My Master Is a God

Chapter 2338 I’ll take you home

But Yang Yi Yundu Qiankun Pot is confident.

He stretched out his palm and slapped it directly on the ban. Yang Yiyun lightly scolded: "Swallow~"


There was a dull sound, but it rebounded with a mountain-like force.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was a counterattack force, but he had expected it and did not panic because he had already activated the Qiankun Pot.

If there is an accident, the Qiankun Pot will block it. Even if the Qiankun Pot cannot swallow the ban, I believe that blocking the backlash of the ban is still no problem.

The next moment, facing the forbidden backlash, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes subconsciously, but he felt a huge suction force suddenly erupted from the Qiankun pot on his left arm.

And the forbidden backlash in the feeling disappears instantly.

He was overjoyed and quickly opened his eyes to look, only to find that the Qiankun Pot worked. His palm was placed on the prohibition, and he could clearly feel the prohibition shaking, and it was very fast...

If he continues at this speed, he will definitely be able to devour and abolish the prohibition within ten breaths.

Just as Yang Yiyun activated the Qiankun Pot, a beautiful middle-aged woman in dark clothes in the main hall of Yaochi suddenly changed her expression and stood up from her seat.

"What's wrong with the second elder?"

A young man with a calm face but twinkling eyes asked.

This beautiful woman is none other than the second elder of Yaochi, the Lotus Fairy Mother, and the young man sitting next to her is Ancestral Xinghai from the Falling Star Palace.

Today, when the Yaochi Conference opens, the Yaochi Hall is filled with senior officials from Yaochi and people from various immortal sects invited from Yaochi.

Of course, the people who can sit in the main hall of Yaochi at this time are all the sects from the Immortal Realm who have come to be family members, or people who have the strength and status to cultivate. Thousands of people from small sects are sitting in the main hall. in the square outside.

Firstly, the main hall of Yaochi cannot accommodate so many people, and the people from these small sects are not qualified to sit with the people from super large sects such as Yaochi and Meteor Palace.

Anyway, the main peak of Yaochi is packed with people today, and many people are still coming...

Today's Yaochi will undergo great changes.

Then the Yaochi Conference, the competition between the second elder and the first elder, the position of the Lord of Yaochi will have a result today. Both parties involved in this matter know that if it continues like this, it will not be good for either of them. Yaochi is not good either.

In fact, they have already reached an agreement. They will use Taoism, alchemy, weapon refining, etc. to communicate and compete at the Yaochi Conference, and give a result. The competitions during this period include all the immortal sects from the outer sect who came to participate in the Yaochi Conference. man of.

The two also sent their disciples to compete, and they could also invite foreign aid. There were other disciples who exchanged fighting skills, and they each suppressed the gambling competition. This was also a kind of observation.

Of course, the people from several powerful forces who were invited were also intended to be witnesses. At this moment, everyone was communicating. At the critical moment, the Lotus Fairy Mother felt that her prohibition had been broken.

Is this a big deal?

The forbidden place is where several women who have ascended from the lower realms are imprisoned. One of them, Ye Wuxin, is considered a disciple, but she is still a woman that the ancestor Xinghai of the Falling Star Palace values. She, the Lotus Fairy Mother, also hopes that Zu Xinghai will help her this time. If Ye Wuxin Even if something goes wrong, are you still maintaining this relationship like this?

He couldn't help but stood up in a hurry, looked around the hall and apologized: "Fellow Taoists, I am really sorry. I suddenly have something urgent to deal with in the Lotus Palace. I also ask fellow Taoists to come back after I go there~"

After finishing speaking, he didn't have time to explain more and left in a hurry. Even Zu Xinghai's question was just a perfunctory one before disappearing into the hall.

"What's happening here……?"

"Yes, for such an important matter today, Fairy Lotus left regardless of all the guests who came from afar. It's really rude~"

"Isn't it~"

"But this Lotus Fairy Mother is not a rash person. If she leaves at this time, something big must have happened..."

"It's possible~"

Everyone in the field was talking.

The great elder had a smile on his face. He had been informed by his disciples that someone had destroyed the Lotus Palace.

"Everyone, since the second elder is the main character for the time being, why don't we wait and go out to have a look~" However, Zu Xinghai stood up and left directly after speaking.

