My Master Is a God

Chapter 2330: Settling in the plot first

"The second elder is a woman, the first elder is a man..." Manager Yuan continued to speak.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and interrupted: "Are the elders of Yaochi male or female?"

In his mind, he still thought that Yaochi should be dominated by women.

Manager Yuan said: "No, among the nine elders of Yaochi, there are four men and five women. Although I...oh no, although their leader Yaochi Immortal is a woman, the entire Yaochi is a super sect. There are no restrictions on whether you are male or female.”

Yang Yiyun nodded to show that he understood. He thought Yaochi would be dominated by women.

"You continue~" Yang Yiyun motioned to Manager Yuan to continue.

"Okay~" Manager Yuan was a little confused by Yang Yiyun's interruption, but he did not dare to say anything more and continued: "The Great Elder is a relatively peaceful person, with a tepid temperament. Although he is a man, he can In fact, he has no ambition. He competes with the second elder for the master of Yaochi, but is more forced by the situation.

Some elders are persecuting and do not deal with the second elders, so they naturally want to support the first elder to ascend to the throne. The biggest reason is actually that the first elder is not trustworthy about the second elder.

I heard that the identity of the second elder is quite special. I don’t know if there is a rumor that is true or not. Anyway, I think it is probably true. Otherwise, someone with a personality like the first elder would not compete for the position of the Lord of Yaochi. "

Yang Yiyun frowned and asked, "What rumors?"

Manager Yuan said: "It is rumored that there seems to be some relationship between the second elder and the master of the Falling Star Hall. The specific relationship is not clear. Because of this, many elders are worried that if the second elder is in charge of Yaochi, he will not be able to protect Yaochi in the future. In Yaochi, the Meteor Star Palace is very ambitious. Among the several major titled Immortal Sovereign forces, apart from the three great Heavenly Lords, the Meteor Star Palace is the most powerful and ambitious.

However, this is related to the origin of the Meteor Star Palace. It is a genetic problem caused by innate conditions, because the Meteor Star Immortal Lord is what the world believes that a military general has a Taoist background...

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, the Lord of the Meteor Star Palace is like this. Naturally, most of the people who can gather under him are generals and soldiers. They have a natural tendency to open up territories and expand the territory. The second elder has a close relationship with the Meteor Star Palace, and everyone is worried. Once the second elder takes charge of Yaochi, will Yaochi one day still be Yaochi?

This marriage is a very strong signal. Several elders can see that the second elder has a close relationship with the Meteor Palace. Now the whereabouts of Yaochi Immortal Lord are unknown, and the elder has a tepid temperament. Many people are worried. If the second elder succeeds in taking charge of Yaochi this time, it is very likely that Yaochi will be annexed by the Falling Star Palace in the future.

As for the Master of the Meteor Star Hall, the Meteor Star Immortal Lord, the situation is similar to that of the Yaochi Immortal Lord. They are both people who have gone to the road to heaven. The current person in charge of the Meteor Star Hall is the younger brother of the Meteor Star Hall Lord - Zu Tianlong.

Zu Tianlong is the commander-in-chief of the Meteor Star Hall and is in charge of everything in the Meteor Star Hall. As the younger brother of the Lord of the Meteor Star Hall, he can be said to be inferior to one person and more powerful than ten thousand people. In fact, there are rumors that the Lord of the Meteor Star Hall, the Meteor Star Immortal, has been in seclusion all year round. Regardless of the matters in the Falling Star Palace, it was his younger brother Zu Tianlong who was taking care of everything in the Falling Star Palace.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zu Tianlong is the actual controller of the Falling Star Palace, and Zu Tianlong loves his nephew Zu Xinghai the most. Although he is not the eldest son, he cultivates Zu Xinghai as the successor of the Falling Star Palace. This makes many people Everyone speculated that Zu Xinghai was the child of Zu Tianlong's affair with his sister-in-law.

But for some reason, Zu Tianlong came to Yaochi because he was very close to me, the second elder of Yaochi. As a result, the second elder betrothed Ye Wuxin to Zu Xinghai.

Now everyone can see that the second elder has a relationship with Zu Xinghai, which means he has the support of the entire Falling Star Palace. Therefore, many elders have switched sides to support the second elder, which is largely due to the situation.

Although Yaochi is also a titled Immortal Lord force, but Yaochi Immortal Lord is not there, overall the power of Yaochi is completely incomparable with that of Meteor Star Palace. The only people in Yaochi who have reached the Immortal Lord level are the Thirty-Six Peaks Peak Master and the Nine Elders. Those who have not reached the level of Immortal Lords, and the number of Immortal Lords in the Falling Star Palace is definitely the largest in the entire Immortal World except for the three major Heavenly Lords. "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun gasped inwardly. There are actually more than 40 powerful Immortal Masters in your sister's class, and there are even more Immortal Masters in the Falling Star Palace.

In this way, he knew that he really couldn't be hasty in rescuing a few women this time. Although he was much stronger now than before, it was naturally not easy to face the level of an immortal, let alone dozens of immortals. .

After much deliberation, this time I can only be smart and not brute.

After thinking for a while, he asked Manager Yuan: "Can you enter the main peak of Yaochi?"

Manager Yuan nodded and said: "It's possible, but it's only limited to the main peak hall square. I can't go to other places."

