My Master Is a God

Chapter 2354 The Creation of Red Clothes Given by the Martial God Master’s Wife as a Token

The three master wives each occupy a peak on the suspended fairy mountain at the headquarters of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and each of them has a palace.

I heard from the eldest girl that the three mistresses were actually not on good terms with each other and had no contact with each other on weekdays. If the dead old man hadn't been kidnapped back then, the three mistresses wouldn't have been able to unite.

Because they found out that the old man was plotted by the three great gods, in order to take revenge, the three of them united to form the Immortal Refining Alliance and came together.

But that's all. Although they are in the same fairy mountain world, they each occupy their own peak. They rarely see each other. In the past, they would just pinch each other when they met occasionally.

Yang Yiyun expressed his understanding of this. Three women in one drama~

Too normal.

He had asked the young senior sister privately before about the temperaments of the three junior ladies. In the young senior sister's words, the young lady Tianji was a shrewd intellectual demon, the valkyrie Duan Qiu Shui was weird and bad-tempered, and the princess was unruly. They act coquettishly when they don't agree with each other. Anyway, none of them are fuel-efficient.

After listening to the young senior sister's words, Yang Yiyun subconsciously said: "Isn't Master very miserable on weekdays?" He also felt a little gloating about his misfortune.

As a result, the young senior sister shook her head and said: "You are wrong about this. The character of the three junior wives is in front of other people. Next to the dead old man, the three junior ladies are very charming and well-behaved."

This answer made Yang Yiyun's eyes widen.

But it can be regarded as a general understanding of the three mistresses.

Today, Master Ji has gone to ascend the road to heaven, and the remaining two Masters are practicing in seclusion, but their dojo is guarded, and he has to pay a visit due to circumstances and reasons.

Even though he knew that he would not be able to see the two master wives if he went there, he still had to have some etiquette and attitude to prevent the two master wives from leaving the confinement in the future. Knowing that he came to Jiuchongtian only to see the master Tianji, he ignored them. If the guarantee is not complete, it is indispensable to make a note.

No matter what, she is his master's wife. When the master is away, she is the elder. There is no reason for him not to pay a visit. Even if he goes to say hello to the people sitting under the two master's seats, it is considered as a courtesy.

This is what a junior like him should do.

Stepping onto the rainbow bar, under the leadership of the big girl, we soon arrived at the Martial God Palace.

Just like Master Tianji’s Tianji Palace, the door is closed.

However, Yang Yiyun stepped forward and still bowed and said: "Disciple Yang Yiyun comes to pay homage to Master~"

He believed that the people in the Martial God Palace had already received the news on the first day he came to the Immortal Refining Alliance, and the close disciples of the old man he was attracted to, presumably the Martial God Master’s Wife also knew about it.

The next moment, the palace door opened from the inside, and an old woman with a somewhat hunched back came out. She looked like she was 10 years old, and she was holding a broom in her hand.

Then she slowly walked towards the front steps and came to Yang Yiyun. With some difficulty, she raised her head and looked at Yang Yiyun, and said, "I have seen the young master. The empress has been in seclusion and cannot see the young master. Please forgive me."

Bow while speaking.

At this time, the eldest girl saluted the old woman and said, "I've seen Granny Su~"

Then he said to Yang Yiyun: "Young Master, this is Granny Su who is beside the Martial Goddess. She is an old senior."

Yang Yiyun gave the eldest girl an appreciative look, expressing her cleverness. With a simple sentence, Yang Yiyun understood the origin of the female version of the sweeper in front of her.

The person who can let the eldest girl call him an old-timer, and the person who is close to the Martial God Master, must be the confidant around the Martial God Master.

Of course he couldn't be rude.

Moreover, in Yang Yiyun's perception, Granny Su had no mana fluctuations in her body, giving him the same feeling as Hongyi.

Grandma Su, who seems to be an ordinary person with no magic power, can serve beside the Goddess of War, how can she be an ordinary person?

His intuition told him that this Granny Su was very dangerous.

She looks like a kind-hearted old lady next door, but she is definitely also a strong person.

Yang Yiyun naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Junior Yang Yiyun has met Grandma Su, and this time I will also pay respects to the Martial God Master. Since Master is in seclusion, I will trouble Grandma Su to wait for Master to come out and let her know that this junior is here. I will wait for Master in the future." I'll see you again after I'm out of seclusion."

"Young master, you don't have to be polite. Your Majesty will be very happy if you can make a special trip. I used to talk about you, but it's a pity that my Majesty is locked up in a death trap, but she doesn't know the right time to get out of it. When I get out of confinement, I will definitely The young master's thoughts are conveyed to the empress." Granny Su said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun was polite, but Granny Su was even more irritating. Her words were kind and gentle, which made people like her.

"Thank you, Granny Su. I'll take my leave first~" Yang Yiyun resigned.

However, Granny Su stopped him and said, "Young Master, please wait a moment. The old lady almost forgot the important matter that the Queen Mother told her to do."

Yang Yiyun stopped and looked at Granny Su: "Grandma Su, do you have any other instructions?"

