My Master Is a God

Chapter 2336 Just break the formation and prepare for a tough fight.

In fact, Hongyi is very secretive. Even if Yang Yiyun doesn't bless her, she won't resist. Most of the time, she just listens to Yang Yiyun's orders.

At this moment, the two of them did not resist at all, and were caught by Yu Feng from the air on the huge hall.

"Ouch~" Yang Jiao Didi said with a very cooperative smile.

The voice was so soft that he had goosebumps listening to it.

But Yu Feng, a bad old man, became excited. He reached out and hugged Yang Yiyun and Hongyi in his arms.

"Hehe~ She is indeed a stunning beauty. Come on... two beauties..."

He smiled evilly and kissed Hong Yi, but Hong Yi instinctively avoided it. The bad old man was not angry, but instead smiled: "Naughty, I like it~"

After saying that, he raised his lips and kissed the woman in Yang Yiyun's incarnation. At this moment, Yang sneered. Surrounded by this old man, Yang Yiyun prepared the life and death talisman in his hand and ordered to Hongyi: "Hongyi is now .”

Hong Yi, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly punched Feng on the back.



Yu Feng vomited blood and lay directly on the bed.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun slapped Yu Feng's head with one hand, and the life and death talisman was instantly inserted into Yu Feng's body.

He also struck Yu Feng unconsciously with a heavy palm strike, also deliberately.

"Huh ~ get it done and call it a day." Yang Yiyun returned to his true self as he spoke.

Then he walked off the bed with a disgusted look on his face.

Hong Yi also blushed and regained his red armor.

Yang Yiyun took a sip at Yu Feng, waved his hand and Yu Feng came to life. The two stunning women in his sight disappeared, and a white-haired young man and a man in red armor and a mask appeared in his sight.

Subconsciously: "Who are you?"

As he spoke, the mana aura all over his body had already burst out, and it was only now that he realized that he was right.

Yang Yiyun snorted coldly: "Kneel down yet~" and activated the life and death talisman in Yu Feng's body.


The next moment, Yu Feng screamed and curled up.

For a few minutes, Mr. Yang watched Erlang sitting with his legs on the throne belonging to the master of Fengfeng Peak in the Changxiao Peak Hall, with his lower body kneeling on the wind outlet to call the master.

The first Immortal Level Peak Master was captured.

At this point, Yang began to conquer other peak masters.

Just like making artillery, since Feng Dao took the lead and started with the familiar peak master, he went on like a storm. More than two months later, all the thirty-sixth peak masters in Yaochi were captured.

When Rang Zai took in some of the late Immortal Lords, he encountered resistance. After all, where the cultivation base was, he had to be vigilant. But with Yang and Hong Yi followed by a group of peak masters, the consequences of resistance would only be After a brutal beating, they finally surrendered obediently. The life and death talismans were injected into their bodies one by one, and life and death were controlled by Yang.

No one dared to be dissatisfied. A few of the thorns resisted at first, but as a result, when Yang activated the life and death talisman, he was dead and lay on the ground like a dead dog. He would be as obedient as he was.

The Seventy-Two Road Managers and the Thirty-Six Peaks Peak Masters are all in their hands.

At this point, the central power of Yaochi was disintegrated by Yang.

It has already damaged the foundation of Yaochi. Without these intermediate forces, Yaochi is left with some low-level disciples and nine elders. Moreover, the masters of the Thirty-Six Peaks and the Seventy-two Road Managers naturally do not lack some elite disciples. At that time, some of them will definitely be taken away.

It can completely disintegrate Yaochi.

Without these intermediate forces, it would take at least nearly ten thousand years for Yaochi to recover.

Yang's move may not be fatal, but it's close to it.

Calculating the time, there are still a few days until the Yaochi Conference. Now everything is ready and all we need is the east wind. Yang Yiyun's order to these peak leaders is to cause a scene in Yaochi when he gives the order.

Of course, Yang Yiyun was mainly thinking about cooperating with Xue Mao. Xue Mao went to rescue a few women. If there was civil strife in Yao Chi, he could contain the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother.

If there was a chance, Yang Yiyun would still want to kill the second elder, the White Lotus, and bully his woman to no end.

It's a pity that the other party is at the peak of Immortal Master. According to Manager Yuan, the second elder and the first elder are the most powerful beings in the entire Yaochi, and they are also old monsters who have reached the peak of cultivation.

