My Master Is a God

Chapter 2350 The formal establishment of the Yunmen orthodoxy

Xiao Qi led the way, and Yun Changsheng and the other four entered the hall one after another.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the main hall was not as magnificent as imagined. On the contrary, it was very simple and not too big, just about sixty square meters.

Everything is in sight~

There was no furniture, and there was only a beautiful woman meditating in the main hall, sitting on a futon, dressed in white, quiet and peaceful.

There are some decorated bonsai around the main hall, and there is also a light and elegant smell, similar to sandalwood, everything gives people a sense of tranquility.

When Yang Yiyun looked at this beautiful woman who was less than thirty years old, he knew that she was Master Tianji. She was exactly the same as the image he had seen in the lower world, and she was still so worldly.

It’s like giving Master Tianji a holy white lotus in the pond, emerging from the mud but not stained.

"Disciple pays homage to Master~"

Yun Changsheng took the lead and bowed to see him.

The three of them, Yang Yiyun and others, were well educated and called to pay their respects to the master's wife.

"Get up, why are you doing so many common rituals? If you have the time to enlighten yourself and improve your cultivation, you won't be in such a mess this time and embarrass your master."

The heavenly voice sounded very magnetic.

"Yes, what Master is teaching me is that if the disciple is not good at studying, please ask Master to punish him." Yun Changsheng, as a senior brother, took on all responsibilities at the moment, and showed respect in front of Master Tianji.

While Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia felt very afraid of Tianji, Master Tianji only lowered her head in fear, not daring to breathe while standing behind her senior brother.

As for Yang Yiyun, who was at the end, he was a little curious. He felt that this junior lady was very kind and looked at her secretly.

At this moment, he happened to find that Master Tianji opened her eyes.


Yang Yiyun saw his wife's eyes again, and his mind buzzed.

The impact was dozens of times greater than when the master's wife's image clone was in front of him.

Her eyes are still so seductive. The eyes of the Sky Fox Clan are so captivating that they are not fake at all.

At this glance, Yang Yiyun felt that his consciousness was instantly captured by the eyes of his mistress. It seemed that what he saw was not eyes, but bright stars, and it was like an endless sea of ​​stars. Yang Yiyun was instantly lost.

"Do you brat, Mistress, have pretty eyes?"

As the master's wife's voice sounded, Yang Yiyun's mind was buzzing, and he woke up from his lost state.


He was breathing heavily at this moment and was sweating profusely.

It was so terrifying. He just glanced at his wife's eyes, and his consciousness fell into her eyes. If it were an enemy, he would die a hundred times.

And it was his wife who took the initiative to wake him up.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was gasping for breath as he listened to his wife's words. He didn't dare to look at her again. His heart was turbulent, and he subconsciously said: "It doesn't look good, it's so scary~"


Ji Zixia on the side couldn't help laughing. Yang Yiyun saw that the first and second senior brothers had tense faces at this time. He knew at a glance that the three of them had expected this situation, but they didn't remind him. Really Bad!

"Doesn't it look good?" Tianji said slowly.

Yang Yiyun reacted and realized that he had said the wrong thing, and said quickly: "Ah, no, no, no, it looks good, ah... no... no, no, no... I..."

At this time, he realized that no matter what he said, it was wrong to say that the master's wife was good-looking. That was the elder of the master's wife. It was not right to say that she was not good-looking. Yang Yiyun became a little incoherent for a while.

"Geez, it's okay brat, I'm scaring you. Master, I'm not a tiger."

At this time, Yang Yiyun heard his wife speak again. There was no blame in her words. She seemed to be joking and teasing herself.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the master's wife getting up and walking slowly.

Yang Yiyun lowered his head, feeling very nervous. He saw the Master's wife's feet, and then his hands tightened, but the Master's wife grabbed her hand, and his whole body trembled.

It's not that he has any thoughts about his mistress, on the contrary, he doesn't dare to have any evil thoughts, but it's that this mistress's natural aura is so great that he is very restrained and doesn't know what to do.

At this time, I heard the Master's Wife say softly: "Good boy, you are suffering. Raise your head and let the Master take a good look. Your master is not here, but when he left, he personally told me to pay attention to you. Over the years, Master Wife has been in retreat and has not visited you in person, but she has been paying attention...

If your master hadn't told you not to interfere too much in your cultivation, Master Niang would have wanted to see you a long time ago. Although you have been working hard over the years, fortunately everything has gone smoothly, so I didn't interfere with your growth. It can be used It took less than 10,000 years to achieve the peak cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor in the middle stage. You are worthy of being your master's disciple and a good boy..."