A flash of light appeared in Granny Su's hand, and something appeared, and she handed it to Yang Yiyun and said: "Before the retreat, the empress made a special statement, saying that if the young master comes one day and gives this object to the young master, maybe he will treat the young master in the future. It’s useful, the empress also said that she will go see the young master as soon as he gets out of the gate. As the master’s wife, the empress actually misses the young master very much.”

Yang Yiyun subconsciously took the thing handed over by Grandma Su. When she held it in her hand, she saw something like a compass. It was very small, only as small as a baby's hand. The whole thing was black, but there was a bright red rune on it. The other side is something like a totem.

The totem depicts a human skeleton, but there are small golden dots everywhere around the skeleton.

One peculiar thing is that there are three relatively large golden dots on this human skeleton, which form three points and one line. Yang Yiyun saw that they were exactly at the positions of the upper, middle and lower Dantian, on the head and heart. and the position of belly corns.

This pattern is like a totem, more like a training chart.

"Is this...?" Yang Yiyun looked at Granny Su with some confusion.

Granny Su smiled and said: "This is the token that I used when I was in the Demon Realm. I told you to give it to you, and you will naturally use it when the time comes. Just let you wear it."

Speaking of this, Granny Su glanced at the red dress behind Yang Yiyun, and added: "There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers around the young master. This girl is also following the path of the flesh, and she is still a sub-sage. It's a pity that she has a flesh body. The three mysterious places above have not been opened, maybe the young master can let this girl understand the token that the queen left for you, maybe this girl will be of great help to the young master in the future."

There was no specific explanation for Grandma Su's answer, and Yang Yiyun didn't ask any more questions. He thanked her and accepted it. Anyway, he believed that the things given by the Goddess of War were definitely not ordinary things.

However, what he said to Grandma Su in red clothes took it to heart.

Duan Qiu Shui, the wife of the Valkyrie, followed the path of body cultivation according to what her senior brother said, so her disciple Granny Su, who could not feel any magic aura on her body, obviously followed the same path of body cultivation. Seeing Granny Su in red, she thought the same. Due to the guidance of occupational diseases.

He could tell at a glance that Hong Yi was the body of the sub-sage, and said that the three mysterious places on Hong Yi's body had not been opened, so that Hong Yi could understand the tokens of the Goddess of War.

This made Yang Yiyun think of the image of three dantians connected to the city on the skull and human bones pattern on the master's wife's keepsake, which might actually be useful to Hong Yi.

The token of Master’s Wife should be related to the way of body refining.

After bidding farewell to Granny Su, Yang Yiyun threw the token of Martial God Master's Wife to Hong Yi and said, "Hong Yi, think about it and see if it is of any use to you."

"Yes, Master." Hong Yi took the token and replied calmly.

Yang Yiyun didn't care about it after that. Everyone has their own destiny. Although Hongyi is a puppet, she has developed a new consciousness. It can be said to be another kind of rebirth, but her basic body is still there. If she can develop a sub- The potential of the holy body will definitely be huge.

He also believed that as Granny Su said, the sub-saint-level body in red had no potential at all. He hoped that this time it would be her chance.

On Princess Peak, thirty miles away from Wushen Peak, Yang Yiyun visited in the same way.

The people who came out of the Princess and Master's room were two palace maids. Basically, the answer was the same as Granny Su's. The Princess and Master's wife was in retreat and there was no explanation left.

Yang Yiyun paid his courtesy visit and left.

The next stop is back to the Yunmen Base of Chaos Fairyland.

The next key point is to hold the founding ceremony of Yunmen. The time is only ten years. In fact, it sounds like a long time, but in the fairy world, ten years pass by in the blink of an eye.

Yunmen Construction is waiting for him to accept the acceptance and finalize the details. The forces of the Immortal Refining Alliance must be merged and handed over, and the next sect system of Yunmen must be established. He must also meet those relatives and friends who have not been found. Little Phoenix waited, he calculated that time was actually very tight.

It has been a hundred years since I visited the Nine Heavens, and with the time spent in Yaochi, it has been hundreds of years since I left.

The founding ceremony of Yunmen really cannot be postponed.

When the news of the establishment of Yunmen spreads, I believe that if Xiao Fenghuang and Qiu'er knew about it, they would definitely come looking for it. This is why he was anxious to establish it.

The remaining plan was that he still had to go to the Road to Heaven. There was no news about the dead old man, and his wife had already left to look for him. He also knew that although the senior brother and the others didn't tell him, everyone wanted to go to the Road to Heaven and look for him.

However, this premise requires strength and cultivation.

He is almost far away from the realm of enlightenment~

With many things on my mind, I rode on the huge back of the loach and flew across the sea of ​​stars to the chaotic fairyland...

Seven days later, I returned to Yunmen.

When he comes back this time, Yang Yiyun has seven powerful bodyguards beside him. Each of the seven eldest girls is a veteran great immortal. They will also become the people in charge of Yunmen, as well as the immortal emperor killers trained by the Snow Cat in the Qiankun Pot Space. , although most of them were lost in the battle of Yaochi, there were still thousands left in the end, including the Immortal Lord, plus the stewards and peak masters controlled by the life and death talismans of Yaochi, Yunmen's facade could be considered passable.

Of course, at present, it seems that the real master of Yunmen should be senior brother Yun Changsheng. After all, only senior brother is the one who seems to be an immortal who understands the existence of the first level of heaven.

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