My Master Is a God

Chapter 2328: My woman is being used for marriage?

"Master Yang, why do you want to start a fight with me?" At this time, Manager Yuan reacted and looked at Yang Yiyun and narrowed his eyes, with an expression like your kid is out of his mind.

But he didn't care at all, because he had met too many small sect leaders like Yang Yiyun who thought they were the master of a sect and felt extremely good about themselves.

Everyone looks down on Yaochi stewards like him, always thinking that since they are the masters of a sect, it is appropriate for the Yaochi master to receive them.

Little did he know that in the eyes of Manager Yuan, such people were stupid and ignorant of the heights of the world.

Just like the current Yang Yiyun.

Even if he is a manager of Yaochi, he is not comparable to the master of Xiaoxian Sect.

Since this Yang Yiyun is looking for trouble, let him be helped.

Manager Yuan paid no attention to Yang Yiyun, a little person in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. Yunmen was a sect that he had never even heard of. How could he not know that any sect in the immortal world could be a top sect?

Anyway, I have never heard of anyone named Yunmen.

Therefore, in Yuan Guanshi's mind, all sects are not popular. Which sect can be received by Yaochi elder level and is not the sect where the Immortal Lord is in charge?

Yang Yiyun saw the disdainful expression of Manager Yuan in his eyes, and his anger rose up. He sneered and said: "You don't dare to take action. Yang wants to learn the methods of the strong men of Yaochi Sect. Please give me some advice from Manager Yuan." As the head of a small sect who comes from a humble background, I can’t thank you enough.”

In terms of words, Mr. Yang is also the one who never suffers.

He knew that this fight had to be fought, otherwise even a small steward of Yaochi would look down upon him, so how could he still survive?

How could he take his women back with him?

Or how to ask about the whereabouts of several women?

If he doesn't show some strength to the people in Yaochi, he may not be able to take away these women even in Yaochi.

"Hahaha..." Manager Yuan laughed wildly: "Okay, if you beat me, I will take you to meet the elders, but if you underestimate your ability, I will be merciless~"

Yang Yiyun smiled, and the next moment he moved his body and rushed directly to Manager Yuan, but in his heart he activated the "All-Constant Magical Power" just in time to try all the "All-Configuration Magical Powers" on his head. What's the effect?

In the eyes of Manager Yuan, Yang Yiyun rushed toward him, but he didn't take it to heart at all. He kept a faint smile from beginning to end and didn't take Yang Yiyun seriously at all.

After all, Yang Yiyun seemed to be in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor's cultivation, while he was at the peak of the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection.

The difference in strength is too huge.

Unfortunately, there are many things in this world that are often unexpected.

Just like Yang Yiyun.

In the eyes of Manager Yuan, when Yang Yiyun jumped three meters, his expression suddenly changed.

Because Yang Yiyun's figure disappeared out of thin air, disappearing without any aura fluctuations, and no aura could be felt at all.

Manager Yuan knew something was wrong. This Yang Yiyun was not an ordinary immortal emperor.

He was about to retreat suddenly.

But at this moment, a hand appeared directly on his neck.


Manager Yuan let out a cry of surprise. He wanted to speak, but his neck was tightly pinched by big hands and he couldn't speak at all.

At this moment, Manager Yuan broke out in cold sweat from his forehead.

He felt the smell of death.

He clearly felt that as long as this hand exerted even a little force, he would fall immediately.

Then without any fluctuation in his sight, Yang Yiyun's figure appeared.

Looking at Yang Yiyun, he said with a faint evil smile: "Does Mr. Yuan, Manager Yang, have the strength to make you respect him?"


Manager Yuan was pinched by Yang Yiyun's neck and his pupils were dilated. He wanted to speak but couldn't. His eyes were filled with panic and a look of disbelief.

He is the Immortal Emperor's peak cultivation level. Even if a high-level Immortal Lord wanted to choke him instantly, it would be difficult for him to do so, but Yang Yiyun took him down in one second.

If Yang Yiyun had a sword in his hand and wanted to kill him, his head would have been moved by now. The more he thought about Manager Yuan, the more he broke into a cold sweat.

What kind of weird magical power is this?

Let's talk about the magical power of invisibility. Manager Yuan has also seen the magical power of invisibility, but any invisible magical power has fluctuations that can be traced, but Yang Yiyun didn't have the slightest fluctuation.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he was careless and underestimated the enemy, but he could not feel any strange fluctuations. Even if he defended from the beginning, he probably would not be able to defend against Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Manager Yuan was shocked and frightened. He was speechless even if he wanted to answer Yang Yiyun's question. Fortunately, the next moment his neck relaxed slightly and he was finally able to speak.

"Ahem...cough...yes, yes, yes, please, please show me your noble hand, Mr. Yang. I, Yuan Chongshan, am blind and do not recognize Taishan. I did not recognize you, the great immortal. I hope that Master Yang will forgive me and I will take you to see me." Elder Yaochi.”

Manager Yuan learned the lesson right away. He could clearly feel that Yang Yiyun not only had magical powers of invisibility but also had powerful magic power that was definitely not in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. He even had a deeper level of necessary magic power.

