My Master Is a God

Chapter 2326 Being looked down upon as a bumpkin

This time, it really wasn't as long as the God and Demon Bird said. When Yang Yiyun watched the information screen in the God's Enlightenment Stone, it was not a year, but a real two hundred years.

As for the remaining one hundred years, he used it to understand supernatural powers.

There are only two magical powers that are basically complete, but these two magical powers are enough for Yang Yiyun, and the value of the information in the bone mirror obtained this time is far more than that.

Let’s talk about two magical powers!

The first one is the "All-Seeing Magical Power". This magical power is a sect that even the dead old man praised highly. I remember that the old man said that the All-seeing Magical Power was a magical power created by the Wanxiang Immortal Emperor in the immortal world. Use this magical power to circle among the immortals, and compete with the top immortals without falling behind.

However, he was later tricked to death by several great immortals. The reason was because Wanxiang Immortal Emperor's magical power was too heaven-defying and people were concerned about it. However, Wanxiang Immortal Emperor did not hand over the Wanxiang magical power until his death. He just didn't expect the Wanxiang magical power. Finally, he ended up living on Sanxian Island in the world of cultivation, and was finally given a complete set of magical powers by someone named Yang.

It's just that after practicing for a period of time, he couldn't understand it clearly, so he abandoned this magical power. But this time after seeing the scene of the god's enlightenment bone, he somewhat understood the two magical powers.

The magical power of all things is directly achieved!

It is true that he was proud of the god's enlightenment bone. After inheriting the god's understanding of the great way, heaven and earth, Yang Yiyun achieved great success in comprehending all phenomena and supernatural powers.

Although this magical power is not a powerful attacking magical power, it has unlimited potential. It can be integrated into the environment of all things, simulate the atmosphere of the environment of all things, and change the atmosphere from the inside out. Yang Yiyun believes that the way of concealment will definitely be no worse than that of a snow cat.

After possessing the great power of all things, not to mention other things, the Immortal Lord...hehe, not to mention confronting him head-on, he would definitely dare to attack by sneak attack, and he would be more sure of success.

Because of this great magical power, even the Immortal Lord cannot easily detect it.

In addition to blending into the environment of all things and hiding the aura, the biggest feature of the word "Wanxiang" is the way of change. When you change into a human being, you will have the aura of that person, when you change into a stone, you will have the aura of a stone...

Anyway, in Yang Yiyun's opinion, this magical power is unparalleled.

There is only the second kind of magical power!

These are the twelve supreme magical powers taught by the old man. However, the twelfth magical power has not been fully understood yet. He has reached the eleventh level.

Despite this, Yang Yiyun was very satisfied.

Because this is a powerful magical power that the old man has spent his whole life studying, and it is a powerful offensive magical power. In Yang Yiyun's opinion, it is perfect when combined with the omnipresent magical power.

The two great magical powers have been basically perfected. Although his cultivation level has not improved, it has greatly increased his strength. Now for him, even the Immortal Lord dares to fight.

Suddenly Yang felt that the fairyland was so vast and could be reached everywhere.

My heart swelled a lot.

After the agitated mood calmed down, Yang Yiyun ordered to enter the Yaochi Fairyland as soon as possible.

Three hundred years had just felt like a dream to him, but the loss of time was real.

It is true that there is no time to cultivate immortality, and I feel more and more that for immortals, time is the least valuable thing.

But he knows that time is the most valuable at any time.

The whereabouts of his women are unknown. Three hundred years have been enough for a lot of things to happen.

Go find it quickly.

As Gu Jian said, the entire Yaochi Immortal Realm is indeed very large. It is worthy of being the Immortal Realm of the Titled Immortal Master Tonggang, with countless fairy mountains.

Yang Yiyun asked Ni Loach to slow down and enter the Yaochi Immortal Realm. Under the leadership of Gu Jian, he went directly to the core of the Yaochi Immortal Realm, Xiangxian Mountain - Yaochi Immortal Mountain.

It is also called Yaochi Holy Land and Yaochi World.

Leaping all the way, passing by many fairy mountains, a huge fairy mountain with a flashing halo appeared in sight after half a day.

"The world of Yaochi is ahead of you, sir~" Gu Jian said.

"Let's go, go straight in." Yang Yiyun waved.

The loach's wings flickered, and the next moment he entered the world of Yaochi.

A world with spring-like weather all year round unfolds before everyone.

According to the instructions of the ancient sword, Loach flew directly to the center of the Yaochi world. In the center of the Yaochi world, there is a highest mountain range that reaches straight into the sky, which is where the Yaochi is.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to see the endless huge mountains like a giant dragon entrenched in the center of the Yaochi world, and one of the peaks reached straight into the sky, exuding a colorful halo. From a distance, the peak looked like It blooms like a giant lotus and is surrounded by thirty-six peaks.

