My Master Is a God

Chapter 2329 Control of Life and Death Talisman


Yang Yiyun let out a breath of turbid air. At this moment, he wanted to slap Manager Yuan to death.

"Why don't you say what you have to say in one go? I almost had a heart attack~" Yang Yiyun roared at Manager Yuan.

Manager Yuan shrank his neck and asked cautiously: "Master Yang, dare I ask, who are you, those women from the lower world?"

Yang Yiyun glared directly at him: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Uh~ Yes, yes, I won't talk any more." Manager Yuan shrank his neck and quickly apologized.

As for Mr. Yang, he didn't want to mention how disgusting he was. This old boy almost changed his color when he refused to open or pick up a certain pot. He asked such a question. He didn't want to talk about such an embarrassing thing.

Narrowing his eyes, he continued to ask Manager Yuan: "Tell me what's going on in your Yaochi? Why are so many women involved in the struggle for power? Explain it carefully, and also tell me how many elders there are in Yaochi, what are their cultivation levels, and how is the overall power? …”

Yang Yiyun asked several questions in a row. He first had to understand the situation. Since several women were related to the elders of Yaochi, it was no small matter. If he did not understand clearly and acted rashly, he would be in trouble if he could not protect everything. Several women will be hurt.

Manager Yuan knew that Yang Yiyun couldn't be offended, so since it was all said and done, he would tell the truth honestly to save himself from suffering, and in his heart, he didn't think that Yang Yiyun could cause trouble in the hands of the Yaochi elders.

After pondering for a while, he said: "I, the Lord of Yaochi, the Immortal Lord of Yaochi, left Yaochi thousands of years ago and went to the heaven, and never came back again. However, just a few hundred years ago, a strange phenomenon appeared in the world. Therefore, several elders felt that something might have happened to Yaochi Immortal Lord on the Road to Heaven. It was hard to say whether he could come back, or whether he was alive or not.

But the Yaochi cannot be without an owner for a day, so there is a situation where the first elder and the second elder are fighting for power. They both want to be the master of the Yaochi, take charge of the Yaochi, and be known as a being that everyone respects.

There are nine elders under the Immortal Master of Yaochi. The only ones who are qualified to take charge of Yaochi are the First Elder and the Second Elder. Because after the vision of heaven and earth, they all stepped into the peak of Immortal Great Perfection. Of course, several other elders also stepped into it. He has entered the Great Perfection of the Immortal Lord, but there is a gap in strength between the Great Elder and the Second Elder.

However, the great elder occupies the elder's righteousness. Five of the other seven elders support the great elder, and the remaining two, one of them is neutral and one supports the second elder.

But this Yaochi is not only the power of the elders, but also the thirty-six peak masters, and the seventy-two internal and external managers. These are the backbone of Yaochi, but one after another, they each have elders who support them.

Under such circumstances, the second elder had no chance of winning, but the second elder was very scheming and good at calculations. Over the years, he tried his best to win over several elders...

She even did not hesitate to unite with external forces to turn things around and get several elders to switch sides and support her, including the women in the video just now, oh, let's talk about three women.

The first is the one named Ye Wuxin. Ye Wuxin is the disciple of the second elder. Because the second elder once preached to the lower world, there are disciples like Ye Wuxin in the lower world.

Once again, the third son of the Lord of the Falling Star Hall came to Yaochi as a guest and fell in love with Ye Wuxin at first sight. In order to win over the support of the Falling Star Hall to become the Lord of Yaochi, the second elder betrothed Ye Wuxin to the third son of the Lord of the Falling Star Hall. ——Zu Xinghai.

This Zu Xinghai is also a character. He is one of the ten generals of the Falling Star Palace. He is a late-stage Immortal Master and is known as the proud son of the Falling Star Palace.

In this way, the second elder is equivalent to being married to the Falling Star Palace. With the support of the Falling Star Palace, several elders in Yaochi who supported the first elder began to waver. The second elder saw a way out of Ye Wuxin, and later he would be called Dugu Wuqing. She and Zhao Nan were betrothed to disciples under the two elders, and successfully won the two elders to turn against her and support her.

Anyway, those women who ascended to the lower realm all have first-class looks, not transformed by immortal power at all. They are innate fairies, and their cultivation talents are good, so they are favored by many disciples in Yaochi.

