My Master Is a God

Chapter 2355 Arrange a group of family and friends

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

But speaking of it, there is still the existence of Old Willow. I didn’t know what was going on with Old Willow before, but now it seems that Old Willow should also be at the enlightenment level, but I don’t know how many levels of strength he has attained.

Let’s find out more about this later.

He would really not be at ease if there were no powerful people with enlightenment attending the founding ceremony of Yunmen. After all, after the battle in Yaochi, he knew that there would be other powerful people with enlightenment in the immortal world.

Not to mention that the Great Elder of Yaochi is a strong man who has comprehended the first heaven, and then there is Zu Tianlong of the Meteor Star Palace. According to Master Tianji, Zu Tianlong is the immortal master who has comprehended the third heaven, and is even more powerful than Da. Senior brother is much stronger.

Although Master Bie gave up after being scolded that time, there is no guarantee that Qizu Tianlong will hold grudges in the future, or even cause trouble during the Yunmen's founding ceremony?

The Immortal World is vast, and although enlightened and powerful people are rare, they definitely exist among the great forces.

It would be impossible if there was no strong person in charge of Yunmen. Fortunately, the presence of senior brother and Lao Liushu made him feel at ease.

After entering the star formation, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and released all the women and the Qiankun Pot.

And everyone in Yunmen also discovered the existence of Yang Yiyun, and everyone jumped over for a while.





There was constant shouting.

But all the people from Yunmen who had ascended from the lower world appeared.

Several children, apprentices, Liu Xiqi, sister Yang Shanshan, parents, brothers Li Dayi, Zhan Qingren and Hu Xianer couple...

A large group of people are all acquaintances.

Everyone also saw the woman next to Yang Yiyun. Everyone knew about Yang Yiyun's deeds in Yaochi, and even the incident spread throughout the entire fairy world.

It's inevitable to have some sad conversations when we get together again.

Yang Yiyun talked one by one...

It was over after an hour.

We haven’t seen each other for thousands of years, and we still have endless things to say, but we are still together.

Yang Yiyun has more important things to do, which is to report the construction status of Cloud Gate to Lu Pengbin, who has been waiting for a long time.

After settling his family and friends, he handed over the stewards and peak masters who had been forcibly taken over by Yaochi to Mr. Dongfang Haotian, and then he summoned Lu Pengbin.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Lu~" The entire construction of Yunmen has been completed. Although I haven't gone to see it yet, I still want to thank Lu Pengbin, the chief designer.

As the chief designer of Yunmen, Lu Pengbin is actually more grateful to Yang Yiyun for his kindness, which allowed him to complete his long-standing construction dream. A grand construction project known as the first sect in the fairy world was completed in his hands. Speaking of it, he is actually more than Any pleasure.

Facing Yang Yiyun's thanks, Lu Pengbin was very excited. He bowed and saluted Yang Yiyun and said, "Speaking of gratitude, I want to thank the sect owner. If it weren't for the sect owner's trust in letting me be responsible for the construction of Yunmen, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it all my life." It is difficult to achieve the door of the heart.

Now I can finally hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the sect master for Yunmen, and I also ask the sect master to come with me to review~" Lu Pengbin said.

"Okay, let's go and take a look~" Of course Yang Yiyun wanted to take a look at the construction status of the entire Yunmen.

Then the two of them flew high into the sky, first looking at the 108 peaks outside Cloud Gate.

Coming to the high altitude and looking down, there are one hundred and eight peaks. Each peak has a palace, exuding a faint halo. The peak itself is the formation. Lu Pengbin followed Yang Yiyun's requirements when building each palace building. Form a formation that corresponds to the mountain peaks and can be integrated together.

Lu Pengbin carried out this point to the letter, but the amount of fairy stones consumed reached a terrifying figure. It is not an exaggeration to say that each of the 108 palaces was made of fairy stones.

However, Yang Yiyun also invested enough immortal stone financial resources at the beginning. According to Jing Can's report, all was spent. Even if it was not enough, he still collected a wave of offerings from Chaos Immortal City and the Duan Qian Family Immortal Domain where he had previously contributed. In short, the entire construction of Yunmen The cost inside and out is already an astronomical figure that cannot be calculated.

Fortunately, the effect was remarkable. Under the leadership of Lu Pengbin, Yang Yiyun inspected each palace one by one. It met his expectations and even exceeded the effect. Each palace was defended with independent formations, one hundred and eight. The palaces are connected together to form a complete set of formations.

It is completely integrated with the one hundred and eight mountain peaks, making the original formation defense several times stronger. It is not the power of one plus one equals two.

Each palace building is exquisite and grand, solemn and grand, fully in line with Yang Yiyun's expectations, and enough to show the style of a super large palace.

Then enter the inner gate of Cloud Gate.

In addition to the modern-style buildings designed by Yang Yiyun and meticulously built by Lu Pengbin, the other buildings in the inner gate are generally divided into nine magnificent palaces. As the inheritance place of Yunmen, each inner gate hall is connected to the city. A group of buildings with nine main halls surrounding the modern buildings designed by Yang Yiyun, forming a nine-palace array.

There are nine main halls, including the Yunmen Main Hall, the Elder Hall, the Inheritance Hall, the Patriarch Hall, the Criminal Law Hall, the Reception Hall, the Immortal Soul Hall, the Protector Hall, and the Dark Night Hall. Each hall is connected to a large building complex, forming a complete architectural system. Enough for a super bulk.

