My Master Is a God

Chapter 2327 Speak with strength

In Yang Yiyun's understanding, the so-called shop bully is the current situation in Yaochi.

However, Gu Jian seems to be used to this. From this, it can be seen that this should be the case for most immortal sects in the entire immortal world.

He thought to himself that his Yunmen would never be like this in the future, this situation was too disgusting.

He was unhappy, but he could bear it for the sake of the overall situation, so he just let Gu Jian take care of everything.

They, Hongyi and Diaoer followed behind him. After all, he was an emperor, so he was asked to deal with these two immortal kings who looked down upon others. He was really afraid that he could not help but slap them to death.

But this was the dojo of a titled Immortal Lord, and he really didn't dare to take action rashly before he had to figure out the situation of several women.

First follow the formal method to ask, and then make plans after confirming.

What he was thinking about was to prepare with both hands. First, let Gu Jian come forward and negotiate with the people from Yaochi to investigate and determine whether the hot women were in Yaochi?

If what was the situation that caused several women to follow the people from Yaochi to Yaochi, was there any other reason for this, and was there any forceful means? Whether they were coerced or not, etc., all need to be understood.

What if the people in Yaochi also have good intentions?

If there can be no conflict, then there can be no conflict. Otherwise, this is Yaochi's home base after all. If there is a fight, he is afraid of suffering losses. It is unwise to use force.

The second thing is that he has secretly communicated with Snow Mao. According to Snow Mao, Duguying has activated the intelligence network to start investigating the specific situation, and will report back when there is news.

At present, he can only enter Yaochi first and talk.

At first, he was dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of the people in Yaochi, but after following the two immortal kings into the Immortal Gate of Yaochi, he was secretly frightened. Fortunately, he did not take action rashly.

Because when they passed through the upper gate, a big crack appeared in the entire mountain, splitting to the left and right, and they entered another world.

The point is that when passing by this great rift valley, he felt the auras of no less than ten high-level immortal emperors sweeping past them.

This shows that at a mountain gate, there are no less than ten great immortal emperors secretly guarding it. This is true for every mountain gate that enters Yaochi. What's more, the situation inside Yaochi, who knows how many powerful people exist?

So it's a good thing I didn't take action.

Walking all the way into this cracked canyon, there were steps of clouds that were obviously constructed by mana. The next moment, they soared directly up and flew into it.

The seemingly endless canyon reached its end in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Yang Yiyun noticed that their group appeared on a platform on the top of a mountain. When they climbed to the top and looked from a distance, a very shocking scene appeared in their sight...

If it is the same as the blurry sky, it is a lotus shape surrounded by thirty-six peaks, but it becomes clearer after entering.

On top of each mountain peak are the splendid majestic palaces and attic buildings, and the most eye-catching one is the peak in the center of the thirty-six peaks, which reaches directly into the sky. It looks full of treasure and incomparable majesty.

Obviously where is the core of Yaochi Holy Land.

The buildings here alone are worthy of the four characters of Yaochi Holy Land, and they are worthy of being the dojo of the titled Immortal Yaochi Immortal.

This is also a big formation!

Anyone can see that this Yaochi Holy Land is a great formation.

The majestic building complex, the stunning natural array, the Immortal King guarding the mountain gate, and the powerful atmosphere of the temple all reflect the extraordinary style of Yaochi.

However, Yang Yiyun felt proud when he thought about his Queen of Yunmen.

Because his construction of Yunmen is a natural formation formed by one hundred and eight peaks, which is a full seventy-two peaks, twice as many as Yaochi.

It is divided into the inside and outside of Yunmen, and the site is several times larger. Each of the 108 peaks is a palace, not to mention the inner gate, which is even more majestic and huge. It took hundreds of years to build it before it could be completed. The construction of the outer door.

He believes that when the construction of Yunmen is completed, it will be the best in the immortal world.

Of course, thinking about the huge amount of wealth used, Yang Yiyun feels sad again, but after it is completed, he will feel very happy when he can beat the existence of Yaochi. When the time comes, he will let the people of Yaochi take a good look at what is The holy realm of fairyland.

At this time, the two fairy kings who were leading the way stopped and looked at Yang Yiyun watching their Yaochi Holy Land and said with pride: "How about this, this is our Yaochi Holy Land, compared to you... Oh, by the way, what kind of immortals are you?" Is the door coming?”

In the minds of these two immortal kings, they simply would not remember the name of the small sect. They had even mentioned it before and forgot about it, or they did it on purpose.