I heard from Gu Jian that this is Yaochi.

Shaped like a lotus, thirty-six peaks form a lotus formation, and within the core is the sacred realm of Yaochi.

After arriving here, you need to climb the mountain on foot. Even the immortals cannot break into the Yaochi protected by a large formation.

After the group landed at the foot of the mountain, Yang Yiyun let the loach return to his wrist, followed by the ancient sword in red, and the marten squatting on his shoulders. The snow cat took the initiative to hide. As for the god and demon bird, it was very uncomfortable to have the mink squatting on Yang Yiyun's shoulder. Comfortable, asked Yang Yiyun to let it return to the Qiankun Pot space.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun satisfied the miscellaneous bird, so that it would not always whisper in his ears.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, a huge door appeared, but it was just a door frame. You could still see that there was a mountain on the other side.

Yang Yiyun has seen many mountain gates. In fact, he knows that this is not a real mountain gate, it can only be a facade. The real Yaochi Mountain Gate will naturally not be like this.

However, the large characters on the above-mentioned plaque say, Yaochi Holy Land.

According to the requirements of the ancient sword, it is time to worship the mountain.

It would be unwise for such a super power to force its way in.

After paying homage to the mountain, generally speaking, someone will receive you and bring you into Yaochi. This is etiquette. Yaochi, as a powerful force, will naturally do this with its appearance.

Before figuring out the situation, Yang Yiyun did not want to rashly offend a force with the title of Immortal Lord. After listening to Gu Jian's words, he stood in front of the mountain gate in a polite manner, clasped his fists and saluted, and shouted: "Yang Yiyun, the Lord of the Cloud Gate of the Chaotic Immortal Domain, special Come and pay homage to Shan Yaochi~"

It is a basic interest to show one's identity, and any force will respond.

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, the halo of the mountain gate about a hundred meters high flashed, and two immortals, a man and a woman, both of whom were immortal kings, appeared out of thin air.

The man among them looked at Yang Yiyun with disdain in his eyes, but he did not say anything rude. Instead, he said as usual: "Master Yang came to my Yaochi Scenic Area not far away, but he didn't know what he meant. Is it to exchange Taoism? Or resource communication, or something else?”

Although the other party's tone was flat, it was full of arrogance. Although the question was a normal thing, it was very uncomfortable in Yang Yiyun's ears. He felt that in the eyes of these two immortal kings, he seemed to be a bumpkin from the countryside. , and immediately frowned.

I couldn't help cursing in my heart, what's wrong with grandma, young master, I am also the Immortal Emperor now, and I have also claimed the name of the master of the sect, but I am actually looked down upon by you two gatekeepers?

Just when he was about to speak directly, Gu Jian whispered: "Calm down, sir, these super sects have always been like this. In their eyes, the only ones who can stand side by side with Yao Chi are those big forces of the same level, and other immortal sects are not worth mentioning, so don't Seeing that they were two immortal kings guarding the mountain, they felt very proud, but it was understandable.

This is also the left wing of the super sect, whether it is Yaochi or other major forces. After all, Yunmen is still under construction and has not held an opening ceremony to inform the immortal world. They have not heard of it and can only regard us as chaotic immortals. You don’t have to be acquainted with the little immortal sects from the domain. You can come down to negotiate the next matter, right? "

"Okay, let's negotiate~" Yang Yiyun thought that one more thing would be better than one less thing. He didn't have much experience in this kind of thing, so it would be better to let Gu Jian negotiate to save the trouble.

Gu Jian laughed loudly, stepped forward to speak, and handed over two top-quality immortal stones in his backhand: "Two fellow Taoists of Yaochi, I came here firstly to admire the holy land of Yaochi and see the world, and secondly, I want to exchange Taoism. , I would also like to ask the two fellow Taoists to make it easier for me."

The eyes of the two Immortal Kings who were guarding the gates lit up when they saw the top-quality Immortal Stone that Gu Jian took out. They remained calm and looked much better on their faces.

The girl smiled and said: "As a major sect in the immortal world, I, Yaochi, often have small sects and sects like yours who come to learn and communicate. It's a coincidence that you are here this time. Every thousand years, the Yaochi Taoist Exchange Conference takes place every half a year. It will be opened later, and it would be most suitable for you to come and gain experience. In that case, come with us."

"Thank you so much for the two Taoists. I haven't asked them their names yet?" Gu Jian asked with a grateful look on his face.

"My name is Mu Chen, and she is my junior sister Liluo. Okay, let's go. If you need anything, I, the steward of Yaochi, will receive you then." The man who claimed to be Mu Chen said.

“Thank you so much~”

In Yang's extreme displeasure, after Gu Jian's two top-quality immortal stones opened the way, he finally followed the two of them into the gate of Yaochi.

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