My Master Is a God

Chapter 2351 Preaching

Tianji continued: "Xingchen, you take the path of swordsmanship. Unlike any other immortal, the path of swordsmanship is the most powerful, but it is also the most difficult path to follow. However, you are a born swordsman. Your master asked you to practice this path of swordsmanship." You have come a long way and have lived up to your master's expectations.

Although I don’t have a mastery of swordsmanship, I’m close to getting there. The same goes for you. After all, swordsmanship is the path of strong attack and fighting. I will follow your junior brother more in the future. Fighting and fighting will give me insights into your swordsmanship. You have been too comfortable these years, so don’t ask for help. To make progress, this path will inevitably lead to retreat if you don’t advance. Do you know? "

Xingchenzi's face turned red and he quickly replied: "I will follow my master's teachings. I will definitely go out and fight more with my junior brother in the future to learn the art of swordsmanship."

Xingchenzi's face turned red when the teacher's wife said it, but Yang Yiyun's face turned even redder.

Because no matter how he listened, he felt that what the junior wife was saying seemed to be saying that your junior brother is a troublemaker, and there will be many fights when you go out with him.

How could this make him feel so embarrassed?


Ji Zixia couldn't help laughing.

At this time Tianji scolded: "And Zixia, you girl, please don't be willful in the future. Your master used to care about you the most. In addition, you were born in the Ji family and have always been the apple of the Ji family's eye. You have never suffered anything." You haven't suffered much setbacks. Your two senior brothers have spoiled you and developed your lawless temper. This is not a good thing for you.

Remember in the future, your way of cultivation lies in the blood of your Ji family. Although you are extremely talented in cultivation, you have to pay more than others, and you still have to suffer the hardships you deserve. When your bloodline advances, I'm afraid it will be... Enlightened.

In the future, your achievements will not be low, but you must know that now the constraints of the great road have disappeared, and geniuses in the immortal world will pop up like bamboo shoots after the rain. If you don't work hard, you will fall behind and suffer big losses. "

"Disciple knows, please rest assured, Master. I will definitely work hard not to embarrass Master and Master, hehe~" Ji Zixia replied with a smile.

"You just have a licking mouth." Tianji smiled helplessly.

Next Tianji looked at Yang Yiyun, her eyes a little more kind and said: "Xiao Yunzi is the latest among the four of you to practice, but he is also the one with the most outstanding talent. He has stepped into cultivation step by step from a mortal to an adult. God, he had the most difficult journey.

In the words of your master, the one you four owe the most to is Xiao Yunzi, so the three of you, as senior brothers and sisters, should be kinder to your junior brother in the future and give him more guidance on how to cultivate. This is what you three as senior brothers and sisters do. responsibility.

Besides, Xiao Yunzi, this is a formal meeting with you, and I don’t have any gifts for you. From now on, let Xiao Qi and the other seven follow you. "

After Tianji finished speaking, she shouted to the door: "Xiao Qi, all seven of you, come in."

Before Yang Yiyun came back to his senses, seven little fairy tales walked in from the front door. The oldest one looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and the youngest one looked seventy, eight or nine years old.

"Greetings to the empress~"

The clear voices of seven little girls sounded in the hall.

Tianji smiled and signaled the seven of them not to be formal. She looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "From left to right, they are the eldest girl to the seventh girl. I have always called them that. The seven of them have been practicing and serving me since they were young. , all of them are diligent and talented. Now they are all at the peak of Immortal Dzogchen Dzogchen cultivation, and it is only a matter of time before they reach enlightenment.

From now on, let the seven eldest girls follow you. When you establish Yunmen, you also need a few capable people around you. The seven of them are all pretty strong in cultivation. I can rest assured following you. As my master wife and you. Master, please make it up to you~"

Yang Yiyun finally came to his senses and said in a panic: "Master, no, I don't dare to bear it~"

Just kidding, these seven girls are all the master's personal maids, and each of them is an old immortal, he doesn't dare to bear it.

"My queen, please don't do it for us... If we do something bad or make a mistake, your queen can punish us. Don't let us go... Wuwu..."

The next moment, the eldest girl took the lead and knelt down. All the seven little girls had red eyes and started crying.

Of course, the girl only made the decision based on her appearance. In reality, the seven of them are all veteran immortals. They have been practicing at the same level as Tianji for many years.

Yang Yiyun actually understood the seven maids very well. After all, they were people who had served under the master's wife for countless years. Suddenly, the master's wife said that they wanted to give it to him. Of course, it was a bit ugly to say that it was a gift, but that was what it meant. No one could stand it. There will be panic.

"Get up, get up. How old are you to still cry?" Tianji waved her hand and all the seven girls stood up.

At this time Tianji continued: "You all listen to me, it's not that I don't want you, but I am preparing to go to heaven for two reasons. The first is to find my husband. His secret is unknown, but he is absolutely He’s not dead, I’ve deduced this.”

After saying this, I also looked at Yang Yiyun and Yun Changsheng. I also said this to the four of them.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he heard his wife said that his master was definitely not dead. Sure enough, Old Liushu's guess was right. His master would never die. According to his wife's wishes, the circumstances of his journey to heaven were unknown, but he was definitely not dead. So she went to find it.

Then I heard the master's wife continue: "Secondly, I have also reached the ninth level of enlightenment. In the bottleneck period, there is no point in staying in the immortal world to continue practicing. Whether it is to find a husband or to cultivate myself, I need to climb the path. sky Road.

