My Master Is a God

Chapter 2359 Junior brother, you can’t trust senior brother

At this time, Yun Changsheng was smiling in his heart, but he said with a serious face: "Junior brother, please get out of the way. Our Yunmen will never tolerate those who stir up trouble and sow discord in the future. Today I will kill Zhong Wenhe to clean up the family."

Yang Yiyun listened to the elder brother's words and held his palm tightly in his hand, but in fact, at this moment, the elder brother's hand had no power at all.

From the very beginning, he had almost guessed the eldest brother's good intentions. He wanted to be a villain, but without telling himself, he knew that the eldest brother was also testing him.

Of course he would not give up this opportunity. How could he let down his senior brother's kindness?

Isn't it to allow him to successfully accept these intermediate forces that forge the Immortal Alliance?

When he saw his senior brother taking action against Zhong Wenhe, he actually knew that the opportunity created by his senior brother was to come out and yell to stop Zhong Wenhe and save Zhong Wenhe.

Although what Zhong Wenhe said before was wrong, as an old immortal who forged the immortal sect, his crime would not lead to death.

The reason why the situation was aggravated by the senior brother was just to establish his prestige, so that the old guys like the Immortal Refining Alliance could integrate into the Yunmen and submit to the discipline of Yang Yiyun, the sect leader.

Everything is the big brother creating opportunities for himself.

Yang Yiyun founded and led Yunmen from the beginning of the earth, and then went to the mountain and sea world, the cultivation world, and now the fairy world. He is the master of the same sect. How can he not understand the meaning of the senior brother?

However, Yang Yiyun did not choose the opening method of calling stop at the beginning, but chose to block the senior brother's palm head-on.

One advantage of doing this is that showing strength in front of this veteran immortal is the best way for them to surrender.

Simple and direct.

Of course, he also thought that the elder brother was a master of enlightenment. How could he, an Immortal Emperor of Great Perfection, receive the palm of the elder brother?

If you don't protect everything, you will be crippled by the big brother's palm.

But Yang Yiyun still did this.

Because he still has some confidence in his heart.

He was the only one who had just done that.

Back then, he went to see Master Tianji, listened to Master's sermons and practiced for a hundred years. His cultivation reached the peak of Immortal Emperor Perfection in one fell swoop. Although it was a small realm, he gained a lot.

To the end of cultivation is the realization of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and the realization of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth is the practitioner's upgraded understanding of the creation of supernatural powers.

He has no shortage of magical powers. The twelve supreme magical powers taught by the old man are among the first-class magical powers in the fairy world.

Last time, he thoroughly comprehended the eleventh level of the Supreme in one breath. After six years of preaching in the Heritage Square, I had some enlightenment and comprehended the last move of the Twelve Supremes - the Supreme Way of Breaking Heaven.

Although he didn't know why the old man gave this last move this name, he understood something after thoroughly understanding it.

The old man created the 22nd move of the Twelve Supremes after his first failure on the Road to Heaven - the Road to the Supreme Breaking Heaven!

In fact, it is a kind of indomitable momentum in the sky, the momentum of gods blocking gods and demons and killing demons. After failing once on the way to the sky, this last move was created.

The Supreme Breaks the Heavenly Road.

It is the old man's own understanding of the great road of heaven and earth.

This move is not earth-shattering, but it is inherently sharp. It brings out the general trend of heaven and earth and all the power between heaven and earth gathers together and explodes, containing the great road.

It is an invincible self-confidence concept. It dares to launch an attack in the face of everything. It has its own invincible self-confidence and the momentum to dare to break the world.

So Yang Yiyun went to take the big brother's hand forcefully.

He successfully took it.

But it's not uncomfortable either. His whole arm is shaking, and the energy, blood and mana in his body are rushing around.

It is no joke that the senior brother is so strong in enlightenment. If he were even a little bit stronger, he would be crippled, Yang Yiyun thought in his heart.

At this time, watching Senior Brother's performance, Yang Yiyun really said, Senior Brother, if you go to earth to join the entertainment industry, you will definitely win the Best Actor Award.

Although he knew that this was created intentionally by his senior brother, Yang Yiyun knew better that it would be his turn to perform next.

Looking at Zhong Wenhe who was sweating on his forehead, Yang Yiyun said to Yun Changsheng: "Senior brother, don't be angry. Fortunately, this is Yunmen, and I am still the sect leader. It is not good to kill too many people. Let me ask this fellow Taoist for a favor. ~"

Yang Yiyun let go of Yun Changsheng's hand while speaking with a smile.

Yun Changsheng walked down the steps and gave Yang Yiyun a vague wink. His face was still angry and he said, "Zhong Wenhe hasn't thanked Yunmen yet."

"Thank you, Master, for your mercy, and thank you Commander Yun for not killing." Zhong Wenhe quickly got up and knelt down to express his gratitude. If he couldn't seize the opportunity at this moment, tens of thousands of years of cultivation would have been in vain.

"Hmph, if the sect master hadn't begged for mercy today, I wouldn't have been able to get around you." Yun Changsheng snorted coldly at Zhong Wenhe, and then introduced to Yang Yiyun: "His name is Zhong Wenhe, and he is an old man who has forged the Immortal Alliance with the people behind me. "

After speaking, he introduced everyone: "Everyone, he is Yang Yiyun, my junior brother and our future sect leader."

