My Master Is a God

Chapter 2360 Opening a separate hospital for senior sister

"Junior sister, you have such a bad temper. Can you just listen to what my junior brother has to say?" Yun Changsheng first smiled bitterly. He naturally believed that his junior brother could not trust him.

Since the junior brother is the leader of the sect, he has his own reasons for saying this and respects his choice.

Yang Yiyun was also amused by the little senior sister, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Senior sister, what are you thinking about? There are only four of us disciples, old man. I don't trust you, who can you trust?

Senior brother can now be said to be my anchor of Yunmen. The more important things in Yunmen need to be done by senior brother, otherwise I won’t trust anyone. "

When Ji Zixia heard what Yang Yiyun said, and then thought about how her junior brother was not that kind of person, her face turned red and she said, "I...I, I..."

"I know what you mean, okay, just listen to me." Yang Yiyun looked at the little senior sister at this moment and felt that she was very cute.

Yun Changsheng smiled and said: "Okay, junior brother, don't worry about Zixia. If you continue to talk, if you need me to do anything, just ask, senior brother is obligated."

Yang Yiyun nodded and said seriously: "Elder brother, the inner gate of Yunmen, the nine major palaces, I want you to take charge of the inheritance hall."

After hearing this, Yun Changsheng was shocked all over. He knew clearly that inheritance was the real lifeblood of a sect, and all secrets and magical powers related to inheritance would be in the inheritance palace.

The inheritance hall is also responsible for the cultivation of disciples. It is a very important hall. The fact that the younger junior brother allows him to be in charge of the inheritance palace shows how much trust he has in him.

Yun Chang was lively, but he also knew that this was also a heavy burden.

He said, "Okay, I will do my best."

"Junior brother, what are the second senior brother and I doing?" Ji Zixia asked directly.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "I haven't thought about what you are going to do yet, but the second senior brother will be the person in charge of the Yunmen Punishment Hall. The second senior brother follows the path of attacking the powerful sword immortal. The sword master kills justice. Let the second senior brother come. He is the most suitable person to be in charge of our Yunmen Criminal Law, what do you think, Senior Brother?"

Yun Changsheng nodded and said, "Your second senior brother is indeed capable."

"You all have something to do, what should I do?" Ji Zixia suddenly became anxious, feeling excluded, and immediately stared at Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun really didn't know how to arrange this young senior sister. To be honest, the young senior sister's explosive temper and lawless behavior were really not suitable for taking charge of a palace. Why would she be in charge of a palace?

But after all, she is her senior sister. No matter in terms of status, strength or cultivation, or even the status of Ji family, she is super strong in everything. It would be inappropriate and disrespectful to her senior sister to just arrange something for her casually.

So Yang Yiyun was really in a bit of a dilemma. Seeing the young senior sister's sudden pressure, Yang Yiyun had an idea in his mind and said: "Little senior sister, I have a very, very important task for you. I don't know if you can't take it on?"

Yang deliberately spoke very seriously, expressing his respect for the young senior sister and also trying to appease her. It was just a temporary idea.


Ji Zixia is serious.

She was born in the Ji family, and she had been the apple of her eye since she was a child. After becoming a disciple of Yun Tianxie, her master Yun Tianxie also doted on her. Later, her master was robbed and disappeared, and several masters set up the Immortal Refining Alliance. She had two senior brothers above her. The two senior brothers and his wife regarded her as the youngest, and they couldn't kill her to do anything to charge into the battle.

But after all, Ji Zixia is a strong master at heart and wants to prove herself, but she has no chance.

Things are different now~

The master and the wife have all gone to the road to ascend to heaven. The younger brother adheres to the master's will and establishes the Yunmen Taoism. This is a truly important event.

As Yunmen is about to be established, junior brother will not say anything about it. He shoulders the mission of inheriting Yunmen and is the master of the sect. Both senior brothers have important positions to contribute to Yunmen. Naturally, she is not far behind.

But you have to have a chance~

The junior brother's words about entrusting her with an important task immediately made Ji Zixia feel excited. The time has come to prove herself. She wanted her family to let her senior brother let everyone know that she, Ji Zixia, could also contribute to Yunmen.

His eyes shone brightly and he said, "I wouldn't dare to do it without your senior sister in this world. Please tell me what important task you have entrusted to me?"

She wanted to prove herself so much.

