My Master Is a God

Chapter 2337 Two trump cards


An earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the Lotus Palace ~

"How could it be...?"

The remaining disciples at the Lotus Palace in the distance were startled by the roar.

"It's the Lotus Palace. Something must have happened. Go and have a look~"

The commotion was so great that it attracted all the remaining disciples of the Lotus Palace.

When everyone arrived, they found that the entire Lotus Palace was in ruins.

This frightened the left-behind disciples half to death. Today is the opening day of the Yaochi Conference. The palace master Lotus Fairy Mother went to the main peak to attend the conference. They stayed behind to look after the house. This is good. The Lotus Palace is in ruins. If the palace master When we come back, everyone has no good fruits to eat.

The point is that no one knows what happened. How could the perfectly good Lotus Palace collapse?

Today there is no external door to enter the Lotus Palace, and there are daffodils in the palace. No one knows why this is so.

Some disciples have already gone to inform the palace master, the Lotus Immortal Mother, and the remaining remaining disciples, which numbered less than 500,000, went straight to the Lotus Palace under the leadership of one of the Immortal Emperors.

Regardless of what awaited them was a massacre of three thousand Immortal Emperors and Fifty Immortal Lords.

Yang Yiyun hated the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother so much that he, along with the entire Lotus Palace, gave Snow Cat an order to kill anyone left in the Lotus Palace without mercy.

Of course, it would be easier to stay away from the Lotus Palace, but once they get close, what awaits these Lotus Palace disciples is a ghostly massacre.

The lowest level of cultivation of these killers brought by Snow Mao is that of the Immortal Emperor. The important point is that they are all killers. They have received the true teachings of Snow Mao and Duguying. They have all practiced the way of hiding, and they are all ghosts hiding in the dark.

It was also from this day that the Cloud Gate Night Killer became famous throughout the fairy world.

For the time being, everything is not a problem until the Lotus Fairy Mother arrives. Yang Yiyun and Xue Mao had previously discussed taking action on this day, just waiting for the Lotus Fairy Mother to leave, destroying the Lotus Palace, and entering the cave. All the women were rescued.

Although the situation has changed, the plan is inconvenient, but the consequence is to directly face the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother.

But there is nothing we can do about it. These women were imprisoned by the Second Elder Lotus Fairy Mother, and the place of imprisonment was the cave under the Lotus Palace. And the Lotus Palace is a magical weapon, and the Second Elder Lotus Fairy's mother imprisoned them. Due to the maternal relationship, and the prohibition imposed by the Second Elder Lotus Fairy’s mother, she would know immediately as soon as she was touched.

Yang Yiyun and Xue Mao didn't have a way to break the formation without letting the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother find out. They could only choose to break the formation by force and simply destroy the palace and bring it down.

Anyway, his ultimate goal is to save people. As long as the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother no longer blocks him on the spot, he will have time to rescue a few women after breaking the formation.

When the Lotus Fairy Mother arrives, he has saved the person anyway, so he can start fighting immediately.

If you can't beat him, can't you escape?

Besides, with the three thousand Immortal Emperors and Fifty Immortal Lord killers brought by Snow Cat, plus the thirty-six peak masters of the Seventy-Two Roads in Yaochi that he had taken over with the Life and Death Talisman in the past six months, it may not be impossible to defeat him all at once. war.

To tell the truth about this matter, Mr. Yang hated the people of Yaochi so much that he could make a big fuss, check the Yaochi conference, and make the plan of the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother come to nothing, which can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

But after destroying the Lotus Palace, a cave was revealed. It seemed to be built intentionally, but there was a powerful ban.

This is a prohibition placed by the Second Elder Lotus Immortal Mother, a prohibition placed by Immortal Master Dzogchen who is at the peak of his cultivation. It is really extraordinary.

From the beginning, I felt a powerful fluctuation of mana, and it was not only mana, but also the power of the soul, or the law of the great road.

"Could the snowcat break open?"

Yang Yiyun frowned and asked Snow Cat.

There are also ten immortals led by Duguying in the field at this moment. Unfortunately, none of the ten immortals have the Dzogchen cultivation level of the immortals. Most of them are in the early stage of the immortals. Only three of them are in the late stages of the immortals. Not to mention the others, even Dugu. Ying is only the Immortal Lord's initial cultivation level.