"I've met the master~"

At this time, everything came together. After Yun Changsheng introduced him, everyone saluted Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun said quickly: "You are all old people of the Immortal Refining Sect, and my three master wives are all the founders of the Immortal Refining Alliance. Naturally, I am also the person of the Immortal Refining Alliance. Although the name will be changed in the future, we will always be the founders of the Immortal Refining Alliance. We are all one family, so please get up quickly without any extra courtesy."

Yang also started to perform at this moment, and after finishing speaking, he complained to the senior brother: "You are so serious, senior brother, you don't call me when you seniors come, so I can go and greet you, let everyone wait for me here, It really shouldn’t be~”

After hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Yun Changsheng gave his junior brother a compliment in his heart, but he did enough superficial work and said quickly: "You are the master of a sect, and we are subordinates. The etiquette cannot be discarded. The sect leader is too worried."

Yun Changsheng was always setting off his junior brother's status.

Since you have played a bad role, you should sing it to the end, and do not give these old guys any chance to rely on their old age. We must maintain the majesty of the junior disciples as the leader of the sect from the beginning.

This will only be good for Yunmen in the future, not bad.

Yang Yiyun smiled and shook his head, ignoring Yun Changsheng. Instead, he turned around and walked to Zhong Wenhe, who was still kneeling on the ground. He bowed to help him and said: "Mr. Zhong, get up quickly. My senior brother wants to be serious. He also wants to Protecting Yunmen is for all of us. Don’t blame him. From now on, Mr. Zhong and all of you will still be the pillars of our Yunmen..."

Yang Yiyun said all the words to win people's hearts, but the villain Yun Changsheng did it.

Zhong Wenhe received Yang Yiyun's pardon, which was equivalent to Yang Yiyun giving him a life. After passing through the line of life and death, he also looked down on fame and fortune, solemnly thanked Yang Yiyun, and swore on the spot: "I, Zhong Wenhe, will definitely contribute to Yunmen in the future. And then~”

At this point, the other old monsters have finally understood that they are not fools, they are all human beings, even though they know that this is an unspoken drama between Yang Yiyun and Yun Changsheng.

But Yang Yiyun showed his strength and heart, and gave everyone enough face. He also promised to respect everyone. He has the ability and wisdom to be the leader of a sect, so everyone accepted the situation.

In the end, Yang Yiyun took the wind and washed away the dust for everyone...

As for the other immortal emperors, they naturally didn't dare to have any ideas, but Yang Yiyun still went up to say hello one by one.

Yang Yiyun's attitude dispelled the concerns of the old people in the Immortal Refining Alliance and made them all return to their hearts.

At the banquet, Yang Yiyun, Yun Changsheng and Ji Zixia sat together. Ji Zixia laughed and joked: "Okay, junior brother performed well today, why don't you collude with senior brother and put on this play? I will worry about you in vain." .”

"This is really not true~" Yun Changsheng said with a smile and drank a glass of wine.

"I came from the lower world, and I have always been the master of a sect. Naturally, I still have some eyesight. I knew that Senior Brother was also testing me. But Senior Brother, your blow was really powerful. If I hadn't preached It has taken me six years to fully understand the old man’s ultimate magical power, but I may be crippled by you today. If I can’t turn back, you have to compensate me.” Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Yun Changsheng and Ji Zixia were surprised when they heard Yang Yiyun's words: "Master left the last layer of the supreme supernatural power, have you realized it?"

"Yes, didn't Master pass it on to you too?" Yang Yiyun said.

Yun Changsheng smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. The three of us are only on the eleventh level. Even the Supreme Potian has not fully understood the last level. No wonder you can forcefully take my palm. I see, but you also You're reckless enough. You can't take risks in future actions. If I were stronger, it would be strange if you weren't crippled. But having said that, the last level of Supreme Breaking Heaven Road is indeed extraordinary. When you advance to the level of Immortal Lord, you will be even more powerful. "

"Junior brother, tell us later~" Ji Zixia said.

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun smiled and nodded.

"Junior brother, do you have any plans for the personnel of Yunmen?" Yun Changsheng changed the subject and returned to business.

Yang Yiyun put down his wine glass and became serious and said: "I have basically arranged all the Yunmen disciples in my lower realm. Most of them are placed in the 108th Hall of the Outer Sect due to their cultivation. The others are also easy to arrange. Now the hundred immortals of the Immortal Refining Sect need to be properly settled, I have never thought about it, senior brother, can you tell me?"

Yun Changsheng was not polite and said directly: "These hundred immortals will definitely be the vanguard force of our Yunmen in the future, and they will also be the cornerstone of Yunmen. They really need to be properly settled. Although today, their worries have been dispelled, but Don't be careless. The sect is too big to manage. Once something happens, it will be a big deal.

This is what I think, let all these hundred immortals enter the Elder Hall. After all, they are veteran immortals, and they are respectable people. They need status. I really don’t worry about other places. I set up a group of elders and let them all sit down. Elder.

However, in the future, on the elders' group, strong men with strong cultivation will be established to select the supreme elders to suppress them. At this time, there will be no worries and it will not affect the development of Yunmen. The elders' group can decide to be cut off by the supreme elders, but The candidates must be trustworthy. Since I have become the evil person, I will keep an eye on them for the time being, but I will not be the Supreme Elder. "

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "The proposal of the Elder Council is very good, but Senior Brother, please don't take up the position of Supreme Elder. I have a candidate in mind..."

"Junior brother, what do you mean? Why can't you trust your senior brother?" Ji Zixia immediately interrupted Yang Yiyun, staring angrily, thinking that Yang Yiyun could not trust his senior brother, so she interrupted Yang Yiyun on the spot.

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