My Master Is a God

Chapter 2356 Waiting for thousands of years is the saddest thing

Yang Yiyun listened to his father's words, but also smiled and said: "No problem, anyway, the modern building in the center of the inner gate was designed by me, specifically for us to live and practice. We will also live there when the time comes. You guys Go over and dance by yourself, you can live wherever you want, in high-rise buildings, courtyard houses, and in villages like my hometown..."

"Okay, I'll inform your grandpa and the others..." Yang Guozhong picked up his mother, Duanmu Wan'er, and left. At this time, he should leave some space for the children, right?

Now, except for Lu Yushu, everyone in the field is Yang’s woman. There are a lot of them~

The mountains and seas of the earth, the cultivation world, and the fairy world.

Of course, there are many women in the fairy world. Strictly speaking, Jing Can is the only one. As for Xuexiang, she has not made any empirical progress, but Yang already regards her as his own woman, because Xuexiang has been able to fall for him several times. Risk your life.

Moreover, Xuexiang was the innocent girl he tricked out of the bottom of the lake. It was because of Xuexiang that he had such a super mount as Loach.

He had no reason not to want such a girl, let alone let her down, otherwise he would be nothing.

Although it was a little embarrassing at the moment, what should be done was still done. Jing Can and Xuexiang should also be introduced to Zhao Nan and the others.

"Ahem, so Jing Can Xuexiang, you two come here, have you met you sisters~"

Yang's old face was still a little red.

"Jing Can has met all of you sisters~"

"Xue Xiang has met all of you sisters~"

After years of hard work, Jing Can's cultivation has entered the early stage of the Immortal King not long ago. This is because she has been taking care of the construction of Yunmen for these years. Otherwise, her cultivation will be further improved and she will have great contributions to Yunmen. .

Xuexiang has already reached the realm of the Demon Emperor, and is considered to have the highest level of cultivation among these women. However, she is born simple and obeys Yang's words. After knowing that these are Yang Yiyun's wives in the lower world, she does not dare to trust them. , and bow politely.

After so many years, although she is a demon, she has matured and has an understanding of some things about the human race. Naturally, she knows what it means for Yang Yiyun to ask her to give gifts to all the sisters. This shows that Yang Yiyun regards her as his.

The two have gone through life and death several times, and they have never become husband and wife, but they have secretly promised each other for a long time, and now it is time for them to blossom and bear fruit.

She took this etiquette seriously and showed no airs about the Demon Emperor.

However, Zhao Nan and others faced two masters, Xue Xiang and Jing Can. Although they knew that it was Yang Yiyun, the woman who was their enemy in the fairy world, they did not dare to neglect them, because the law among cultivators is always that the strong wins. Your Majesty, the cultivation realm of her and other sisters is the Golden Immortal level, which is far from the two sisters in the Immortal Realm in front of me.

Zhao Nan took the lead and said quickly: "You two... two sisters, there is no need to be polite, get up quickly~"

Xuexiang and Jingcan then stood up.

Yang Yiyun knew what Zhao Nan and Dugu Qingqing were thinking, and said with a smile: "In our family, cultivation level is never considered, only seniority. You sisters, don't be constrained. Although the two of them have high cultivation level, you are not qualified as well." Not bad, I can catch up with the two of them one day in the future..."

Although Mr. Yang was trying to comfort Zhao Nan and others with these words, he was not wrong, because he knew that it was more difficult to progress in the immortal realm in the later stages. On the contrary, in the early stages, as long as the qualifications are not bad, there is enough energy to support , you can improve by leaps and bounds.

And he now has no shortage of resources for women like him to practice.

Zhao Nan and others were relieved when they heard what Yang Yiyun said. In fact, they were also worried that they would be suppressed by the little sisters who came after them, which would be very embarrassing.

"As you can tell, we naturally know that the two sisters know etiquette, and they are good girls at first glance." After all, it is the empress of the palace who has been at the head of the palace for many years, and she still has some courage and control skills. The distance between Xuexiang and Jingcan, and smiled and went over to take the hands of Jingcan and Xuexiang.

When Dugu Qingqing and others saw it, they were relieved and each of them stepped forward to talk to Xuexiang Jingcan.

Women always have more topics to talk about than men, and they can get along quickly once they get to know each other.

For a moment, the chatter was filled with the voices of several women.

Xuexiang and Jingcan also felt relieved. These legendary sisters were not difficult to get along with.

Regarding the affairs of these women in the lower realm, Yang Yiyun had actually talked to the two of them a long time ago. In the past, he was worried that the main sister would make things difficult for them, but now it seems that the worry is unnecessary.

However, one thing Xuexiang and Jing Can also knew was that all the people present today were human beings. According to what Yang Yiyun said before, there were ghost cultivators and demons among his women, but today none of them were seen.

Jing Can couldn't help but asked, looking at Zhao Nan and asked: "Sister, I heard that among the sisters there are sisters named Qiu'er and Qingmei, and there are also sisters named Magpie and Peacock..."

When she asked this question, Zhao Nan quickly gave Jing Can a wink to stop, because Yang Yiyun also said that the ascension of the demon race and the ascension of ghost cultivators were different from the human race on the way here, and there was no news so far. For this reason, she knew that Yang Yiyun was in a very unhappy mood. Okay, so I didn’t let Jing Can continue.