At this time Yang Yiyun asked, Duguying pondered for a while and said: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for the sect master. The power that the Immortal Lord level comes into contact with is not just pure magic power, but more of the laws of heaven and earth. What he understands is the source of power at the limit of the immortal world. The power that can be mobilized has touched the power of heaven and earth, and is also the power of the law of the great road.

Although there are immortals among us, they are all junior immortals. They are completely incomparable with the Dzogchen Immortal. At the level of the Immortal, there is a huge difference in the level of the Immortal. The level of the Immortal is completely different. It is said that the existence of the law follows the words.

There is a great road between movement and stillness. It is extremely terrifying to mobilize the power of heaven and earth. The prohibition in front of you contains the magic power of the five elements of heaven and earth. The power of the five elements laws is perfectly combined together. There is almost no flaw in the mutual generation and mutual restraint, but there is no way. Lord, don’t worry, if we all join forces and have enough direct power, we will be able to break it, but it may take some time~”

After listening to Duguying's words, Yang Yiyun also knew that this was true, because he had heard Lao Liushu mention the use of power at the immortal world level.

In fact, every immortal can understand the power of the law of the great road. However, at the beginning, the realm is not enough and the understanding is limited. The more advanced the person is, the deeper the level of understanding is, and the corresponding power of heaven and earth that can be used and mobilized. The force becomes stronger.

I understand, I understand, but Yang Yiyun also knows that time waits for no one, frowning and saying: "Let's try together, we don't have time to waste, we must break the ban and rescue them before the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother arrives. "

The next moment, Yang Yiyun took the lead, Diao'er, Loach, Snow Cat, Duguying and the top ten immortals simultaneously attacked the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother's ban.


Under the noise all day long, he attacked and left.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun's brows deepened.

So many people attacked together, but they didn't move at all.

"Call all the red clothes and the immortals outside to attack together~" Yang Yiyun ordered the snow cat.

Then Hong Yi and other immortals all came.

This time it was the Fifty Immortals plus them.

Went away in red again.


There was another wave of earth-shattering rumblings. This time, after the attack, the crystal clear ban finally distorted and fluctuated.

This made Yang Yiyun happy, but the next moment everyone was dumbfounded.

A nearly transparent ban shrouded the mouth of a three-meter-diameter cave. After this attack, it was indeed shaken and the ban was distorted, but at the next moment, the twisted ban returned to its original state.

Snow Cat said at this time: "Master still can't do it. The power of this forbidden maintenance comes from the continuous power of heaven and earth. Even if it can be repaired in a short time after being shaken by the attack, our power is still not enough. Either we will use three external forces." Qianxian Emperor also called to attack together?"

Yang Yiyun frowned and said nothing. In fact, his heart was in turmoil. He never expected that the power of the Immortal Lord at the peak of Dzogchen would be so powerful.

Just a ban left so many of them helpless.

The peak of Immortal Master Dzogchen is the pinnacle of cultivation in the immortal world. It is indeed extraordinary to be called a strong person.

Of course, there is no Dzogchen Immortal of the same level among them, otherwise they should be able to forcibly break this prohibition.

In the final analysis, it is still not powerful enough.

Listening to Xue Mao's words, Yang Yiyun shook his head. He knew that the power of so many immortals was useless, and those immortal emperors might not have any effect if they joined in. Duguying was right, this was not just magic power, but more. It is the power of the great avenue of heaven and earth, and it mobilizes the general trend of heaven and earth. How can humans fight against heaven and earth?

But it is not impossible. In the final analysis, their strength is still insufficient. If they have enough strength to surpass the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother, they can break this prohibition.

Then he took his left hand deeply, and the Qiankun pot pattern on his arm emitted a golden light. He came to the front and said, "You guys step back and I'll give it a try."

With no other choice, he thought of the Qiankun Pot.

His Qiankun Pot is the biggest hole card, and there are two box-pressing hole cards.

The first one is naturally the omnipotent swallowing power of the Qiankun Pot, but I don’t know if it can swallow this prohibition?

The second one is the power of the Qiankun Temple. The power of the Qiankun Temple is so strong that he has never encountered other forces that he can't contend with, but he doesn't know if it can resist the power of the Immortal Master Dzogchen.

In short, if there is no way to do it with the strength of many people, he will try.

If these two trump cards are useless, there is really nothing you can do.

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