect the Falling Star Palace would track them down again, and they would eventually die.

And all this is because the master handed something to him before he died. After thinking about it, Du Jiebin was ready to hand such a thing to Yang Yiyun. It was obvious that Yang Yiyun had enough cultivation and strength, and he felt relieved that the thing was in Yang Yiyun's hands. However, he had changed his mind. Anyway, he couldn't figure out why the thing was in his hand, but it became a disaster.

Thinking of this, Du Jiebin took a deep breath and said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi, come with me. I have something to say to you."

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