My Master Is a God

Chapter 2366 The little demon bear

The world of Xiao Honghuang seems to be not much different from the outside world, but Yang Yiyun actually knows that it is very different.

In his eyes, the towering ancient trees in this world are all of the ancestral level, and even the vegetation here is spiritual.

The energy attribute filled in the world is not the energy based on the five elements attributes of the outside world, but a very violent, ancient and desolate energy, very simple.

He guessed in his heart that it must be the power of the ancient times~

Anyway, the environment here is like a fairy tale and fantasy environment, everything is ancient.

Even the soil on the ground gave him a strong sense of ancient history.

The place where he and the loach appeared was in a valley. After walking a few steps, he saw some creatures, including insects as big as cattle, birds as small as ants, five pheasants as tall as a person, and earthworms dozens of meters long. …

Everything is weird.

They don't seem to have any intelligence, just like wild animals.

"It smells so good..."

The next moment, the loach shouted like it was drooling and pounced on it.

Suddenly, the grass several meters high in the entire valley was full of chickens and dogs, and all kinds of panicked screams were heard.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. Loach actually started a meal package event, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He couldn't stop shouting and disappeared deep into the valley.

Yang Yiyun was afraid that something would happen, so he quickly chased after him...

The little prehistoric ghost knows what powerful creatures will appear here.

Although some of the creatures he saw here were wild animals, their appearance and so on were completely different from the outside world, and he could feel that even a small insect here contained great energy in his body.

A power that is completely comparable to that of a true immortal. .

These are just some birds and insects.

But for the loach, it seems that these wild animals are full of great temptations, and they pounce directly on them to eat.

Originally, he was worried that something had happened, so he shouted and chased after it, but the loach quickly disappeared from his sight. Furthermore, he thought for a while, maybe these so-called wild animals were useful to the loach.

After all, he felt that there was energy contained in these wild objects.

And Loach is Kunpeng after all, so he shouldn't be that good. Thinking of this, he simply stopped worrying and followed him slowly. Anyway, there are still six or seven months until the Yunmen Ceremony is established.

He could vaguely feel the position of Black Lotus, and he wasn't in a hurry.

In this way, Yang Yiyun followed the broken weeds and trees all the way, and walked for several hours without realizing it...

Along the way, he saw various liquids, which he guessed were the blood of wild animals here, probably left behind when other loaches were eaten.

I smiled bitterly in my heart, why is this guy so interested in the wild creatures here.

Along the way, several hours passed, but I discovered an imagination. The weather environment here seems to be the same regardless of day and night. The sky is blue and there is sunshine, but there is no sun in the sky.

Anyway, a long time has passed, and looking at the sky is still a sight.

Everything seems a little weird, but this is a small prehistoric place, a preserved world formed from the beginning of the world, so it is not surprising.

After a few hours, Yang Yiyun didn't know where he went, but he finally heard something moving.



"Buzz buzz..."

Three voices.

The first sound was the cry of a loach, and he knew it very well.

The second sound was very deep, like some kind of powerful creature.

The third sound has been a buzzing fluctuation, but it is uninterrupted. It feels like the sound of a bee flapping its wings.

Calculating the time, under normal circumstances, almost a day has passed since Loach rushed out. The speed of this thing is extremely fast, and it can cover a distance of thousands of miles in one day at least.

After such a long time, I might encounter something in Xiaohonghuang.

After Yang Yiyun heard the sound, his body and mind flashed, and he hurried over.

Finally, after more than ten miles, he rushed into a forest with towering trees. It was extremely dark at first, but when he entered and walked through the forest, his vision suddenly lit up, and he appeared in a wide field of vision. land.

"Buzz buzz..."

Yang Yiyun looked up, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

I saw that the sky was densely packed with bees.

Colorful bees cover the sky and the sun.

This is a concave terrain, surrounded by mountains on three sides. The entrance is a forest, which is equivalent to a closed place, but the site looks very big. When you come out of the forest, you will see an extremely flat sea of ​​flowers. The sea of ​​flowers stretches as far as the eye can see.

