My Master Is a God

Chapter 2353 Go meet the other two mistresses

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Tianji Palace Main Hall ~

"Junior brother, what are your plans next?" Yun Changsheng asked.

Yang Yiyun has learned what happened during the hundred years of seclusion.

Listening to Senior Brother's question, he said: "Since I have taken over the responsibility of inheriting our Yunmen Taoism from master and master, I must work hard in this direction.

I’m not afraid of your jokes, brothers and sisters. When I was preparing to build Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, I thought about building Yunmen into the largest sect in the Immortal Realm, building it into the first holy land for cultivation in the Immortal Realm, and also giving it to the relatives and friends of Yunmen in the lower realm. Have a stable cultivation environment.

And now that Master and Master have given instructions, if we want Yunmen to become the inheritance place of our Yunmen lineage, we need to work harder in this direction. What nonsense is the Meteor Star Palace? The three Immortal Lords dominate the forces. We will They must surpass them and become the most transcendent force in the immortal world to inherit the Taoism.

We want Master's inheritance to be carried forward in our hands and passed on forever. The Taoist inheritance spreads throughout the entire fairy world, the three thousand cultivation worlds in the lower world, and countless small worlds. In the future, I will even let our Yunmen ascend the road to heaven and lead Yunmen. Go to heaven...

Therefore, brothers and sisters, I ask you to work hard to help me in the future, and together we can inherit our Yunmen Taoism. "

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he cupped his fists and bowed to the two senior brothers and one senior sister, including the eldest girl and seven others.

He knew that this was actually not an honor, but a heavy responsibility, because the master's wife merged the entire Immortal Refining Alliance into Yunmen, and the Immortal Refining Alliance was composed of the master's wife, senior brothers and sisters, and even the master left influence among them. It can truly be a super power.

He knew how many people there were, but it was definitely a lot when he thought about it, because the Immortal Refining Alliance had branches all over the entire Immortal World, and he didn't know how many there were overtly or covertly.

However, I believe that the senior brother must be aware of this, and the people who are actually in charge of the Immortal Refining Alliance are the senior brother, the second senior brother, and the junior sister, because the three senior sisters have been practicing in seclusion.

Moreover, this time it was also the Master’s Wife who ordered the Eldest Brother to join the Immortal Refining Alliance and merge it into Yunmen, so the Eldest Brother should be the actual controller of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

When he wanted to merge with the Immortal Refining Alliance, he was not taking over a big force, but taking over a responsibility, which was related to the responsibility of countless people.

Because he knows and has personally experienced that when powerful immortal sect forces are wiped out overnight, sect destruction happens every day in the immortal world.

Of course, in the immortal world, countless immortal sects are established every day, and countless immortal sects disappear and become history.

The disappearance of a sect is often accompanied by the lives of as few as hundreds or thousands, as many as tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of disciples.

He does not want the Yunmen to be exterminated in the future, so it is easy to establish an immortal sect, but it is extremely difficult to pass on an immortal sect forever.

The inheritance of Taoism not only requires the presence of countless masters and strong men, but also the concerted efforts of people from the same sect to protect it. It also requires wisdom and trust.

And his senior brothers and sisters are the people he trusts. The sect is not a sect of one person, let alone glory, it is responsibility and inheritance, and even a civilization.

This requires the efforts of many, many people, generation after generation.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun seriously spoke his true feelings to his senior brothers and sisters, and asked them to participate in the future together.

Only the Cloud Gate built by everyone's joint efforts can be passed down forever and become the glory of words.

Yun Changsheng and others were affected by Yang Yiyun's words, because the blueprint drawn by the junior brother was very big.

"Okay, senior brother, I will do my best to help you, junior brother, to build Yunmen together, and create a Yunmen that is in line with our status as master and will be passed down forever." Yun Changsheng was also excited and spoke immediately.

"And me~"

"You can't live without me~"

"We have accomplished great things for the young master~"

Seven of them, including the eldest girl, expressed their opinions.

"Okay, thank you everyone~"

Yang Yiyun thanked him with a smile on his face.

The entire fairy world will not know that a few years later, the goal of Yunmen, a sacred place of cultivation that is transcendent in the fairy world and even famous in the three realms, was set in the main hall of Tianji Palace by four senior brothers and sisters Yang Yiyun and seven phantom fox girls, and ushered in With the rapid development...

The question returned to the original topic, and Yang Yiyun continued: "Senior Brother Li, you will organize the registration of all disciples of the Immortal Refining Alliance as soon as possible, and build a disciple immortal soul hall at the Yunmen base to let everyone know The matter of refining the Immortal Alliance and merging it into Yunmen.

In addition, we have arranged for the senior officials of the Immortal Alliance to return to Cloud Gate in the Chaotic Immortal Realm to hold the founding ceremony of Cloud Gate. The construction of Cloud Gate is probably nearing completion..."

"Yes, the construction was completed a hundred years ago. Lu Pengbin is waiting for you to go back for inspection. The three of us have been there several times. The lesson that that guy built is really impressive and worthy of being the first sect building in the immortal world. I will wait for you to go back and finalize it." Some details are fully finished.”

When he mentioned Yunmen Building Xingchenzi, he couldn't help but interrupt Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun thought it was not completed yet, and now he felt happy and said happily: "Okay, I'll go back and have a look, and we will set a ceremony for the establishment of Yunmen ten years later. Second Senior Brother, you are responsible for inviting some sects from the Immortal Realm to come. Witness the ceremony, little senior sister, please assist senior brother in joining the Immortal Refining Alliance."