While speaking, Yang Yiyun also subconsciously looked up. This time when he looked at the Master's wife, his eyes were calm. From her eyes, Yang Yiyun only saw kindness and concern, which was the care of the elders for the younger ones.

For a moment, Yang Yiyun's nose felt sore. He heard the concern for his junior in his master's wife's words. It turned out that both his master and his wife had been caring about him these years.

When he was struggling on the edge of life and death several times, he actually complained that the old man didn't care about him. Now when he heard his wife speak, the resentment in his heart disappeared, and what was left was just moved.

"Master, I'm sorry for making you worry~"

Thousands of words turned into one sentence, Yang Yiyun said this sentence with tears in his eyes.

No matter how successful he is in cultivation, Yang Yiyun is an emotional person. He is always touched when his elders care about him.

He could hear that every word in the Master's wife's words was filled with the care of the elders for the younger ones.

"Come, sit down~"

He held the master's wife by the hand and walked over and sat on the futon.

At this time, Yun Changsheng, Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia had expressions of disbelief, envy and hatred on their faces.

The three of them have never received such caring treatment from their master's wife.

"Okay, you three can sit down too~"

Tianji waved her hand and three futons appeared out of thin air.

"Evil Master~"

Yun Changsheng and the others took their seats.

Only Yang Yiyun was held by Tianji and sat beside him.

After everyone took their seats, Tianji slowly said: "Your master has been here all his life, so he has accepted you four disciples. In our eyes, you are all our children. From now on, the four of you must unite with each other, so that you can live up to our expectations." Do you all know that your master has high hopes?"

"Disciple knows, please rest assured, Master..."

The four of them answered in unison.

"Well, I'm relieved. Changsheng, as senior brother, you will definitely take on the important task of taking care of your junior brothers and sisters in the future. Although you have entered the realm of enlightenment in cultivation, you can enlighten the ninth level and reach the great road. You must not slack off. Don't let your master down even half a cent.

In addition, enlightenment is about comprehending the great avenue of heaven and earth. The enlightenment of the great avenue is not there. Everything in the world is the great avenue, and the Tao is everywhere. From now on, you can go down the mountain to experience and comprehend more. You no longer need to stay in the Taoist temple to practice. It has nothing to do with you.

I remember that your junior brother has a sect inheritance in the lower world. He is your master's close disciple and founded Yunmen. When your master created the disaster, your junior brother founded Yunmen. This matter can be regarded as your master's approval, so From now on, Yunmen will be your foundation. I will look for the goodwill of those two and let the Immortal Refining Alliance be merged into Yunmen. You can supervise this matter.

Secondly, Yunmen, as your lineage, can be regarded as the lineage left by your master. You all have to assist your junior brothers. Once the shackles of the Dao are released, all parts of the immortal world will surely see an era when heroes come together in the future. It is a great era, and it is also In times of great chaos, it is also a meritorious deed for you to have inheritance to protect yourself when you enter Yunmen. "

"I respectfully follow Master's orders. We will wholeheartedly assist our little brother and lead our Yunmen to leave an eternal legacy in the immortal world and live up to the expectations of Master and Master."

Yun Changsheng took the lead in answering solemnly.

"Okay, okay, everyone, sit down, I haven't finished speaking yet." Tianji was impatient with Yun Changsheng's etiquette of getting up.

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun was restless, because the master's wife wanted him to become the master of Yunmen, and the key point was to make his two senior brothers and junior brother obey his orders.

Let him become the master of Yunmen.

When he founded Yunmen, he always did his own thing, but he never thought about becoming the leader of his senior brothers and sisters~

Even if Yunmen were to become the orthodox lineage of the dead old man, it would not be his turn to be the leader. The senior brother would be the suitable candidate.

There is also the intention of Master Niang to merge the Immortal Refining Alliance into Yunmen.


He can play by himself, but if he is asked to lead such a large team, his scalp will go numb thinking about it. You must know the foundation laid by several master ladies in the Immortal Refining Alliance. Doesn't this mean that he will also become the master's disciple? host?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun became a little panicked, and hurriedly broke away from Master's wife's hand and said hurriedly: "Master's wife, no, I, I, I..."

"Sit down. Master's wife hasn't finished speaking yet. Why are you so anxious? What I said is also what your master said before he left." Tianji said with a glare.

Now Yang Yiyun really didn't know what to do, so he had to sit down again.

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