My Master Is a God

Chapter 2352 Cultivation reaches the peak of Immortal Emperor’s Great Perfection

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly by. Outside the gate of Tianji Palace, the eldest girl and Xiao Qi are guarding outside the main hall.

A hundred years have passed since Tianji Zhao Jian and the others.

On that day a hundred years ago, Tianji's sermon sounded in the main hall of Tianji Palace and spread throughout the Tianji Palace for seven days.

Seven days later, Tianji left and headed for the Road to Heaven.

It was also on this day that the seven eldest girls and the seven of them would guard the door of the main hall, otherwise no one would disturb Yang Yiyun, the new young master of the seven of them.

This defense lasts for a hundred years.

During this period, Yun Changsheng, Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia all came one after another, but junior brother Yang Yiyun was still practicing in seclusion.

And none of the seven girls were close to each other.

On this day, all three people came one after another, but the door of the hall was still closed.

Xingchenzi complained: "What are you talking about, Junior Brother, in seclusion? I have also listened to Master's wife's sermons. I only stayed in retreat for twenty years, Junior Sister only ten years, and Senior Brother, the longest you've been in retreat is only thirty." Year, junior brother, it’s been a hundred years, why haven’t you come out of seclusion yet?”

Ji Zixia also pouted and said: "Isn't that right? The two of us successively found all the disciples of his lower realm Yunmen and sent them to the Chaos Fairy Realm, including his parents, children, brother-in-law, sister and several disciples. They all flew up.

It's okay now. I heard that the people who ascended from the lower world in the Cloud Gate base are making a fuss looking for their junior brother, and there are a few children looking for their mother. Don't you know that I went there and was almost besieged? It was said that the younger brother was in seclusion, but no one believed it. If the younger brother continued to be in seclusion, Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm would be in chaos. "

"You two, don't talk nonsense. The longer the junior brother is in seclusion, the greater his cultivation understanding and talent. It is only a hundred years, not too long. You two should work harder in the future and be optimistic about the Chaos Immortal Realm. Wait. Junior brother is out of seclusion," Yun Changsheng said.

Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongues, but neither of them refuted their elder brother.

Then Ji Zixia asked: "Senior Brother, please don't talk about us. How is things going on there?"

Yun Changsheng muttered: "The entire headquarters and branches of the Immortal Refining Alliance have basically been successfully integrated into the Yunmen of the Chaos Immortal Realm. Now we are just waiting for our junior brother to come out and take over."

Ji Zixia sighed and said: "Oh~ It seems that Junior Brother's retreat will take some time. Senior Sister Xiao Qi and the others are guarding outside the main hall, why don't they go in to see when Junior Brother can come out..."

"Junior sister, please don't mess around and disturb your junior brother's practice. We'll just wait." Yun Changsheng frowned.

Xingchenzi grinned and said: "Senior Brother, are you overthinking it? With the cultivation level of Senior Sister Xiaoqi and the other seven, I and Junior Sister just found it uncomfortable to provoke me. The seven of them were guarding. How could we let Junior Sister disturb Junior Brother? You I think too much, with the seven of them here, even if Tongwu comes, it will be difficult to disturb my junior brother’s cultivation~"

Ji Zixia grinned and said: "Second Senior Brother, are you exaggerating? Although Senior Sister Xiaoqi and the other seven are veteran immortals with high cultivation, they are not enlightened by the immortals after all. If they really achieve enlightenment, even if they are enlightened to the first level of heaven Such a powerful person, I’m afraid Senior Sister Xiaoqi and the others won’t be able to stop him!”

Yun Changsheng continued: "You don't know this, little junior sister. Your second senior brother is really right. The seven of them, Senior Sister Xiaoqi, are all from the Fox Clan. Although they are not from the Fox Clan's lineage of Sky Fox, they are It is the phantom fox lineage of the Fox clan, second only to the Tianhu lineage.

The magic fox lineage is born with magical powers and talents that can create illusions. In addition, they are all veteran immortals. They have been practicing with their master since they were young. I can't tell whether the illusions they cast are true or false. And I heard that Senior Sister Xiaoqi and the seven of them have the same mind, so the master's wife taught them a forbidden formation from the fox clan. It is very scary. I am afraid that not to mention the powerful people who have understood the first level of heaven, the second level and the third level will be in their hands. If you go to school, you may not be able to get a good deal. "

"So powerful, so my junior wife is so partial. She gave seven great masters to my junior brother~" Ji Zixia complained with a grin.

Yun Changsheng smiled bitterly and cursed: "You, be content. When the master was here, the three of us often had the master or even the master's wife to teach us how to practice, and we never suffered. Strictly speaking, the younger brother didn't have much teaching from the master. The master's wife did not You are right, my junior brother has had a hard journey along the way, and I should compensate my junior brother.

And the most important point is that during Master's early calamity, it was his younger brother who accompanied Master when he was in trouble, and helped Master out of trouble and reshaped his immortal body so that Master could return to the immortal world.

The three of us haven't done anything to help Master. Speaking of which, we all owe our junior brother, so don't think like this in the future~"

Ji Zixia smiled: "Hehe, senior brother, you are just boring and not humorous at all. Do you think I am stupid? Of course I won't be really jealous of my junior brother. It's too late for me to love him..."

But after saying this, she suddenly felt something was wrong, her face turned red, and she quickly changed her words: "I mean I should take care of my junior brother, it's not love, ah no, it's not love, I mean I'm not jealous of my junior brother, I……"

The more you explain, the more confusing it gets.