Isn't it other than that, just the invisibility method he showed just now, he can definitely walk sideways.

It's better not to offend this kind of person easily. Besides, he also knows that Yang Yiyun is not sincere in killing him, otherwise he will die a hundred times.

Thinking about it, he had indeed spoken harshly before, which was unbearable for any strong person. Strong people in Danfang who had strength would take action, but those without strength would not dare to make trouble in their Yaochi.

Yang Yiyun saw the panic in Manager Yuan's eyes. He sneered in his heart and let go of his hand. He stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Don't rush to see your elders. It depends on my mood whether this emperor wants to take care of your Yaochi elders. Let me ask." I want you to answer one thing truthfully, otherwise you should know that this emperor will crush an Immortal Emperor like you to death, just like crushing an ant to death. Your Yaochi family has great achievements and great masters, but I want to leave. Confidence You can’t stop me if you wait.”

Yang Yiyun's words were half true and half false, but for Manager Yuan, who had just escaped from the gate of hell, he believed them. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said: "Master Yang, let me ask, as long as I know I will definitely let you know."

"Gu Jian, show him the image~" Yang Yiyun spoke to Gu Jian, who had a big mouth at the side.

"Ah...oh oh oh, sir." Gu Jian came back to his senses and stepped forward quickly. He waved his hand and used his magic power to condense the images of Yang Yiyun's women for Manager Yuan to watch. Just now, Yang Yiyun directly attacked Manager Yuan, and he was heartbroken. He broke out in a cold sweat. Who knew that Yang Yiyun's weird invisibility power really opened his eyes. An Immortal Emperor at the level of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen was grabbed by Yang Yiyun's neck in the blink of an eye, without the ability to fight back. Immortal Lord is nothing more than this, right?

The ancient sword condensed the images of several women in Yang Yiyun and displayed them in front of Guanshi Yuan.

Yang Yiyun said: "Take a closer look to see if these women are in your Yaochi?"

But after Yang Yiyun's images of several women appeared, Gu Jian's expression became strange. He naturally recognized them. Moreover, after these women came to Yaochi more than four hundred years ago, they caused quite a stir in Yaochi. Because each of these women is as beautiful as a fairy, and their looks are not those that have been beautified by magic like many fairies in the fairy world. They are all natural looks, so they aroused the peeps of many male immortals in Yaochi at that time. However, These women are indeed protected by an elder of Yaochi, and many people can only look at them, but their fate is also...

Yang Yiyun saw the strange look on Manager Yuan's face, and immediately knew that Manager Yuan had seen him before, and that several of his women were indeed in Yaochi.

Feeling anxious, he snorted coldly: "Say~"

As he spoke, Yang Yiyun's aura was directly locked on Manager Yuan, which shocked Manager Yuan all over. He knew that he couldn't get any favors from Yang Yiyun. If he didn't tell him, he would suffer. But if he did, it looked very bad. He might offend any of the Yaochi elders and be in a dilemma, but looking at Yang Yiyun's nervous eyes, he must have a close relationship with those women and care about them, not to mention that he would suffer a loss immediately.

Think about it or tell me, if Yang Yiyun wants to kill any elder he offends, that's just right. He is just a small manager and can't stop the confrontation between these strong men. It seems that Yang Yiyun is definitely not the master of a small fairy sect. Even if it’s not good, he is also a person with a big background.

A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences, so tell me!

Then Manager Yuan nodded and said: "These women in the image are indeed in my Yaochi, but they are the disciples of the second elder of my Yaochi. The others didn't know that there was a woman named Ye Wuxin who was the second elder. The disciples who were introduced to the world of cultivation were Ye Wuxin who came to Yaochi with several other women, but..."

Yang Yiyun felt relieved as he listened to Manager Yuan's words. It turned out that Yaochi and Ye Wuxin were from the same sect in the cultivation world. This made sense. After several women ascended to the fairy world, they were unfamiliar with the place where they were born. Ye Wuxin It was a good choice to contact the Immortal World Master and bring the others to Yaochi. At least with the existence of the Upper World Master, they would be safe.

But at the end of the hearing, Manager Yuan looked hesitant, as if something had happened, which made Yang Yiyun feel nervous again and said: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

Manager Yuan quickly said: "But three of my women were used by the second elder to marry the disciples of other elders of the Fall Palace and my Yaochi. This is related to the struggle between the second elder and the great elder for the master of Yaochi. …”


Yang Yiyun didn't listen to what Manager Yuan said later. His mind went blank with a bang, and his mind was filled with the word marriage.

My own woman is being used for marriage...?

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's whole body was trembling, and the aura in his body was rising continuously. The murderous intent was permeating the air, making the air around him cold.

Manager Yuan on the side could not help but tremble when he felt the substantive murderous intention emanating from Yang Yiyun's body. He seemed to have some reaction and quickly added: "Don't worry, Master Yang, we just set a time. The marriage has not been officially announced yet, and the date is set for the Yaochi Conference."

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