It took Yang Yiyun a whole day to simplify the entire Yunmen building complex, and he was very satisfied. The next step was to arrange the personnel to move in. This matter had to be discussed after the senior brother came back. After all, there was the merger of the Immortal Refining Alliance. question.

However, he already had a rough idea of ​​the nine inner gate palaces. First of all, the Yunmen Main Hall was his territory as the sect leader. The Patriarch Hall was a symbolic spiritual hall. In addition, the Dark Night Hall was left to Snow Cat by Yang Yiyun. The Dark Night Hall was He will be responsible for the Cloud Gate intelligence and killer system, which is directly responsible to him.

Other halls need to be discussed.

Now just wait for the big brother to come back.

After the review was completed, Yang Yiyun stayed in the main hall of Yunmen and told Lu Pengbin to inform his family and friends to come over. His family still needed to make arrangements.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive.

Yang Yiyun first looked at his children and three apprentices and said: "The construction of Yunmen in the Immortal Realm has been completed, and you have all ascended. I am very pleased, but now the Yunmen has undergone major changes. Adhering to the wishes of your master, the Immortal Realm Yunmen will become the inheritance of Yunmen Taoism.

As my disciples and children, you cannot have special treatment. The inner gate of Yunmen is the focus, and the outer gate is a line of defense. Therefore, I arranged for you to start training in one of the 108 halls of the outer gate of Yunmen, and strive for You have made great contributions to our Yunmen, so that you can enter the inner sect in the future with your contribution to the Yunmen. Do you have any opinions? "

Among the children, Ouyang Lele, Yang Xingfu, Yang Yuanqing, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, and Xiao Manman each looked at each other without speaking.

But the three disciples, Dugu Hui, Wang Zongren, and Wu Jian, under the leadership of the eldest disciple, stepped forward and said: "Disciples must obey the master's arrangements. It is meaningless."

"Where are you?" Yang Yiyun asked, looking at the children with a smile.

"We have no objection to following my father's (uncle's) arrangement."

Seeing that the three senior brothers of Duguhui had expressed their opinions, they naturally did not dare to have any opinions. In fact, the few little guys had opinions in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak out.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Then it's settled for now, I will arrange for your uncle from Zhanqing to be the master of the palace. In the future, you can just follow me and cultivate. When you can enter Yunmen and outside, it will depend on your hard work in cultivation." "

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he smiled at the people from Zhanqing and said: "Lao Zhan, you and Hu Xianer go to the 108th Hall of Yunmen to choose a hall. You can choose the name of the hall yourself, and I will leave the teachings of the children to you~ "

"Yunzi, you are trying to embarrass me and Xian'er. Besides, several of the children are not good talents with excellent cultivation talents. Let's just say that the cultivation of three of your disciples, Ah Hui, is similar to mine. How can we teach them~" Zhan Qingren said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, I have my own reasons for arranging you two to be together. Your cultivation should be the first among the ascended peers, and you are their elder, so that's it, haha~" Yang Yiyun made the decision in a few words.

In fact, it was a deliberate arrangement. The three apprentices and several children were indeed very talented in cultivation, but after all, not long after they ascended, their cultivation was only at the level of true immortals. It took a hundred years to cultivate to the level of true immortals, which is already very good, but in the immortal world But nothing.

Especially now that the Immortal Emperors of Yunmen are grabbing a lot, and the forces of the Immortal Refining Alliance have joined in, the real immortals are not enough. Since he has taken over the burden of inheriting the Yunmen Taoism, he must convince the public. Just because they are his disciples and children, he cannot directly enter the inner gate.

Otherwise, the number of people in Yunmen in the future will definitely be a very large number, which will be difficult to convince and even more difficult to discipline. The establishment of the Criminal Law Hall will not be just a decoration.

Furthermore, they still have a long way to go, and starting from the outer sect is also intended to hone them. When they have advanced in cultivation, they will naturally be able to enter the inner sect. By then, others will not say anything wrong. In fact, this is also good for them.

When the man from Zhanqing heard what Yang Yiyun said, he stopped talking and agreed with a smile. His cultivation was at the peak of the True Immortal, and he did not want to teach Yang Yiyun's three disciples and several children. In fact, he knew that Yang Yiyun It was true that they wanted him to stare at them.

After that, Yang Yiyun arranged for Li Dayi, Liu Xiqi, Lao Fang, Qiu Yun and other old people from the lower realm Yunmen to choose an outer gate hall and let them become the masters of the middle hall among the 108 outer gate halls.

To his old friends, although his cultivation level is lower, he is definitely not at a disadvantage. I believe no one dares to say anything about this.

After arranging these friends, Yang Yiyun asked them to choose their respective halls to leave. His family was left in the room, and of course there was Lu Yushu among them. Although he had never had anything happen to Lu Yushu, whether it was Yang Yiyun himself or All the women had regarded her and her sister Lu Xuexi as a family when they were in the lower world.

Looking at everyone, Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "From now on, our family will live in the Yunmen main hall. There are many attic halls in the back. You can choose your own room to stay."

At this time, his father Yang Guozhong said: "Yunzi, I have discussed it with your mother and your grandpa. If we don't want to live here, for the sake of peace and quiet, we will first go live in the earth building you designed, which can be regarded as satisfying our homesickness." Love~"

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