Yang Yiyun said lightly: "Yunmen~"

The Immortal King named Mu Chen said: "Oh ~ Yunmen Yunmen, haha, don't envy us. Yaochi Holy Realm is the top existence in the entire fairy world, and it is the basis of natural formations to build a dojo. Can you little immortals see it? The above is considered a blessing for you, okay, come here to register the immortal gate information, I, the manager of Yaochi, will come to receive you later, if you need anything, just ask the manager directly."

Yang Yiyun frowned and said: "I am the master of a sect. If I want to pay homage, I will also pay homage to the master of your Yao Chi. Is it against the rules to ask for a manager?"

The two immortal kings frowned when they heard Yang Yiyun speak. Just when they were about to mock Yang Yiyun, they heard a loud voice.


As the laughter stopped, an old man appeared in the scene.

The two Immortal Kings of Yaochi quickly paid homage and said: "Meet Yuan Guanshi~"

"You go and guard the mountain gate, I will handle the matters here."

The old man who appeared on the scene simply waved his hand and asked the two immortal kings to retreat. The latter bowed respectfully and left without daring to say another word.

After the two left, the old man who looked like he was in his sixties, or Manager Yuan, glanced at Yang Yiyun with a disdainful smile and said: "Fellow Taoists, it turns out that we are guests, and we are here to record the Immortal Stone over there. Please invite some of you. Register the immortal gate information, I will take you to the Yaochi."

Yang Yiyun frowned at the other party's arrogance, but Manager Yuan's words were quite reasonable and reasonable, so he could only frown and read the information.

After everyone finished registering on the immortal stone on one side, Manager Yuan on the side smiled and said: "It turns out to be Master Yang of Yunmen. The immortal world is huge and there are countless immortal sects. This is the first time I have heard of it, but since I'm here I, Yaochi, am a guest. If you have anything to do next, Master Yang, you can come to me. I am the manager of the outer sect of Yaochi. I believe I can also solve what you, Master Yang, want, but I don’t know what the purpose of Master Yang’s coming is. French exchange, or something else? Please tell me, I will try my best to arrange it."

After finishing speaking, before Yang Yiyun could answer, he said as if on purpose: "Oh, by the way, Immortal Sect Masters like you, Master Yang, are all received by Immortal Emperor Dzogchen's stewards like me. , As for meeting our Lord of Yaochi... Haha, it’s not to attack Master Yang, ordinary immortals may not be able to see him. Only you are a titled Immortal to be able to see my Lord of Yaochi.

Besides, now I am no longer the Lord of Yaochi. The person who makes the decision is the eldest disciple of my Yaochi Immortal Lord. That is also the elder level. To be honest, you can’t see me and I won’t see you. Although I am a steward, But we have received many sect masters like Master Yang. Haha, is this enough? "

Yuan Guanshi's words were full of ridicule. He just said, "Who do you think you are? You still want me, the Lord of Yaochi, to receive you?" Elder Yaochi, you can’t even see me.

Can you please stop taking yourself seriously?

Yang Yiyun was not a fool. How could he not hear the voice of Manager Yuan's words? He clenched his fists immediately. He didn't care whether he was qualified or not. He couldn't control what Yaochi did to others, but I, Yang Yiyun, couldn't stand you. A taunt.

How dare you look down on me?

Yes, you, Manager Yuan, do have a high level of cultivation and are a great Immortal Emperor, but a peak Immortal Emperor is nothing in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

My own women have been taken away by you Yaochi without any reason. I don’t care if I don’t cause trouble to you, but you still keep mocking me?

It’s really unbearable~

The next moment Yang Yiyun smiled.

Looking at Manager Yuan, Yang Yiyun slowly said: "According to Manager Yuan's intention, if you are strong enough, you can meet the head of your Yaochi, right?"

Manager Yuan was stunned when he heard Yang Yiyun speak like this, wondering what did this kid mean? Could it be that he is a fool? Can't understand people?

He is just a middle-stage Immortal Emperor, walking around in their Yaochi~

Still want to meet Yaochi’s head family?

Is your brain okay?

Wanting to think about it but he was the host after all, Manager Yuan smiled and replied: "It can be said that the immortal world is a place that values ​​strength. As long as you, Master Yang, are strong enough, you are naturally qualified to meet the head of our Yaochi family. "

"Okay, very good. Then let Yang show his qualifications to Manager Yuan." Yang Yiyun stared at Manager Yuan, preparing to show this old man who looks down on others with a dog's eye.

From the first time he came into contact with the two Immortal Kings to this bullshit, he has been enduring it, but now he is not ready to endure it anymore. Since he wants to speak with strength, let's speak with strength.

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