Jing Can was also smart and immediately realized that he had asked the wrong question. Maybe his husband had not found the other sisters, otherwise they would have been there today. Asking like this would only make her husband sad and worried, so she stopped immediately.

The place fell silent for a moment, and no one was talking.

Yang Yiyun heard what they were talking about just now and knew that they were all worried about him. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely get them back one by one. Okay, Jing Can, please take everyone down to find a room to check in."

Under the leadership of Jing Can, who was considered a local snake, a group of women went to the back of Yunmen Main Hall to find a room to stay in.

However, Zhao Nan suggested that they all live in the modern buildings in the central area. After all, this is the main hall of Yunmen, but it is also the training ground for Yang Yiyun, the sect leader.

Now their husband's cultivation level is no longer something they can see through, and he is the master of a sect. This young man will be the core of the entire Yunmen in the future. It is not suitable and uncomfortable for them to live in the main hall because their cultivation level is too low.

On the contrary, the modern buildings looked pleasing to the eye and friendly. After all, they were buildings from their hometown, and wherever the place was larger, there were single-family courtyards, which suited them very well. After seeking Yang Yiyun's opinion, a group of women left the Yunmen Main Hall. .

Yang Yiyun only said one thing about this, you can live wherever you want, on both sides, and the area in the center itself is the back garden he planned for himself. Since a group of women want to go, then let them go, as long as As long as they are happy.

After watching them leave, Yang Yiyun thought about Xiao Fenghuang and Qiu'er, how can they find them in the fastest and shortest time...?

But at this moment, I looked up and suddenly found someone else in the corner of the hall.

Lu Yushu~

"Yushu, why didn't you go with them to choose a place to live?" Yang Yiyun said and walked over.

"Sir, I miss my sister. She left more than a thousand years ago. Before she left, she said she would go to Sanxian Island. But we went to Sanxian Island before ascending. The little monk Liaofan said, my sister had already left. I went to the fairy world, and now I can’t see my sister in Yunmen. I’m very worried about her.

My sister and I depended on each other. At that time on earth, my sister's physical body was destroyed, and her soul stayed in my body. Until I met my husband... Later, my husband gave my sister and my ancestors' inheritance, and my sister's soul left my body. After embarking on the path of loose immortality and the twelve heavenly tribulations of loose immortality, I...I'm worried that my sister won't be able to see it..."

Lu Yushu started crying when he said this.

Yang Yiyun walked over and held her hand and said: "Don't worry, your sister is extremely talented. Even if she follows the path of the Sanxian, she will definitely be able to survive the catastrophe of the Sanxian that happens once in a thousand years.

Calculating time, she should have survived seven immortal tribulations by now. If she is in the immortal world, don't worry, I will try my best to find your sister back.

You sisters are the cornerstone of Yunmen. Without your sister’s contribution, there would be no Yunmen on earth, and there would be no Yunmen in the world of mountains and seas. She will always be my Yunmen protector elder. She will be fine. I I promise you, I will definitely get her back..."

"Uuuu...Sir, I miss my sister very much..." Lu Yushu was finally sheltered under the wings of her sister Lu Xuexi. She has always been timid and simple. Now that she has come to the fairy world without news from her sister, it is normal for her to be afraid and worried. In tears He threw himself into Yang Yiyun's arms.

Yang Yiyun hugged her to comfort her, and was determined in his heart that Lu Xuexi must be found, and he believed that Lu Xuexi would be fine, because the old man had said that Lu Xuexi would have great achievements in cultivation in the future, and it was impossible for her to fall into the Heavenly Tribulation of Sanxian. on the ring.

He has always been in debt to the Lu sisters because he knew that the Lu sisters had him in their hearts, but he had never made any promises to them.

Lu Xuexi, in particular, has a very strong character, doesn’t talk much, and is a very tough woman. She has followed him since he established Cloud Gate on Earth, helping him establish Cloud Gate and train Cloud Gate disciples, and even Zhao Nan and other women. Lu Xuexi has been teaching me all the way to cultivation.

If anyone in Yunmen has made the greatest contribution to Yunmen, it is Lu Xuexi who ranks first.

He owed these sisters so much.

After some comfort, Lu Yushu also calmed down. Yang Yiyun held her shoulders, stared at her seriously and said, "Don't worry, your sister will be fine, and I will definitely find her, and then I will marry her." You sisters, I owe you all these years~"

Lu Yushu is simple but not stupid. She and her sister have liked her husband since the beginning of the earth. However, her sister has a cold and tough personality and has a tough mouth. She never admits it, says nothing, or even lets her say it. But she knows that her sister also likes her husband in her heart.

She and her sister had been waiting for this sentence for nearly ten thousand years.

After hearing Yang Yiyun's words, Lu Yushu couldn't help but shed tears anymore...

She cried but also laughed.

Looking at Yang Yiyun, he looked at the sky outside the gate and said, "Mr. Sister has promised to marry us~"

A love, a word, a feeling, waiting for thousands of years, is the saddest thing.

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