"I have no problem~" Xingchenzi said.

"It's no problem for me either." Ji Zixia was happy this time.

Senior Brother Yun Changsheng said: "In general, the work has been completed. I will discuss some details with you. We can complete the matter of refining the Immortal Alliance within three years. In fact, I have already moved the people here at the Jiuchongtian Headquarters to Chaos Fairyland Cloud Gate.

Right now, only Valkyrie Duan Qiu Shui and Princess Princess are still in retreat. There are still some people, but the rest are basically empty. Yunzi, before you leave, remember to say hello to the two Masters. They are here. You have also been in retreat for a hundred years, so it is not appropriate to go there. Even if the two master ladies are in retreat, they are protected by their disciples, so it is appropriate to go and pay a visit. "

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will go."

"Okay, junior sister and I will go to the Demon City first. There are some backbones of the Immortal Refining Alliance and we need to go there in person. When we come back, we will go directly to the Chaotic Immortal Realm to find you." Yun Changsheng said and left.

As for what happened in the Demon City, Yang Yiyun didn't ask much. Senior Brother would naturally tell him what he needed to say when the time came.

Then the senior brother took the junior sister and left.

Xingchenzi also stood up and said: "Junior brother, I'm leaving now. What you gave me is a hard job. It's not easy to invite famous sects in the immortal world in ten years. I can't afford to delay, so I'm going too~"

"Thank you for your hard work, second senior brother~"

After the two senior brothers and young senior sister left, Yang Yiyun entered the Qiankun Pot space. Because a group of women had been in the Qiankun Pot space after they were rescued from Yaochi. He came to Jiuzhongtian to meet Master Tianji and then practiced in seclusion for a hundred years. I didn't have time to speak.

Of course, there are also the killers under Snow Cat and the peak masters of the Yaochi who are controlled by the life and death talismans. Although there are not many people there, they can still be regarded as one of their own.

You should go in and say hello.

The next second Yang Yiyun entered the Qiankun Pot.

Go directly to the main hall of Qiankun Pot Space and meet a group of women.

When they met again, they still had endless things to talk about. After comforting each other, they asked about the situation of Yunmen in the lower realm. Basically, it was similar to what Diao Erhou Doudou said at the beginning. As expected, it was the demon generals under him who ascended first one after another.

After that, sisters Qiu'er and Qiao Fu, plus Lu Xuexi and Bu Qingmei, a few ghost cultivators ascended because their natural disaster came early.

On the contrary, the human race's natural disaster came late, so Zhao Nan and the others later ascended to the fairy world, but the ten of them suppressed their cultivation and ascended together.

As for the children, their parents and others discussed the promotion later, but according to the little senior sister, several children and their parents and sisters Yang Shanshan, Li Dayi, Liu Xiqi, Chen Qibian, Lao Fang, several apprentices, etc., have been promoted successively in the past hundred years. Ascension, she and her second senior brother had arranged for someone to be sent to Yunmen, the Chaotic Immortal Realm.

The only ones who have no news now are Little Phoenix, Niu Calf, etc., as well as the purple emperor, peacock, rat king, green ox and other demon clans such as the great demon commander and great demon general.

There is no news about the ghost cultivators Wu Moqiu, Bu Qingmei, Lu Xuexi, Qiao Fu, and Wu Moxia that worry Yang Yiyun.

After communicating with a group of women, they all felt relieved. After all, most of them ascended successfully. As for others such as Little Phoenix and Qiu'er, Yang Yiyun believed that they must be somewhere in the fairy world. After Yunmen was established, Yunmen's If Qiu'er and the others hear the news, they will surely come to look for him.

If nothing else works, he will wait for the end of the founding ceremony of Yunmen and mobilize all forces to find...

There's always a time to find it.

So this is also the reason why he is urgently establishing Yunmen.

When the Immortal Refining Alliance is completely integrated into Yunmen, its power will definitely increase greatly, and it will be easy to find people who will be dispatched to the same team.

The fairy world is vast and there is not enough human power. Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

There was no rush to release a few women, and he would let them come out again after returning to the Cloud Gate of the Chaotic Immortal Realm. After chatting with them, Yang Yiyun went to see the peak masters in charge of Snow Mao and Yaochi. There was Manager Yuan who was with them in Qiankun. The pot space was quite quiet. After giving a few instructions, Yang Yiyun took Diao'er, Loach and Hong Yi out of the Qiankun Pot.

After walking out of the hall, the eldest girl had already taken her six sisters and was ready to follow Yang Yiyun to the Chaos Fairyland at any time.

However, Yang Yiyun remembered that his senior brother had asked him to go to the Valkyrie Master Duan Qiushui and the Princess Master to pay a visit. Although the two Masters were in retreat, they should pay a visit.

Then he said to the eldest girl: "The eldest girl will take you to the dojo of the two master wives. Let's go and pay our respects."

"Yes, young master~"

The eldest girl bowed and waved her hand, and a rainbow bridge went straight from Tianji Palace to another mountain peak in the distance. It looked like it was only more than ten miles away.

A group of people stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge and left.

According to the big girl's words, first go to the Martial God Palace of the nearby Valkyrie Duan Qiushui.

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