My Master Is a God

Chapter 2358 Be a bad person and be a good person

"Eldest brother, don't be reckless~" Ji Zixia has never seen her elder brother get so angry with one of her own, and he felt the murderous intention emanating from his body at this moment.

Ji Zixia knew that these people were all the real veterans of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and each of them had contributed to the Immortal Refining Alliance. They had great influence within the Immortal Refining Alliance.

Once the eldest brother cannot hold back and kills one, even if others are afraid of the eldest brother's enlightenment and do not take action, hidden danger seeds will be planted in their hearts in the future. This will not be beneficial to the merger of the Immortal Sect into the Cloud Gate, or even the establishment of the Cloud Gate. Good thing.

She actually also knows that the senior brother is protecting the junior brother. It is not easy to be in charge of a sect. It is not easy to merge into a big force and enter a country with little foundation. These old monsters in Yunmen are not convinced. There always has to be someone who is the villain, and this villain is big. Senior brother is ready.

But killing someone on the spot was not a good thing, so Ji Zixia couldn't help but speak out.

"Don't worry, little junior sister, I have my own sense of discretion." Yun Changsheng frowned, then took a step forward and came directly to the old man.

The others all had ugly faces, but they felt the murderous intention in Yun Changsheng but no one dared to speak out. The wrath of Tongwu was not something they could withstand.


Zhong Wenhe coughed up blood, with a look of shock on his face. Seeing Yun Changsheng approaching, he felt that he was being flattered and wanted to support Yun Changsheng as the leader of the Yunmen. Who knew that Yun Changsheng was so angry that he actually killed him? meaning.

This made Zhong Wenhe feel a little uneasy. If Yun Changsheng wanted to kill him, it would be really easy.

Although he is a veteran of the Immortal Master's Great Peak, he has not yet reached the Immortal Master's Enlightenment. It sounds like there is only a slight difference between the Immortal Master's Great Perfection Peak and Enlightenment, but this gap is definitely as big as the chasm between heaven and earth. Yun Changsheng wants to kill him, so he backhands him. between.

Yun Changsheng stared at Zhong Wenhe and said in a deep voice: "The merger of the Immortal Alliance into Yunmen is the joint decision of my three junior wives, and it is also the intention of my master Yun Tianxie. My younger junior brother is the orthodox successor...

You have also received instructions from my three master wives, and I, Yun Changsheng, have gone to see you personally to communicate this matter for the sake of you being the elders of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

I told you all clearly before I came here that my junior brother is the master of the Cloud Sect and will be the master of all of us from now on. I don’t allow anyone to question him. You Zhong Wenhe is so questioning now and said With these words, do you question the will of my three mistresses or my master, Supreme Heavenly Evil?

In other words, you are trying to provoke our brothers and sisters. What is your intention, Zhong Wenhe? Did I say, who questions me on this matter of cleaning up the house?

In fact, you only have the duty to obey orders, but not to offer any opinions. I respect you as the old people who forge the Immortal Alliance. I will personally inform you, but you have disappointed me so much... Now I will fulfill my promise starting from you. , kill you to clean up the family, I will not allow anyone to instigate internal strife in Yunmen. "

"Commander Yun... I was wrong. Please forgive me, Commander. I... I, I, I... will firmly support any decision you make..." Zhong Wenhe was really anxious now.

Although they are old men of the Immortal Refining Alliance, their boss is Yun Changsheng. From the time when the Immortal Refining Alliance was established, Yun Changsheng has been the spokesperson of the three empresses. He is responsible for everything in the Immortal Refining Alliance in Tongguan. of leadership.

Moreover, Yun Changsheng’s words put too much pressure on Zhong Wenhe~

Questioning the Supreme Being? Questioning the three founders of the Immortal Refining Alliance?

Not to mention that Zhong Wenhe is just the Great Immortal Lord now. Even if he is a powerful man with enlightenment, he would not dare to question several great gods if given a hundred courages.

What's more, strictly speaking, Yun Changsheng is also one of the founders of the Immortal Refining Sect. His previous words seemed to be flattering Yun Changsheng, but in fact, he still had his own selfish motives deep down, because he Zhong Wenhe said these He is an old man of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and his life nowadays can be said to be basically less than a few people but more than ten thousand people. He enjoys the best training resources of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and he does not want to be merged into any Yunmen.

If they are merged into Yunmen, the status and cultivation resources enjoyed by these old people will definitely be shaken, so the previous words are indeed inflammatory, provocative and selfish.

But who would have thought that Yun Changsheng would have such a big reaction?

This time he shot himself in the foot.

Old people like Zhong Wenhe knew Yun Changsheng's character very well. Even though he was usually very steady, he was actually a real leader.

When he is gentle, he is a gentleman; when he is angry, he is a butcher.

Moreover, when he speaks and acts, he must be vigorous and resolute, saying one thing is one thing and saying two things is two things.

At this moment, Yun Changsheng said he wanted to kill him, so he would definitely kill him.

Zhong Wenhe has lived for tens of thousands of years and has finally reached this level of cultivation. How can he die?

He's scared~

fear death.

But Yun Changsheng wanted to kill him, and he didn't dare to fight back, let alone his opponent.

At this time, he looked at others for help, but he didn't expect that all the old people who were privately angry were opposed to the merger with Yunmen. Now after he took the lead, Yun Changsheng became angry. He asked for help, hoping that these old guys Please forgive me, everyone's eyes are either staring at the sky or looking at their toes.

