My Master Is a God

Chapter 2365 Loach was greatly insulted

Yang Yiyun could feel that this restriction could not be overcome with brute force, and he had to think of his own solution.

In fact, the principle of the restriction is an upgraded version of the formation. It is essentially the basic formation, except that the formation is pure energy and does not require any fairy stones, but it is often composed of very powerful mana.

He had ended the restriction imposed by the Lotus Fairy Mother in Yaochi. It was so powerful that no amount of power could force it to be opened. Only later did he realize that it was the restriction imposed by a powerful person with enlightenment.

Later, the senior brother said something, it was also the cultivation level of Immortal Lord Dzogchen Peak, but the Dzogchen Peak has a strong man who has achieved enlightenment. In their eyes, they are just ants under enlightenment.

This is actually not an exaggeration at all.

Yang Yiyun understands this deeply.

However, he has many ways to restrain such restrictions, and the swallowing power of the Qiankun Pot can completely disintegrate them.

He felt the restriction in front of him carefully. It was completely different from the restriction of the Lotus Fairy Mother back then. It exuded an extremely powerful aura of demonic power, and it was not only composed of the five elements' laws and attributes, but also Yang Yiyun's... I feel that there are no less than three formations, which are very complicated.

Regarding this restriction, Yang Yiyun knew that maybe swallowing the Qiankun Pot might not be able to open it. Obviously, this was a portal restriction that reached beyond enlightenment.

This means that there are definitely strong people in Xiaohuanghuang, strong people at the enlightenment level.

Xiao Honghuang is indeed an unusual place as expected, and Black Lotus has been in Xiao Honghuang since he came out of his body, but now he doesn't know what he is doing?

I still have confidence in Black Lotus Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, facing the restriction on entering Xiaohonghuang, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of the token Hei Lian gave him when he left.

Turning over the hand, a small black lotus appeared in the palm, exuding a faint ink-colored halo.

He remembered that when Black Lotus left, she told him that she would give him this little Black Lotus when she came to Xiaohonghuang in the future.

Now it seems that this little black lotus is the key to entering the little prehistoric world.

Because when he took out the little black lotus, the little black lotus flew directly towards the portal restriction.

The next moment~


The portal restriction made a roar, and the entire restriction rippled, but it opened.

"As expected, let's go in, Loach~"


Loach responded and flew towards the restricted door.

Yang Yiyun stood on the back of the loach. When he passed through the restriction, there was no rebound power, as if he had plunged into a mirror of water waves.

The next moment, he and Loach traveled through time...

A world environment completely different from the outside world appeared in sight.

Yang Yiyun raised his hand to put away the little black lotus, and the portal restrictions behind him rippled away, and calm returned.

"Master, the atmosphere here is very old and desolate, and everything feels weird to me, but I feel like this place seems very familiar." Loach said.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "This place is called Little Prehistoric. It is rumored to be the only world preserved from the Prehistoric Era. Your kid was born for the first time in the world. You may even be born earlier. The older the atmosphere, the more familiar it is to you. This is normal."

"That's true. My memories are inherited. Not only will the inherited memories be indelible, but when I grow up, many inherited memories will gradually be unblocked. No wonder I feel familiar here, but Master, this place Is there any danger?" Loach asked cautiously.

Yang Yiyun listened to Loach's question and laughed and scolded: "Can you embarrass Kunpeng? You are a dignified Kunpeng, a transcendent existence beyond the three realms and five elements. As far as I know, the real Kunpeng is a being that feeds on mythical beasts. , in the ancient barbaric era, your ancestors would be frightened to death when they saw the beasts. Tell me, you finally transformed into something, right?

How can you be so cowardly? You are a majestic Kunpeng. To say that you are a mythical beast is actually to look down upon you. Can you please say that when you broke out of the egg, you swallowed a wild black turtle in one gulp that made my master and I palpitate?

Why are you so cowardly now? Can you show off your Kunpeng momentum? You have to know that you are the only Kunpeng in the world, and there is no rival in the entire universe...

Speaking of your performance these few times, I am a little disappointed, Master. Normally, you, the Immortal Lord, can swallow it up casually, but in the battle at Yaochi, you actually fell to the ground with that old witch named Lotus Fairy Mother. It’s really To disgrace Kunpeng, to disgrace your ancestors, calling you Loach is indeed correct. "

The more Yang Yiyun talked, the angrier he became, and his dissatisfaction with Loach suddenly broke out. Originally, he had great expectations for Kunpeng.

Before this guy was born, he always thought that after the awesome Kunpeng was born, he would be able to take Kunpeng to travel across the star sea and traverse the fairy world. Who knew that after this guy was born, his strength would surprise him. He was so disappointed. .

Now he is so timid.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt that it was right to call him a loach. This guy might not be a real Kunpeng, but a loach.


Being cursed by Yang Yiyun, to the ears of a loach, this is simply an insult~

Loach received a huge insult from Mr. Yang, and his whole body roared. Colorful light erupted, and his aura suddenly became several times stronger. The inscriptions on his scales began to flow...

Yang Yiyun was shocked at this time.

"You...what do you do?"

Yang swallowed, and he suddenly remembered the scene when this guy swallowed the golden-armored black turtle when he was born, and he felt a little scared in his heart.

Thinking about it, it seems that what I said was too much~

As the saying goes, don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, don't expose someone's shortcomings when you scold someone.


Although he was scolding a loach, not a Kunpeng, this creature was also a wise creature, and it would be embarrassing for everyone, let alone a majestic Kunpeng?

This seems to have angered this guy. If this guy really attacks, it will not end well. Although he used the water of life and blood sacrifice method to refine the loach in the past, and is bound by the Shinto contract, but think about it, this guy is Yuuchi after all. The first bad thing is that if you really go out of your way to attack, it will not end well.

Yang looked at the loach, whose body was radiating colorful light and whose aura was running wildly, and felt uneasy.

But at this moment, I heard Loach say with a childish voice and grievance: " insulted me..."

"Uh~ That's not what I meant..." Yang felt that he had gone a bit too far. In any case, Loach's speed was still the best among his spiritual pets. He wanted to find someone Come down the steps.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Loach say aggrievedly: "I was just born. Being able to swallow that black turtle was the result of the general trend of the world when I was born. After I said that I just digested the black turtle some time ago, and I need Food to grow, you haven’t given me any food, what can I do...

But don’t worry, I will definitely work hard to grow up. Can you please don’t give up on me? Actually... I will be very good, and I can also be of great help to the master..."

Loach, however, spoke pitifully with a cry in his voice.

Yang was relieved at this moment. He thought the loach was going to be angry, but it turned out...

Alas, after all, the little loach is just a little Kunpeng. He has just been born, and his thinking is still that of a child.

Knowing that he had gone too far, he coughed and said: "Actually, Master, I was just complaining for a moment, and I was also urging you to grow up quickly. Think about where the fairy world is? It is a world of the weak and the strong. Talking about the future of the fairy world. This is an era where heroes emerge in large numbers. After the restraints of heaven are lifted, some monsters that will shock the world and weep ghosts and gods will appear.

Even though you are Kunpeng, if you don’t work hard, you will become someone else’s snack sooner or later, so we all need to work hard, don’t cry, master, I am not really scolding you, and I will not let you go..."


Being a child at first, Yang comforted the loach in turn, and the loach did not get angry as expected, but instead was afraid that he would not want it.

This made Yang laugh bitterly.

However, after such a fight, Loach has indeed become more awesome since then. Of course, this is a story for another day.

After being comforted, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and felt Black Lotus. The spiritual connection between him and Black Lotus was always there.

After finding the right range, prepare to go directly to her.

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