My Master Is a God

Chapter 2331 Solve it once to save trouble

On the way here, Yang Yiyun heard Manager Yuan say that the bosses of these managers are peak masters, and he is subordinate to one of the peak masters, and each has its own small circle.

The Yao Dahua who suddenly appeared now seems to be the enemy of Manager Yuan. She is trying to push against Manager Yuan both inside and outside her words. She is very powerful. Depending on the situation, Manager Yuan usually receives a lot of looks from Yao Dahua.

But the specific situation is still unknown. Yang Yiyun thought that since Yaochi was in charge, there should be no trouble, and he didn't even think about getting involved. At this time, finding a few women was more important than anything else, but he didn't expect what would happen next. Things really got him involved.

I just heard Yao Dahua say in a strange tone: "You, an outer sect steward, can't control what I am doing. I have taken a liking to this small courtyard, and I have brought Taoist fellow Sha Jingtian, the master of the Feixing Sect, to come and settle in..."

"Yao Dahua, you are too much of a bully. I came to this small courtyard first, and I brought the master... I brought the master of Chaos Immortal Yunmen, Yang Yiyun, to settle in." Manager Yuan couldn't tell that Yao Dahua did this on purpose. Do you want this courtyard as a favor?

His life and death are now in the hands of Yang Yiyun, and he is already a servant of Yang Yiyun. He has just found a nice small courtyard, and this Yao Dahua is going to cut him off. It is simply too bullying.

This made Guanshi Yuan even more embarrassed.

"Haha, I just want a few Taoist friends from the Feixing Sect to settle in. How will you treat me? You are just a steward of the outer sect. I am now the steward of the inner sect. You are going to live with a sect leader who is in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. Are you qualified to enter the superior courtyard? Didn't you see that the master of Feixing Sect, Taoist Fellow Sha Jingtian, is a revered immortal? Go away~" Yao Dahua did not give Yuan Guanshi any face at this moment.

"Yao Dahua, I, Yuan Bushan, won't let you go today. I have already registered this small courtyard, and I, Yaochi, don't have any rules that say you can't live in a superior courtyard depending on your cultivation level. If you use strong words today, we will ask the peak master to comment. ." Manager Yuan cursed.

"Hahaha... Yuan Bushan, are you out of your mind? The peak master has a lot of things to do every day, do you think he will take care of such trivial matters? Besides, I am the steward of the inner sect, and you are the steward of the outer sect. I, the rules of Yaochi, let the outer sect do not let you inside or outside. Do you understand? Get out of here if you are wise, if you weren’t a loser and the master of the same peak as me, I would have crippled you today, get out of here.” Yao Dahua was dressed like a shemale but at the moment he was talking like a shrew.

Very domineering.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, it was obvious that he was bullying Manager Yuan.

Originally, he didn't want to care about these trivial matters, but now, although Manager Yuan is the person he forcibly controls with the life and death talisman, in the final analysis, he is his subordinate.

And this matter is also related to him. If Yao Dahua bullies Manager Yuan today and leads people to settle in the small courtyard they are interested in, where will he, Yang, put his face?

When I was really thinking about how to teach Yao Dahua a lesson, I didn't expect that behind Yao Dahua, a middle-aged man spoke, and he directly targeted him.

Of course, Yao Dahua was accompanied by twelve people, both men and women, who were obviously coming for the Yaochi Conference. Yang Yiyun was naturally aware of this situation. The elders of the master's sect came out with their young disciples to gain experience.

One of the old men was an early-stage Immortal Emperor. Without asking, he knew that he was Sha Jingtian, the master of the Feixing Sect mentioned by Yao Dahua. On the left and right were two middle-aged people, both of whom were Immortal Emperors’ Dzogchen cultivation. The rest were a few It’s okay not to mention the disciple’s cultivation level.

There were only three strong men, but one of them, a middle-aged man, stepped forward and stared at Yang Yiyun and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist, the immortal world is a place that values ​​strength. Even if you are the master of a sect, you should still Are you self-aware? As a sect leader in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, shouldn't you stand up and say something to prevent the dispute between the two stewards of Yaochi?"

On the bright side, it is true that there are no masters around Yang Yiyun. As the sect leader, Yang Yiyun himself is a middle-stage Immortal Emperor, while Gu Jian is an early-stage Immortal Emperor. Where is Hongyi? There is no cultivation level mana fluctuation in the whole body, which is easy for people to ignore.

Diao Erba squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder, just like a pet character. Snow Cat went to find someone, and Dugu Ying even left early. It's no wonder that such forces are looked down upon when they undergo plastic surgery.

Where is Yang Yiyun?

