My Master Is a God

Chapter 2324 The God of Enlightenment

Yang Yiyun saw the serious look on Du Jiebin's face. He knew that Du Jiebin wanted to talk to him about something secret. Yang Yiyun had seen Du Jiebin's covert eyes before when he asked why Du Jiebin was posting, and he seemed to be hiding some secret. .

He respected his friend and did not ask further questions. Now that Du Jiebin took the initiative to speak, he could not refuse and followed Du Jiebin to one side.

He said directly: "Yunzi, actually I was hunted down, and even my sect was hunted down, all because of one thing. I won't talk about the grievances involved. Now that the sect is gone, there is nothing to say. In short The reason why the people from the Falling Star Palace are chasing after you is because of this..."

As he was talking, Du Jiebin turned over his hand and a piece appeared. It was as big as the palm of his hand and looked like a mirror. It looked like bone but not bone, like jade but not jade. At first glance, it looked like a mirror.

Yang Yiyun looked at Du Jiebin a little confused and looked at him in confusion. He knew that Du Jiebin had something to say later.

Sure enough, I heard Du Jiebin say: "My master gave this Yunzi thing to me before he died, and it is also something that the people in the Falling Star Palace are after. I heard my master said before he died that it was a great treasure, but this thing has been in my hands for a long time." I didn't realize anything, but now it has implicated my Taiqing Immortal Sect. I am ashamed of my father and fellow sects. Yunzi is not suitable to be left in my hands. Now I will hand him over to you... …”

"Stop, stop, stop..." Yang Yiyun waved his hand to interrupt Du Jiebin, and sighed: "Lao Du, this thing was left to you by your master. It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is because of your master's discipline and the way you grew up. My sect, two immortal sects were wiped out because of this, and it cost so many lives. It’s not appropriate for you to give me such an important thing, and I can’t ask for it.”

Du Jiebin smiled bitterly and said: "Yunzi, listen to me, it is precisely because this thing is stained with too much blood that I feel very uneasy and guilty. I have held this thing in my hand for a long time and I didn't see anything, but now It's very hot, but Ni should understand that it is precisely because of this that I don't feel safe handing this thing to anyone. After all, the two immortal sects related to me have paid too much blood and sacrifices.

Your cultivation level is very strong now. This thing is safe for you in your hands. Moreover, if you can arrange for the remaining people from our Taiqing Immortal Sect to give us a place of protection this time, it will be a great success. Risk, I know the power of the Falling Star Palace, it is a powerful existence that any power in the fairy world must be afraid of.

You take us in, we can't repay you, this thing can be considered as reward, haha, it sounds like you can't comprehend it, but it's actually just a piece of waste, Yunzi, don't refuse, please make me feel better, if you don't accept it, I I am too embarrassed to take people like Taiqing Immortal Sect to your Yunmen..."

Du Jiebin said a lot and his attitude was very firm. Yang Yiyun understood Du Jiebin's character and knew that every word he said was from the heart of the concubine. If he didn't accept this thing, Du Jiebin would not feel at ease.

He smiled bitterly and said: "You have said so, what else can I do? Okay, I will accept this thing, and you can safely follow my people to my Yunmen base, where there is a powerful sword array guarding me, and there are even masters stationed there. Even if the people from his Falling Star Palace attack by force, it won't be that easy.

If one day I can understand the secret, I will share it with you immediately. Let this be settled. You are all injured. Follow my people and leave as soon as possible. I killed the people in the Falling Star Palace. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and I also have to go to the Yaochi Fairyland. When I come back after finishing my work, our brothers will have a long talk all night~"

While Yang Yiyun was talking, Du Jiebin handed over the bone mirror, which he didn’t have a name for, so Yang Yiyun just called it the bone mirror.

Of course it looks like some kind of bone, but it feels slightly warm in the hand and doesn't look like a bone at all.

This bone mirror also reminded him of his own Netherworld bone. He had not summoned a Netherworld creature from the Netherworld bone for such a long time. He was still thinking of finding time to summon a Netherworld creature to study it. .

"Okay, then I want to leave~"

Du Jiebin let out a long breath, and after handing the bone mirror to Yang Yiyun, he felt a lot more relaxed as if a big stone had been lifted from his heart.

“Have a nice trip~”

After the two killer immortal emperors left with Du Jiebin and his entourage, Yang Yiyun also transformed himself into a loach and flew to the sea of ​​​​stars to go to the fairyland of Yaochi.

The distance between the Immortal Realm and the Immortal Realm is not short, but Yang Yiyun has the super mount Loach with him, so his speed will naturally not be bad.

Regarding the loach's speed, Yang Yiyun also estimated that every time its wings flickered, it was nine thousand miles away. Although it was far from the legendary Kunpeng's wingspan of ninety thousand miles, it was understandable. After all, Kunpeng had only just emerged from the egg.

Now being able to spread its wings nine thousand miles is already quite incredible. After all, it can spread its wings nine thousand miles in an instant.

I'm afraid not many people can find such speed in the entire fairy world.

When the loach grows up in the future, according to Yang Yiyun's inner prediction, it is said that it is possible for it to spread its wings 90,000 miles, 900,000 miles or even a million miles.