Many people present knew that Xinghai, the ancestor of the Falling Star Palace, had a close relationship with the second elder of Yaochi, which was not surprising.

No one dares to say anything even though the Meteor Star Palace is so powerful.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if there is excitement to watch, why not do it? The excitement of the Great Immortal is not common.

Ever since the completion of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth Visions appeared thousands of years ago, very bad signs have appeared in the Immortal World. The fight for power and profit is not just limited to the Yaochi family. In fact, it exists in many sects, because the title level of the entire Immortal World All the powerful immortals disappeared.

How can each sect be without a master for a day? This is the case in Yaochi, and it is also the case with other immortal sects. It’s just that some have exploded and some have not. Anyway, the immortal world has begun to undergo some big changes in recent years.

The Immortal Sect who came to Yaochi to attend the Yaochi Conference this time, didn’t they want to see how the same problem would be dealt with by a large group like Yaochi?

And those small sects also have this meaning. For them, this relationship is a matter of alignment and the future development of the sect.

Anyway, everyone's attention has been attracted by the Lotus Fairy Mother. Naturally, if the immortal consciousness is released, everything in the Lotus Palace can be seen.

Many people gasped inwardly after seeing the Lotus Palace in ruins.

Someone actually turned the palace of the Lotus Fairy Mother into ruins...

Not only that, but there was also a strange scene. There were many people lying in a mess outside the Lotus Palace. Each one of them died tragically. Either their throats were cut, or their vital parts were fatal. It looked like they had been attacked and committed suicide.

No one was seen at the scene, but everyone saw an underground cave entrance on the ruins of the Lotus Palace.

Anyway, there was a good show~

The great elders of Yaochi were gloating over the misfortune, while the foreigners who came were watching and watching the excitement. At this moment, the Lotus Fairy Mother and the Ancestor Xinghai of the Falling Star Palace rushed to the Lotus Peak one after another.

Time went back to the previous moment. Yang Yiyun used the swallowing power of the Qiankun Pot within ten breaths to directly break the ban and led a group of people into the cave.

He knew in his heart that time was precious. The Lotus Palace was in ruins. If the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother's prohibition was broken, the second elder Lotus Fairy Mother would definitely know that he would enter the cave and kill all the women before Lotus Fairy Mother arrived. Rescue them. As long as the rescue is successful and they are allowed to enter the Qiankun Pot space, he will no longer have any worries in his heart.

The devouring power of the Qiankun Pot did not disappoint him. After devouring the prohibition, he directly entered the cave that was obviously built by man. It was very spacious inside and looked like a complete prison.

Seeing this made Yang Yiyun feel very angry.

Fortunately, it may be because of the strict defense outside. After arriving at the underground prison, everything was very ordinary. There were no forbidden formations or anything like that. As I walked along, I found cells one after another.

He was anxiously looking for the Eye of Heaven and Earth, and with its operation, he could see everything in the cave.

The next moment~

"Found it~"

He shuddered and saw his women being imprisoned in the last cell deep in the basement. He was excited and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

With a quick scan of his consciousness, he found that apart from their sealed cultivation, everything else was fine and they were not harmed. They were completely imprisoned.

Zhao Nan, Dugu Wuqing, Ye Wuxin, Yuan Jinfeng, Lin Huan, Ning Ke, Yuan Zheng, Lu Rouge, Lou Haitang, Ouyang Yuqing, Shang Wuhuan, Shang Wuqing, the ten people who attacked were all his women.

After thousands of years, Yang Yiyun's eyes turned red when he saw them again.

At this moment, Qian Kunzhi noticed that besides his ten women, there was also an unknown middle-aged woman in the field. Judging by her dress, she seemed to be from Yaochi.

Being locked up with these women at the moment.

After seeing them, Yang Yiyun could no longer hold back. He appeared outside the prison in a flash, roared with red eyes, and punched the cell bar.


This small ban was broken by Yang Yiyun with one punch.

Zhao Nan and the other women in the prison suddenly opened their eyes.

In the dim environment, they saw the enemy they thought about day and night.

He is still the same, with long flowing white hair...


"Brother Yun..."

A shout rang out, and everyone stood up...

"It''s me..."

Yang Yiyun answered with red eyes and a trembling voice: "You have suffered, I will take you home~"

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