The next moment, Yun Changsheng and Xingchenzi looked at their junior sister's blushing face and started laughing.

"Ah hahaha... Junior sister, we all understand, haha, you like junior brother, which is a good thing. We have no objection and support you, hahaha..."

"You...still laughing...don't laugh..."

The three brothers and sisters started chasing each other and started fighting.

The next moment, Yun Tianxie looked at the door of the main hall and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, my junior brother is out of seclusion~"

Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia looked quickly, and sure enough, Yang Yiyun walked out of the hall.

"Junior brother, you are finally released~"

Ji Zixia screamed and rushed over.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was facing the salutes of Xiao Qi and the eldest girl, feeling a little panicked.

"Congratulations, young master, on your great progress in cultivation~"

The eldest girl took Xiao Qi and bowed down, her attitude was very respectful.

"Two senior sisters, please don't be polite and get up quickly~"

Yang Yiyun knew that these two were the personal maids of his master's wife, and they were truly veteran immortals. Their cultivation levels were much higher than his own. He couldn't bear to have these two great immortals kneel down and salute him.

Haven't you seen that senior brothers respect them and call them senior sisters?

Although the master's wife gave seven of them to herself, and he was nominally their young master, Yang did not dare to really trust them.

"Young officiant, the ceremony must not be canceled~"

The eldest girl took Xiao Qi to pay homage and then got up.

Yang Yiyun said helplessly: "Two senior sisters, whether you are arguing about your cultivation or your master's wife, you can't do this anymore. Isn't this embarrassing me? I won't be able to kneel down anymore, and I'm not used to it."

"Young master, please just call me eldest girl. You are the master of Yunmen appointed by the empress. If you call us senior sister, this is a big mistake and the courtesy cannot be discarded." Although the eldest girl looks only eleven or twelve years old He looks like a young man, but he is very experienced in speaking and doing things, and he is also a bit old-fashioned and insistent.

Yang Yiyun suddenly had a headache. After thinking about it, he said, "Let's do this. From now on, I won't call you the world, I will call you by your name, but you can't kneel down at all times. You really can't help it, you know?"

The eldest girl looked at Yang Yiyun and did not insist this time. She nodded and said: "I will obey the order of the young master."

"Junior brother..."

Ji Zixia ran over in a hurry, punched Yang Yiyun on the shoulder and said: "You are finally released~"

"Junior sister, please don't be rude. Although junior brother is our junior brother, he is now our sect master. How can you be so rude to you?" Yun Changsheng, who followed behind, scolded Ji Zixia with a straight face.

"I... senior brother, are you yelling?" Ji Zixia's eyes widened and her mouth tightened.

"Alas, senior brother, it's serious. There are no outsiders here. It doesn't have to be like this. I like senior sister's way of communicating. Now that master and master are no longer together, if you all follow the rules in such a strict way, I will not be alive. Now? If you are like this, I will give up my job as the sect leader.

When I founded Yunmen, I originally wanted to provide a home for my relatives and friends in the lower world, but I never thought of being your sect leader. This time, I reluctantly accepted the order of my wife. You are all my dearest people. From now on, Don't tell me the etiquette and rules at every turn.

Senior brother, you took care of me when you were in the lower world. You know that I am not the kind of person who pays much attention to rules. Don’t compare yourself to me, otherwise I will give up..."

Yang Yiyun was troubled by his senior brother's seriousness and rigidity, and he did not hesitate to threaten him.

At this moment, Xingchenzi was hiding aside and snickering, winking hard at his junior sister Ji Zixia. Ji Zixia secretly suppressed a smile while listening to Yang Yiyun's words. In fact, she naturally understood the truth and had no intention of making trouble with her senior brother. , the little witch's name is not for nothing, she just likes to do it.

" brother, you have to know that our master is the Supreme Being of Heaven and Evil in the Immortal Realm. We must do things without etiquette and regulations, so as not to embarrass the master and his wife outside. In this way, in the future, the etiquette that should be observed in front of outsiders will still be the same. If so, when you are alone in private, just... forget it, that's it, little junior sister, it's as you wish." With the last words, Yun Changsheng looked at Ji Zixia.

"Hehe, long live Senior Brother, don't be so rigid in the future, haha~" Ji Zixia laughed.

"I knew you did it on purpose." Yun Changsheng, the younger junior sister, was really clueless.

At this time, Xingchenzi stepped forward and looked at Yang Yiyun, smacking his lips and jokingly said: "Okay, little junior brother, after a hundred years of retreat, the Immortal Emperor has reached the pinnacle of the Great Perfection. Tell me what kind of little stove my master gave you before she left, so that you can do it so quickly. From the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor to the peak of the Immortal Emperor’s Great Consummation?”

"What's a hundred years? The master's wife is gone?" Yang Yiyun felt wrong when he heard this.

In his opinion, it was just a moment of cultivation enlightenment. He only remembered that his master's wife said that he had entered a state of cultivation. Then he woke up today and found that his cultivation realm had reached the peak of Immortal Emperor's Great Perfection.

But he didn't count the time, and he didn't know that his master's wife had left, so he felt a little disappointed. Naturally, he also knew that what the second senior brother meant when he said that his master's wife was leaving was to leave the fairy world and go to the road to heaven.

To be honest, he really couldn't bear to see Master Tianji.

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