Anyway, Loach has unlimited potential.

According to Gu Jian, at this speed, it would take three days to reach the Yaochi Immortal Realm.

Of course, if you open a space portal, it will happen in the blink of an eye. However, the innate ability to open a space portal is too strenuous for the Immortal Emperor level. Even if the opening is successful, it will not be stable. Generally speaking, the focus of the Immortal Emperor realm is to cultivate and comprehend. The power of space will only mature after reaching the Immortal Realm.

At that time, you can open the space portal as you like.

The entire fairy world is too vast. If you want to go somewhere without a powerful flying boat or mount, it is too difficult to fly with your own magic power.

Of course, there are teleportation arrays, but the Immortal Realm is too vast, and not every place has a teleportation array. Moreover, the amount of immortal stones consumed for long-distance teleportation is also a large amount. It is not safe on the road, and it is easy to be targeted. .

So it is best to have mounts and flying boats.

However, the speed of the flying boat is also limited, and not any immortal can afford a superior flying boat.

It also requires extremely powerful mana support. The more powerful the mana, the faster the flying boat will be controlled.

Therefore, traveling in the sea of ​​​​stars in the immortal world is exclusive to those who are powerful at the level of immortals.

The Immortal Lord always needs the help of flying boats and flying mounts.

Yang Yiyun is really lucky to have a loach.

Loach's speed, in the words of Gujian, is comparable to the top flying boats.

Three days was neither long nor short for Yang Yiyun. He sat on the back of a loach with nothing to do. He took out the bone mirror presented by Du Jiebin and looked at it...

Since this thing can be chased after Du Jiebin by the people of the Falling Star Palace without hesitation to destroy the Immortal Sect, it must be a great treasure.

But in Du Jiebin's hands, not even in the hands of Master Du Jiebin, nothing could be understood. Now that he comes to study it, he doesn't have much hope.

It looks like a bone mirror. It feels warm and moist in the hand, and there is no energy fluctuation at all. It is very ordinary.

But precisely because of this, Yang Yiyun was certain that it was definitely not a mortal thing.

Du Jiebin said it was some kind of enlightenment, but he couldn't tell where it came from.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun had nothing to do. He held it in his hand and studied it carefully. The front and back sides were the same. Apart from being very smooth, there were no words or patterns on them...

He tried to use mana, soul power, and even blood, but there was still no reaction.

He muttered to himself: "What I can think of is that Lao Du has tried it a long time ago. This treasure must be a treasure, but how to open the secret inside requires unique means. How to open it? Who can recognize this thing... "

After running out of ideas, Yang Yiyun even asked Xue Mao and Hong Yi, but Hong Yi and Xue Mao also shook their heads.

Speaking of which, Hong Yi has gradually matured his thinking consciousness. Apart from being unable to speak, he can now communicate through sound transmission with mental fluctuations without any obstacles.

Yang Yiyun feels Hongyi's consciousness growing every day...

"Master, maybe you can ask that bastard bird~" the snow cat said from the side.

Yang Yiyun was stunned: "Yes, why did I forget about the miscellaneous feathered bird~"

Since the last time he let the mink pluck all the feathers from the feathered bird, Yang Yiyun has thrown the feathered bird away from the Qiankun Pot space and never taken care of it again. Who asked him to lead the loach...

His heart moved, and the next moment a dark, skinny, featherless bird appeared.

"A weak chicken, a weak chicken, a weak chicken... Your uncle will pay me for my feathers..."

As soon as the demon bird came out, he started to curse.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and raised his hands to plug his ears.

He then asked Zamao Bird to look at the bone mirror. He knew that Zamao Bird was angry and had to let him vent, otherwise he was really afraid that Zamao Bird wouldn't tell the truth.

To be honest, Zamao Bird was indeed a well-informed person around him besides being mean-mouthed. He really helped a lot along the way.

Although Zamao Bird has no fighting ability, it does have great vision. Every time he asks Zamao Bird about something, he basically makes no mistakes.

Think about the last time, in order to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and scare the loaches, the mink came and plucking all the feathers of the feathered bird. It was indeed a big blow to the feathered bird that cherishes its feathers as much as its life.

Yang thought that he did go a bit too far.

In this way, we can let the bastards curse.

For half an hour, the sound of Xinghai Zhong was like a bird cursing Yang Yiyun.

Diaoer bared his teeth several times and wanted to attack the bastard bird, but Yang Yiyun did not stop him. He asked the bastard bird to let him vent his anger.

After half an hour, the bastard got tired of scolding, and finally his tone slowed down. Yang Yiyun then chuckled and said, "Master Bird, Master Bird, are you done scolding? After you're done scolding, take a rest, have a drink, and have something to help me close my eyes." ?”

"Go away~ don't bother me... uh... this is... the God's Enlightenment Bone..."

At first, Zamao Bird cursed and refused to give face, but the next moment he saw the bone mirror in Yang Yiyun's hand, he stopped and exclaimed.

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard what the Zamao Bird was talking about. He really knew what he was doing, and he was worthy of being a Zamao Bird.

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