At this moment, Zhong Wenhe was in despair~

If I had known earlier I would not have touched Yun Changsheng, but now I am fine, the four paths are coming.

It was useless to beg Yun Changsheng, and no one helped him to plead for mercy. At this moment, Zhong Wenhe closed his eyes in despair, waiting for Yun Changsheng to slap him to death.

Only other people, haha~

Yun Changsheng had moved out the Heavenly Evil Supreme and the three empresses, and he himself was even more murderous. Who dared to speak and touch Yun Changsheng's brow?

Isn't that seeking death?

Even if they feel sorry for Zhong Wenhe, no one has spoken at this time, and no one is a fool. Zhong Wenhe has selfish motives, who can blame him for seeking death?

If Yun Changsheng wants to be the master of Yunmen, does he need Zhong Wenhe to tell him?

At this time, Yun Changsheng raised his palm. With the powerful magic power condensed, his aura was so strong that he was about to slap Zhong Wenhe down.

In fact, in his heart, Yun Changsheng was very reluctant to take this slap and beat Zhong Wenhe to death. He knew that what the junior sister just said was right. If Zhong Wenhe was beaten to death today, he would certainly be able to suppress these old immortals, but in the end he would be defeated by these people. There was a thorn in my heart.

It’s not a good thing for the future either.

But Yun Changsheng didn't listen to his junior sister and wanted to clean up Zhong Wenhe in the future.

To be honest, he didn't want to kill Zhong Wenhe. After all, he was the old man who forged the Immortal Alliance. He had fought against the three major Immortal Sovereign forces for so many years, and Zhong Wenhe's achievements were recorded in his heart.


Today he had to be the villain.

Because it is related to whether the Immortal Refining Alliance can truly be merged into Yunmen and handed over to the hands of the junior brother. It is true that he has been the real manager of the Immortal Refining Alliance over the years, but because of this, he must do a good job in completing it. Leave it to my junior brother.

He doesn't care at all about which sect is the leader, and he knows more clearly that this is a big responsibility, but it will be very hard for the junior brother. As the senior brother, he has the obligation and responsibility to help the junior brother to successfully establish Yunmen.

He cannot live up to the expectations of his master and his wife. Master is heaven in his heart.

And the junior brother is the closed disciple designated by the master, the successor of their lineage. Even if he is the senior brother, he must respect the junior brother.

Otherwise, he would be sorry to his master and his wife.

It is necessary for him to be a villain, but it is also a test for the younger brother in his heart. With him being a villain, someone must be a good person.

And this good man is my junior brother.

If the junior brother was a talented teacher, Zhong Wenhe would not be dead today, and if he did well, the hundred old guys from the Refining Immortal Alliance could still surrender in their hearts. As long as these hundred old guys from the Refining Immortal Alliance were convinced, the entire Refining The Immortal Alliance is truly integrated into Yunmen.

He hoped in his heart that his junior brother would stand up, but he didn't give Yang Yiyun any hint. This was his test for this junior junior brother.

However, he raised his palms to concentrate his magic power, but the junior brother didn't make any movement.

Yun Changsheng felt disappointed.

However, he didn't care anymore and slapped Zhong Wenhe with his palm. No matter what the outcome was, he was determined to become a villain in a few days.

The next moment, Yun Changsheng closed his eyes with a little disappointment, and suddenly slapped Zhong Wenhe hard. This was an execution slap, and it was quite powerful.


The sound in the field was deafening.

"Eldest brother, why should you be angry~"

But it was Yang Yiyun's voice that sounded.

Yun Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with light.

He was originally disappointed and a little disappointed with his junior brother, but he didn't expect that at the critical moment, he would take action. At this moment, he held his hand forcefully and failed to slap Zhong Wenhe.

The younger brother did not disappoint him, nor did he disappoint his master and his wife.

Master and mistress did not choose the wrong person.

As the master of a sect, in Yun Changsheng's opinion, strength and cultivation are secondary. What is important is emotional intelligence and wisdom.

What the junior brother is doing now shows his emotional intelligence and wisdom. He has seen the situation clearly and may have guessed that Yun Changsheng is going to be a villain.

Not bad.

Yun Changsheng praised repeatedly in his heart.

However, his face remained gloomy and unchanged at all.

This little junior brother passed the test.

At this moment, Zhong Wenhe also suddenly opened his eyes, gasping for air in his heart. Yun Changsheng's coercive aura enveloped him just now. He thought he was dead, but who would have thought that Yang Yiyun actually hit Yun Changsheng's palm at the last moment? Shoot yourself to death and save his life.

At this moment, Zhong Wenhe slowly felt grateful.

As for the old immortals and old monsters outside the field, when they saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief and were filled with shock.

Because Yang Yiyun, an Immortal Emperor's peak cultivation level, actually blocked the palm of his senior brother Yun Changsheng head-on.

This is incredible in everyone's eyes.

They all felt the power of Yun Changsheng's palm just now. It was not waterproof and they used all their strength. Yun Changsheng was an enlightened immortal, but Yang Yiyun forcefully caught the palm.

An Immortal Emperor at the peak of his Great Perfection blocked the palm of an Immortal Lord's Enlightenment head-on. This was a myth in their eyes.

But Yang Yiyun achieved this myth.

This alone makes Yang Yiyun qualified to be the leader of Yunmen and can convince all of them.

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