What was strange was the bees in the sky. When Yang Yiyun looked at them intently, each one was about the size of an adult's fist. There seemed to be a large population, at least dozens of species of bees existed.

But at this moment, they were gathering in a swarm, hovering in mid-air like a blanket, a large black mass with bee-tailed needles several inches long, which made Yang Yiyun's hair tingle just looking at it.

A few hundred meters away is a lake over which bees are hovering.

Yang Yiyun took a look with his world-turning eye, but found that the foodie Loach was actually hiding in the lake, not daring to come forward. Apparently he was stung by these bees.

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to go out to rescue the siege, but after thinking about it, he held back. He knew what the loach was capable of. Not to mention other things, its scale armor alone was not something that ordinary creatures could shake. But now the loach itself has hid in the lake. It is conceivable that these bees can cause harm to loaches. If he goes out...

Thinking about Yang Yiyun, he shuddered all over.

Anyway, it seems that the loach is fine now, so just wait until these bees leave. The loach is hiding in the lake, and there is nothing the bees can do about it.

Sure enough, about an hour later, the bees buzzed away...

It seemed to fly towards the distant mountain and disappeared.

Yang Yiyun then walked out and came to the lake.

Looking at the loaches in the lake, he smiled and cursed: "Come out, foodie, the swarm has flown away~"


The lake water bubbled, and the next moment the loach transformed into a body of more than half a meter and leapt out of the water.


"What did you do? You were chased by a swarm of bees and hid in the lake. Did you lose Kunpeng's face?" Yang Yiyun cursed.

Loach said aggrievedly: "Master, you can't blame me, I don't want to be tricked by a little kid."

"What little brat?" Yang Yiyun frowned. Human race appeared in Xiaohonghuang? This is a bit abnormal.

Loach pulled his head and whispered: "Master, to be precise, that little brat is a prehistoric demon bear. He tricked me, and there are too many bees. The bees' tail stings are extremely poisonous. Said that it actually has the power of prehistoric times and can pierce my scales. If it is less, I can still parry it, but if it is more, I will be afraid and hide in the lake."

"To get to the point, what's going on with that little kid? Monster? Bear?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"This is the kind of master..." Loach shrank his head and explained quickly.

It turns out that just as Yang Yiyun thought, because the wild animals here are full of ancient aura, the loach felt that it was helpful to it, and he ate all the way...

Then when we arrived not far from here, there was a mountain in front of us. There was a valley entrance. We met a little boy who was transformed into a demon bear. The little boy started chatting with the loach. He was also talking to the foodie and told the loach that there was something in this valley. Honey, the most delicious food in the world, can be of great help to cultivation, but it is guarded by bees.

What the little kid meant was that he knew how to get those treasures and had experience, but he needed the loach to lure away the bees. As a result, Yang Yiyun cursed the loach for its lack of strength. Firstly, it was a greedy foodie. Secondly, it could grow as long as it ate, so he Made a deal with the brat.

The loach went to distract the bees, and the little boy went to steal the honey. After cooperation, the little boy stole the honey, but the loach was besieged by countless bees. In the end, the little boy ran away with the honey, but the loach hid in Into the lake.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "You deserve it~ How can you be an ordinary person to be able to appear in the small prehistoric demon clan? You are being used by others. You are lucky not to be stung by bees. I told you not to run around. You disappeared in a flash..."

"Master, I was wrong, I..." Loach seemed to have made a mistake.

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to curse, but the dignified Kunpeng was actually tricked by a demon bear kid, and was forced into the water before a swarm of bees. It was really embarrassing, no, it was Kunpeng~

But considering that Loach is a Kunpeng cub after all, its IQ can only be said to be that of a child. The important thing is that it is not deeply experienced in the world, and he also felt that those bees just now were extremely powerful and strange.

Don't blame him anymore.

After a while, Yang Yiyun muttered: "Take me to find that little devil bear. Bears are born to suck honey. He must be not far from here. I'll settle the score with him."

Loach was his mount, and it was tricked by a bear. This was a slap in the face to his master, and he couldn't swallow it.

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