Zhengchou couldn't find a chance, but he didn't expect someone from the other party to come out and give him a pillow.

But what he said made him feel very unhappy. If Yang was very unhappy, the consequences would be serious.

This person's words seemed plain, but in fact they were ugly. He almost pointed at Yang Yiyun's nose and said: Boy, you are a little person in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, can you have some discernment? We have an Immortal Lord on our side, are you not blind? Get out of here as fast as you can, we want this small courtyard.

Yang Yiyun raised the corner of his mouth and asked Manager Yuan next to him: "Is there any big trouble in killing people in Yaochi, or including killing your Yaochi manager?"

Manager Yuan was shocked when he listened to Yang Yiyun's question. He knew that Yang Yiyun was irritated, so he quickly whispered: "Return to the Lord, after all, Yaochi prohibits fighting here. However, if a life and death agreement is made between guests, Yaochi is I won’t take care of it. As for killing Yaochi to take care of things, it’s still a bit troublesome, but as long as you don’t kill or maim them, Shantou won’t care. After all, they are all cultivators. The Taoist friends who came to participate in the Yaochi Conference will ask the host to take care of things. Discussions and exchanges will inevitably cause damage..."

"Okay, I understand." Yang Yiyun spoke calmly and nodded.

Then he took a few steps forward and looked directly at the arrogant old man from Feixingmen and said: "How about this, let's have a fight, and whoever wins will own this small courtyard. There is no need to waste words. Anyway, you guys will." As I said, the fairy world is a world where strength is respected, how dare you?"

Yang Yiyun's words were neither salty nor bland, and his tone was indifferent and tense. However, when these words came out, the people on the opposite side were stunned. After reacting, they all burst into laughter.

"Wa hahaha……"

Even Yao Dahua also laughed.

There were only three people in the audience who didn't laugh. These three people were naturally Hong Yi, Gu Jian and Manager Yuan.

Hongyi stopped talking. Gu Jian looked at the people opposite and laughed wildly, and sneered in his heart: "You bunch of idiots, just laugh as much as you want, I'll make you cry later."

Manager Yuan had experienced Yang Yiyun's methods and knew Yang Yiyun's weirdness. At this time, he felt a little excited. He seemed to have seen the scene of these people and even Yao Dahua being maimed by Yang Yiyun. He felt very happy.

Yang Yiyun watched these people laughing and didn't care at all. Instead, he said with cold eyes: "Are you young enough? If you laugh enough, tell me, do you dare to fight?"

At this time, the middle-aged Immortal Emperor was about to speak, but Sha Jingtian, the master of the Feixing Sect, raised his hand to stop him. He took a step forward and said, "Young man, can I think that you are challenging our Feixing Sect?"

"You can interpret it however you want. Just say whether you dare or not. It's a life-or-death kind of fight." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said.

"Okay, since you are seeking death, it will be unjustifiable if I don't help you. I don't care whether you live or die. Haha, this is better. Junior brother, go and seek advice from this Yang Clan Master." Sha Jingtian ordered the middle-aged Immortal Emperor beside him.

"Yes, senior brother." The middle-aged Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed with gloomy eyes as he stepped forward.

At this moment, there were already many people watching around, including people from Yaochi and people who came from outside to attend the Yaochi Conference. They were all talking about it. Anyway, everyone was optimistic about Yang Yiyun, an immortal in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor.

"Come on, kid, don't waste time. Let's take care of you and let's move into the small courtyard to rest." The middle-aged Immortal Emperor of Feixing Sect said in a very arrogant tone, as if an Immortal Emperor like Yang Yiyun could be knocked down with just one move in his hands.

I didn't take it seriously at all, but it's no wonder that Yang Yiyun is in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, and the opponent is in the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection. The difference is abyss. Normally, there is no chance of winning against the Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection in the middle stage of Immortal Emperor. A dead end.

"Wait~" Yang Yiyun raised his hand.

"What? Do you want to regret it?" Before the people from the Feixing Sect said anything, it was Yao Dahua who stood up and glared. He also wanted to let the people from the Feixing Sect kill Yang Yiyun and humiliate Manager Yuan.

"No, no, no, I, Yang Yiyun, have never regretted anything I did, but... I suddenly remembered that you, Manager Yao, seem to be the party involved this time. In order to solve the problem at once, you can come to my fight this time. Don't worry, I don't want your life. I just need to cripple you...

Also... there is one Immortal Lord, two Immortal Emperors, and Manager Yao from Feixing Sect. You four can come together. We can solve it at once to save trouble. I am in a hurry. "Yang Yiyun said this tepidly.

The next moment it was a blowout.

"Boy, let's be arrogant~"


"Ignorant child..."

"court death……"

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