Recently, there are rumors that the originally neutral Ninth Elder valued one of the women and promised to support the Second Elder, and the Second Elder promised to betroth a girl named Lin Huan to the Ninth Elder. In this situation, the Second Elder already had an absolute advantage.

I heard that they are waiting for the day of the Yaochi Conference, and they will ascend to the throne of the Lord of Yaochi. On that day, countless immortal sect forces will come to Yaochi to participate in the Yaochi Conference. By then, the second elder will have the support of the Meteor Star Palace, plus several major Elder, the quest for the throne of the Lord of Yaochi is a matter of certainty.

It is also at the Yaochi Conference. Those few you will be married off by the second elder as the products of marriage. Anyway, you are asked to wait for the Yaochi Conference. However, Yang Clan Leader can rest assured that those women will be fine for the time being. Before the second elder's big deal is done, , they are safe. In order to prevent anything from happening, those women are under strict supervision by the second elder. They should be fine. "

At the end of the story, Manager Yuan saw that Yang Yiyun's face was getting darker and darker. Manager Yuan could tell that those women were very important to Yang Yiyun, so he quickly added that they were safe for the time being.

Indeed, Yang was filled with rage. After hearing what Manager Yuan said, he gritted his teeth and uttered two words: "Damn it~"

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun cast a magic spell in his hand, and said in a deep voice to Manager Yuan's eyebrows: "The Talisman of Life and Death~"


Manager Yuan did not expect that Yang Yiyun would suddenly attack him. Before he could react, he felt a pain in his head and screamed. But the pain disappeared the next moment, but Manager Yuan clearly felt that his consciousness had increased. An inscription.

Trembling: "You...what did you do to me? I've told you everything I know, what else do you want?"

Yang Yiyun said in a cold voice: "You people in Yaochi all deserve to die. If you don't want to die, just listen to me and put a rune of life and death in your mind. Next, I need you to help me do something. I can't trust you. If you are obedient, , I guarantee that nothing will happen to you, if you disobey this emperor even a single thought will make your soul fly to pieces."

As he was speaking, Yang Yiyun moved the magic weapon in his hand and chanted in his mouth. Manager Yuan immediately screamed and curled up on the ground. At this moment, Manager Yuan felt the severe pain in his body and soul that penetrated into his soul. He knew that Yang Yiyun controlled his life and death. His words were true, and he immediately begged for mercy: "Yuan Bushan is willing to listen to any orders from the Lord, please stop the Lord~"

Yang Yiyun actually tried to see if the power of the Life and Death Talisman could control the Great Perfection level of the Immortal Emperor. In the past, the Life and Death Talisman could only control people whose souls were weaker than his. The reason why the Life and Death Talisman was used today was also because of the god's enlightenment bones and cultivation level. Now It seems that even the Immortal Lord can control it, let alone the Immortal Emperor Dzogchen.

According to Manager Yuan, Yaochi's power cannot be underestimated. If he wants to rescue a few women, he will need an internal agent like Manager Yuan, or even more.

Naturally, he couldn't believe what was said under mere formal intimidation. He was relieved to control Yuan Guanshi's life and death with the life and death talisman. After all, he was already in Yaochi's lair, and he had to be careful in everything.

"Get up~ I've been talking for a long time about whether the second elder and the first elder in your mouth are a boy or a girl. What's his personality like? Are you okay? Tell me carefully. How many other women are being locked up somewhere?"

Yang Yiyun waved his hand to Manager Yuan to get up.

The life and death talisman tortured Yuan Guanshi to death. Now life and death were in the hands of Yang Yiyun. He accepted his fate and answered respectfully: "My lord, I only know that the second elder is on the main peak of Yaochi. Those women should It's somewhere, but I'm afraid only the second elder knows the specific location. I'm just a small steward, I really don't know the specific place where I'm being held~"

Yang Yiyun frowned and said to the air beside him: "The snow cats are left to you, just find them."


A meow sounded in response.

Snow Cat had been hiding behind Yang Yiyun and left immediately.

This scene also shocked Manager Yuan. It was obvious that there was someone hiding in the dark around Yang Yiyun, but he had never felt it from the beginning to the end.

"Continue to talk about the situation of the second elder of Yaochi~" Yang Yiyun could not hide the murderous intent in his eyes. He now wanted to shred the second elder of Yaochi into pieces for actually daring to take advantage of his woman.

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