This is human nature.

Yang Yiyun and Yun Changsheng looked at each other and smiled bitterly. In fact, they both thought that Ji Zixia had a playful personality, including asking Yang Yiyun to ask for tasks. Everything was just for fun. When she had enough fun, the excitement passed. It stopped.

Neither of them paid much attention. Yang Yiyun just dealt with the young senior sister for now, while Yun Changsheng laughed it off.

But Yang Yiyun's answer was very serious.

Looking at Ji Zixia's sparkling eyes, Yang Yiyun said seriously: "Sister, I think so. I plan to open a separate courtyard besides the nine palaces of Yunmen, called the Immortal Beast Academy..."

"Stop, stop, stop..." Before Yang Yiyun could finish speaking, Ji Zixia interrupted and sneered: "Junior brother, you look down on me too, don't you?"

Yang Yiyun was a little confused and said with a headache: "Senior sister, don't accuse me wrongly. How could I look down on you? You are my senior sister, a strong Immortal Master, and a genius with the blood of the Ji family. I can't look down on you even if I look down on anyone. , where did you start talking about this?"

"Hmph, you kid is just perfunctory with me. Don't think I don't know. The nine palaces in the inner gate of Yunmen are the core of Yunmen. You opened up a separate courtyard and returned it to the Immortal Beast Courtyard? Why didn't you just say the pet home? Why? Why don't you find a better reason to deal with me? Why, because I'm a woman, you think I can't do anything? Or are you afraid that I'll cause trouble for you?" Ji Zixia spoke quickly and emotionally, a series of question.

"Little junior sister, don't get excited. Don't get excited. It's not too late to get angry after listening to what my junior brother said~" Yun Changsheng quickly smoothed things over.

"You're not a good person either, shut up." Ji Zixia became aggressive. She wasn't afraid of anyone and would directly retaliate when she felt unhappy.

Yun Changsheng hurriedly shut up and stopped talking, giving Yang Yiyun a look like "Junior brother, you are asking for blessings." He knew the character of the little junior sister, and even the master would scold him when he got angry.

Of course, this is all because everyone dotes on her. Who makes her the only woman in the family?

As a senior brother, it is natural for him to take care of his junior sister.

"You said you're not satisfied and it depends on how I deal with you today." Ji Zixia looked at Yang Yiyun angrily.

Yang Yiyun swallowed his saliva and knew in his heart: "You are so fierce and fierce, how will you get married in the future? The name of the female evil star is not for nothing."

Of course, Yang just muttered in his heart and did not dare to say anything bad.

He quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Senior sister, you really misunderstood me. Look, let me analyze it for you. First, you are my own senior sister. Although Yunmen has nine general palaces, they are not suitable for girls. You In my mind, you have other talents, and I can't let your talents go to waste. If I just arrange anything for you, it would be a waste of money..."

Even if you wear flattery, you will never wear it. Throw the high hat first and then talk about it.

Sure enough, Yang secretly took a look at the young senior sister and her face looked much better.

Suddenly something clicked in my mind, and he continued: "Secondly, our Cloud Gate is a palace inside and outside, so I think it is in line with my beauty, beauty, strength, talent, and beauty to be loved by everyone that I open a separate courtyard outside the inner and outer gates. You, the young senior sister of..., can highlight your identity above all the internal and external palaces of the entire Yunmen, and that is in line with my identity as the only young senior sister of Yang Yiyun, isn't it...?"


Listening to Yang's shameless praise, Ji Zixia couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Senior brother Yun Changsheng looked at Yang Yiyun with a strange expression. He really didn't expect that his junior brother could have such a shameless side. No wonder he has so many younger brothers and sisters~

I thought to myself that I would have to ask my junior brother for advice in this regard in the future.

"Stop flattering and get to the point." Ji Zixia finally laughed and cursed.

"Hehe, okay, let me continue..." Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally calmed down this aunt. He had never been so tired after a life and death battle. As expected, women are not easy to mess with. Especially the little senior sister is not easy to mess with. If he doesn't comfort her well, he will never think about peace in the future.

According to the lawless character of the young senior sister, if she gets upset one day and fails to protect herself, she will beat him violently. At that time, he will be the master of a sect, so how can he act like this in front of his disciples?

So we must deal with the little senior sister and find something for her, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

It’s easy for me as a junior fellow student~

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