But the trip to the Heavenly Road is beyond what you can imagine. When my husband and the others went to the Heavenly Road, I never thought of following them. But my husband said that his cultivation was not enough to realize the third level or above. If he went to the Heavenly Road, let alone go to the Heaven. In the depths of the road, even entering it is difficult. The end of the road to heaven is the creation of the divine way, which is adapted to the immortals who have understood the nine heavens.

Therefore, I can’t take the seven of you with me. It is good for you to let the seven of you follow Xiao Yunzi. You must know that Xiao Yunzi is the master’s closed disciple, and he will be the master of Yunmen from now on. The future is bright, there is nothing wrong with following him.

Another point is that when I ask you to follow Xiao Yunzi, I also entrust the safety of Xiao Yunzi to the care of you seven. He is the disciple that your master and I owe the most. Strictly speaking, Xiao Yunzi is your master’s lifesaver. My benefactor, if it weren't for Xiao Yunzi, your master would still be trapped...

So, you seven girls will have a heavy burden on your shoulders from now on. Don’t think that I don’t want you anymore. On the contrary, I can’t worry about you. Do you know that now? "

Tianji glanced at everyone present as she spoke.

These words are actually told to everyone.

Everyone understands that Master Tianji is going to reach heaven~

Although she was reluctant to give up, everyone knew that she had made a decision.

Yang Yiyun was very shocked to hear this. According to Master Tianji, she was actually a super powerful person who had comprehended the Nine Heavens.

When Yang Yiyun thought about it, the master's wife was a being who had understood the ninth heaven, so naturally the master was at least a strong one in the ninth heaven.

After Yun Changsheng, Xingchenzi, and Ji Zixia also came to their senses, why did the master's wife say from the beginning that they should unite in the future, confirm the status of the master of the Yunmen, establish the Yunmen orthodoxy, and let the Immortal Refining Alliance be merged into Cloud Gate.

It turned out that all the mistresses had plans and arrangements.

At this moment, the seven girls also understood what the empress meant. Although they were reluctant to give up, they could only obey the orders of the empress.

The seven girls said in unison: "We will strictly abide by your Majesty's decree. Please rest assured, Madam, we will follow you to the death to protect the safety of our young master."

Then Yun Changsheng also took the lead and said: "Master, please rest assured. The four of us, brothers and sisters, will definitely unite in the future to assist our junior brother and pass on our Yunmen Taoism."

Since the master's wife has explained it like this, everyone can't live up to the expectations of the master's wife.

Only Yang Yiyun hesitated for a moment and said: "Master Niang leads me as a member of Yunmen, I think senior brother is more suitable..."

"Junior brother is so arrogant~"

Before Tianji could speak, Yun Changsheng interrupted angrily: "This is an order jointly made by Master and Master. Can't you disobey Master's order? Master's wife has made it very clear who will be the head of Yunmen. You You brat, don't try to shirk your responsibilities. Do you want to disobey the teacher's order in front of the teacher's wife?

The master of a sect is related to the rise and fall of our lineage. This is not the time for you to talk nonsense. You kid, please remember that things like Yaochi are absolutely not allowed to happen to a few of us. "

After Yun Changsheng finished speaking, he immediately knelt down to Yang Yiyun and said, "From now on, you are the head of our lineage. Yun Changsheng pays his respects to the master of the Yun Sect."

As soon as Yun Changsheng knelt down, Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia also knelt down with solemn expressions on their faces, shouting: "Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia pay their respects to the sect master."

Then when Yang Yiyun was helpless, Tianji's seven maids, led by the eldest girl, knelt down and said, "Greetings to the young master~"

"" Yang Yiyun panicked, they were all his senior brothers and sisters, what should they do?

"You brat, you still won't let your senior brothers and sisters stand up. Are you going to keep them kneeling?" Tianji said with a smile. This scene is what she wants to see. She understands that the Yaochi incident is an internal struggle for power. The reason why she said so much and gave Yang Yiyun seven personal maids was to prevent them from fighting each other for power in the future.

Now the senior brother Yun Changsheng is doing very well and is very general. She believes that only Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia will not have any ideas.

Where is Yang Yiyun?

In fact, he is not a fool. At this time, he naturally knows that he cannot escape. This burden cannot be escaped. He also saw the attitude of senior brother Gengcai. He knew that if he did not take over the position of the master of Yunmen, he would not be able to protect senior brother. They are about to clean themselves up.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, senior brothers and sisters, please get up. Now I can take the throne of the sect master~"

"Thank you very much, Master~"

"Thank you, young master~"

Yun Changsheng's three and seven maids got up one after another.

At this moment, things were complete.

"Okay, I've given the high responsibility. You can take care of the rest by yourselves. All of you, please step aside. I have something to say to Xiao Yunzi. Go to Immortality and start preparing to refine the Immortal Alliance and merge it into Yunzi." It’s about the door.”

"Yes, disciple, resign~"

After everyone went out, Tianji looked at Yang Yiyun and suddenly spoke solemnly: "The way to practice is to meditate on the power of mana, and also to use the power of heaven and earth to seize the power of heaven and earth, feel the rise and fall of all things, and understand the mystery of the universe. The way can be explained. Ke Ming…”

As soon as the master's wife opened her mouth, Yang Yiyun listened to every word she spoke. His mind was like a bell ringing, like thunder in the sky. Every word went straight into the depths of his heart and spread to the root of his soul.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that this was the master's wife preaching. She was telling him her sermon. How much he could listen to and how much he could understand depended on his luck.

He quickly kept his mind and listened carefully, for fear of missing a word. From simple and straightforward at the beginning, to obscure and difficult to understand later, Yang Yiyun gradually closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

The entire hall was surrounded by Tianji's heavenly voice, preaching and Yang Yiyun listened.

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