However, Yang Yiyun knew that in the same realm, there are naturally differences between high and low, such as talents, magical powers, etc., as well as those with titles.

Therefore, people in the same realm may not necessarily be powerful and boundless, and there are also ordinary people.

Anyway, he hated Yang Yiyun, the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother, and depending on the situation, he would definitely beat her up if he could do anything.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the Yaochi Conference arrived.

On this day, Yang Yiyun transformed into a high-level peak master and entered the main peak.

Hong Yi and Diao'er were still with them, while Gu Jian was with Manager Yuan, and Yang Yiyun told them some things.

Of course, in order not to attract anyone's attention, he took Hong Yi and Diao'er into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

The magical power of Wanxiang Divine Power can now be said to be invincible. He relied on the transformation of Wanxiang Divine Power to conquer several peak masters. Now he transformed into one of the female peak masters and went to the Lotus Palace to inquire about the situation.

Originally, he actually thought about transforming into the appearance of the second elder, the Lotus Fairy Mother, but the formation in the Lotus Palace prohibited the magic controlled by the Lotus Fairy Mother. It could change the appearance, but if he couldn't use the magic to save people, it might just frighten the snake.

So Yang Yiyun can only go and check the situation now. Snow Cat has not been in good condition for the past six months, and he is also worried.

Today is the day when the Yaochi Conference begins. Yang Yiyun heard that the peak master came to report that today all the elders of Yaochi will gather in the Yaochi Hall, waiting for some super sect people to come. This is etiquette.

Moreover, the second elder wants to be the leader of Yaochi, and he also needs the support of the people from the Falling Star Palace. With the people from the Falling Star Palace here, it’s hard for other sects to say anything, they can only follow and bear witness...

Anyway, the Yaochi Conference starts today and will last for three days. During these three days, the Second Elder must be very busy and will not be in the Lotus Palace.

So Yang Yiyun took this time to go to the Lotus Palace to bring out a few women. There was no news from Xuemao, but he couldn't wait any longer.

People from large and small sects have begun to be brought into the main peak of Yaochi one after another. Yang Yiyun really blended in with the crowd and went directly to the Lotus Palace. If necessary for other matters, he would summon the seventy-two and thirty-sixth stewards led by steward Yuan. The master of the peak is causing trouble.

In a flash, Yang Yiyun arrived at Lotus Peak. Although today is the Yaochi Conference, many disciples who want to eat will go to the main peak to participate in the Yaochi Conference, but the Lotus Palace naturally needs guards.

He is now the incarnation of a female peak master named Peak Master Zhao Xiaoyu, who is also a frequent disciple of the second elder of Lotus Palace.

As soon as two Lotus Palace disciples appeared, they smiled and saluted: "I've met Peak Master Zhao. Why did Peak Master Zhao come to Lotus Palace for today's Yaochi Conference, but come to see my Uncle Narcissus?"

Yang Yiyun was still thinking about forcing his way into the Lotus Palace, but who knew what the Immortal King disciple guarding the palace gate was saying about Uncle Narcissus? He knew that Peak Master Zhao knew who Narcissus was or was not.

Anyway, everything seemed to be going well. He nodded lightly and said, "Well, take me to see your Uncle Narcissus. I have something important to ask her."

"Master Zhao Feng, please come with your disciples. Master Narcissus is here to take charge of the Lotus Palace under the order of the Palace Master~" One of the women was talking to herself and motioned to take Yang Yiyun there.

Regarding this, Yang Yiyun really secretly knew the identity of Peak Master Zhao Xiaoyu. He was indeed a frequent visitor to the Lotus Palace, and all of these disciples knew him.

He didn't know much about it before coming. He just asked the peak master of the Thirty-sixth Peak who was familiar with the people in the Lotus Palace. The peak master named Zhao Xiaoyu said that she often went to the Lotus Palace.

Yang Yiyun didn't know much about it, so he transformed into Zhao Xiaoyu and came to the Lotus Palace. Now it seemed that Zhao Xiaoyu and the Lotus Fairy Mother sat down with a disciple named Narcissus who was very familiar with them, so that all the gatekeeper disciples knew about it.

And according to what this disciple said, Narcissus is sitting in the Lotus Palace. From this, it seems that this Narcissus is the confidant of the Lotus Fairy Mother mentioned by Snow Cat.