"Okay, you take me into the main peak of Yaochi." Yang Yiyun immediately made a decision in his heart.

At the moment, he can only think about how to find a few women and get them out.

Manager Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, I'm afraid it won't work now. I'm just a steward of Yaochi, and I can't enter the main peak casually. If I want to enter the main peak, I have to wait until the Yaochi conference is coming in half a year, and then I can bring the people who came to participate in the Yaochi conference." The people from the Immortal Sect are going to the main peak to meet you. I am not qualified enough to take you to the main peak at this time, and... And if the Lord is angry, you are not qualified enough to meet the elders of Yaochi. Unless you are in the realm of Immortal Lord, you can do it at this time. Climb the main peak.

The Lord told me, why don't I take you to settle down first and get familiar with the situation in Yaochi. Anyway, you want to save a few women. This is the key point. I am willing to find out the whereabouts of a few women and find a way to rescue them when the time comes. , it would be a bad idea to rush up to the main peak and meet a few elders at this time. What do you think? "

Yang Yiyun listened to Manager Yuan's words and knew that this old boy was telling the truth. What he had just thought was to go directly to the main peak to find a few women. At worst, he would do it directly. Anyway, he had all kinds of magical powers and he was not afraid, but this After thinking about it for a while, I was still a little reckless.

The nine elders of Yaochi are all on the main peak, and each of them is the Immortal Dzogchen. The Immortal Dzogchen is the top realm of the immortal world. Who knows what means they have, if they can restrain his omnipotent magical power, won't they be in trouble?

Manager Yuan's suggestion is reasonable and he should not act rashly. He should wait for news from Snow Cat. He believes that Snow Cat can find the whereabouts of the girls when they go out, and he will think of ways to rescue them when the time comes.

Don't let yourself be impulsive and end up self-defeating. The consequences of alerting the enemy are huge.

At the moment, it would be the safest to follow Yuan Guan to find a place to settle down in Yaochi in advance and secretly plot a solution.

After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Let's go, let's find a place to settle down first."

"Yes, please come with me, Lord..."

Although Manager Yuan is a manager in Yaochi, he is still a manager in Yaochi, and he still has some ability and status. He led Yang Yiyun and his party into Yaochi and came to one of the inconspicuous peaks. All the way, there were Yaochi disciples saluting. Saying things are in charge.

According to Manager Yuan, a few of them are outsiders coming to participate in the Yaochi Conference. The Yaochi Conference will be held in half a year, and many immortal sects will come here. Of course, there will also be a large number of sects invited by Yaochi. Come during this time. There are already many immortal sects.

These Yaochi disciples are not surprised.

It's just that people from the Immortal Sect like Yang Yiyun come here because of their reputation. In the eyes of the people in Yaochi, they have little weight. At most, they are received by the stewards. The Immortal Sect on the next level is received by the peak masters, who are only as famous as Yaochi. Those major forces were received by the elders.

Along the way, Manager Yuan also introduced the Yaochi Conference.

In fact, this conference has a long history and has continued since the founding of Yaochi to the present. It is held every one thousand years. The immortal sects who come to participate can be said to include most of the immortal sects in the immortal world.

There were even some demon clan forces among them who were invited by Yaochi to attend the Yaochi Conference.

Speaking of which, the name of the Yaochi Conference is for the exchange of Taoism and Dharma in the immortal world. Yaochi mainly attracts new disciples. Some small immortal sect forces come with their disciples and show various talents at the Yaochi Conference. If you are selected by Yaochi, you can become a disciple of Yaochi. From now on, there will no longer be a shortage of cultivation resources, Taoism, magic, magical powers, etc.

Since the development of the Yaochi Conference, it has become a large-scale resource exchange conference. Various forces and races will come to exchange their respective cultivation resources at this Yaochi Conference.

As they walked along, Manager Yuan said that he had unknowingly arrived in front of a small courtyard. Manager Yuan stopped and said, "My lord, please stay in this small courtyard for the time being. This is the best courtyard with the resources that I, the manager, can use." Yes, please forgive me, Master."

Yang Yiyun nodded. He had no requirements for the living environment and had no time to think about it.

All I could think about was getting the news about where a few women were being held as soon as possible.

Just when he was about to speak to Manager Yuan, a strange voice sounded in the distance.

"Isn't this Manager Yuan? Zizizi... Why are you reduced to a receptionist now? This is something that only gatekeeper disciples dare to do. How did Manager Yuan get so messed up... But think about it, you have such useless qualifications. How can you practice? It has been the same for thousands of years. If you have no strength or realm, you will always be able to do some menial jobs, hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, a person walked up from a distance. Yang Yiyun looked like she was clearly with a man, but her face was powdered and made up. Her bright red clothes were embroidered with golden flowers. She looked like a shemale. She was full of ridicule towards Manager Yuan. The key point was this There was also a group of people behind him.

"Hmph, Yao Dahua, what are you doing here? Do I, Yuan, have to ask you for instructions when doing things? Or can you teach others on behalf of the peak master?"

Manager Yuan's face darkened.

From Yang Yiyun's point of view, it was obvious that Manager Yuan was at odds with this Yao Dahua, but he did not say anything. He thought about it before talking. This Yao Dahua's cultivation seemed to be better than that of Manager Yuan, and he was at the pinnacle of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen.

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