It was a coincidence then.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun was thinking about what to do if he saw that narcissus later, but the voice of the snow cat rang in his ears.

"Master, we have already taken action. We have controlled Narcissus now and are breaking the ban in Lotus Palace~"

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he heard the message from Snow Cat. Fortunately, there was a spiritual connection between Snow Cat and Snow Cat, otherwise Snow Cat would not be able to find him because he took on the appearance of someone else.

He followed the disciple calmly, and after a few minutes, he arrived at the gate of a palace. It was actually a frame gate, through which he could see a majestic palace hundreds of meters away.

The female disciple stopped and said, "Master Zhao can only take you here. You are a good friend of Uncle Narcissus, so you can go by yourself. Due to the rules, we cannot enter the Lotus Hall without a co-interpreter. "

Yang Yiyun felt happy after hearing this, but said calmly on his face: "You go ahead, I'll go by myself."

As the master of Yaochi Peak, apart from the elders, he is the most respected person, so it is inevitable for these disciples to be polite.

Waiting for the famous disciple to leave, Yang Yiyun arrived in front of the Lotus Palace in a flash.

Sure enough, as soon as I got close, I felt powerful mana fluctuations. This palace was indeed a magic weapon.

According to Snow Cat's previous investigation, several women were imprisoned in the caves under this palace. If you want to enter the caves, you must first break the defense of the Lotus Palace, and then break the prohibition placed by the Lotus Fairy Mother. , you can enter the cave.

The person who controls the magic weapon in the Lotus Palace is the Lotus Fairy Mother, but when she left today, she handed over the control method to her close disciples.

Now it seems that it is the disciple named Narcissus. Snow Cat just sent word that they have captured Narcissus. They are currently breaking the ban, but they don't know whether they succeeded or not.

While I was thinking about it, the palace door opened, and Snow Cat's voice came: "Master, please come in, we have cleared the guarding disciples inside and outside the palace."

Yang Yiyun walked directly into the palace after hearing this.

The next moment he saw Xue Mao, Dugu Ying, and ten immortal-level old men, and at the same time, his whole body flashed with light and transformed into his own form.

"Greetings to the sect master~" Duguying took the lead in establishing, and the ten immortals behind him followed suit one by one in a cold manner. When they saw Yang Yiyun, their eyes were filled with admiration.

Yang Yiyun heard Xuemao say that when they train killers, they naturally put themselves as the sect leader first when it comes to instilling ideas. As a result, every killer actually respects him, the sect leader they have never met.

This is not surprising.

"Get up. It's an emergency. You don't need to be polite. How can we open the ban?" Yang Yiyun asked straight to the point.

Snow Cat came over in a flash and said: "Master, this hall itself is a magic weapon, closely related to the Lotus Fairy Mother. We took down this disciple of the Lotus Fairy Mother. After searching the soul, we learned that this woman named Narcissus has a removal array on her body." The token of the law, but the formation and the Lotus Fairy Mother's prohibition are combined together. Once the formation is removed, the Lotus Fairy Mother will sense it immediately and will definitely come to stop us, so we haven't started to break the formation yet. I'm trying to figure out if I can find a way to break the formation without being sensed by the Lotus Fairy Mother..."

Before Xuemao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Yiyun who raised his hand. He looked at the woman who had been killed on the ground and said: "Don't think about it. Since it is a magic weapon, it is impossible not to be noticed, and there is no time to wait any longer. Just go ahead and Break the formation and get ready for a tough fight!

Also, are all your people in place? If they are in place, inform them to gather in the Lotus Palace to resist the Lotus Fairy Mother, and when they are rescued, we will do it~"

"Three thousand Immortal Emperors and fifty Immortal Lord Killers have all arrived and are hiding outside the palace." Snow Cat said.

"Okay, let them guard and start breaking the formation~"

Yang Yiyun's eyes were extremely discerning, and at the same time he sent a message to Manager Yuan and others, asking them to prepare for the response, and with a wave of his hand, the red clothed man and Diao'er Ancient Sword appeared in the main hall.

The loach on his wrist also transformed in a flash.

Yang Yiyun said to Hong Yi and Gu Jian: "Go and guard outside the palace. Don't let anyone come in. Loach and Diao'er stay here."


Hong Yi and Gu Jian walked out.

"Snow Cat, let's start. It's best to destroy this palace directly." Yang said with murderous intent in his eyes at this moment.

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